Poetry from Alwayslooking





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(Spoken by Xena)

The poets who write of epic deeds have taken all my words.
That is if words could tell you how I feel.
I am no bard, that's your affair, but I would have you hear
What's in my heart in terms alive and real.
I cannot now remember how I lived without you near.
Your morning smile can fuel me for the day.
And each time that I leave your side I lose part of myself.
I'd die before that trust I would betray.
I long to hold you close each night and kiss away your fears
But I would not risk friendship for that scene.
I love you, but I need you by my side too much to say
The words which might make you feel less serene.
So know my heart is yours until the moment that I die.
Know now that everything I have you own.
And walk by me as I go forth to right the wrongs I birthed.
I know now I could not go on alone.

{ The Rose } {Top of Page }


(Spoken by Gabrielle)


Oh come to me, my silver muse, and give me words of magic
For I must tell her all I feel inside:
The torment, the delighting and the fire deep within me
Which grips my soul with force too strong to hide.
What shall I do if she does not respond with loving gesture?
What must I do if she rejects my claim?
What happens if she acts as if I'm joking, telling stories?
The horror there is more than I can name.
So help me, muse, to find a way to bring into this moment
The richness of the heart that's hers alone.
The tale must tell itself so that she'll stop to really hear it
Yet never take a whining, pleading tone.
For I do not expect to find her answering my feelings
I only want to know she knows they're there.
And pray we can continue as we have until this moment
Just adding that she knows how much I care.
But oh, my muse, if sparks from you can kindle fire in her eyes
If what I say finds answering need in her
Then oh the gods above us shall not have so bright a pathway
As we shall have as passions start to stir.
So come to me, my silver muse, and bring me words of magic.
My happiness forever now depends
On whether, being honest, I can keep our union knitted
As soulmates, or as lovers, or as friends.

{What I Feel } {Top of Page }


(Spoken by Xena)


I gave you a rose.
A sudden whim. I saw it in the marketplace
And hid it until the fire dwindled
And night drew in.
A solemn gesture, I know,
Handing you a flower when the
Glow of firelight glittered in your eyes.
Or, was it the firelight
Mixing gold with the green?

I gave you a rose.
Beyond all understanding
It called to me to be taken to you.
White and virginal, hardly the weapon
A warrior would use
In the battle of love.

I gave you a rose.
And with it the very heart
That beats within my breast: my life
And all the darkness I carry
Harnessed to soft petals
And the scent of April.

I gave you a rose.
Your eyes, welling with tears,
Drew me into the depths
Of your yearning, and I knew.

I gave you a rose.
You stepped within my arms
And the very earth stood still
As the petal-softness of your lips
Met mine. The ivory blossom
Dropped from your grasp.

I gave you a rose.
Yet you gave me much more.
Such a miracle to find
A small gift, a sudden whim
Bringing my soul to bloom.

{ What I Feel } { The Muse } { Top of Page }