Academy Author Index


Last Updated:  1/16/2007

Life's Twists And Turns - with EpTalk   ebook version available

This Uber story is about a producer and his actress wife who's final season of a successful TV series is a major concern as season five concludes. It shows a compromise of how family pulls together and it show that three women on a mission, save the day (or capture their faces for all time). The story defines where the pictures of Xena and Gabrielle come from and they match up nicely with Gabrielle's scrolls by a story-arc of a new character named Portraya.

In an attempt to convince Xena to return to the living, Gabrielle tells what she has learned of the Higuchi incident, and receives some unexpected help..

The Truth About Akemi

In an attempt to convince Xena to return to the living, Gabrielle tells what she has learned of the Higuchi incident, and receives some unexpected help.