Chapter Five

 “Was it a thorn in your side,
Something that you hide,
Something you don’t touch
Because it hurts too much”

Sable On Blonde – Stevie Nicks

 “Absorb thyself in the great sea of the waters of life. Dive deep in it until thou hast lost thyself and having lost thyself shall find thyself again. As it is written she hast her dwelling in the great sea and was a fish therein.”

Stevie blinked once or twice and looked around for Callisto. She recognized the warrior’s voice, it was identical to her own but she didn’t see her anywhere. She looked around at her surroundings feeling as though she’d stepped into a Maxfield Parish painting. That feeling wasn’t a comfort.  It was obvious she was dreaming, the colors were vibrant - unnaturally so. She stood on the bank of a brightly sparkling stream her black boots contrasting strikingly with the stunningly verdant grass. The boots. These were not Stevie’s boots from the trendy shoe store on Melrose Avenue; these were warrior boots. She looked at her arms and body. She was wearing Callisto’s armor.

“Changeless, this great deep of elemental water remainith forever pure. Because of this it possesseth a stability from water do all forms have their beginning.”

“Callisto,” Stevie called out into the setting that was beyond picturesque. “What the hell are you talking about and why on Earth am I dressed like you?”

“Welcome to Illusia,” Callisto said stepping out from behind the waterfall that fed the small stream. “Heaven perhaps or another form of Tartarus – you get to decide. Here you may find some answers, perhaps not.” She walked through the water without getting wet, her hair surprisingly straight and neat. Inwardly Stevie felt compelled to laugh but didn’t. The warrior was wearing a black lacy dress; she could have easily walked on stage and sang any number of Stevie Nicks’ songs and looked quite at home.

“Why are you dressed like Stevie Nicks?” Stevie asked after blinking once or twice. “I’m not saying the look doesn’t work for you, I just don’t understand it.”

“Every night that goes between, I feel a little less. As you slowly go away from me; this is only another test.” Callisto said looking at Stevie solemnly.

“That’s the song ‘Storms’ off of Fleetwood Mac’s Tusk album. Obviously I’m very familiar with it. What’s your point?” Stevie asked, following the warrior who led the way down a small path.

“Every night you do not come, your softness fades away. Did I ever really care that much? Is there anything left to say?” Callisto said, leading the way into a room filled with columns.

Stevie could hear her heartbeat echo in the room that sounded like a mournful drum beat to her ears. The throbbing echoed loudly off of the chamber walls and Stevie wished for some way to silence the noise.

“Every hour of fear I spend, my body tries to cry. Living through each empty night, a deadly call inside.” As Callisto spoke, Stevie felt anger and frustration well up within her. She wanted nothing more than to wake from the dream, to return to the world of the living, especially given that not minutes before her lips had been attached to those of an attractive young woman who she wanted to get to know better. That would be a preferable experience to trying to figure out what she was doing in a place, that even by the standards of her own dreams, was beyond weird. “I haven’t felt this way I feel, since many a year ago. But in those years and the lifetimes past, I did not deal with the road.” Callisto continued, leading Stevie through the room of columns into a forest, only slightly more realistic than the one she’d just left.

“I know the song, Callisto.” Stevie said. “What’s your point? The next line is ‘I did not deal with you I know, though the love has always been. So I search to find an answer there, so I can truly win.’”

Callisto gently touched Stevie’s forearm and led her to some trees by the edge of the clearing. Turning to face the Egyptologist now dressed as a warrior, Callisto tenderly pushed an errant strand of hair from Stevie’s eyes. “So I try to say goodbye my friend, I’d like to leave you with something warm, but never have I been a blue calm sea, I have always been a storm.” With that she pushed Stevie through the line of trees.

Stevie tumbled backward landing flat on her back on an expanse of rocky ground. “Callisto!” she shouted angrily, but the warrior was nowhere to be seen. The sound of thunder rang loudly in her ears and Stevie sat up. She surveyed her surroundings, not having a clue where she was supposed to be. The sky was an unnatural hue, far too much orange and red to be Earth and the air smelled of noxious gasses.

 “What the hell was that for?” Stevie demanded feeling an odd sense of vertigo that reminded her of a nasty inner-ear infection she’d had when she was twenty. She had memories now, memories that were not her own; she no longer just looked like Callisto- she was Callisto.

It all came flooding back to her in the seconds that followed. The memories, the horror and the power; she was once mortal, died, ate of the tree of life and became immortal. Then she ate Ambrosia stolen from Velaska and became a god. Stevie Nicks Montgomery was a god. Stevie was at once surprised and saddened by this new realization. She stood up scarcely feeling the extreme cold on her skin and tested herself. She threw several fireballs, making nearby rocks explode. She was impressed by what she could now do and saddened that it didn’t matter. She had all the power in the world except to do what she desired most, to end her own suffering. Stevie longed for oblivion, an absence of everything for Callisto as much as for herself. No sound, no memory, no thought just the quiet stillness of an infinite amount of nothing. She was in Callisto’s body now, she was Callisto; perhaps now she could do for the psychotic warrior what she could not fathom to do as herself – she would end Callisto’s torment and perhaps end her own as well.

The sky was unnaturally dark, forbidding shades of orange, red and blue mixing tumultuously. Electricity crackled through the atmosphere around her making the molecules radiate with energy. This was an energy she could harness and use. She focused herself on a point in space directly in front of her. Reaching out with her power she gathered the circling storm of energy to her and pushed it at that point in space and time. In moments a fissure opened and she used that small breach to reach into the world she came from. She plunged forward and found herself falling from the sky.

“Just weren’t built to hold a real god, were you?” Stevie asked aloud as she stood up.

No longer in Illusia, no longer on the alternate plane of existence she knew she was standing on Greek soil, several days travel from where she’d been born. Stevie had never been to Greece and was surprised at the familiar smell of the air she breathed. Everything about the place, from the trees all around to the faint scent of salt water carried on an ocean breeze reminded her of home. She was home. She felt in place and out of place at the same time. As nearly drunk with power as she was nearly overcome with infinite sadness Stevie walked down a dirt path surprised by the priest running toward her.

She remembered the cave where a growing demon waited for her; helpless, defenseless it was up to her to bring the Priest of the Flesh to Hope and in exchange she might receive the oblivion she sought. As she considered this, the priest reached her, roughly trying to shove her out of the way.

“Move woman!” he said, “Xena is coming, run for it.”

“Who are you?” Stevie asked, curious to see Sarah in her previous incarnation.

“I am the Priest of the Flesh, now move!”

Before really considering what she was doing, Stevie unsheathed her dagger and slit the priest’s throat, shocked at how easy it had been; how readily his flesh had given way to her dagger.

As she held the priest’s body upright Xena came running up, surprise registering in her face. With the most minimal effort Stevie vanished, taking the priest with her.

“Hi honey, I’m home.” Her call was answered by a groan not far off in the distance. “There you are. Hello pumpkin, Auntie Callisto has brought you a little treat. It is what you wanted isn’t it? They called him the priest of the flesh. Now shall I carve, or will you?” In a strange way it made sense to Stevie. Callisto was dead inside and it wasn’t that far of a leap to kill others, especially priests who were more than willing to sacrifice innocent people to Dahak. Not that she cared for those innocents either. If someone was foolish enough to believe in any god to the point of making one’s own life forfeit, then they deserved what they got.

Hope’s needs met for the time being, Stevie decided to see what Xena was up to. She stretched out with her mind and could sense the warrior. Concentrating, she willed herself there.

While the face looked like Sarah’s, Stevie knew it was not. This was Xena, an enemy unlike any other. This woman would stop at nothing to kill her and that was exactly what the Callisto part of Stevie needed to show her.

“You’re not really happy to see me,” Stevie announced upon her arrival. “Neither am I really, but I’ve got a plan to solve both of our problems.”

“Why don’t you let me in on it?” Xena asked.

“Oh, Xena,” Stevie replied, reading the warrior’s face as easily as she could read the stuntwoman’s. “I tell you and the first thing you know is you’ll be trying to stop me. You just trust me. You’re gonna love it. Well, at least half of it.”

“Oh goody.” Xena said tightly.

Stevie drew her sword, surprised that she instinctively knew how to use it. “It’s funny I keep this thing around,” she explained, “I don’t really need it, it’s just for decoration, and for fun.”

She struck her sword against Xena’s satisfied at the metallic clang that emanated from the contact. “I don’t know if I’m toying with you, or if you’re toying with me,” she said, unable to keep the flirtation from her voice. “You can’t beat me Xena,” then awareness dawned, her plan wasn’t moving forward at the moment, just as Callisto had been countless times before, Stevie was distracted now. “You can only delay me. Sorry Xena, but I’m on a schedule.” She threw a fireball, not hitting Xena, but Ares who appeared from thin air behind her.

He threw his usual taunts which Stevie ignored, as she grabbed the nearby priest and vanished, heading back to the cave, and to Hope.

Stevie was ready to kill the second priest she encountered: The Priest of the Blood, but his quick talking convinced her to bring him inside. If she could be certain her plan would work, to end Callisto’s existence and suffering, then at least she had something to work towards. The Priest of the Blood assured Stevie he could talk to Hope, communicate for her and Stevie decided it was worth a shot.

“Very good, molded her cocoon from Geneclies flesh as it is written.” The priest said looking at the pulsating cocoon with awe.

“Priest of the Flesh,” Stevie observed, “it wasn’t that hard to figure out. Now talk to her.”

“What do you want us to ask her?” The priest asked, getting to his knees and approaching the cocoon.

“Ask her if she understands what I’m doing and exactly why I’m protecting her.” Stevie said clearly, wanting no confusion and not trusting anyone, priest or otherwise who spoke of themselves in third person.

“You want to die?” The priest asked, a trifle confused.

“More than that,” Stevie replied. “I want oblivion. I want my life to end; I want it all to stop. No nothing, no memories, not Tartarus, nothing and I know she can do it. Now does she agree?”

The priest shrugged. “The goddess understands and she agrees.”

Stevie felt relieved. She knelt by the cocoon gently touching the outer membrane. The ‘Stevie’ part of her was horrified to be touching membranes that had recently been on the inside of another human being. The ‘Callisto’ part of her could not have cared less. Seeing gore, blood and entrails just served to remind her of so many battles, so much death. “You should have been my child,” she said, feeling more like Callisto than Stevie. “You know that? But that’s okay. There is so much power it’s almost scary. Daughter of Dahak with the power of her father behind her; yes, quite scary.

As Stevie contemplated Callisto’s death she thought of her own as well. More than once she’d mentioned in therapy any number of ways to off herself. When the depression seemed darkest The American Birthright also known as a handgun seemed the most logical choice. If she was going to die why not also do some good and fuel the backlash against the NRA’s rallying cry of a gun in every home. Unlike most women, she had no qualms about the thought of blowing off the back of her head with a hollow point bullet. When she was ever so slightly less depressed she pictured a picturesque spot on the cliffs over a stunning expanse of ocean and taking an impossible curve at full speed, her car filled with propane canisters. This idea was impractical though in the unreliability to die in such a crash and the environmental impact should the explosion work. Suddenly the words of the past-life medium at the Hawthorne Hotel came back to her.

 “You name it, you’ve done it.” Epphie Starshine had said “mostly guns, you’ve hanged yourself once, fire plays a big part, you’ve orchestrated a number of impressive explosions.

Here she was, once again thinking about the circle going in its continuous loop. Stevie decided that this was the sort of thinking she needed to break free of. She didn’t get much farther with her thoughts when she sensed a presence. It was Xena, the woman who would in time become Sarah, her lover. It was impossible to think of this woman as Sarah now, there was no trace of attraction, affection or understanding at all. Even when Stevie and Sarah had fought and cried as they struggled to disentangle themselves emotionally from one another there always remained a sense of who they were for each other.

As with Sarah however there was passion in the fighting. Unlike Sarah at the early stages of the breakup, this was not fighting that led to angry sex, or make-up sex or any kind of sex. This was the kind of fighting that led to dead bodies littering the ground. Stevie was immortal however and ending up a dead body, while her ultimate plan was not about to happen now.

“Oh Xena come on, I know you’re here.” Stevie said, waiting for the warrior to show herself. “Still trying to stop me, even though I’m doing you a favor?”

Xena dropped down behind her. “You can do me a favor by handing over Hope,” she said.

“Oh, you figured it out did you?” Stevie said surprised the warrior had figured out the plan so quickly; perhaps Xena was smarter than Sarah. “Well no can do. She’s not quite up to snuff at the moment. She’s cocooned, helpless; she needs her Auntie Callisto, and you would just run her through.”

“That’s the idea.” Xena replied.

“Well I can’t let it happen,” Stevie explained. “You see I have plans for her, big plans.”

“Well forget about them,” Xena said defiantly. “Hand over that monster.”

“What is this?” Stevie demanded quickly disarming the warrior. “Some kind of martyrdom phase you’re going through? I could kill you in an instant?”

Xena kicked and managed to get her sword back. When she did she brought it down squarely on Stevie’s wrist, severing her hand. “Nice try,” Stevie said, annoyed that she now had to expend the energy needed to grow a new hand. “But that threat only worked when I was immortal, but I’m a god now Xena. Welcome to my world, now get ready to leave it.” She pointed with her finger and then paused, glancing up at the roof of the cave.

 Having paid attention to her pervious dreams Stevie knew enough not to use the fireballs in the cave, as it would only bury her under a pile of rocks that would take time to emerge from.

“Oh clever, clever girl.” She said, seeing that was Xena’s plan. “You want me to use my powers in here so all these stupid rocks come tumbling down on me.”

“You’re a god, it won’t kill ya,” Xena replied helpfully.

“No, it won’t kill me, but it will keep me locked up long enough for you to get to my precious little baby. Oh well,” she said tossing the sword into her other hand. “Back to basics.”

She didn’t however consider that possibility when she emerged from the cave and sure enough, Xena used a shield to deflect a fireball and loosen a rockslide. As Callisto numerous times before her, Stevie was buried under a pile of granite. It took time but Stevie managed to unbury herself. As she worked she felt a pang of sympathy for all of the different times Callisto found herself in the same position. The rocks couldn’t kill her but that didn’t keep them from hurting.

When she finally emerged she headed to the Halls of War and it wasn’t long before Hope emerged from her cocoon, an identical copy in age and appearance to Gabrielle, her mother. Obviously Stevie was dreaming, the humor was beyond comical. Stevie laughed out loud as Gabrielle looked in horror at Hope. On occasion Fate had a sense of humor.

“Oh, the mother and child reunion,” Stevie said, actually enjoying the surreal moment of the dream. “I’m all misty eyed.” Xena raised her sword and with a glare Hope disarmed her. “Oh now she’s scary,” Stevie said. “And you missed your one chance before she hatched.”

Xena raised her chakram and for a moment Stevie was genuinely concerned that the newly hatched goddess might not be quick enough to evade the blade. Moving on instince alone, she attacked, trying to keep Xena off balance and keep Hope alive, long enough for the promise made by the child-goddess to be fulfilled. Powerful as Xena was she wasn’t a god and before long Stevie had the warrior on her knees gasping for air.

“Hope is just using you, Callisto.” Xena said, between pants. “I wouldn’t turn my back on her.”

“Like you turned your back on precious little Gabrielle?” Stevie asked. “Yeah, I guess you speak from experience, huh?” Stevie threw a fireball, only to be tripped and have it miss it’s mark. It hit the ceiling and once again granite rained down burying Stevie in another pile of rocks. Stevie was beginning to understand Callisto endless frustration with her existence and desperate desire to be freed from this life, even though it meant the absence of any other.

She freed herself and was about to try another fireball when Hope demanded to be taken away. Dahak had more important things in mind and while Stevie was still angry at being buried under a rock pile twice in the span of several hours she wasn’t about to argue.

They returned to the site of the attempted sacrifices and Hope demanded a disguise. “I don’t know why you want to look like her,” Stevie said. “She’s an annoying little…” One glare from the goddess and Stevie kept the rest of the statement to herself. It was indeed becoming troubling deciding where Callisto ended and she began. Stevie didn’t really think Gabrielle annoying at all. The fact that her looks favored Lizzy endeared her quite strongly to the Egyptologist. Still, using Callisto’s powers she did as she was asked and Hope did indeed look exactly like Gabrielle. This was one aspect of it all that made things easier for Stevie. Gabrielle and Lizzy looked very similar but not identical. Lizzy’s hair was a lighter blonde, void of any strawberry tint and much shorter. Their faces were the same, and that was causing enough conflict as it was.

“Very well, so be it.” She extended a jet of flame and Hope emerged. “Well I guess it is a good disguise, and you’ll attract less attention than walking around naked I suppose.”

Stevie and Hope returned to the temple of Ares. She was ready for a fight but instead watched in horrified shock as Hope pulled the god’s face towards her. They kissed deeply, his hands roaming over her body and the warrior felt her mouth go dry. Warrior, Egyptologist, it was hard for Stevie to know what she was anymore. All she knew is that she was watching someone who looked very much like Lizzy kissing a man and it was making her sick to her stomach. Stevie felt very much like she was being played. Like shades of Hurricane Katherine all over again, the sight made Stevie nauseous and the only place she could think to escape was to Xena.

She found Xena with Gabrielle on their way to Ares’ stronghold.

“I’m not here to fight you Xena, I’m just here to chat.” Stevie explained, doing her best to look harmless.

“Let me guess,” Xena replied. “Things didn’t work out with Hope quite the way you expected?”

“No, actually the sight of her and Ares rolling around like weasels made me sick.” Stevie didn’t bother mentioning Hurricane Katherine, while that would have elicited shades of sympathy and understanding from Sarah, she wasn’t due to be born for over two thousand years.

“Hope and Ares?” Gabrielle asked, surprised.

“Why yes Gabrielle,” Stevie replied. “It seems your daughter is in heat.”

“So you’re switching sides, again.” Xena said.

“For a price,” Stevie stated, emphatically. “I help you put Dahak back in the bottle, and you help me die. I figure you’ve got a bead on that Hind’s blood dagger, I figure Hercules probably told you where it is. It can kill a god you know.” She looked at Xena, trying to read the warrior’s expression. “So how about it? I scratch your back, you stab mine?”

“What’s the matter?” Xena asked. “Existence getting to be a bit of a burden?”

“Yes, honestly.” Stevie replied, happy for the opportunity to be completely truthful on so many levels with Sarah’s ancestor. “I yearn for oblivion, annihilation…peace if you will.”

“You helped that demon kill my son, you think I’m going to help you find peace?”

“Then I’ll just go back and do Hope’s bidding.” Stevie replied, hoping that would change Xena’s mind.

“You do that.” Xena said. “I’ve beaten you before, I can beat you again. May you live forever.”

That stung Stevie in places of her psyche beyond those occupied by Callisto. It was the same tone Sarah had used in announcing their breakup and it echoed with Stevie still. While stubbornness was a trait Sarah carried all these centuries later; it was one that Stevie was adept at maneuvering around.

“I like the idea of you having to live with your suffering.” Xena said when Stevie had tried to convince her once again of killing Callisto with the Hind’s blood dagger.

“Who said anything about suffering?” Stevie asked, “It’s more of a boredom thing, an emptiness really.”

She was surprised beyond belief that it was Gabrielle who talked Xena into letting her help. Stevie wasn’t surprised, it made sense; there was a clear headedness to Gabrielle that Lizzy seemed to have inherited all of these years later. She walked with the two of them for the rest of the day.

They stopped to save some villagers from the dubious distinction of being rounded up to be sacrifices to Dahak. Stevie enjoyed the opportunity to turn her fireballs to the priests of Hope who’d proven to be as rewarding as any other failed relationship. Venting some of that rage she exploded the occasional building and made the robes of several priests burst into flames. She was surprised, but the wanton destruction did indeed make her feel a bit better. Village saved, she continued on with Xena and Gabrielle until nightfall. She could have easily waited for them to reach wherever it was they would camp for the night and simply appear at their side, but Stevie wanted the company. There was a symmetry to the three of them even though she was the one they battled time and again and given her desire, to have her existence end, it made fitting sense to spend her last moments with two people she hated more in this life, and loved more in another than anyone on earth.

It was time to make camp and Xena built a fire. Gabrielle had looked at Stevie suspiciously the entire day and said she wanted to turn in early. As much as she knew about the relationship between the two, she didn’t think there was any chance that Xena would show any vulnerability tonight. Gabrielle would sleep by the fire, and while it would have been perfectly acceptable with Stevie for Xena to join her, she knew the warrior would stay up with her, watching her, until morning.

Stevie sat by Xena at the fire as the warrior sharpened her sword. She absently watched the anemic flames struggling against the damp firewood. With an absent flick of her wrist, a bright cheery blaze erupted, filling the campsite with warmth. “No need for firewood with me around,” Stevie explained and then looked at the sky.

Stars never ceased to amaze her whenever she got away from the city. Here, in this place and time she could see the stars, as she never had before. No smog, no light pollution, no ring of space debris circling the planet. These were stars! “This is probably the last night sky either of us will ever see,” she said conversationally. She thought about what she knew of Callisto and her history. While it might have been more than Callisto could address, with Stevie’s years of therapy it was not more than she could handle. “Xena, about your son…” The warrior’s blue eyes flashed in anger towards her and it made Stevie angry. The loss of Xena’s son was no more painful in the scheme of things than Callisto’s entire life, while she wouldn’t burden her future lover with that guilt now, she was going to at least address Callisto’s feelings about the boy. “You just wait,” she demanded. “Listen to me, I have something to say,”

“So say it,” Xena growled.

“That night that I heard you screaming over his body…I want you to know I felt nothing. No pleasure, no sense of fulfillment, I just felt a horrible sense of loneliness.” Stevie doubted such a revelation would have much impact on Sarah much less her ancestor but it was honest and it needed to be said.

“Should I feel sorry for you?” Xena asked incredulously.

“I just want my creator to know why I have to enter oblivion. There is nothing for me; all the love and joy I had died that night in Cirra when you killed my family. There was…” Stevie remembered she was Callisto and tried to stay true to the psychotic woman’s feelings. “There was hatred and resentment and that was absolutely delicious, wonderful; but now there’s nothing left. Nothing. Do you understand me?”

“Yes, I do.” Xena said looking like she had indeed heard Stevie and had not liked what she heard one bit. “I’m going for a walk,” she announced.

Stevie sighed and nodded, noting a shift from the bedroll across the fire. She knew Gabrielle wasn’t asleep but had wanted to give them their space, or just avoid her, she couldn’t really be sure. “So, did we bond?” Stevie asked as Xena stood up.

“No.” The warrior answered flatly.

Whether the warrior was cognizant of the fact or not they had indeed bonded and Stevie was going to acknowledge it “Good.” She said, “I’m going to miss our fireside chats.”

The next morning Stevie headed to the temple of Dahak ahead of the others on the off chance that the Hind’s blood dagger was there. Unable to find it, she rejoined Xena and Gabrielle making sure that unlike Hope, Xena would stick to her word.

“Try not to die before doing me first,” she warned. “Or I’ll make Gabrielle wish you had. How’s that for incentive?” Even in the short time Stevie had been in Callisto’s body the bond between Xena and Gabrielle was plainly evident. No one could miss the fact that these two women were desperately in love with each other. In fact, her time in Callisto’s body had made Stevie wonder if several thousand years were enough to leave any space for either of them for anyone else. While parts of Stevie wanted oblivion as much as Callisto did, other parts of her were certainly intrigued by some of what life had to offer, most recently her budding relationship with one young archaeologist. Was it only a matter of time before Lizzy came to her senses and realized that Sarah was indeed the Xena to her Gabrielle? Or had that relationship fully run it’s course and they were both ready to move on in their later incarnations?

The battle in Dahak’s temple began as expected. The dead bodies of Dahak’s priests began to pile up as Xena fought her way through to the endless fire pit. Quite unexpectedly, as Xena approached with the Hind’s blood dagger it was Gabrielle who raced forward and grabbing Hope plunged headlong into the flaming pit. Both were gone. Hope and Gabrielle were dead.

Stevie knew that it was now or never. Xena leaned over the pit, the Hind’s blood dagger forgotten in her hand, devastated as the love of her life just plunged to her death. She was feeling pain beyond words, beyond measure and as much as it hurt Stevie to do it, she had to attack now to make Xena react like a wounded human being, not think like a warrior. She laughed.

“I never thought I’d feel so good again,” Stevie said in between giggles. “Seeing poor, dear, Gabrielle sacrifice herself makes it all worth while.” She pressed further, not wanting Xena to take the time to think. Certainly it would have worked on Sarah. “It finally gives me a reason for living and I have you to thank for it Xena.”

Xena screamed and spun around with the dagger. She shoved it into Stevie’s abdomen, the icy hot pain shooting through her entire body.

“No more living for you,” Xena said, her voice thick with grief.

Stevie looked down at the dagger that she and Xena both held onto. Looking up she saw the warrior, her creator, her enemy and her lover all as one. This wasn’t the answer, it wasn’t the solution but it was too late now. Her life was spilling out and as she slowly drew her hand down the body of the woman she hated and loved she realized how very wrong she had been about everything.

Stevie’s eyes fluttered open, she wasn’t dead; she was very much alive and lying on her back in a very warm comfortable bed. Lizzy Covington was sleeping soundly, her head resting on Stevie’s shoulder, one arm wrapped protectively around her middle. Stevie couldn’t overlook how well their two bodies fit together; curves and softness meeting together in all of the right places. Absently she touched the soft crown of blonde hair resting on her shoulder deciding that she really liked the scent of whatever shampoo the archaeologist used.

The dream had given Stevie much to think about and much she wanted to discuss with Sarah. Perhaps it was no mistake that they figured so prominently in each other’s life. The most passionate of enemies transcend space and time to become passionate lovers and then something…else. What the hell were they to each other? Four months of therapy since the breakup hadn’t yielded any answers she didn’t see why four days on vacation would. Still a part of her had hoped that the answers she sought would miraculously coalesce out of the ether for once in her life.

Leaving Sarah, her thoughts drifted back to the woman sleeping comfortably against her. Idly, Stevie wondered exactly where she wanted this relationship to go. She allowed herself a small smirk given that she was already in bed with the woman, although they were somewhat clothed. She felt a pull at her hip; Lizzy was urging Stevie to roll onto her side. She complied and in moments the slumbering archaeologist had found a new comfortable position with her face nestled in Stevie’s t-shirt clad cleavage. Stevie considered that there might be an assertive quality to the archaeologist in the bedroom that she kept well hidden. If anything Lizzy had acted as if interactions between women were quite out of her comfort zone, in spite of the fact that she was a lesbian. Stevie suspected that she’d take to the whole thing a lot more gracefully than she gave herself credit for. With this in mind, Stevie draped her other arm around Lizzy’s body and held her close.

She’d never been anyone’s first sexual encounter before and the prospect of that intimidated her. She was usually someone’s first chronic depression sufferer, art historian or Great Dane owner but never first woman. She also wondered logically how it could work. In the immediate sense, there was Lizzy’s house that was shared by two ghosts who only barely tolerated her presence and a guesthouse that she was sharing with her ex-girlfriend, two gay men and four evangelical Christians, not to mention Lizzy’s cousin. She doubted getting a room at any other hotel would be possible given it was Halloween weekend in Salem. In the larger picture, if she found a way to make sex with Lizzy Covington logistically happen then what? She cared about the archaeologist and didn’t doubt that her feelings were mirrored in the woman sleeping quietly in her arms but that was hardly enough. She could come back and visit of course. She’d agreed to teach the seminar in the summer and had no doubt she could book as much work-travel as she wanted. The Getty would only be too happy to loan her out and raise their profile in the process. Lizzy could visit her as well; archaeologists were rarely on digs year round and their time off was pretty much their own if they had sufficient funding. But Stevie’s track record with long distance relationships wasn’t encouraging and Sarah would no doubt point that out. First things first she heard Jane’s voice say in her head. There was no point in trying to figure out the logistics of a relationship that technically didn’t exist yet. If this sort of thing had to be negotiated, she was happy to leave that to Stevie and Lizzy’s future selves.

“Mmmm,” Lizzy murmured, drawing Stevie from her thoughts.

Stevie couldn’t help but grin as she started a mental count down to when Lizzy would wake up, realize where she was, and panic.

“Comfy?” Stevie asked, her voice a low murmur.

“Yessss,” Lizzy replied in kind, moving one leg that was already hopelessly tangled between Stevie’s. From her vantage point, Stevie could see the ends of soft eyelashes flutter; fly open and the archaeologist’s entire body went rigid.

Lizzy had been having the most wonderful dream involving warmth, softness, smooth skin that wore a delicate an enticing perfume and…fabric softener. The fabric softener bit didn’t really fit and Lizzy realized she wasn’t really dreaming. She could smell the laundry she’d washed two days ago. All at once her senses began to report in. Her hand was resting against the small of a t-shirt clad back and she could feel firm muscle. Her legs reported in with information that they were resting against, warm smooth skin as well. No t-shirt barriers here, just skin against skin; warm, recently shaved skin without the slightest hint of stubble; female skin. Lizzy blinked her eyes and opened them to see the white of a t-shirt right in front of her. She was looking at Stevie’s breasts. The perfectly proportioned and soft breasts she’d been sleeping on seconds ago. Lizzy Covington wanted to die. She’d woken up in Stevie’s arms, arms that were quite tightly wrapped around her.

Stevie held firm, not letting the startled woman bolt from her embrace and fall backwards onto the floor. “Easy tiger,” she said soothingly. “I don’t want you falling off the bed and cracking your head open. Your grandmother’s would be rather put out about that I’m sure.”

“I…um…I can’t believe…er…” Lizzy stammered into Stevie’s breasts, trying to relax her body and pulling back a little.

“Good morning to you too,” Stevie replied with a grin, loosening her hold just a little.

“Would you believe me if I said I’m generally not a cuddler?” Lizzy asked lamely, feeling her cheeks flush crimson. This had to be a new record for her; she’d been conscious less than a minute and was already blushing.

“I thought you hadn’t slept with women before?” Stevie asked relaxing her embrace and letting Lizzy move away a little bit.

“Yeah, but with men,” Lizzy offered.

“Oh,” Stevie replied in understanding. “Then yes, I would believe you. Who on earth wants to sleep cuddled up with something that smells like…like…”

“A man?” Lizzy offered with a grin. She felt the heat fade a bit from her cheeks. There was something about Stevie that made her self-conscious awkwardness dissipate. Almost as if she didn’t mind feeling out of her element and unsure of what to say or do because Stevie genuinely didn’t seem to mind. Rather, the stunning platinum blonde had been nothing but encouraging and kind when she felt like a fish out of water.

“You date many men?” Stevie asked, curious.

“A few,” the archaeologist confirmed. “They were alright I suppose, but really not all that interesting. I certainly didn’t sound like a babbling idiot around them every two seconds. What about you?”

To Lizzy’s surprise it was now Stevie who blushed a little. “A couple, way back when. It was the phase of how do I know I don’t chocolate ice cream if I’ve never had chocolate ice cream; curiosity satisfied, I moved on.” Lizzy nodded in agreement, only she hadn’t really gotten to the moving on part yet. “I like the babbling, by the way,” Stevie added favoring the archeologist with a warm smile then continued, “Sarah’s never bothered with men, she keeps saying she wants to; I don’t think she likes the idea of me having anything up on her in the bedroom. But I respect the fact that she just trusted her gut and didn’t look back.”

As if on cue there was a thud from downstairs and a rather pathetic wail. “Stteeeevvvviiiieeeeee”

“Speak of the devil,” Stevie said with a wink to Lizzy, “I think I hear the call of an outrageous hangover. I’d better check on my ex-girlfriend.” She started to move away and stopped. Leaning in quickly, she kissed Lizzy, her lips softly caressing those of the archaeologist. “Thank you for letting me stay, it was really nice sleeping with you.” She said before getting out of bed.

It took a moment for Lizzy’s brain to start working again but before Stevie reached the door she realized what didn’t fit in her companions’ appearance. “Pants,” she said reaching for her dresser. “I think Sarah would feel better if she saw you in pants.” Lizzy added, tossing a pair of sweat pants to Stevie.

“Thank you Lizzy,” Stevie said. “I’m not sure she’d notice, but just in case, you’re right. I know I’d feel better if I were her.”

Lizzy put on a pair of sweat pants as well and followed Stevie down the stairs.  Sure enough, Sarah had fallen off of the couch and was tangled in the blanket and quilt. Fortunately she hadn’t hit her head on the coffee table. Stevie stared at the small table; she didn’t remember it being so far away from the couch the night before.

“G’morning sunshine,” Stevie said softly, kneeling down to help Sarah get into an upright position.

“You don’t need to shout,” Sarah said looking pale with dark circles under her eyes and a mass of black hair that looked like it hadn’t been brushed in months. “I feel like crap.” She announced solemnly.

“You always do,” Stevie said gently with a shake of her head. “Lets get you back up on the couch.

Sarah shook her head. “Bathroom first. Oh fuck, it’s upstairs.” As the night before, both women helped Sarah up the stairs and back down. And while the stuntwoman may have felt worse about the whole process, it was much easier for the other two with her somewhat sober.

“Shall I fix breakfast?” Lizzy offered, not sure what she could do for the stuntwoman. She was relieved that Covington’s rarely had hangovers if this was any indication as to how bad they could be.

“Would you mind if Stevie cooked?” Sarah asked hopefully. “She makes this egg and toast thing that is a great cure for hangovers.”

“Sure,” Lizzy agreed, wondering how many hangovers it took for Stevie to come up with a recipe that would cure it.

“You rock,” Sarah muttered and fell back onto the couch, covering her eyes with her arm. “Damn, I had some strange dreams.”

“You can tell us all about it when I bring you breakfast.” Stevie said, following Lizzy into the kitchen.

“What do you need?” Lizzy asked, opening her ‘fridge.

“Bread, eggs, butter, bacon if you’ve got it and some of the scotch from last night if Sarah didn’t finish the bottle. Oh… before you go get the bottle, take this to Sarah and tell her to drink it.” Stevie filled a large glass with water from the tap and in moments Lizzy returned with the nearly empty scotch bottle. “If you’ve got cream cheese and dill that’d be great.”

Lizzy gathered the requested ingredients and began cooking bacon as she watched with interest as Stevie prepared breakfast. Stevie cut a half-dollar sized hole in two pieces of bread, buttered each side and put them into a fry pan with a little extra butter. As the bread cooked she cracked an egg and filled each hole, the eggs cooking inside the bread. In a second bowl she broke several more eggs then added some milk and dill weed.

“Do you like scrambled eggs?” Stevie asked as she beat the eggs with a fork. Lizzy nodded and drained the bacon on several paper towels.

Just before pulling the egg filled bread slices out of the frying pan, Stevie added a bit of scotch to the bubbling butter. It immediately steamed up, browning the butter and giving and interesting smoky fragrance to the dish. “I think this part is pointless, but Sarah smells a hint of Scotch and is convinced she’s getting some of the ‘hair of the dog’ and seems to think her hangover is cured. Frankly, the secret is the water I make her drink before breakfast, but don’t tell her that.”

Lizzy marveled at the subtle manipulation that appeared to be part and parcel to relationships and wondered if she really was cut out for something like that. She looked up as Stevie was scrambling eggs, preparing her breakfast, and really hoped she was. When the eggs had nearly finished cooking, Stevie added a bit of cream cheese and more dill. She salted them lightly and added quite a bit of pepper. “I’m not much of a cook,” the art historian explained, “but I can do breakfast alright. I often end up eating breakfast for dinner as a matter of fact.”

“It’s the comfort food quality, isn’t it?” Lizzy asked.

Stevie nodded and added. “That and breakfast is just easier.”

Lizzy carried Sarah’s plate into the living room and handed it to the stuntwoman. All three sat around the small coffee table. As Sarah ate, Lizzy noticed that the ashen pallor of her cheeks faded and she began to look more like herself.

“So what did you dream?” Stevie asked Sarah.
“Shouldn’t I be asking you that?” Sarah asked, and then looked at Stevie and Lizzy both in t-shirts and sweatpants. “Or did you sleep last night?”

“Sarah, don’t be a jerk,” Stevie chided gently. “I slept just fine. Had my usual interesting walk through Callisto’s life, only this time I was Callisto. Actually, you ended up killing me at the end.”

“I would never kill you,” Sarah said defensively.

“But Xena did,” Lizzy replied. “The scrolls aren’t really clear on the matter, because they make it seem like Xena killed Callisto a number of times. I think it might be metaphors for simply defeating her in battle, I mean how can you die more than once?”

“Unless your name is Buffy,” Sarah muttered.

“In fact I think there is some sort of storytelling license going on with the later scrolls. Most of the scrolls were clearly written by the bard, Gabrielle. But there were others written after she and Xena died in Rome. Like any legend, people continued to tell stories of their exploits long after they actually lived. There were stories of their being the same age, more than twenty-five years later, having children and even traveling to Japan, which they never did. But what did you dream?” Lizzy asked getting the conversation back to Sarah and away from what she and Stevie did or didn’t do the previous night.

“I guess it was your grandmothers,” Sarah said and then almost as if noticing Lizzy for the first time, began to blush a little. “I can’t remember any specifics though,” she muttered, clearly lying.

Lizzy smiled. “Relax, Sarah,” she assured the stuntwoman. “I think they were playing match maker, I had the same dream myself.”

“Are you really that limber?” Sarah asked seriously.

“Okay, maybe a different dream,” Lizzy said, blushing.

Sarah laughed, the first relaxed sound she’d made all morning, “I’m just messing with you,” she assured the archaeologist.

Stevie looked from Sarah to Lizzy and felt an uncomfortable pang of jealousy. “You two get to dream about each other and I’m stuck living in the skin of a psychotic killer. This is profoundly unfair,” she muttered, knowing full well it wouldn’t do any good.

Sarah shrugged. “Sorry kiddo,” she said around a forkfull of food.

They finished breakfast and Sarah asked if she could shower before heading back to the guesthouse. Lizzy was happy to comply, wanting to do whatever she could to ease the stuntwoman’s hangover. She had to admit however, that her color and disposition had steadily improved since breakfast. She also noticed that Stevie was encouraging her to drink water at every opportunity.

“So what are your plans for today?” Lizzy asked as Stevie helped her fold the blanket and quilt from the couch.

The archeologist shook her head. “Honestly, we don’t have any. I suspect Sarah is going to feel very much like napping and trying to shake the rest of her hangover. I know she’ll want to feel rested for the séance tonight.” Stevie replied. “I guess I’ll walk around town again. Any suggestions?”

Lizzy felt the color rising to her cheeks once again and felt very much like the South Park character that couldn’t talk to pretty girls without throwing up. “I was going to try and do some work today, at the Peabody before my friend Solari shows up. I’d be happy to show you around the museum if you’re interested?”

“I’d like that very much,” Stevie said with a warm smile. “And just so you know, I think the blushing thing is really sexy.”

Lizzy was proud that she managed a genuine laugh even as she felt her color heighten several more shades of red.


“So do you want to tell me about your dream or not?” Stevie asked as she and Sarah walked back to Mel’s guesthouse.

Stevie felt quite comfortable with the layout of the town and led them to Pickering Warf where she’d met up with Lizzy earlier. They sat down and enjoyed the sunlight sparkling off of the water and the occasional sea gull diving for its breakfast.

“I’m attracted to her,” Sarah said with a sad sigh. “I know you are too and I don’t want this to be a clusterfuck.”

Stevie considered her words a moment before saying anything. “This may sound like a strange question, but is this a Xena attracted to Gabrielle type thing? Or a Sarah attracted to Lizzy type thing.”

“What difference does that make?” Sarah asked quietly, not sure of the answer.

“It makes a difference because Xena and Gabrielle are generations dead. Lets say for a moment that I buy into all of this past-life stuff and now I’m serving time for mistakes made by another in another lifetime…”

“Stevie,” Sarah cut in. “I can barely tolerate you quoting Stevie Nicks every two minutes, I’m not going to put up with you quoting the Indigo Girls too.”

“Sorry,” Stevie muttered. “My point is I’m trying very much to own the fact that while I may be a reincarnated Callisto, I’m not her. I don’t have her baggage, her debts. I can try to figure out what ever it is I need to do to free her, but I shouldn’t have to be bound by the prison she made for herself brick by brick. I would think the same would hold true for Xena and Gabrielle. You shouldn’t be forced to live that same life over and over, even though we’re talking about a much more positive existence. Why does the Xena soul always have to end up with the Gabrielle soul?”

“Because Gabrielle doesn’t end up with Callisto.” Sarah said, more anger in her voice than she intended.

“Maybe that’s true,” Stevie allowed, determined not to take the jab personally. “But who’s to say that Gabrielle doesn’t end up with someone other than Xena. Think back two years ago. If we knew then what we know now, what would you say to Xena and Callisto ending up together?”

Sarah smiled in spite of herself. Two years ago she and Stevie had been deliriously happy together and had albums of photographs to prove it. It was before Stevie’s depression resurfaced and at that time Sarah couldn’t imagine her life with anyone else and would never have considered that today she’d sit next to Stevie on a bench and discuss her attraction to another woman. “Two years ago I’d have totally agreed with you. I’d have probably said that Xena and Callisto deserved each other for all of the crappy things they’d done to each other in the past, like it was some sort of penance or something.”

“Odd as it sounds I will take that as a compliment,” Stevie said gazing out at the expanse of ocean. “I’ll admit I’ve got it easier than you,” she continued. “Callisto didn’t have feelings, not positive ones at any rate. She didn’t know or understand love in adulthood so I don’t have to sort out which feelings are mine and which are hers. I know now that when I want to blow the back of my head off with a handgun, it’s Callisto, but that wanting to get to know Lizzy better, that’s Stevie. And it’s Lizzy I’m interested in Sarah, not Gabrielle. I really want to work through this Xena and Gabrielle shit, but I want to do so in order to put it behind me. I don’t want to live my life through the prism of what went on with these three women several thousand years ago.”

“What do I do Stevie?” Sarah asked, blue eyes searching brown. “They showed me last night what it’s like. What that completeness feels like, what things could be like with her? Am I supposed to act like I don’t know that or that I don’t want that?”

Stevie frowned inwardly at the two meddling grandmothers. “What they showed you was their perception Sarah. Their connection, their bond and they projected that on you and Lizzy.” Feelings of anger and frustration bubbled below the surface. “I get that they don’t like me. I get that they don’t like Callisto, but even so they can’t know that the two of you would be as happy together as they were together.” Taking a calming breath she tried to master the hostility she could feel brewing, to gain control of it and push it back. She didn’t fault Sarah for what she was feeling. She had no doubt she’d feel the same way were their places switched. She knew first hand how real dreams could feel, making it hard to tell where the line was between consiousness and unconsiousness.

In silence both women stood and continued on their way to the guesthouse. “You know what I think?” Stevie added as they neared the front door. “I think you should take today and think it over. If you really want to make a play for Lizzy then you should. If you really think you have that kind of connection and it’s what you need and that you would be good for her then go ahead.” She stopped near the front door and turned to face the stunt woman looking up at her determination and definace etching her features. “But please ask yourself who it is you’re interested in and why. Don’t do this because of some dream induced fantasy.” Stevie crossed her arms. “I am very clear on my motives, and I think you should be too. Make your play Sarah, but that isn’t going to stop me from doing the same thing.”

Sarah stopped, her hand on the doorknob and looked down into Stevie’s face, resigned brown eyes looking up into blue. “You really think that you and I competing for the same woman – a reincarnated Gabrielle – could possibly end with you getting what you want?”

“No Sarah,” Stevie said sadly. “Xena has bested Callisto enough times that not being buried under a ton of boulders would be the farthest thing from my mind. But I do know that Lizzy feels something for me, Stevie, not Callisto and I want to see where that road leads. The fact is, I’m getting the sense that I’ve tried the same thing over and over and I keep ending up in the same place lifetime after lifetime. Maybe I’m trying to read something not in the script and see if it ends any differently.”

Sarah continued to search Stevie’s face, looking for any trace of uncertainty and found none. “I’ll think things over and let you know tonight.” She said quietly.

“That’s all I ask,” Stevie replied and gave the taller woman a quick hug before heading into the guesthouse.

Just inside the entryway they could hear the conversational sounds of breakfast. They headed to the kitchen to see Jeff and Susan helping Mel with the dishes while Phil and Dave cleaned up the breakfast table.

“Hey ladies,” Dave said cheerily with a wave. Stevie and Susan looked at each other.

“Hey guys,” Sarah replied helping herself to a cup of coffee.

“You look a little worse for the wear,” Jeff said, a sympathetic grin on his face.

“Nothing a solid day of sleeping won’t cure,” Sarah replied, adding cream and sugar to her coffee.

“We were going to watch some Halloween movies,” Susan explained. “Get us all into the mood for our séance tonight. You girls are welcome to join us.”

Sarah shrugged. “I’ll see how I’m doing after a nap, sounds fun though. Stevie?”

Stevie didn’t speak right away she blushed slightly and glanced at Mel, worried that her designs on his cousin were evident on her features.

“I’m making popped corn,” Mel said enticingly.

“That sounds great,” she finally said. “But Lizzy invited me to the Peabody to look at some of her work.”

Without saying a word Jeff reached into his pocket withdrawing a twenty-dollar bill and handed it to Phil.

Sarah frowned at Phil. “Do we want to know what you’re betting on?” the stuntwoman asked dangerously.

Phil looked a bit sheepish as he pocketed his money. “Mel told us about his cousin and we figured one of you two would end up with her.”
“Our vacation isn’t over yet,” Sarah warned Phil with a glare, “don’t spend that twenty.”

“You’re letting guests bet on your cousin’s love life?” Stevie asked Mel, her voice etched with stern disapproval. Her eyes were cold and hard and bore into her host.

“Well it’s not as if I bet,” Mel offered weakly. “If I had I’d have bet on you though,” he offered hoping that would soften the blond’s displeasure.

“That isn’t making me any less annoyed,” Stevie said looking at him darkly. There was something in her expression that rattled Sarah. She’d seen Stevie angry a number of times to be sure; their break up was peppered by numerous angry and sad outbursts, but there was a level of threat to Stevie’s expression that the stuntwoman had never seen before. It had a distant famalarity that she instinctively knew was dangerous.

Stevie turned away from Mel before saying something she knew she’d regret. “I’m going upstairs to shower and change,” Stevie told Sarah quietly. “I’ll catch up with you when I’m finished at the Peabody, is that okay?”

“Sure,” Sarah said, unsure about her ex’s abrupt mood shift.

“Dinner is at seven, if you’d like to join us before the séance,” Mel said apologetically, searching for some way back into the blonde’s good graces.

Sarah glanced at Stevie and smiled, trying to lighten the mood. “That sounds great, count us in.” They watched as Stevie headed up the stairs to the attic.

“For someone winning the bet, she’s awfully pissed off,” Jeff observed after Stevie was out of earshot.

“You don’t seem too worried?” Sarah asked, noting that Mel was smiling to himself as he dried a coffee cup with a dishtowel.

“How can I be worried when someone is more protective of my cousin than I am?” he asked. Then he looked Sarah up and down aparazingly. “So I take it you’ve got your eye on Lizzy as well?” he asked.

Sarah looked wistfully at the stairs, whishing she’d made her escape when Stevie did. Instead she accepted the second cup of coffee that Mel poured and surrendered to his good-natured interrogation.


Stevie had nearly finished dressing when Sarah opened the door to the attic room, only taking time to kick her shoes off before collapsing on the bed. “Are you really going to the museum?” she asked, noting that Stevie was dressed less casually than she had for most of their vacation.

“Yes,” Stevie explained, fastening a small gold hoop earring. “I’m really going to the museum and I’m really going to take a look at her research. You can come with if you want to.”

“I’ll pass,” Sarah said, adjusting her body to a more comfortable position. “Museums aren’t my thing” She looked Stevie up and down deciding that she really liked the way she looked in that aqua cashmere sweater. She’d also donned the cool boots she’d bought on Melrose and Sarah felt a small pang of jealousy.

Stevie saw Sarah’s reflection in the mirror and sighed. “I’m only wearing the boots because you made me bring them.” Sarah glanced away, not enjoying it when Stevie could read her expression like a map. “I’d be wearing the same thing if I were going somewhere with you.”

Sarah rolled her eyes. If she weren’t hung over she would indeed want to go somewhere with Stevie have more drinks than would be wise and perhaps relive old times. The fact that she wanted this made the stuntwoman consider that last night’s Scotch was probably very much still in her system. “Don’t take this the wrong way but have fun, okay?”

“Are you wishing me luck?” Stevie asked, turning to look at Sarah directly.

“No, but I’m telling you to enjoy your vacation because you totally deserve it.” Sarah replied with a small smile. “I’ll see you later.”

“Get some sleep and you’ll feel better,” Stevie said kindly as she kissed the top of Sarah’s head before grabbing her purse. “Drink some water, hydrate yourself. I’ll see you in a few hours.” She stopped at the doorway and looked back again. Sarah was watching her intently. “I love you, you know that, right?” she said.

The stuntwoman nodded. “I love you to,” she replied. “We’re fucked up, but we’re solid.”

Stevie smiled warmly. “I’ll take fucked up, sweetie. With you, I’ll take fucked up.”


The walk to the Peabody/Essex Museum was a pleasant one and Stevie enjoyed the crisp chill in the air. Yesterday’s snow didn’t stick and it was noticeably warmer, but still much colder than October in Southern California. She wondered if she’d been entirely honest with Sarah. Would she have worn a soft clingy sweater and stylish boots if she’d just planned on some shopping with the stuntwoman? A part of her wanted to think she would, but another part of her knew better.  There had been a time when she’d dress to impress Sarah, but that time had passed. If anything Stevie tried to dress down more around the stuntwoman if only to not make her have second thoughts about the breakup. It would have devastated her to know that Sarah found her even sexier in jeans and a t-shirt than any of the pricy business suits she owned.

She walked up to the ‘will call’ window at the museum and gave her name. The attendant quickly signed her in and picked up the phone, placing a call. In a couple of minutes Lizzy appeared at the museum’s entrance to escort her in.

“How’s Sarah feeling?” Lizzy asked conversationally, holding the door open for Stevie to pass.

“She’s going to sleep it off. I think she’ll be fine by tonight.” She shrugged. “She doesn’t do this very often, but when she does it’s never half-assed.”

Lizzy chuckled. “Sarah doesn’t strike me as the type of person who does anything half-assed.”

“She isn’t.” Stevie said quietly, more to herself than anyone else. She remembered that Sarah had expressed an interest in Lizzy and she knew from personal experience how disarmingly charming the stuntwoman could be when she put her mind to it. Stevie glanced over at the woman leading the way into the back rooms of the museum. If she and Sarah were going to compete for Lizzy’s affection, did she stand much of a chance? Was it even fair to Lizzy to make her choose?

“This is my research lab,” Lizzy explained, pushing in a heavy door. “Home sweet home.”

Stevie looked around, impressed. The room was larger than expected, not quite as imposing as the cavernous restoration rooms at the Getty, but still large. A Laminar flow bench was at one end of the room with different artifacts resting in a variety of support structures. There was a large microscope on it’s own table as well as an array of large flat files and several plexi-glass cases that housed a variety of artifacts, weapons and clothing. Not far from the table with the microscope was a work desk with a huge bookcase behind it. Most surprisingly was the worktable in the center of the room with several bolts of cloth and a sewing machine.

Lizzy took off her leather jacket and she heard the archaeologist’s breath catch.

“You sew?” Stevie asked with a small smile, admiring the sewing machine and pretending not to notice the green eyes looking at her appreciatively.

“I’m working on replicating armor and other clothing from Xena’s period.” Lizzy explained, forcing herself to look at the table and not at Stevie’s sweater. “Here, take a look.” She pointed to several outfits. “This black armor was something that Xena wore in her younger days, it’s a bit smaller than the brown.” Stevie remembered the black outfit with the intricate wirework from the dream where the warrior had sacked Cirra. “She switched to the brown shortly before she met Gabrielle,” Lizzy explained. Indeed it was the same outfit Stevie had seen Xena wear as recently as last night. “This costume is a replica of something Gabrielle wore,” Lizzy explained indicating the next outfit. “My grandmother made back in the forties,” the archaeologist added reverently touching the soft brown leather skirt and top. “I’ve been working on a newer version to wear tomorrow night; same exact pattern though. It’s Gabrielle’s Amazon Queen outfit.”

Stevie looked with awe at the meticulously crafted outfit that Lizzy’s grandmother had stitched by hand. Every detail was perfect, every feather expertly woven into the garment, all materials true to their period. “It’s breathtaking,” she whispered. She turned her attention to the replica Lizzy was working on. Every bit of craftsman ship was there, the stitching, expertly tooled leather, finely woven feathers. “Other than some fading, I can’t tell the difference between your grandmother’s outfit and yours.”

“That’s sweet of you to say,” Lizzy replied beaming. “But I’m a little larger than grandma Janice. I guess I’ve had an easier time on my digs. I tried her skirt on and it’s a little tight.”

“Not to mention short,” Stevie said appreciatively giving herself a mental picture of how the young archaeologist would look in the outfit.

“Yeah, well I think the weather was pretty warm then.” Lizzy said, blushing a little.

“It was; the summers were murder.” Stevie said absently then looked up, surprised by what she’d just said.

“I slip sometimes myself,” Lizzy reassured her. “It gets more difficult when you’re surrounded by the old artifacts, keeping past life stuff from creeping in. Janice explained the phenomenon to me growing up so I wouldn’t be startled when it happens.”

“I’m not totally convinced I believe in all of this past life stuff,” Stevie said as she walked down the length of the table and came to a stop at the far end.

“Wait until you slip a few dozen times,” the archaeologist offered sympathetically. “I didn’t really want to buy into it myself but…” she shrugged.

Stevie studied the black outfit at the end of the table that Lizzy had been working on. This one had silver accents, chain mail and two snakes circling each other at the front of the skirt. Stevie touched the leather reverently; it felt to her like a second skin. “I’m not sure which of Xena’s periods this is from,” Lizzy explained, standing next to Stevie. “I saw the sketches and patterns in one of grandma Janice’s notebooks but haven’t found the scroll passage that identifies it. Do you have any ideas?”

“Oh yes,” Stevie murmured, picking up the skirt and wrapping it around her waist. “This isn’t Xena’s. Do you think this would fit Sarah?” she asked as the skirt closed around her with perfect snugness.

“This is Callisto’s?” Lizzy breathed, stunned. “Holy shit,” Lizzy took the skirt from Stevie, tracking along the embossed snakes with the tip of her finger. “I’m not sure that Janice knew she’d made a Callisto discovery. If she did she didn’t write about it. This is really something.” Tentatively she reached for another piece of armor, an arm piece. “Does this fit?” she asked. “The sketch only indicated one, is that right?”

Stevie looked around the studio. “Is anyone going to come in here?” she asked. When Lizzy shook her head, Stevie pulled her sweater over her head before she had time to think about it. Without a word she offered her arm to the archaeologist. “And yes, she just wore one of those,” Stevie nodded at the piece of armor. “On my right arm. My sword arm.”

Lizzy’s head was spinning. She’d hoped that Stevie would pull up the sleeve of her sweater, she never expected her to take it off. Furthermore she was not expecting her to be wearing the world’s most gorgeous lacy black bra underneath. Lizzy’s mouth went dry and moist at the same time and she furiously thought of something to say.

“Nice bra,” she stammered before realizing she hadn’t kept that thought internal.

“Glad you like it,” Stevie replied with a smile. In moments both women were laughing and feeling a little more comfortable. Stevie patiently waited while Lizzy attached the armor to her arms and chest. A sword housed in its leather scabbard was attached to her back and a dagger was attached to her hip.

“This is amazing,” Lizzy muttered as she worked. “Janice had the measurements down perfectly; this fits you like a glove. There is no way this could have fit Xena, she was taller and…” she glanced at Stevie shyly, “thicker? I’m not sure if that’s the right word. Do you mind if I take a few notes?” she asked. “This is so much easier to see on a model.”

“No problem,” Stevie replied and glanced at the worktable. “Do you want me to put the rest on?”

Lizzy smiled hopefully. “If you didn’t mind, that would be fantastic. Can I get you a drink or something? Diet coke?”

Stevie chuckled, noting how Lizzy would conveniently disappear while she took her pants off. “Xena is the Diet Coke drinker, Callisto prefers regular Pepsi.”

“One Pepsi coming up,” Lizzy said with a smile and headed out the door.

Stevie had finished with the straps on her boots when Lizzy returned. She glanced up to see the archaeologist frozen at the door, an unreadable expression on her face. Stevie walked over, not wanting to see a now forgotten can of Pepsi end up on the pristine workroom floor. As she moved, she was surprised at the saunter she could not keep out of her stride. Something about the boots was making her walk different.

“My drink,” she said quietly, reaching for the can of Pepsi.

“I don’t know where you put the calories,” Lizzy muttered fighting to keep the awe out of her voice and failing.

“This doesn’t seem very effective for armor,” Stevie commented looking down at herself. She had a flash of déjà vu to the previous night’s dream and tried to force that memory from her mind. She’d died in this outfit, more than once and that thought was disturbing. “There isn’t a hell of a lot of it here.”

“Do you feel kind of strange in it?” Lizzy asked casually picking up a staff from the worktable.

“A little, yeah,” Stevie replied. Without warning Lizzy swung the staff at Stevie’s armored arm, her sword arm. In a flash Stevie reached behind her back, drew the sword and effectively blocked the blow. “Fuck,” she whispered staring in disbelief at the sword in her hand.

“The main point of the armor is to provide freedom of movement, and I guess distract your opponent, which it does very well by the way. There is something about the artifacts that triggers memories and abilities. You’ll be able to use a sword as long as you’re not thinking about it.” Stevie put the weapon down on the table, the knowledge of its use not making her feel empowered, but rather enslaved to the past.

Lizzy moved over to Stevie and taking out a measuring tape and notebook began to make some sketches. “So this party I’m going to tomorrow,” she said conversationally as she jotted down notes and measurements. “It’s here, at the museum. Costumes are required, and period ones at that. You have to be a historical figure to attend.”

Stevie saw where this conversation was headed and had decidedly mixed feelings about it. “I brought a Courtney Love outfit,” she offered. “Would that work?”

“Not exactly,” Lizzy replied, readjusting the position of several of the armor’s straps and taking careful notes. “Would you and Sarah be willing to wear these outfits?” she asked hopefully.

If Stevie were to try and come up with an instance in life where she felt more conflicted she would have been hard pressed to think of one. Sarah’s words about Gabrielle not ending up with Callisto echoed in her head. She glanced at Xena’s soft brown leather outfit with hammered brass fittings. She saw the sword and chakram lying there and could picture quite easily exactly how Sarah would look. She looked at the outfit next to it, fit for an Amazon Queen and could easily imagine Lizzy dressed as such. The two of them would make a stunning pair and while part of her would do anything to keep that from happening; from them seeing each other as their former selves, it was strangely the Callisto part of Stevie that wanted to make that happen.

Stevie figured it made sense. Callisto didn’t have any feelings beyond annoyance for Gabrielle so what did she care if Lizzy fell in love with Xena all over again. It was Stevie who had something to lose and it was the Callisto part of her that decided that was an acceptable price to pay for working out her issues with Xena once and for all. With a heavy heart, Stevie nodded. “We’d be happy to,” she said quietly.

“I’m pretty sure Xena’s outfit will fit Sarah,” she said not realizing the acute loss her companion was feeling. “Janice…ah…had Melinda try this on more than once and I took the pattern from her armor.”

“Is this whole outfit a replica?” Stevie asked as Lizzy began to undo the binding and remove the armor from her arms. “The sword and dagger are real,” she explained, “So be kind of careful with them. I mean obviously they’re pretty sturdy to have lasted this long, just don’t drop them into any lava pits or anything.”

Stevie winced at the comment, realizing that Lizzy hadn’t meant that literally but the memory stung all the same. Lizzy moved to her desk, subtly turning her back on Stevie while she put the notebook and measurements away. Taking the opportunity to not embarrass the archaeologist further, Stevie removed the skirt, boots and top and put her clothes back on.

“Are you coming to the séance tonight?” Stevie asked, letting Lizzy know it was safe to turn around.

“Yeah,” she agreed, smiling bashfully. “Solari, the medium for tonight, is an old friend and should arrive at my place in a couple of hours. We’ll catch up, have some dinner and head over to Mel’s.” Stevie nodded, keeping a casual smile on her face. She realized that she’d had dinner with the archaeologist every night she’d been in Salem and would miss her presence. “I’m really sorry Solari isn’t a local who can just show up at Mel’s at nine o’clock.” She said. “I’m going to miss having dinner with you tonight.”

“Are you reading my mind?” Stevie asked gently.

Lizzy shook her head. “No, just thinking the same thing,” she said with a bashful grin. “Come on; let me show you the research I’ve been doing. After, I can give you a personal tour of the Yin Yu Tang house and let you get back to check on Sarah before Solari arrives.”

“Sounds good to me,” Stevie said with a warm smile.


It was several hours later that Stevie walked back to Mel’s guesthouse. She had no doubt that Lizzy would be late in meeting up with her friend, but didn’t really feel bad about it. Selfishly she was happy for the time she got to spend in the archaeologist’s company, looking at her research and comparing ideas and restoration techniques. The Yin Yu Tang house was fascinating as was the incredible task of taking apart such a large house and putting it back together brick by brick.

The party atmosphere of Salem had increased noticeably from the previous night. Although it was still early, costumed enthusiasts were gathered in groups along the main drag enjoying themselves and wishing each other well. If this crowd were any indication, the revelry in twenty-four hours would be unreal.

Arriving at the guesthouse Stevie heard the sounds of conversation and laughter coming from the sitting room. Stevie walked in to see Mel, Jeff, Phil, Susan, Dave, and Sarah seated with bowls of popped corn watching TV.

“Stevie!” Sarah called happily. “You’re just in time, we’re about to start Practical Magic.”

“It’s a Halloween tradition,” Mel explained, loading the DVD into the player. “Pizza, beer and movies, no better way to spend a Halloween eve.”

“Where are the Hendersons?” Stevie asked curiously, taking the seat on the couch that Susan and Dave made for her.

“At a prayer service,” Dave explained sadly. “We’ve known then a long time, and they’re good people but…”

“They spend too much time hitting other people in the head with their bible than actually reading it,” Phil supplied helpfully.

“Something like that, yeah,” Dave agreed sadly.

“We honestly thought they wanted to come to Salem to see what it was like. How the other half lives, so to speak,” Susan explained. “We didn’t know they were only interested in prayer meetings and showing the locals how pious they are.”

“Doesn’t really impress this crowd,” Mel said with a shrug. “Salem is in Massachusetts after all.”

“So we’re letting them do what they want and they’re writing us off as lost souls,” Dave added with a shrug.

Stevie accepted the bowl of popped corn Susan handed her. “Funny thing about lost souls,” she said. “They tend to come back. Repeatedly.”

The movie was about to start when a knock sounded at the door. With a confused expression on his face Mel answered the door, leaning against one of his crutches. Sarah and Stevie heard a familiar voice as Epphie Starshine was ushered into the sitting room.

“Folks,” Mel said a bit shyly, “This is Epphie, she’s a friend of the family since…”

“We go way back,” Epphie explained smiling in recognition at Sarah and Stevie and nodding her hellos to everyone else as they were introduced. “Lizzy called me this afternoon. She said you had an open spot for the séance.”

Stevie looked over at Sarah who had the good grace to look guilty. “Mel had me call Lizzy’s studio when I told him that we’d run into her the other night,” she said quietly. Then dropping her voice to a whisper added, “it was so cute, he’s got a thing for her but was too embarrassed to call.”

“So when she told you that you’re a redemptive force, you took that to mean matchmaker?” Stevie asked, glad to see her friend actually blush.

“Can you have a séance with more than one psychic?” Sarah asked, ignoring Stevie’s question. “Isn’t it like having two bus drivers?”

“Think of it more like a pilot and co-pilot,” Epphie explained with a smile, taking a glass of lemonade that Mel had rushed into the kitchen to get for her. “We’ve known Solari for years, she’ll be running the show, but I’ll be here to back her up should we get crowded with spirits.” She smiled warmly at Sarah and Stevie, “which wouldn’t surprise me.”

Sarah gave up her spot on the love seat she shared with Mel so Epphie could sit down. She tossed a throw pillow on the floor and sat down resting her back against Stevie’s legs. Everyone enjoyed the movie and pizza; relaxing in the camaraderie as the hours passed. They’d finished Practical Magic and a number of Simpson’s Halloween Specials when Mel noticed the time. Everyone had offered to help set up for the evening and he was happy to take advantage of the help and assigned various tasks.

Dave and Jeff covered the great dining table with a black velvet tablecloth. Susan set up the candles that would be lit when Solari arrived. Phil made sure there were seats for everyone and covered the large mirror on the wall with another piece of black velvet. Sarah and Stevie cleaned up the sitting room, throwing away the empty pizza boxes and putting the beer bottles in the recycling bin.

It seemed to Stevie as if her namesake had come in and waved a magic wand transforming the dining room. It almost looked like the Madame Leota set from Disneyland’s Haunted Mansion. The changes weren’t drastic, but the mood had shifted completely. A warm friendliness changed to thoughtful somberness; to Stevie the difference was welcome. Something about the dark and gothic was a comfort to her and this room was now certainly that.

All of the couples retired to their rooms to change. Mel had requested everyone wear dark colors. Not because it mattered to the spirits one way or the other, but because they were all joining in an event, and the mood they projected was very much a part of it. He made it clear that a séance wasn’t something dark or scary, but it wasn’t frivolous either and to kindly dress accordingly.

Stevie and Sarah smiled when they turned around, both holding their own pair of black leather pants. “Rock paper scissors to see who gets to be butch?” Sarah asked teasingly.

“No reason we can’t both wear ‘em,” Stevie replied. “I think I’ll wear the black silk blouse.”

“The one your bra totally shows through?” Sarah asked pointedly.

“It’s going to be dark Sarah, relax.” Stevie replied feeling a little more pleasure at the stuntwoman’s jealous glare than she probably should.


Mel and Epphie had been arranging long pillar candles on either side of the dining room when he heard the front door open. Solari and Lizzy entered greeting the other two with hugs and kisses all around.

“Epphie, it’s so good to see you,” Solari said warmly, hugging the pregnant woman. “What has it been, seven years?”

“Something like that,” Epphie replied.

“When is she due?” Solari asked with a glance to the pregnant woman’s midsection.

“You never told me it was a she!” Lizzy protested.

Epphie smirked. “Technically I don’t officially know,” she said making Solari smile apologetically. “But I suspected ‘she’ as well. She’s due in six weeks.”

Solari shook her head. “I think she’ll wait four…if you’re lucky.”

The Medium looked around the room, “Brad isn’t here.”

Epphie shook her head a little sadly. “He left shortly after finding out our daughter was on the way. You’ll have to sit down for that whole story though.” Lizzy couldn’t help but notice the conflict that darted across her cousin’s face. She knew he’d always had a thing for Epphie, since the two of them went to high school together. The archaeologist suspected that he couldn’t decide if he was happy or angry that Brad had left. Neither of them had been fond of the high school jock. Lizzy knew that feeling of conflict having experienced it herself for the past several days and didn’t pity her cousin. “You don’t visit this coast enough,” Epphie went on to say, “you need to catch up on the gossip.”

Solari shrugged and sighed wistfully. “It isn’t for lack of desire,” she explained. “I’d be more than happy to have criminals take a vacation and put me out of business. But work keeps me pretty busy. I did catch up on a little of the gossip at any rate.” She added with a smile to Lizzy.

“What do you think?” Epphie asked. “Blonde or brunette?”

“Guys, I’m standing right here,” Lizzy interjected momentarily relieved that these reunions didn’t happen more often.

“I’ve got my guesses but I’d hate to spoil the surprise for dear Lizzy,” Solari said with an affectionate smile.

“Well let’s go in the other room and compare notes while they finish fixing up the room,” Epphie suggested.

Solari smiled, “That’d be great. I need to change clothes anyway.”

“I’ll bring you something to drink,” Mel offered, “Have a seat in the sitting room and I’ll bring it right in.”

“You’ll do no such thing,” Epphie protested. “I haven’t seen Solari in years, you take a load off and I’ll bring her a drink. Besides you’ve been up on that leg enough today.”

When the two old friends were safely out of earshot Mel turned to his cousin, unable to resist the temptation of tousling her hair. “Have a good time catching up with Solari?” He asked.

Lizzy nodded glancing in the direction of the sitting room. “Yeah, seeing her is great. I’m glad she was able to fly in to do this. It’s really sweet of her. I could live without getting teased by both of them though.”

He grinned; glad the two had decided not to pick on him. “You know they adore you, that’s why they tease.”

“Yeah, I guess so.” Lizzy agreed absently.

“But…” Mel asked, sensing his cousin’s distraction.

“But what?” Lizzy asked, trying to decide just how much she wanted to tell her cousin. They’d always been fairly close growing up but had bonded even more closely after the death of their grandmothers and his parents. While Lizzy felt like she could tell him anything, that didn’t necessarily mean she wanted to.

“You seem…distracted, not to mention more dressed up than I’d expect you to be for a séance.” Mel said looking his cousin up and down.

Lizzy was wearing a nice pair of black pinstriped slacks with a deep green blouse. Her makeup was understated, but the fact that she was wearing any at all spoke volumes to her cousin.

“Well you said dress up,” Lizzy replied.

“And when I said it you said ‘forget it’ as I remember.” Mel shrugged. “I know I’d be preoccupied if both of our Californian visitors were interested in me.”

“Did they say something?” She asked with interest.

Mel grinned happy to be able to bolster his cousin’s confidence. “The guys, Jeff and Phil made a bet this morning that either Sarah or Stevie would make a play for you. When they came back from your place, Stevie mentioned she was meeting up with you later. Jeff paid Phil the twenty bucks for the bet and both women got pissed off. Sarah was pissed that Phil hadn’t bet on her and Stevie was royally mad at me for letting them bet on your love life at all. Sarah said something about their vacation not being over yet and not to count her out. The two of them were quiet upstairs for awhile before Stevie left for the museum.” He shook his head torn between pride and worry. “I don’t know cuz, I feel like I should be reminding you about birth control or something…”

“Well fortunately I’m spared that speech.” Lizzy said with a grin.

“Seriously, I want you to be careful,” he said quietly. “I don’t want you to feel like you’re getting into anything over your head. I don’t want either of them pressuring you…”

“Please Mel, stop. I’m not sixteen. I think I can handle myself and if I end up getting into anything over my head…well maybe it’s about time.” Lizzy replied.

“Solari seems to think you’ve got a favorite, do you?” Mel asked as he began to light the numerous candles in the dining room. “Personally I think Sarah is the more easy going of the two. They’re both stunning but… I don’t know. Something about Stevie is kind of off-putting. Like she’s got a dark side or something. She seems really sweet, but dangerous at the same time.” Lizzy nodded absently. “Besides,” he added, reassuring himself. “You’ve always been attracted to brunettes, right?”

“I guess…I dunno,” Lizzy said quietly, watching one of the candle flames flicker seductively. “Stevie’s got a lot of darkness, that’s true. I sense that danger thing too, but it’s the kind of danger that only gets reflected inward. I think I’m kind of drawn to that, want to do something about that.”

“Have you considered having a less complicated first girlfriend?” Mel asked hopefully.

Lizzy smirked, reaching up and tousling his hair for a change. “Who said anything about getting a girlfriend?” She was happy to see someone other than her do the blushing.

“I’m going to put on some nicer clothes,” Mel said making a hasty retreat to his bedroom.

The guests began to drift into the dining room shortly before nine o’clock. Mel arrived first, a dark pair of casual slacks covering his cast and a soft nit grey sweater. Jeff and Phil made their entrance both looking dashing is crisp suits. Jeff was dressed in dark grey and Phil had chosen a deep blue. Susan and Dave Evans arrived looking a little less dressed up, but they’d kept their colors muted. She wore a dark green skirt and sweater and Dave had on brown kaki pants and his ubiquitous Polo shirt.

Lizzy turned her head as she heard booted footfalls on the stairs to see Stevie and Sarah arrive. Both were wearing stylish boots and leather pants, Sarah opting for a thin black sweater and Stevie in a black silk blouse. As the pair descended the stairs the archaeologist considered that each woman wore black in an entirely different manner. On Sarah the color matched her dark hair and made the most colorful part of her body, her vibrant blue eyes stand out; it was hard not to stare at the striking azure pools of light. On Stevie the color black contrasted most with her platinum blonde hair drawing attention to her whole face. There was further contrast with her dark eyebrows and soft brown eyes. There was a glint of metal and Lizzy could see the small crescent moon necklace dangling enticingly above her cleavage. The same place Lizzy had woken up that morning. The archaeologist was grateful of the dimly lit room, hoping that her blushing wouldn’t be as obvious but she suspected this was not the case when Stevie gave her a small wink and a smile.

Solari and Epphie came in from the sitting room. Epphie wearing the skirt and sweater from before but Solari had changed into a long black Victorian styled dress. She carried a large crystal ball and ornate holder that she positioned at the head of the dining table.

“Why doesn’t everyone take a seat,” she said quietly.

“Please try not to get us thrown out of this séance,” Sarah murmured to Stevie with a smirk.

The room was dark, the only light coming from a multitude of candles around its perimeter and moonlight coming in through spaces in the curtained windows. Solari moved one large candle to the center of the dining table just past her crystal ball. Lizzy was glad that everyone had respected her brother’s wishes. There was a formality here, with everyone dressed nicely in colors that did not distract from the somber atmosphere.

Everyone began to sit down in pairs. Mel sat next to Solari with Epphie taking the seat next to him. Lizzy sat next to Epphie and Sarah moved in next to Lizzy leaving Stevie to sit on the other side of her. On Solari’s other side Jeff took a seat with Phil next to him and then Susan and Dave.

“Are Bob and Mary going to be joining us?” Phil asked without animosity.

Dave shook his head. “They’re at a prayer meeting, we’ll meet up with them when we’re finished here. We’re curious and sort of open minded and both Bob and Mary are just curious. They realized that if they can’t fully participate, they shouldn’t ruin it for anyone else, regardless of their personal beliefs.”

“That is very respectful of them,” Stevie said with a smile to Dave. “Will you give them our thanks?” He nodded and took his seat.

“I’d like everyone to rest their hands on the table, and take the hand of the person next to you,” Solari said closing her eyes and relaxing into her seat. “I can’t guarantee anything but we’ll see if anyone besides Lizzy and Mel’s grandmothers decide to show up.”

“They’re here already?” Mel asked in wonder at Lizzy.

“I think they rode over with us in the truck,” Lizzy muttered making Sarah stifle a giggle. Just then a broom fell over in Mel’s kitchen.

Stevie frowned in the direction of the kitchen. “In California, we have these things called broom closets, you should look into it,” she said without a trace of humor. Sarah squeezed her hand affectionately.

“There is an old saying,” Solari continued calmly, “when you think of the dead, the dead can hear your thoughts. I don’t want anyone to think too hard; stay relaxed, but let your mind wander and think about loved ones past who you feel you may need to communicate with. No guarantee they will show up, but it is a place to start.”

For a moment, both Mediums gazed absently into the crystal ball, then simultaneously turned their heads in the direction of Phil and Jeff. “I have the strongest sensation of roses,” Solari began. “I smell roses everywhere, and I’m sensing a very kind old woman.” Epphie nodded in agreement.

“That would be my grandmother,” Phil said excitedly. “She always had rose bushes and I loved visiting her when I was a kid.”

Solari nodded in understanding. “Well, she wants you two to know that she was at your wedding and that while mixed marriages may have been unheard of in her day that your mother should be over it. If need be you can remind your mother about the young Jewish man she caught her with when she was seventeen.” Jeff and Phil stared at each other, stunned. “Jeff,” Solari continued, “she says ‘thank you’ for making an honest man of her grandson and that it wouldn’t kill the both of you to take Jeff’s mother to her Baptist church once in awhile.”

“My grandmother is telling me to take Jeff’s mother to church?” Phil said, amazed. “Grannie never went to church.”

“She says she’s gotten to know Jeff’s family and feels like they’re good people.” Epphie added.

“This is just surreal,” Jeff said quietly.

“She’s not in any pain?” Phil asked, concerned. Remembering with sadness his grandmother’s last days in the hospital.

“No,” Epphie reassured him. “She says to remember the afternoons she’d make custard and sit on the couch while you both watched wrestling and Lawrence Welk. She knows you didn’t particularly enjoy yourself, but those were very happy moments for her. She feels that kind of contentment now.”

“What’s it like to be dead?” Stevie asked, surprised to hear her own voice. She didn’t realize she’d murmured the question out loud.

Solari gazed at the art historian with a very knowing look that made Stevie feel naked and exposed. “Emily, Phil’s grandmother, is saying that death is like life. Everyone is different. If you’re a busybody in life, you will continue to snoop on your family in death,” the Medium said with a glance towards the two men. “If you’re tortured in life, you will remain so in death. We are all responsible for our own Paradise and…damnation on Earth as well as in the afterlife.”

“But the Scriptures,” Susan protested, “they don’t provide for individualized experiences. There is a heaven and hell and it’s the same for everyone.”

Solari shrugged. “Man made God in his own image, not the other way around, and is bound by his beliefs. All of god’s incarnations by all of the people who have ever believed are valid. Surely you don’t think Ancient Egyptians…or Greeks vanished into nothingness when they died simply because Christianity hadn’t been invented yet?”

Dave looked profoundly troubled. “I never thought about that.”

“Like one’s children, everyone wants to think their god is the most perfect, the most beautiful, the most real but if people are all equally full of grace, then how can that be so?” Epphie asked curiously.

There was no sound for a moment then the two medium’s turned to each other before looking at Dave once more. “I sense a man,” Solari said quietly, looking at Dave; her eyes full of sympathy. Even in the candle light Stevie could see some of the color drain from his face. “He is sorry for the way he treated you. He was wrong to drink, he was wrong to hit, he was wrong to not provide the love and support you deserved.” Solari cocked her head to one side as if listening. “He says your mother was right to leave, and he has forgiven her, so you should too.”

Dave shook his head sadly. “How do you know it’s my father? I can’t believe this. He’s dead, nothing more.”

“He has a lot of scars…” Solari began to explain.

“Tell him that I have forgiven him,” Dave replied flatly not really hearing her. “In time I pray I will forgive my mother too, but I’m not there yet.” Dave replied tightly. Susan squeezed his hand comfortingly.

Epphie smiled warmly. “He says he knows, and that you’re closer than you think.” With a warm glance to Lizzy, Epphie turned her attention back to Solari. “Janice is asking about Argo,” she said softly.

Solari nodded. “I know, she asks every year.” The Medium shook her head sadly. “I’ve no doubt that Argo is on her way to you,” she replied to the room, “I can’t say why she hasn’t found you yet.”

“Why would a ghost ask questions about another ghost?” Sarah asked curiously. “Wouldn’t she just know, what was going on?”

Shaking her head Solari replied, “not when the missing ghost is a dog. They operate a bit differently.”

“She may be enjoying heaven on her own, chasing squirrels or enjoying a vat of whipped cream, I’m sure she’ll find you soon,” Lizzy said reassuringly

“Dogs can’t go to heaven,” Susan said dismissively, “they just can’t, they don’t have souls.”

The back door blew open and a current of wind swept through the dining room extinguishing many of the candles on each side as it passed. Two wine glasses shattered in an antique cabinet on the far side of the dining room sending small glass shards everywhere.

“I would beg to differ with you” Solari said sternly to Susan. “And it seems so would Janice Covington.”

“Like that episode of The Twilight Zone says,” Stevie added, “a heaven without dogs isn’t worth going to.”

Epphie smiled as she stood to relight the candles on her side of the dining room, “Melinda says that Janice is having a very hard time disliking you,”

“I am glad to hear that,” Stevie replied, moving to the other side of the room to relight several more candles.

“Why would grandma Janice dislike Stevie?” Mel asked, puzzled. “We only just met them.”

Stevie felt her face grow warm as all eyes in the room looked at her. Lizzy smiled sympathetically making a small nod to her cousin. “It seems I’m the reincarnation of the arch nemesis to your ancient Greek ancestors,” Stevie said unapologetically.

“Callisto?” Mel breathed, his eyes growing wide, “I don’t believe it.”

“She corrected some of Janice’s findings,” Lizzy explained then grimaced as another wine glass shattered. “She knows things about her that haven’t been published.”

Dave quickly rose to his feet and moved to the cabinet, examining the shattered glasses, as if looking for some sort of trick. “This glass is freezing cold,” he said, amazed as he gingerly touched a couple of glass shards. “But the glasses themselves feel fine.”

“Please stop breaking things,” Lizzy implored. “Those were Melinda’s remember?”

“There is no disrespect in having your work be as accurate as possible.” Stevie added with a disapproving glance to the glassware.

“I don’t believe in reincarnation,” Susan whispered to Dave.

“Wish I didn’t,” Stevie replied, unfazed. “But I’m finding fewer and fewer reasons not to believe it.”

“You don’t seem evil at all,” Mel argued, stubbornly.

“Why thank you,” Stevie said gratefully.

“Of course she isn’t evil,” Lizzy shot back with an exasparated glare at her cousin.


“She isn’t Callisto, anymore than I’m Gabrielle or Sarah is Xena. We aren’t our pasts…” Lizzy explained well aware of the uncomprehending looks from the two couples on the other side of the table.

“Wait a minute,” Mel said awe tingeing his voice, “Sarah is Xena?”

The stuntwoman shrugged, “Epphie said so the other night,” she affirmed without emotion.

“Why didn’t you tell me this?” Mel asked looking at Lizzy. “This is fantastic.”

“Look,” Sarah said politely, “I don’t really buy into all of this stuff, I’m just going along to be polite. I don’t know who the hell Xena was anyways.”

“You’ve got to be kidding, they haven’t told you stories of Xena?” Mel gushed disbelievingly.

“Dude,” Sarah cut him off, “don’t get all fan-boy on me. She is some dead Greek chick, end of story; no big deal.”

“Lizzy how can you not be crazy about her if she’s Xena?” Mel blurted, giving up on trying to talk any sense into Sarah. “You guys were meant for each other.”

There was no mistaking the confused glances being exchanged by the other two couples.

“Mel, we are so not discussing my love life during a séance. If you don’t want me to walk out right now, you’ll be smart and not say another word.” Lizzy said quietly, her voice as firm as steel.

Everyone around the table looked at each other uncomfortably.

“We would make a cute couple, wouldn’t we?” Sarah asked with a grin, breaking the tension. “Wow, look at that, no plates broke. But talk about Lizzy and Stevie hooking up…”

As if on cue, another wine glass shattered.

“This has got to be some sort of gag,” Susan said, inspecting the broken glassware for herself. “I don’t see how they do it,” she said to Dave.

“You must really be Xena,” Stevie said annoyed, “because as I remember she could really be a jerk too.” She looked Sarah straight in the eye. The stuntwoman’s blue eyes held her gaze for a moment and then looked away, embarassed.

“I’m sorry Stevie,” she whispered, “it was a cheap shot. You’re not your past, any more than I am. We lived and died in Greece, big deal.”

“We aren’t our pasts,” Stevie agreed. “But we aren’t free from them either.”

Epphie gazed at the center of the table, “Maybe we should continue this discussion after the séance,” she offered, realizing that family group therapy wasn’t something that the Evans or Jeff and Phil wanted to participate in anymore than she did.


The séance continued for the next two hours with Susan and Dave asking a variety of questions. Surprised by the number of departed loved ones who were willing to chat, Susan had to admit with some difficulty that there was no way either medium could have done the research necessary to come up with the answers. Jeff and Phil were also active participants enjoying the opportunity to learn more about each other’s family.

Only when the strain became apparent on Solari’s features, did the Medium bring the séance to a close wishing all participants living and otherwise a pleasant evening. Phil and Jeff excused themselves, clearly moved by the experience, as were Susan and Dave. Both couples spoke in hushed voices as they headed upstairs. The Hendersons returned soon thereafter and without a word to the rest of the group, headed upstairs as well.

Mel opened a bottle of wine and took one of the few remaining wine glasses from the cabinet and poured a glass, handing it to Solari. He poured a glass for Lizzy and Sarah and disappeared into the kitchen, returning with a glass of lemonade for Epphie and additional wine glasses for Stevie and himself.

“I’m surprised that the spirits of Xena and Gabrielle didn’t make an appearance,” Epphie said conversationally to Solari as she extinguished the candles.

“It may have something to do with the reincarnations sitting here, like their souls are already present.” Solari replied.

“I’m just glad she didn’t break any more glassware,” Mel grumbled softly as he handed the juice glass of wine to Stevie.

“To what end?” Stevie asked absently, looking into her wine. “What advice or warning could they give that would change the course of what is to be?”

“I’m still not totally buying this,” Sarah protested. “Ghosts, I get. That makes sense. I’m all over the fact that one of Lizzy’s grandmother’s hates you and wants to keep you away badly enough to break family heirlooms. I think her anger is mistaken, of course. I love you to pieces. But I’m not buying into me being some sort of heroic,” she noted Stevie’s frown, “or demonic depending on your point of view, warrior from ancient Greece.”

Solari nodded. “No one is saying you have to buy into it, Sarah. We do, and for us that’s what matters. I’m with you, Stevie. I see no point in the souls of Xena and Gabrielle communicating anything we don’t already know. Besides, I’m not sure they’d have had the space to communicate with Janice and Melinda vying for attention. What puzzles me is why Callisto didn’t show up.”

“She’s here,” Stevie said absently. “Glued to me like a shadow. She haunts my thoughts, and spends my moments of unconsciousness making me wish I were awake. Anything she has to say I have to figure out for myself.”

Epphie shrugged and opened the living room curtains, letting moonlight fill the room with a soft blue glow. “I see the logic in that. She needs you to help her, and to do so you’ve got to find the way on your own. I don’t envy you that task.”

“Are Janice and Mel still here?” Sarah asked curiously looking around the darkened dining room. “Can they move a penny like in the movie Ghost?”

“No,” Both mediums said in unison.

“Janice is a warning force,” Solari added “sensing danger and ferociously protective of her family. Melinda is a nurturing force no less protective of her family but…” she was quiet a moment, considering her words carefully, “perhaps a little more trusting of the living to find their own way.”

Stevie downed her glass of wine and passed it to Mel who quietly refilled it. Sitting down at the table once more, soft brown eyes searched those of Solari and Epphie. “I need to learn things,” she said. “I need to grow. Can you help me?” she asked quietly. “Can Janice and Melinda help me? How can Callisto move on? How can we put her to rest? No one should have to feel the way I do every waking moment. These ghosts don’t even know me. What about me is so evil or wrong that I can’t be given a chance here?”

Without any discussion Solari and Epphie took their seats at the table, as did Sarah and Lizzy. Solari downed her own glass of wine and Lizzy and Sarah followed suit. Sensing that the night was far from over, Mel uncorked a second bottle letting it breathe. The room was nearly dark, the only light coming from moonlight streaming in through the windows. Together the two Mediums took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. When they spoke Solari’s voice had a slight southern twang and Epphie stared at Stevie with eyes that were cold and full of apprehension. Even in the near darkness, warning was clearly evident in those eyes.

“Do you know how may people Callisto murdered?” Epphie demanded.

“Probably between two hundred and seventy-five and three hundred and twenty – that is if you include the people killed by her warriors.” Stevie replied without hesitation, wondering where that number came from. “I’m sure she killed at least a hundred and fifty of those people personally. What’s your point?” Stevie asked taking another sip of wine. “I’ve no doubt Xena has a higher body count, she had a bigger army after all.”

“I think the point is that Xena tried to atone for what she did,” Sarah said, a bit defensively. “Don’t ask me why I got defensive just now, I don’t even like Xena.”

The dark haired medium smiled indulgently at Sarah and then turned her attention to Epphie. “So, since Callisto didn’t atone when she was alive, she never gets to?” Solari asked, the slight southern drawl sounding out of place. “She endured more than we knew, we found that out last night.”

“For generations, everywhere she went there was destruction.” Epphie said stubbornly. “I don’t have an issue with Callisto seeking atonement, I do have an issue with her involving my family.” She looked at Lizzy fondly. “You could get hurt and that doesn’t need to happen.” She then looked at Mel, “you could get hurt too Hon, we want the both of you to be safe.” Finally she turned her attention back to Stevie. “I want you to find peace, but leave my family out of it.”

“Keeping Callisto away from your family would have required a little forethought on Xena’s part,” Lizzy shot back stubbornly. “Like maybe not creating her in the first place! Or maybe Xena could have avoided her involvement with Gabrielle and creating a family or any other number of other possibilities. It’s a little late now to sit back and say ‘it’s not my problem.’ Besides, you’re both dead!”

“Elizabeth Janice Covington!” Solari said sternly, “There is no need for sass.”

“Yes ma’am,” Lizzy said automatically feeling her cheeks flush hotly. “Sorry.”

“What is it you people want from me,” Stevie demanded, anger threading her voice. “What kind of atonement are you looking for from me, Stevie Montgomery? I am not Callisto! Do I need to go out and fight crime? People who do that today are called vigilantes and tend to get arrested. The fact that I wake up every morning and want to take my own life isn’t enough for you? That I know what Callisto is responsible for and live with it every fucking day?” Stevie downed her wine once more and reached for the bottle herself. “How many different kinds of penance will it take to satisfy this guilt?”

“That isn’t for me to tell you,” Epphie said, unfazed by the outburst. “But I can tell you that you don’t need to drag my family into it. In fact I forbid it.”

“Lucky for you Melinda didn’t feel the same way, huh?” Mel asked quietly, coming to Stevie’s defense. “If she’d kept Xena’s past and darkness away from you, well your life would have just been about relics, wouldn’t it? Both of your lives.” Both Mediums stared at him, surprise etched on their features.

“Besides, I’d give my progeny more credit if I were you,” Sarah added. “If I’m the reincarnation of the almighty Xena and I fell in love with Stevie then how bad can she be? Two arch enemies ending up lovers all those generations later? Yeah, we broke up, but I don’t love her any less and I’m guessing you people should think I know a thing or two about evil, right? Before you decide Stevie is the reincarnation of a monster, why don’t you really find out? Your granddaughter isn’t an idiot, was Gabrielle ever fooled by Callisto before?”

“Well there was that one time by the fire…” Stevie began and winced as Sarah kicked her in the shin.

Epphie looked wistfully at the wine bottle and then took a large swig of her lemonade. She glanced at Solari before returning her gaze to Stevie once more. “Fine,” she saif flatly. “We’ll get to know you. So… tell me about your dogs…”


It was well after two o’clock in the morning when Solari pushed herself away from the dining table. She looked profoundly exhausted, yet pleased with herself. “Well that went well,” she said, relieved that any southern traces were absent from her voice.

“If you mean that nothing else got broken, then yeah,” Mel agreed. “But do you think it did any good?” he asked, looking at Stevie and Sarah.

Stevie shook her head, noting the four empty wine bottles and regretting already the amount of wine she’d consumed. “I don’t know,” she offered. “I don’t have any clearer idea of what I’m supposed to do for Callisto and please don’t take this the wrong way, but I don’t really care if I impressed your dead grandmothers or not.” Lizzy winced inwardly, the comment having stung more than she would have cared to admit.

“I think you were fine,” Sarah said unconcerned. “You’re obviously not psychotic, I think that’s the main thing.”

“Trying to get the approval of dead people in order to hang out with members of their family so their dishes don’t break isn’t psychotic behavior?” Stevie asked pointedly.

Sarah looked crestfallen, “Well when you put it like that…” she muttered. “I’m guessing that Janice Covington was pretty stubborn, so a phrase like ‘I forbid it,” is pretty serious, yes?”

Mel glanced at his cousin and nodded his head sadly.

Lizzy picked up several of the wine glasses and headed into the kitchen. She turned on the light and rinsed the glasses, trying to decide what it was about Stevie’s comment that stung so much. A moment or two later she was joined at the sink by the Egyptologist who walked up carrying the other glasses.

“Hey,” Stevie said quietly.

“Hey yourself,” Lizzy replied realizing that she’d known it was Stevie the second she walked into the room. She’d become attuned to her perfume and picked up the subtle fragrance sight unseen. She was hard pressed to think of a scent she found more appealing.

“You upset with me?” Stevie asked, taking the washed wine glass and drying it with a dishtowel.

“No,” Lizzy replied, not quite truthfully. “Why would you ask that?”

“Because I’ve spent a bazillion dollars on therapy and I know the signs,” the Egyptologist answered.

“Everything is fine, seriously,” Lizzy replied, without looking up.

“Oh,” Stevie said with forced lightness. “I see. Okay.” They finished the remainder of glasses in silence, which spoke volumes. When the last one was dried, Stevie put the dishtowel on the counter and turned to face the archeologist.

“We still have plans for that party tomorrow? Or I should say today?” The taller woman asked.

Lizzy nodded mutely, almost surprised that Stevie still wanted to go.

“Good,” Stevie continued. “You know, just because I’m not interested in impressing your dead grandmothers, doesn’t mean I’m not interested in impressing you.” Lizzy looked up, knowing full well the surprise at being found out was registering all over her face. “Like I said, I know the signs,” Stevie continued unperturbed. “It’s cold out, you should wear my jacket home.” Leaning forward she kissed Lizzy softly on the lips. “I’m also not frightened by threats from dead people. She could break every dish you own and I’ll write you a check. Happy Halloween,” she whispered and walked back through the dining room to follow Sarah upstairs.

Absently touching her mouth, Lizzy watched her go and wondered for the first time if indeed she was getting in over her head. Even dead, she would hesitate to bet on anyone besting Janice Covington. She idly wondered if the sensation of being overwhelmed was how her grandmothers had felt about each other, and if so why they were trying so desperately to keep her from the experience. Knowing too much wine had been imbibed to yield any answers that night, she donned Stevie’s leather jacket, comforted by the familiar scent and walked back into the dining room to see if Solari was ready to head home.

Chapter Six 

“It’s just the ghost of what you really want
And it’s the ghost of the past that you live in
And it’s the ghost of the future you are frightened of”

Ghosts – Stevie Nicks


“Wake up, we’ve got company.” Stevie Montgomery recognized the sound of her voice although she knew she hadn’t spoken. She blinked and opened her eyes. In moments they focused on Callisto’s face as the warrior leaned over her. Sitting up, Stevie’s head spun. It had been a long time since she’d had that much wine and she was clearly still drunk.

“What the hell?” Stevie groaned as she looked down to find herself still dressed as Callisto. Looking at the warrior once more she was shocked to see the psychotic wearing her clingy black dress, spiky heels and red nail polish. She was Callisto and Callisto was she. “What the fuck is this about?”

Callisto shrugged. “I don’t make the rules here, you do.”

Before Stevie could think of something to say, she saw two figures walking towards her. She realized she’d been laying down on a hard, dirt road. Snow was falling and the air was crisp and cold. The hills around her were green and grassy and the sky was a hazy blue. As the women walking up the road grew near Stevie recognized them. In fact she’d been talking to the shorter one not long before she’d fallen asleep. She stood up and dusted herself off when the archaeologist and her companion came to a stop. “Dr. Covington,” Stevie said sticking out her hand by force of habit. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

“Very funny Callisto,” Janice said curtly, turning her attention to Callisto.

“No, I’m Stevie,” Stevie insisted. “She’s Callisto,” she said with a nod to the woman wearing her dress.

“That’s odd,” the taller woman said, a southern accent coloring her words.

“Or a lie.” Janice replied.

In that moment Stevie was assured it really was Dr. Janice Covington she was speaking to. The archaeologist had a reputation for being blunt, direct and not particularly diplomatic. While Stevie never considered herself a ‘fan’ of the Doctor’s, she was impressed by her findings and published work. Dressed as she’d seen in several pictures, Dr. Covington was wearing the typical trousers, boots, shirt and jacket she’d have worn on a dig in the late fourties or early fifties. She was a vision in earth tones with her reddish blonde hair was in a ponytail. She also wore her trademark fedora. A whip was tied to the belt at her waist and the tip of a cigar could be seen poking from her shirt pocket. Her companion was wearing a very smart black skirt suit with a cream blouse and stylish pumps. She wore a string of pearls around her neck and a modest watch around her wrist.

“Believe me,” Callisto said with a shrug “I’m not the least bit interested in your granddaughter, or you for that matter. You both make lousy Gabrielles.”

“Callisto, please,” Stevie hissed. “Leave Lizzy out of this and don’t be rude to Dr. Covington.”

“This makes no sense,” the shorter woman muttered glancing back to Stevie.

“Janice, manners!” the tall brunette chided gently. She took the Egyptologist’s hand and shook it warmly. “Stevie, it is nice to meet you in person as it were, I feel like I already know you.”

“Thank you Miss. Pappas,” Stevie said with a smile, surprised at the warmth and strength in Melinda’s grip. “I don’t mean to be rude, but I don’t know why the two of you are here – in my dream that is.”

“We tried to reach you last night, at Lizzy’s place.” Janice said, taking the cigar from her pocket and nipping off the tip with her teeth. “Seems you keep a pretty tight reign your mind when you’re sober.” She lit the cigar and blew a couple of perfect smoke rings.

Stevie grimaced. “If the dreams I’ve been having are the result of being sober, I may take up drinking again.”

“I don’t think tonight is going to go any better,” Mel said sympathetically. “Probably best to drink in moderation.”

Stevie looked around at her surroundings. She felt the chill of the crisp air and snow and was amazed at the blueness of the sky in spite of the light snowfall. Janice Covington also seemed intrigued by the scenery and walked several steps away to look over the crest of the hill that she and her companion had climbed. Stevie followed and looked down the road at a large stone building surrounded by a wall made of stone with a wooden gate. Several crosses stood in a courtyard out front with bodies nailed to them. Stevie Montgomery recognized a crucifixion when she saw it. “Where are we?” Stevie asked.

“You’re an archaeologist,” Janice said gruffly, “you tell me.”

Stevie watched intently as several guards opened the gate. A small horse pulled wagon emerged with several more guards in the back. Armed with a ladder, they headed to the most distant cross and proceeded to take the body down, tossing it carelessly into the back of the wagon when they were finished. Stevie studied the wagon, the armor, weapons anything that might have given her a clue. “This is Italy,” she said. “Roman Empire, from the looks of the tool marks on that shield, the time of Caesar.”

“Very good,” Janice replied, impressed. “We’re at the base of Mt. Amaro to be precise. If we were further up the peak we’d be able to see Pescara on the Adriatic coast on a clear day. Any guesses as to why we’re here?”

Instinctively Stevie looked at Callisto, who had been watching the guards removing bodies from the crosses with disinterest. “What’s going on here?” she asked the warrior who at present looked anything but.

 “Today is the day Xena and Gabrielle die and my fate…our fate was set.” She replied with a shrug.

“Are they down there?” Stevie asked, looking again at the prison.

“Gabrielle is,” Janice explained. “Xena went to Rome to kill Caesar. He had Gabrielle captured and brought here, Xena will try to rescue her before long.”

“It doesn’t end well,” Mel added with profound sadness.

“Why don’t we go inside and see what happens?” Janice asked in a tone that made it clear the question was rhetorical. She glared at Callisto who rolled her eyes.

“Wait,” Stevie said, holding her head as she felt her world spin. “How is it I’m talking to you? How is it you can be here? Are you figments of my dreams the way Callisto is?”

“Actually, I’m a memory not a figment,” Callisto said, looking with interest at the deep red of her painted nails. “Small detail I know.”

“No, we’re here alright,” Janice, said, tipping her hat back just a little. “It isn’t easy mind you, given that we’re some distance from our ashes.”

“That’s why we tried last night,” Mel added helpfully. “Our ashes are in an urn in Lizzy’s spare bedroom. It’s why our presence can be felt so strongly in her house.”

“And at the museum,” Janice added. “A lot of our stuff is there too.”

“Lizzy has a spare bedroom?” Stevie said, the notion dawning on her, leaving her surprised and impressed at how smoothly Covington’s granddaughter had arranged the sleeping arrangements the previous night.

“That one’s tricky,” Callisto added with a smirk and wink at Janice. “Must run in the family.”

“Why do you think we were making so much racket?” Janice demanded, albeit softly.

“Well, Janice made the racket,” Mel corrected gently.

“The point is, we can talk to you here, in your dream because the wine has got you unguarded enough that we can reach you. This wasn’t the case last night,” Janice explained with a somewhat sheepish glance to Melinda. “I mean what I said earlier about you deserving your shot at redemption, everyone does,” she continued. “But you’re going to see, with your own eyes why you don’t need to go after that redemption by entangling my family.”

“I’m willing to hear you out,” Stevie said and started down the road to the prison, “but I can’t promise that will change anything. Honestly Sarah was right in that you should give your family more credit to take care of themselves. Besides I’ve no idea how I’m supposed to get redemption for Callisto involving your family or not. Don’t you think if I could do it I would have done so already?”

“Maybe you’ve got the pieces to the puzzle and just haven’t figured out how to put them together yet?” Mel offered gently as they walked.

“I’ve never been very good at puzzles,” Stevie acknowledged with a sad smile.

“What’s with the outfit?” Janice asked Callisto curtly as they walked behind Stevie and Melinda.

“Don’t know,” Callisto replied with a smile. “Thought I’d try a new look. Do you like it?”

“No.” Janice answered without missing a beat. “So, of all the miserable days of your existence, was this one the worst?”

Callisto spared her only the briefest of glances before answering. “No. Xena murdering my family still takes the cake. Don’t get me wrong, of all the hellish days to follow, this one was right up there but how do you top watching your family getting burned alive.”

Janice’s cheeks flushed a little, but she kept her composure. She extracted the cigar from her lips and pointed it at Callisto for emphasis. “Maybe because today was a horror of your own making. You had no choice in what happened to your family and it was horrific, terrible. But today you made choice to ruin not only your life, your hope for a better future, but the lives of two other people as well.”

Callisto stopped and turned to face the archeologist who to her credit didn’t flinch, as she had to look up into the face of a very annoyed killer. “I’m just glad you didn’t say ‘two innocent people’ because your dear Xena and Gabrielle were anything but that. Xena destroyed everyone and everything in her path; Lao Ma, Borias, Solon, Gabrielle…me. The brat wasn’t the innocent she professed to be either.”

Stevie stepped in between Janice and Callisto as foursome stopped outside the wooden gate. “What are you going to do today?” She gently asked Callisto, trying to draw the warrior’s attention from the archaeologist.

Callisto glanced at Janice and Mel before returning her attention to Stevie. “I was in hell,” she said then rolled her eyes at the unsympathetic glare she received from Janice Covington. “Sure, you could say it was a hell of my own making with the real-estate bought and paid for by Xena, the Warrior Princess. But it was hell nonetheless. Incessantly I’d be tortured by those two; taunted, reminded of all my missed opportunities, my empty vengeance. I knew they were getting another shot; Xena was getting another life, a reincarnation, and a chance to do better, to do it differently. So was her dear little Gabrielle. I guess I was naive enough then not to realize that life after life is it’s own form of hell. All the options are hell of some sort. To get my own shot I had to corrupt Caesar and get Xena off of her path – make her turn from the way of the warrior. Simple as that. So I did, or tried at any rate.”

“You failed?” Stevie asked not clear on why Xena and Gabrielle died if Callisto was unsuccessful.

“For the most part,” Callisto allowed. “Caesar was murdered by the Senate. As for Xena, I guess you’ll understand it better if you just watch. It’s what shorty wants at any rate.”

“Watch whom you’re calling small, Callisto,” Melinda said, her voice as cold as steel. “When it comes to real stature, you’re the tiny one here.” Although she knew it shouldn’t, the comment stung Stevie.

As the quartet of women stood outside the gates talking, the wagon approached and the gates opened. It was obvious that no one could see the four of them and they followed the wagon inside. Xena emerged from under the pile of rotting corpses and made her way across the courtyard. A second Callisto appeared, this one not wearing Stevie’s black clingy cocktail dress, but a white toga. Another difference, this Callisto had short spiky blonde hair, different from the other pair’s shoulder length tresses.

“I just keep coming back,” the new Callisto said to Xena. “In that way, I’m more dependable than your chakram. My lord sees everything Xena – and you don’t have to go through with this. I can arrange it for you and Gabrielle and all her peaceful little friends to just walk out of here—and no one gets hurt. You and Gabrielle can live happily ever after.”

“What ‘lord’?” Stevie asked the Callisto wearing her dress. Ignoring Xena’s response to the toga clad woman. “And why do you have short hair.”

“I mentioned ‘hell’ you do the math.” Callisto replied smoothly to answer both questions.

“I’m not Christian,” Stevie insisted. “I don’t believe in ‘hell’ anymore than I believe in ‘heaven’.”

“Well obviously you did at some point,” Janice interjected. “Besides, that isn’t the point. It’s not what you believe now; it’s who you were then. You’re trying to tempt Xena from her path to trade her soul for yours. Her shot at redemption for yours.”

“That guilt you’re depending on, I put it all behind me,” Xena said to Callisto, her icy blue eyes boring into brown. The emphatic tone drew Stevie and Janice’s attention and they stopped bickering. “You see, I know now what I have to do. I have to be the best warrior I can be. To redeem myself, I have to fight evil with a sword and that’s what I’m gonna do no matter what the consequences.”

“That makes absolutely no sense.” Stevie said, frowning at Xena and the toga clad Callisto. “Since when does being the better warrior lead to peace?”

“I don’t know,” Melinda protested gently, “my life was rather peaceful and I suppose Sarah’s is as well. I think what Xena did with her sword provided us that peace.”

“So the reward is to keep coming back?” Stevie asked, disappointed. “That’s heaven?”

“You just said you don’t believe in heaven,” Mel reminded her with a smile.

“Perpetual existence? That’s the reward?” Stevie wondered aloud, shaking her head. “ That’s what you get for not believing in heaven? Sounds more like the other place if you ask me.”

“I guess that depends on what you do with your life,” Janice observed.

Stung, Stevie looked away her eyes falling on the Callisto wearing her dress. Their eyes met and for the first time she saw herself although the knowledge sickened her. Together they turned their attention to their shorthaired twin wearing the toga. “Exactly,” they said in unison.

Callisto tried one more time to persuade Xena and again she failed. This time she let out Xena’s battle cry alerting the guards. As they frantically began to search the courtyard, Callisto, Stevie, Janice and Melinda watched Xena fight her way into the prison. In moments a number of people came running out, heading for the gates. The toga-clad Callisto watched from the wall, frustration growing more prevalent on her smooth features as the followers of Eli ran out the open gate.

“No, no.” The shorthaired woman fumed. “Noooooo!” In an instant of fury she threw a chakram at Xena, hitting her square in the back. Xena’s knees buckled and she fell, face first into the hard packed dirt of the courtyard. A guard ran forward with his sword drawn. In an instant the pike thrown through his chest stopped his movement. Stevie looked around to see who had come to Xena’s aid and was shocked to see the look of unadulterated rage on Gabrielle’s face. She’d known enough of Xena’s history to know that Gabrielle was a pacifist and the sight of the bard running to Xena’s side with a sword made her stomach lurch.

Stevie’s gaze was riveted on the tragic scene that played out in front of her. Soldiers ran forward and Gabrielle cut them down. The whole time she was screaming for Xena to get up, to run. Helplessly Xena watched, the fear and horror evident in her voice when she said her spine was broken and she couldn’t feel her legs. Stevie counted an additional seven men fall to Gabrielle’s sword. One guard had his head repeatedly pounded into the ground, another she stabbed multiple times with a dagger. There was no doubt in Stevie’s mind that the only thing the bard could see at the moment was red. Absently she wondered if that was how she’d feel or if she’d seen Sarah cut down in front of her…or if she’d seen her mother burned alive.

In her peripheral vision Stevie could see Callisto watching the scene play out dispassionately. She looked like a woman who had revisited this moment too many times. Melinda Pappas had turned her head away, tucked behind Janice’s hat. The archaeologist had her arms wrapped protectively around her partner’s waist and was watching Stevie with steely focus.

In moments it was all over. Eight men lay dead on the courtyard ground and Xena and Gabrielle were surrounded by many more. Gabrielle stared at the bloody dagger she held as if seeing it for the first time. She dropped it and did not resist as guards roughly dragged her off the body of the guard below her.

Without being asked, Stevie followed the guards as they dragged Xena and Gabrielle back inside the prison. It may have appeared to any guard standing watch that Xena and Gabrielle waited for their fate alone, but there was an additional quartet waiting with them, as somber as the two who awaited execution.

In an instant she had her answer. Stevie could now see exactly why Janice Covington would never accept her, never believe that she could change. She’d watched Callisto hit Xena from behind and turn Gabrielle into a vengeful killer. The worst kind. That more than anything else was the tragedy. For all her proclamations of love, of the cycle of hate not being repeated, for all of the strength she mustered at the death of Perdicus, when the one she loved was hurt, Gabrielle of Poteidaia was a killer. “What does it feel like to die?” Stevie asked absently.

“Depends on the death,” Janice said sitting next to Melinda on a crate in the prison and holding the southerner’s hand tenderly. “Our death was pretty quick. The truck driven by the drunk came across into our lane from nowhere. I saw a flash and that was it.”

“I remember looking over to Janice,” Melinda added. “Her beautiful green eyes were the last things I saw. In a way I suppose it was better than going in my sleep.”

Stevie was quite surprised to see the archaeologist blushing a little. Even now, even in death she couldn’t imagine two more perfectly connected people. Even as she thought that, her gaze drifted to the floor of the cell and the pair of toga clad women sitting on the straw. Gabrielle was leaning against a pole and Xena was resting in her lap. Much of the color had drained from Xena’s face and it was clear to Stevie that if their execution weren’t upon them Xena wouldn’t live through the day.

“Argo died peacefully,” Janice whispered. “Had to put her out of her suffering. I had a friend who was a vet back then. We put her to sleep.”

“At home and in Janice’s arms,” Mel added tenderly.

“Well her head anyway,” Janice murmured. “She was a pretty big dog. Would have been hard to hold all of her…”

“I’m sure that was the hardest thing you’ve ever had to do.” Stevie said gently. Watching as Melinda took her hand from Janice’s and wrapped her arm protectively around the smaller woman. “What happened?” she asked.

“It was her liver,” Janice said matter of factly, although she did wipe a non-existent speck from her eye. “She got very sick very fast. She had one rough night and that was all I could take. I wouldn’t make her endure anymore.”

“That was very selfless of you.” Stevie said, noting Melinda’s smile of gratitude.

“It wasn’t about me. Love sometimes means doing what very painfully isn’t best for you.” Even though her eyes were moist, she didn’t flinch as her stare bore into Stevie.

“Did you bury her?” Stevie asked, choosing to ignore the double meaning of the archeologist’s words.

Janice shook her head, a single tear escaping one eye.

“She had an Amazon funeral,” Melinda explained, giving Janice’s shoulder a squeeze. “I stayed with Argo while Janice built a funeral pyre. Two of Pandora’s sons offered to help but Janice wanted to do it on her own. We carried her out there and when it was all over Janice collected the ashes and put them in an urn. Those ashes are with us in the urn in Lizzy’s bedroom.”

“I’m sure she’ll find you soon,” Stevie said, remembering Janice’s query from the séance.

“What about you?” Janice asked Callisto, changing the subject. “Do you have anything to add on the subject of death? Certainly you’ve caused enough of it.”

“Well let me just see,” Callisto said, turning hotly to Janice. “The first time Xena killed me I drowned in quicksand. Do you know what that’s like? Drowning? You hold your breath for as long as you can. You feel the weight of sand and mud closing in on you, sinking, pulling you down. Your lungs scream for air and when you absolutely can’t hold your breath for another second you panic. You open your mouth and inhale. In that instant mud rushes into your lungs and you choke, you cough and try to get air, but it’s only mud- in your nose, in your lungs. Finally after what feels like hours you start to black out, only then does the panic subside even as your body is still twitching and gasping for air.” Callisto stood and in heels looking very alien on the straw strewn floor of the prison, strode across the room to stand on the other side of Melinda, away from Janice. “The second time Xena killed me I was stabbed. I suppose I should have been grateful I died more quickly, but it’s hard to be grateful with a burning dagger in your gut.”

“I wonder if that’s how Perdicus felt?” Janice asked innocently.

“Maybe…” Callisto began, unfazed by the archeologist’s jibe. “I did stab him in the gut.”

“What about the people Perdicus killed?” Stevie asked locking eyes with Janice. “Is anyone in this story innocent?”

Janice stood up, but sat back down on the crate as a restraining hand on her shoulder pulled back. “She has a point Janice,” Mel said softly.

“I certainly think the self-inflicted deaths are the best,” Callisto continued as if she were reciting a shopping list. “At least you know when even if you don’t know exactly what will happen. Hanging is risky – when I broke my neck it was quick, but another time I just hung there until I suffocated. Guns are good, quick- although the sound is ear splitting and gunpowder is very bitter. I think getting murdered is the worst, especially when it’s someone who wants to take their time. Not only is the pain, but also the fear and terror at what will happen next. It really seems to be in our nature to worry about what will happen next. Drug overdoses can vary, sometimes it’s numbing and a fading out of everything. Other times it’s a very bad trip with all the fear and horror of getting murdered.” Callisto turned and began to walk towards Janice once more. “Oh yes,” she said. “And then there’s fire. It’s not like some bright light of a truck hitting you head on; it’s an agonizingly slow crawl towards death. You suffocate, of course from the smoke. Sometimes you’re lucky and that’s it. Other times you also feel the pain of first degree, then second and then third degree burns as your skin blackens, cracks and peels right off your body. Your eyes dry out, your mouth is parched, your lungs sting from the heat and smoke. I was burned at the stake once, during the Spanish Inquisition. I died burned alive, just like my family.”

Green eyes locked onto brown for a moment and then Janice looked away. Callisto stood there, looking down at the archeologist and it made Stevie uncomfortable. While she agreed with Janice, she couldn’t help but feel some sympathy for the woman wearing her dress. Wearing a face that was beginning to look all too much like the one she saw in the mirror each morning. When the dreams started, it had been so easy to see Callisto as someone every different. Now wearing her clothes, seeing the psychotic dressed as she, the line began to blur. She walked over to the warrior and gently tugging on Callisto’s arm, pulled the woman away from Janice and Mel. To Stevie’s surprise, Callisto allowed herself to be guided away.

Just then the figures seated on the floor of the jail cell stirred. Xena and Gabrielle spoke to each other in soft tones. Gabrielle did her best not to cry, yet translucent tears splashed on Xena’s face anyway.

“Gabrielle?” Xena asked, regaining consciousness.

“Xena.” Gabrielle answered, holding onto the body in her lap protectively.

“You’re crying?” Xena asked, confused. “Don’t cry.”

Gabrielle shook her head, forcing a smile to her face that she clearly didn’t feel. “I wont. Rest.”

Xena nodded slightly and whispered, “okay.” Shaking herself once more she said, “I made you leave the way of love, it was my fault.”

“What was the ‘way of love’?” Stevie asked.

“A cult that Gabrielle joined,” Callisto answered only to be hushed by Melinda.

“I had a choice, to do nothing or save my friend,” Gabrielle replied tenderly touching Xena’s face. “I chose the way of friendship?”

“Friendship?” Stevie asked incredulously.

“The word had different meanings back then,” Janice explained.

“I’m sorry for all the times I didn’t treat you right,” Xena said, trying to keep her voice steady.

Gabrielle shook her head emphatically. “Xena, you’ve brought out the best in me. Before I met you, no one saw me for who I was. I felt…invisible. But you saw all of the things that I could be. You saved me, Xena.”

“I wish…um…” Xena began, bashfully.

“What?” Gabrielle urged.

“I wish that I had read your scrolls just once.” Xena said.

Tears fell anew, splashing on Xena’s smooth cheeks. “You would have liked them.” Gabrielle said.

“I know,” Xena replied.

“Do you think Xena could read?” Janice asked, looking at Stevie.

Stevie looked from the archaeologist to the warrior and bard sitting on the floor and then back to Janice. The tone of Janice’s question was one of professional curiosity and while it seemed an odd time and place to have that sort of discussion, it was one level that the two of them could communicate on. “Obviously Lizzy would be the one to ask, but I realize she isn’t here.” Stevie said, looking at Xena once more. “From what little I know of her upbringing she may have learned to read before Cortese sacked Amphipolis. I’m sure it wasn’t a strength though.” She looked at Gabrielle once again and back at Callisto. The warrior looked so at home in her black dress, and while she felt very out of place in Callisto’s armor, she had to admit it was beginning to feel more comfortable. It was so easy to see people and situations from a modern light, with modern perceptions. “Callisto couldn’t read, most warriors couldn’t. Xena may have known enough to get by but I’m not sure that she’d have been up to the task of reading Gabrielle’s scrolls. Maybe she didn’t want Gabrielle to know she was functionally illerate.”

“Or maybe she just didn’t care,” Callisto suggested helpfully.

“She cared,” Melinda said, with a sad smile at Xena.

The guards came in and lifted Xena from the bard’s lap. She was led as Xena was dragged out to the courtyard where two crosses had been laid on the ground.

Shorthaired Callisto, wearing the white toga watched them pass then opened her mouth to catch snowflakes. The Callisto wearing the black cocktail dress shook her head and smirked while Stevie glared at the two of them disapprovingly.

“Don’t give me that confident look,” shorthaired Callisto said as Xena was stretched out on the cross. “You’re about to die like a slave and drag your friend with you, and it’s all right by me.”

Obviously delirious with pain Xena still managed a smirk for Callisto. “Your lord might night feel the same way. He sent you on a mission, didn’t he?”

Callisto shrugged. “Making Caesar dictator was his main concern. And once he’s ruling, making him an agent of my lord will be easy. So while you lie here helpless, he’s declaring himself emperor.”

Stevie blinked at Callisto, startled, and then looked at the Callisto wearing her dress. “That didn’t work out very well for you, did it?” she asked sympathetically.

“Yet another pile of boulders to be buried under.” The warrior said with shrug.

“Couldn’t happen to a nicer person,” Janice grumbled and glanced away from Melinda’s disapproving frown.

While she knew what was coming and had an academic knowledge of crucifixion, it did little to prepare one for seeing it in person. Stevie suspected that witnessing any death must be like that. Certainly Callisto’s description of drowning had made the ocean seem a less appealing place.

“I’ve never been crucified,” Callisto, commented watching as large nails were positioned over blocks of wood resting on the palms of the two women’s hands. “You end up dying by suffocation anyways,” she explained, casually. “Your body drags you down making it impossible to breathe. I’m sure every movement to take pressure off of your arms and get air starts the agony all over again. Ultimately it’s a lack of air that gets you every time.” She smiled as if making a private joke. “Xena knew that well enough, cutting off the flow of blood to people’s brains time and again.”

As her hands were positioned on the cross beam Xena turned her head to her companion. “Gabrielle, you were the best thing in my life.”

“I love you, Xena.” Gabrielle replied even as her own hands were positioned. Both women screamed as the large nails were driven through with heavy hammers. Gabrielle’s back arched and she cried out only to have her legs pulled back down and a spike driven through her feet. She screamed again, Xena contorting her face in pain at the sound of her lover’s agony. Stevie was sure she’d throw up and could feel the acid build up in her mouth. Xena didn’t move and scarcely seemed to notice when the spike was driven through her feet, she only screamed again, as Gabrielle did when the crosses were raised and slid into their pits.

“So what happens now?” Stevie asked in a whisper, not sure how much more of the scene she could take.

“We wait.” Janice replied, sitting down on the ground, ignoring the snow.

The snow was still falling but Stevie didn’t really notice, she assumed she was cold, it would have made sense to be cold, but she couldn’t feel a thing. Looking around she didn’t see the shorthaired Callisto. “Callisto,” she said to the woman still standing a short distance from her, “where are you? I don’t see you here.”

Callisto turned and looked around as if noticing for the first time that her twin was missing. She was thoughtful a moment, clearly trying to remember events long past. “I think Caesar was getting murdered at the moment,” she said, nodding to herself. “Yes, that’s what was happening. When that happened my mission was a total failure and I was dragged back to hell serving out lifetime after lifetime as each reincarnation fell sort of redemption. Like where we are now.”

Time seemed to slow to a crawl as the four women waited. Callisto didn’t sit, preferring to stand a short distance from the other three. It occurred to Stevie that the warrior may not know how to sit down in a cocktail dress, then realized that modesty was something that Callisto probably had little use for. Melinda however knew very much how to sit in a skirt. She had her legs folded neatly beneath her and she watched the proceedings with profound sadness.

“I know why you brought me here,” Stevie said, looking at Janice who had lit another cigar. “I know why you’ll never forgive me for what I’ve done.” Janice nodded, a sad but satisfied look on her face. “But just for the record, I’d never ask anything of Lizzy or anyone in your family that they weren’t prepared to give. I’m not looking for her or anyone else to give me a shortcut out of this mess.”

“I know you’re not, honey.” Janice said kindly. “But as you can see,” she said nodding her head to the cross where Gabrielle was dying, “you don’t ask and people still give more than they should.”

A shadow fell across Janice as Callisto walked over. “I take it you regret what you did for Xena?”

Janice looked up, a bit startled. “I’m not Gabrielle, not completely anyways.”

“No, but she is,” Callisto said and walked to over to the cross. Looking up for a moment she turned back to the archaeologist and her companion. “Look at her and tell me she regrets what she did, the role she had in Xena’s life. And if she doesn’t regret it, then look Stevie in the eyes and tell her you think she should.” Janice and Melinda looked at Gabrielle and then each other but said nothing.

“That’s what I thought.” Callisto said bitterly. “That’s it, I’m leaving. These two are dead anyways.”

Stevie looked in surprise at the two crosses. She didn’t know how she’d missed it. Both women had slipped away. She’d been watching them intently, noting the shallowness of Xena’s breathing and the strain Gabrielle had been under to shift her body. She wasn’t sure what she’d been expecting, some sort of last proclamations or declarations of love or defiance. Instead they’d just stopped breathing when the chore of drawing breath became too much for them.

Stevie was torn about what to do next. Unsure whether she should follow Callisto down the road or stay with Janice and Melinda. She stood and dusted the snow from her armor. “I’m sorry I had to meet the two of you like this,” she said to Janice and Melinda. “While I am grateful I got to meet you, I am sorry I couldn’t be someone else.”

“I’m sorry too,” Janice said sadly as she stood and offered her hand to Stevie. Egyptologist and archaeologist shook hands and then Stevie turned to Melinda, her hand outstretched.

Mel wrapped her in a warm embrace. “I think you’ll find your redemption, honey,” she said. “It’ll probably be where you least expect it.” She kissed her cheek and then Stevie turned to follow Callisto down the hill.

“Now you see why I don’t drink,” Callisto muttered as they walked away.

Continued - part 4

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