lynka's Fiction Submissions Guidelines


If you meet all of the guidelines and wish to send us your story please do. In your email, please introduce yourself (as we like to get to know our bards) and let us know that you have read and meet the guidelines. Any questions, please ask.



Please send all submissions to either:

It will get to the person doing the posting.

After your work has been accepted and posted, you can join the stat update list to see how your work is doing on a weekly and monthly basis. All requests for membership must be approved by me, so please wait til your work is posted before joining.



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· All stories must be proofread and contain minimum grammar & spelling errors. If you need help we have beta readers available.
· All authors must be at least 18 years old!
· Submissions for the Xena page can be Xena and Gabrielle with other characters (Hercules or your original characters); create a uber story (Xena and Gabrielle as other people in a different time); or create a crossover story (Xena and Voyager). Please let us know if your story is general fiction; alternative fiction; or uber-fiction; uber- alt fiction.
· Please have the Title and your name at the top of the story, followed by the disclaimers, thank-you's, e-mail, etc.
· All stories must contain a disclaimer and all alternate fiction stories must contain a sexual disclaimer of some type that clearly defines it as alternative. For the benefit of some readers please also include disclaimers for violence; hurt/comfort; rape; death of a major character; or any other sensitive topic.
· Please send the story as an attachment to the email. Please submit the story as a Word Document or RTF.
· Please check your story after it is posted to make sure all links work, and that the paragraph formatting is all right. We do our best to make sure of this but a second pair of eyes never hurt. And sometimes we just plain forget to check the links, especially when we are posting so many at one time.

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· All stories must be original! No uber fan fiction.
· All stories must be proofread and contain minimum grammar & spelling errors. If you need help we have beta readers available.
· All authors must be at least 18 years old!
· Original Story Submissions should also contain a short description of the story similiar to one that is found on the back of a paperbook.
· Please have the Title and your name at the top of the story, followed by the disclaimers, thank-you's, e-mail, etc.
· All stories must contain a disclaimer. Please indicate if your story contains explicit sexual content. For the benefit of some readers please also include disclaimers for violence; hurt/comfort; rape; death of a major character; or any other sensitive topic.
· Please send the story as an attachment to the email. Please submit the story as a Word Document or RTF.
· Please check your story after it is posted to make sure all links work, and that the paragraph formatting is all right. We do our best to make sure of this but a second pair of eyes never hurt. And sometimes we just plain forget to check the links, especially when we are posting so many at one time.

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Poetry Guidelines

· All authors must be at least 18 years old!

· Please send the poems in an attachment, either in HTML or Word format. If you cannot do that then in the body of the email is acceptable or use RTF format.Please remember that poetry usually contains formatting that will disappear when delievered in the body of the email.
· Poetry does not have to be Xena related!
· Please check your page to make sure I have posted the poems the way they should appear. Sometimes formatting is lost and I do my best.
·Also include what name you would like it posted under and if you would like an email included, what email addy should be used.
· Please check your poetry after it is posted to make sure all links work, and that the paragraph formatting is all right. We do our best to make sure of this but a second pair of eyes never hurt. And sometimes we just plain forget to check the links, especially when we are posting so many at one time.

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Artwork Guidelines
· Artwork may be in the form of original, scanned artwork or digital artwork.

· All artwork must be original

· Please send the artwork as an attachment in .JPG format. Remember not too large of a file or you will crash my mail server! :-)
·Also include what name you would like it posted under and if you would like an email included, what email addy should be used.
· · Please check your artwork after it is posted to make sure all links work, and that the paragraph formatting is all right. We do our best to make sure of this but a second pair of eyes never hurt. And sometimes we just plain forget to check the links, especially when we are posting so many at one time.

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