Jingle Skulls?

Thanksgiving Hearts?

Easter Elves?

A Romantic Dinner…in a Graveyard?

Roast Rabbit and Jellybean Stuffing?


There are two categories...one graphic and one writing

Plus a bunch of ROOLS

We are pleased to announce the following winners!


Main Categories
Writing---6X Zuke   
LL/ROC dual signed pic AND
a BardCon or Lucia (SbtS) T-shirt OR mug of her choice
4G Gerry Clanton  
LL single signed pic OR ROC single signed pic
a BardCon or Lucia (SbtS) short sleeved T-shirt OR mug of their choice
2G Sissy
LL single signed pic OR ROC single signed pic
a BardCon or Lucia (SbtS) short sleeved T-shirt OR mug of their choice

2nd Runner up-- H5 MS and SX
A BardCon OR Lucia (SbtS) short sleeved T-shirt OR mug of their choice for both
Honorable Mentions
A BardCon or Lucia (SbtS) short sleeved T-shirt OR mug of their choice to:
Xmas: 12X Scully
Thanksgiving: 1T Patty S
Easter: E5 Pat D
Halloween: H2 ZeeAmy
Valentines: V3 LATucker