Give ‘Em What They Want

(aka It’s All About Love)

Series Ender Synopsis — written in like to a Shakespearean play using asides as a definite part of the storyline.


1. LL and ROC arrive on set to start the final filming of the last episode, going over the lines and the scenes for the day before shooting.

2. Conversation between the actresses as to how the series ender should try to leave all the fans with a good feeling and not as though they lost their best friends forever.

(LL: You know it’s not going to be easy for all the fans out there to let Xena and Gabrielle just ride off their small screen into oblivion. I hope this look back on their lives through the years helps the fans get over the loss of the show.

ROC: Reading some of the comments that have been made on the internet . . .

LL: You go on the internet?

ROC: Occasionally, but even if not, I do get fan mail, you know? (smiling) Anyhow, Xena and Gabrielle are more than just characters to some of these fans . . .)

3. In costume and character; someone yells action: (Takes place after MHR) Xena and Gabrielle are leaving after Gabrielle’s birthday on a well-deserved extended vacation, which includes going to the Amazon village with the thought of becoming permanent residents there.

4. Talk about getting too old to be ‘kicking ass’ every day. Talk about wanting a place to put down some roots — a place to belong together.

5. Clips from past shows — not sure which ones yet.

6. Between takes during the afternoon LL and ROC talk about the fact that they didn’t realize just how much in love X&G were. ROC admits that she had watched most of the eps and actually did know. LL still goes on to say she hadn’t and didn’t.

7. Filming is done for the day, LL and ROC decide to watch some of the shows the fans seemed to love the most. Get fast food and popcorn and sat down in front of the theatre sized screening room in LL’s house — made sure Rob and Steve were gone for the evening. Watching some of the clips from shows. "Okay let’s take a look at X&G through the eyes of the fans."

Fade to Black

1. Next day, back in costume — X&G in Amazon village — Amazons happy to know that they want to make their home there. Gabrielle talks to Varia and tells her that she does not want to take over as reigning Queen and that Xena does not want to be in charge of the warriors. The village elders insist that they are on the ruling court and have tie-breaking votes if necessary. Their importance to the Amazons is stressed.

2. LL and ROC asides pertaining to:

a. The strength Gabrielle has gathered over the years and how much she has grown.

b. How much Xena has changed from the dark soul she had once been.

c. How the yin/yang relationship was merging more and more, where once they had been two separate souls, as the years went on they became more as one soul with two bodies.

3. X&G discussing how even through all the bad times they were glad they were always (well almost always) there for one another.

4. Sitting by the edge of the water outside the Amazon village relieving their relationship together. (Stages of the relationship)

(Possibly interspersed with asides from LL and ROC:

1. You really did a good job with that look.

2. Did you realize how much she loved Xena then?

3. Bet they all cried when Xena/Gabrielle did that. etc)

5. X&G Reminiscing clips punctuated with conversation of Remember when we: (as well as "I was and you" were conversation)


1. First met:

Unsure of where her path was leading. Wanting to leave home

Tired of fighting on the side of evil Knowing at first site that she wanted Her darkside to be with Xena

Afraid of corrupting Gabrielle Innocent but wanting to learn

2. The Greater Good:


3. Jealousy:

Jealous of Najara Jealous of Lao Ma

4. Sacrifices made for each other:

The Way Jumping into the pit with Hope

Lost Mariner Crusader

5. Mutual admiration society: You helped me when . . . you helped me when . . . we helped each other when.

a. The Quest


c. Bitter Suite

d. The Norse Trilogy

e. When Fates Collide

6. A switch in their roles:

a. Locked up and Tied down

b. Chakram

c. Ides of March

7. A blending of the yin/yang

a. Dreamworker (Gabrielle even here Xena you were so much a part of me as to come to me in my dream)

a. Paradise Found

b. Between the Lines

c. Ides of March

d. Succession

8. All About Love


LL — If you think about it Rene, this show has been all about the love.

ROC — Yes, just look at them together — you can see what everyone else sees, it’s definitely all about love.

The characters still sitting by the lake Xena’s arm around Gabrielle’s shoulders.

"We’ve really come full circle, losing ourselves in each other — blended together like the two halves of the same soul we are."

Xena — You know, Gabrielle, it’s all about love.

Gabrielle — smiling — Of course it is, Xena, we’ve always been All About Love.

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