
Just what did this year mean to me?
How does one describe one's destiny?
To live one's whole life incomplete
And then, out of the blue...to meet
The one person who really knows
What lies inside this lonely soul
And knows it without being told
Someone like that's worth more than gold
But this year, suck a gift did I
Receive with blessings from on high
She helped me to believe again
In the precious love between friends
And in my ability, too
To use my writing to get through
The walls between me, and the world
And in so doing, my soul unfurled
I'm becoming someone I'm proud of
Thanks to the healing pow'r of love
So this year's been my unveiling
An epiphany, oh so telling
My Angel's boundless faith in me
Has given me wings; made me free
The coming year may hold surprise
But the love that shines from her eyes
Has given me the confidence
To face whatever consequence
May come my way, because I know
No matter what, she'll never go

Terri Lyn Stanfield

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