Chapter Eight

                          Looking Things Over

Harry dropped them off several blocks from the Ramos grocery store, simply named Comestibles y Más – Groceries and More. He gave them directions to find it, told them to be careful, and to call before sunset. He emphasized he wasn't particularly comfortable driving in this area after dark. Xena gave him a sarcastic "yeah, sure, whatever, Joxer" as he drove away.

The spot where they were had a mixture of different races – whites, blacks, Chinese, and Latinos. But the closer to the store they got, the more the balance tilted in favor of Hispanics. When they found the store and went in, only Spanish was being spoken, with a smattering of English thrown in here and there. Immediately, they were getting suspicious looks from almost everyone, but after Xena's piercing return stare, they looked away.

"How are we supposed to ask questions if we can't speak the language?" Gabrielle whispered to Xena.

"I have a feeling these people know enough English to understand us. In the meantime, we'll just look around."

Gabrielle walked up to the cash register. Behind it was a middle aged woman, who had been carefully eyeing them as soon as they came in, certain they were going to steal something.

"Are you María?" she asked, smiling at her.

"Sí," she replied, now even more suspicious.

"My name is Gabrielle, and your husband came to our office earlier. He spoke to Annie Day about some trouble you were having with some young men. My friend and I were sent here to look things over and see what we can do to try to help you."

María broke into a big smile. "Ah, sí! Welcome." She turned to a doorway that was covered by a faded red curtain and yelled at it. "Hector! Venga aquí, por favor!" She turned back to Gabrielle, still smiling. When Hector came from behind the curtain, he thought he recognized Gabrielle but he wasn't sure.

"Annie sent us," Gabrielle said as she pointed at herself and over to Xena, who was examining the layout of the store.

"Gracias, señorita. You came very quickly."

"Yes, Annie wanted us get on the case as soon as possible. She's like that. We'd like to look around if you don't mind."

"Oh, no. Whatever you think is best."

Gabrielle smiled at him and patted his hand, then turned to find Xena, who had walked farther back into the store, looking at everything and watching everyone.

"Xena, I just realized those two cameras we were supposed to avoid are pointed at the door and the cash register. We're on both of them."

Xena shrugged. "It doesn't matter. Anybody look suspicious to you?"

"Only us. I can't tell about anybody else. I haven't been around these people long enough to know who to trust and who not to. What about you?"

"No, not yet. Too bad we don't have any money. A beer would be nice."

Gabrielle reached into her jacket pocket and pulled out three fives and five ones.

"Mattie slipped this into my pocket before we left, in case we got hungry or thirsty. I suppose we ought to buy something so we won't look like we're just here to steal whatever we can."

"Now you're talkin'!"

Xena reached into a glass-fronted refrigerated case for a six pack of beer. Gabrielle put her hand on Xena's, stopping her.

"Let's just get one, for now, and some chips or something."

Xena started to argue, but then thought better of it, maybe a clear head was better. She closed the glass door, opened another one and brought out two bottles of beer with Spanish names. She handed one to Gabrielle, then grabbed two bags of spicy pork rinds and gave one of them to her.

Passing the cash register, she said, "Pay the man," then walked outside to get a better look at the surrounding area.

As Gabrielle paid, she said, "We're going to look around the neighborhood some, just to see. We'll be back later."

Hector just nodded as he handed her change.

Outside, Xena was looking in one direction, then the other, as if trying to decide which way to go. By the time Gabrielle came out of the store, Xena had finished the beer, took Gabrielle's, and handed her the empty bottle.

"Which way?" Gabrielle asked.

"I suppose it doesn't matter," Xena replied, then started walking in the direction opposite from where they had come from. Gabrielle couldn't help but feel uncomfortable, much like she felt the first time Xena took her to Rome. But after walking a half dozen blocks, Xena got tired of seeing nothing of any interest and headed back.

"Shouldn't we go into some of these other stores and ask if those boys have been causing them any problems?"

"Sure, I'll wait here and you go inside."

Picking a small café across the street, Gabrielle went inside, and was back outside in less than five minutes.

"Well?" Xena asked.

"I don't know. I asked the waiter, and the cashier, but either they didn't understand me, or didn't want to say  anything."

"That's pretty much what I figured. Let's go on back to Hector's store and we'll see what happens after dark."

Before Gabrielle could protest about staying so late, Xena had already started that way, leaving Gabrielle to try to catch up.


                               Chapter Nine

                               We Got Troubles

The next morning, Annie was up much earlier than usual. She wasn't sure why, but if anything, she knew whenever she got that gut feeling that something wasn't right, then some thing wasn't. As she thought about it, she decided it had to be Gabrielle's frantic call a half hour after dark for Harry to come get them as soon as possible. And the fact that both she and Xena were very closed-mouthed about the details of their investigation of Hector's store and neighborhood.

Not long after she put on the coffee, Mattie joined her. No matter which one woke up first, the other was awake soon afterward.

"So, what do you think happened?" Mattie asked as she took the offered cup of coffee.

Annie shook her head. "I wish I knew. But, unfortunately, I have a feeling it won't be long before we do. And I'm almost afraid to find out."

"Do you want me to wake them up?"

"They're awake, or they were a little while ago. I'm surprised you didn't hear them -- just like you and I were after some big battle or confrontation with a warlord or whoever."

Mattie smiled at the memory. "It certainly made our blood boil. And only one thing could cool us down."

"I heard them at least three times last night. So, something happened. And I know it can't be good."

"Well, let's see what we can find," Mattie said as she opened the newspaper. It wasn't until she reached the local news section did she come across what she was looking for.

"Here it is."

Annie looked over her shoulder at a grainy black and white photo of a dark haired woman reaching out for a blurry white ring. The story accompanying the photo, made from the video of an outdated surveillance camera, described the woman as tall, attractive, with an exceptional foul mouth as she threw the disk at two young men who may, or may not, have been attempting to rob the owner of the grocery store. There was a brief mention of her blond companion.

"Shit!" Annie exclaimed out loud. "Just what we need! Dammit! Damn her!"

"I wonder if it made the morning news," Mattie said as she turned on the TV. Ten minutes later the story was there, in more detail, and with the newscaster saying that both women could have been the same two who were dressed as Xena and Gabrielle and were involved in the jail break the previous week. And that a similar disk-like weapon was used.

Annie stormed from the kitchen to the bedroom door and began banging on it and yelling for them to get their asses out of bed, NOW! Xena yelled back that they were getting up and would be out as soon as they got dressed. Annie was back in the kitchen trying to calm down when Gabrielle entered the room. Mattie immediately showed her the photo, and then to Xena as she appeared.

"What in the HELL were you thinking?" Annie said, trying to keep her voice, and temper, in check. "Do you know this story is on the news? And that there is a good chance Hector told the cops you two work for me? And where the office is? And that it would take them all of  ten seconds to get this address?"

"Anything to eat?" Xena asked. She then leered over at Gabrielle with a lascivious grin. "After last night I could eat a centaur."

"Are you even listening to me?" Annie said, her temper starting to slip.

"Relax. Hector's cool. Before we left he said he wouldn't say anything to the police."

"After you told him you'd come back for him and his wife if he did," Gabrielle said.

"You threatened him? You…." Suddenly Annie was speechless. She couldn't believe what Xena had done.

"What is WRONG with you?" Mattie asked. "Don't you realize this is NOT the Greece we came from? The police are not incompetent soldiers assigned to keep the peace. They know what they're doing and they have the resources to find people like you."

Just then Harry came out from his bedroom, awakened by the yelling.

"Speaking of incompetent," Xena said.

"Don't even think you're going to change the subject," Annie said, finding her voice again. "We're going to get to the bottom of this, and we're going to make sure this, or anything like it, never happens again."

Mattie looked over at Gabrielle but before she could say anything, Gabrielle beat her to it. "I tried to get her to leave before it got dark. And I tried to keep her from threatening those two boys. And I tried to keep her from throwing the Chakram. But I might as well have been talking to –"

"Joxer?" Xena butted in.

"To a damn ROCK!" Gabrielle finished, now also becoming angry.

"You people worry too much. So the cops come here. You say you don't know me, you've never seen me, and you don't know where I am."

"It doesn't work that way," Annie tried to explain. "If they have a warrant I'll have to let them in and let them search the house or they can arrest me."

"And you'd LET  them?"

"I told you," Mattie reiterated. "This ISN'T Greece!"

"You're telling me is isn't."

All five of them looked over at the strange voice, which really wasn't so unfamiliar.

"ARES!" Xena yelled out happily. And before anyone could move or say anything, she ran over to him, threw her arms around his neck, and planted a wet, passionate kiss on his mouth. A kiss he readily returned.


                               Chapter Ten

                        New Times, Same Old Ares

"Well, I see the gang's all here," Ares said as he looked around at everyone. "All here, plus two. And I have to say, as a god I'm a bit embarrassed to admit I'm somewhat puzzled about what's going on."

"You can thank Alti for that," Annie replied. "She cloned these two from hair samples she got from somewhere."

"Alti. That name's vaguely familiar."

"She's the shamaness who's been trying to  kill me since – forever, it seems like," Xena told him.

"Oh yeah, I remember her. Thought she was so great and powerful."

"Powerful enough," Gabrielle said.

"You know," Ares said to Annie, "if you had stayed with me, this Alti wouldn't have been so much as a pimple on your butt."

"But  I’M  here now," Xena said to him, keeping an arm around his neck and her body pressed tightly against him. "I'm ready to go whenever you are."

"Well, I don't know. Like, uh – one of them said," he said indicating either Mattie and Gabrielle, "this isn't Greece anymore. Things have changed."

"So? You've always wanted a warrior queen, and here I am."

"It's not that I don't appreciate the offer, but the people I'm working with aren't exactly partial to women running things."

"So, make me a general."

"It doesn't work that way. They believe a woman's place is out of sight and completely obedient. There's no place for you."

Xena pulled away from him, anger starting to show on her face.

"You always wanted an heir," she said, sounding slightly desperate. "I'll give you one, more than one, as many as you want, but I want to be at your side, fighting the wars, just like you always wanted me to."

"An heir sounds good, and we certainly could have fun in the process, but as far as making war goes, I really can't use you."

"What the hell are you saying?" Xena asked, now angry.

"He's saying he wants you to be his whore," Annie answered.

Without warning, Xena punched Ares as hard as she could in the face. Not expecting it, his head was snapped to one side.

"Hey!" he said, momentarily angered. Then he grinned. "I see the fire's still there."

"You son of a bitch!" she yelled out at him and hit him again, but this time her fist bounced off his face, hurting her hand.

Before she could say or do anything else, Annie interrupted her. "Ares, tell me something – how could you align yourself with people who use suicide bombs to murder innocent women and children? That's not like you," Annie said.

"Not everything my soldiers do is to my liking, but these men are true warriors – loyal, determined, fearless, driven, and dedicated. They remind me of the Spartans. Now THOSE were some fine warriors."

"I don't understand," Mattie said. "They don't worship you. They probably don't even know who you are."

"Ah, but they DO. I'm the God of War, and they like to make war. And whether they know me or not, they DO worship the things I stand for."

"You know, I'm glad you showed up," Annie spat out. "Just to remind me again of why you disgust me!"

Ares shrugged indifferently.

"So, just how – why are you here?" Mattie asked.

"Well, a couple of days ago I heard this irritating gnat-like buzzing in my ear. And then today one of the opposition - I like to keep tabs on both sides, was listening to an internet news report from home about some woman using a flying disk, so I just had to check it out. And lo and behold –two Xenas and two Gabrielles . . . and one Joxer."

"The name's Harry, if you don't mind."

"That buzzing must have been Xena calling for you," Annie explained.

Just then there was pounding on the front door.

"Police! We have a warrant to search the premises. Open the door."

"Are you happy now?" Annie exclaimed to Xena. "You're going to jail. You and probably Gabrielle."

"Ares," Xena pleaded to him. "You can't let me be arrested. We've got too much history together. You know you don't want me locked up."

"Never mind about Gabrielle," Mattie said, becoming as angry at Xena as Annie was.

Ares took a deep breath. "Okay, I'll take care of it, but that deal about giving me an heir is still on the table."

Ares went to the front door and opened it. There was a plains-clothed detective with two uniformed policemen standing there.

"I have a warrant to search the premises for two women suspects."

He started to push past Ares, but he put a hand on the detective's chest and took the warrant.

"Not so fast. I want to read this first."

The detective took a step backward, intimidated, but not knowing why. Ares looked at the paper then handed it back to the policeman.

"You've already searched the house. They're not here. It was all a big mistake."

"You're right," the detective said. "Let's go men. They're not here. Sorry for the imposition. Just doing my job."

Ares closed the door and turned around to face them, and smiling and cupping his hand behind his ear, he leaned slightly toward them.

"Was that a 'thank you' I heard?" he asked in a sarcastic tone of voice.

"Thank you," Annie said, swallowing her anger. "And now I think it's time you were leaving."

"Yeah, you're right. There are a few things in north Africa I need to stir up."

"You're not going to leave me here!" Xena was sounding frantic. "Come on. Take me with you. We can work something out."

"I'll be back. And then we can see about creating me an heir."

And with his usual red flash, Ares disappeared.


                               Chapter Eleven

                        Confrontation and Resolution

For almost a half a minute no one moved, then Xena started for the front door.

"Where are you going?" Annie asked.

"To see a man named Hector," she replied. "Somebody's getting hurt."

Annie grabbed Xena's upper arm and spun her around. "Have you lost your mind? Just because Ares made those cops think they had already searched the house doesn't mean it's over. They still have a warrant out for you. And if you go back to the store it will be the same thing all over again. It's bad enough I've got to think of something believable to tell the police when they start asking me about you and Gabrielle."

"Too bad," Xena answered and turned back toward the door, making Annie grab her arm again. This time Xena spun around and knocked Annie's hand away. But as she did, Annie quickly put the Pinch on her, and while Xena was momentarily staggered, Annie reached behind her and plucked the Chakram from her waistband. She then threw it hard at Mattie, who caught it by it's center S curve.

"Hide it!" Annie instructed, and Mattie disappeared down the hallway. When Annie turned back around, Xena had released the Pinch herself then backhanded Annie across the mouth. And if Gabrielle hadn't been there to catch her, Annie would have been knocked to the floor.

Xena started to go after Annie but Gabrielle ran between them and threw her arms around Xena's chest, locking her fingers together. Xena reached back to try to pull her hands apart but was surprised at how tightly she held them together.

"Let me go!" she ordered. "Now!"

"No!" Gabrielle replied, her voice muffled against Xena's chest.

"Don't make me hurt you!"

"Yeah!" Annie all but shouted. "Hurt her again! It's not like we haven't wounded her enough -- the places we've dragged her to, the things she's had to endure because of us. Not to mention the physical pain and the mental and emotional anguish she's put up with. Go on. What's one more time going to do to her? It's not like she's going to stop loving you."

Xena had briefly thought about jamming her thumbs into Gabrielle's ribs to make her break the hold, but the thought quickly went away. Instead she only stared back at Annie, and the blood trickling down her chin from the cut on her lower lip. And Annie returned the stare, seeing the blood seeping from one of Xena's nostrils.

Trying to help, Harry offered Annie a wet napkin but she ignored him. Mattie took it and began wiping the blood away.

Slowly Xena's anger began to subside, and as Gabrielle felt the tension drain from her, she loosened her grip. Then she felt Xena's arms encircle her, one hand gently caressing her hair. Gabrielle looked up at her and Xena said softly, "I never meant to hurt you. I never wanted to, not intentionally."

"I know," she replied, and reached up to wipe the blood away. She then took the wet napkin from Harry, and with a mouthed thank you to him, she finished cleaning away the blood. Both Gabrielle's and Xena's eyes were moist.

Mattie missed the fight, but returned in time to catch Annie's tirade. And as compassionately as she could, she asked, "Is this really the kind of life you want? Fighting with the very people who love you? Running from the law? And making everyone around you wish you weren’t here?"

"No, I don't. But I don't know why --  things seem to be fine, and then some little something happens and I feel this rage building up inside me that I can't control. I don't like it, but it's me. It's who I am."

"No!" Gabrielle said vehemently. "It  ISN'T  you! It's the poison Alti put inside you. It's a cancer we have to kill."

"And just how are you going to do that?"

"I think I know how," Mattie answered. "We were talking about trying to find some way to hypnotize you to try to suppress the evil portion of your consciousness and emphasize the good. But after giving it some thought, I think I have a better way."

"How?" Annie asked.

"The very same way we became aware of that you, Harry and I were reincarnated into these bodies."

"By visiting our past lives?"

"Sure. Why not? I still know how to put us into a trance. Of course, there will be four of us with essentially only two consciousnesses and memories, so it might be a bit tricky. But on the other hand, it might reinforce the journey back and bring us to the places we want to visit."

They all looked at Xena, who had skepticism and doubt all over her face. "I don't know. That sounds like something Alti would do, like some kind of evil magic."

"Trust me," Mattie said, indicating herself, Annie and Harry, "None of us would have known who we really were if we hadn't gone back."

"Don't you remember?" Gabrielle asked Xena. "There was a time when you were as ruthless and as merciless as they come, but you changed."

"Thanks to Hercules, and you. Mostly you."

"So, it's agreed, we'll do it. Right? Xena? Right?" Mattie impatiently asked her.

Xena looked down into Gabrielle's pleading eyes. "Sure. I guess it's better than worrying about Annie putting the Pinch on me every time I screw up." A small smile touched her lips, letting them know she was trying to lighten the mood.

"Then let's get started," Mattie said, anxious to get things going.

"Not so fast," Annie said. "How about we eat breakfast first? Harry?"

"On it!" he exclaimed, happy to be more than a helpless and anxious bystander. "One fabulous breakfast coming right up!"


                               Chapter Twelve

                               Déjà vu, Again!

After a big breakfast, Mattie had them arrange four dining room chairs in a small square so they could all sit close enough to hold hands.

"Where's my chair?" Harry asked.

"I think it would be better if it was just the four of us," Mattie told him. "I don't think there were too many times when you and Xena were close enough, emotionally, for what needs to be done, you know?"

"Besides," Annie added, "You should go on to the office. I'm sure the police are waiting for one of us to show up."

"What do I tell them?"

"Just say the house is being searched and we're being questioned, and we'll be in as soon as we can."

"Okay," he said, trying to hide his hurt feelings. "But call me just as soon as you're finished. Let me know how things worked out."

"You have my word," Annie assured him.

After he left the four of them positioned themselves as Mattie instructed – Annie and Xena across from each other, and Mattie and Gabrielle the same.

"Where, exactly, are we going?" Xena asked.

Mattie laughed. "I guess I should tell you. I have several places in mind, but I think the first place should be is where Xena feels the strongest emotion – right after Eve was born. A mother's love is one of the most powerful loves there is. If I remember right, Hercules and I left you two alone for a while so you could bond."

"It's been a while since I've thought about that," Annie said.

"I'm not sure if I remember," Xena told them.

"Well, then let's see how it goes," Mattie replied, and letting her voice take on a slow, soothing tone, she began. "Close your eyes.  Concentrate on your breath.  Focus on each and every breath you take.  I want you to feel it enter through your nostrils-- move through your diaphragm-- and release it out again.  We're going back to that time and place-- back-- back-- back.  Now-- on the count of ten-- I want you to-- find yourself-- in another place-- another time-- another body.  One-- two-- three-- four-- five-- six-- seven-- eight-- "

They were there – Xena was sitting under a tree with Eve in her lap and Gabrielle and Hercules were standing nearby.

"Have you thought of a name?" Gabrielle asked.

"Her name is Eve," Xena answered.

"You've already named her?"

"Solon did when we were in Tartarus."

Hercules and Gabrielle quietly left, allowing Xena and Eve time alone.

"We're gonna be together now, Eve-- you and me-- and your brother, forever and ever.  You
hear that, Solon?  Forever.  Forever."

Suddenly, they were back in the dining room. Both Annie and Xena were had tears running down their cheeks, and then they were in each other's arms, reassuring each other and being comforted at the same time.

"It- it was so real!" Xena managed to say. "It's like a memory I never had, but it was MINE! I could feel it!"

"I know," Annie agreed. "I thought I'd never forget that moment, but it was almost gone."

Mattie and Gabrielle smiled at each other, both happy and sad at the same time. Then Mattie went into the kitchen and brought out two glasses of water, and waited patiently for Annie and Xena to finally let go of each other. They gratefully drank the water.

"To be so short that certainly was intense, more than I expected," Mattie said. "Maybe we should wait a while before we try another one."

"No! I don't want to wait," Xena told her. "Something was there, something I haven't felt since we were brought here – something warm, and natural. I want to keep going. I don't want to lose that feeling."

"Okay," Mattie agreed. "We'll go again. This time it will be more dramatic. We're going back to the time you had to stop the Persian army, and we were in that old barn and I had been hit with a poisoned arrow and we both expected me to die."

"I think I remember that," Xena said. "You insisted I stop the army rather than go after the antidote, right?"

"That's right," Gabrielle answered. "I knew I was going to die. And I accepted it."

"Well, if everyone's ready, we'll begin" Mattie told them. "And just like before, measure your breathing, but also think – remember, we were in the barn. Concentrate – and again, on the count of ten—we'll find ourselves-- in another place-- another time—and in other bodies.  One-- two-- three-- four-- five-- six-- "

Once again they were transported back.  Xena and Gabrielle were in the barn and Gabrielle was drifting in and out of consciousness.


"I'm still here-- I think.  Strange-- I seem to have moved beyond the pain."

"Here-- I have a poultice ready for you."

"No, please, don't-- don't bother with that.  I can't fight. I can't be of any help to you, so please-- I'm just distracting you."

"But you're my source, Gabrielle.  When I reach down inside myself and do things that I'm not capable of, it's because of you.  Don't you know that by now?  Let's just see this one through together, all right?  Here we go."

Trying to be as gentle as she could, Xena carried Gabrielle up to the loft. After Xena showed her the boiling oil was next to the ladder, Gabrielle said, "About China-- I hope you know I never meant to hurt you.  I only did what I thought was right."

"Gabrielle, that's all in the past.  All I want is to be with you right now.  You're my best friend-- my family.  I love you, Gabrielle."

"I love you, Xena."

"Till the other side. Then-- we'll be together."

"Till then."

And just as suddenly as the first time, they found themselves back in Annie's dining room. For several seconds, no one moved, and then as if a signal was given, Annie and Mattie, and Xena and Gabrielle were embracing, so choked with emotion none of them could speak. And without knowing why, they switched, and Annie and Gabrielle were holding each other tightly, as were Xena and Mattie.


                               Chapter Thirteen

                                   Once More

For the next half hour no one said anything, but they were always together, mostly in pairs -- Annie and Mattie, Xena and Gabrielle, Annie and Xena, or Mattie and Gabrielle.  It was as if the experience was so intense, so moving, there was nothing that could be said. Yet they were always just a touch away – a hand on an arm, or a caress of the hair or cheek, or an occasional hug.

Xena was the first to finally say something, mainly to Gabrielle, but for all of them. "It's so hard for me to believe our love was so boundless, and our lives were so filled with passion for each other. The lust I can understand. But this is all new to me – the memories of the selflessness. I know I only have Alti to blame, but I had no idea…."

"I think it will eventually come back to you," Mattie replied. "If we can endure one or two more sessions all those positive residual memories and feelings that have been suppressed will be free to express themselves."

"I, for one, would like to continue," Annie said. "It saddens me that those precious memories are so faint. As painful as some of them are, I wish they were as fresh as when they happened."

"That makes two of us," Gabrielle agreed. "My memory probably isn't much better than Xena's. But I do think I remember more than she does, especially the good times. Do you think we can go back to some of them?"

"After those two, that sounds like a good idea," Annie said. "Do you have any place in particular in mind?"

"Do you remember the poem Xena got Sappho to write for me -- us, for our birthday? That was probably the best birthday gift I ever got." She sighed wistfully.  "I wish I knew what happened to the scroll."

"You're right, it was a very happy birthday, even with the pranks." Mattie agreed, casting a knowing grin at Annie. "I think it can be arranged."

Again, they sat in the squared circle formed by the chairs and held hands.

"Okay, everyone. You know the drill," Mattie said. "Eyes closed. Watch your breathing, and concentrate on that moment in time. We were on the cliff overlooking the sea. The sun was setting. And counting. One—two-- three—four— "

"I'm really sorry, Gabrielle.  I didn't realize Sappho was only here for one performance," Xena apologized.

"It's the thought that counts, Xena -- although I would like to hear her read her poetry one day." After a short pause, Gabrielle asked,  "How did you fall for my fish-guts gag?"

"I don't know."

"You knew that I would go crazy waiting for you to get even. I guess you didn't see it coming," Gabrielle said as she drank from a cup Xena gave her, a dribble cup that left water dripping off her chin.

"Now, we're even."

Gabrielle laughed, relieved it was the last prank.

"Here, give me that. I want you to close your eyes."

Suddenly, Gabrielle was suspicious again. "No."

This time it was Xena's turn to laugh. "Trust me, please."

Still laughing, Gabrielle repeated herself. "No."

"Close your eyes."

Still a bit reluctant, Gabrielle complied and Xena laid a scroll on her lap.

"What is this?"

"Open it.  I had Sappho jot something down for you."

A poem?  Sappho wrote a poem for me?  I don't believe it.  Xena -- you had this planned all along, didn't you?"

Unrolling the scroll, Gabrielle began to read it aloud --

"There's a moment when I look at you
And no speech is left in me.
My tongue breaks.
Then fire races under my skin and I tremble.
And grow pale for I am dying of such love
Or so it seems to me."

Gabrielle looked at Xena with unconditional love in her eyes.  "It's beautiful.  This is the best birthday present I have ever had."

"Aw-w-w-w." For some reason Xena was almost embarrassed, then recovered. " 'Course, it ain't over yet."

Then putting on the helmet of Hermes, Xena put her arm around Gabrielle and they flew out over the sea.

"Happy birthday, Gabrielle!"

Again, as they returned to the present, they were hesitant to speak. But this time, along with a few happy tears, they were all smiling. And they continued to hold hands and squeezed each other's with affection.

"Thank you again," Gabrielle said to Xena, "for the poem." Looking at Annie she repeated the thanks. "And thank you," she pointedly said to Mattie. "I wish I had your ability to go back like that. There are so many wonderful things I'd like to experience again."

"It's a great temptation," Mattie replied. "But I think it's more important to make new memories with those you love." She looked over at Annie and smiled, and was rewarded with a loving smile in return.

Just then the telephone rang.

"I guess we know who that it," Annie said as she got up to answer it. "Hello ... Things are pretty good. We've gone back three times now ... I think so …  No, you weren't in any of them … Well, maybe we will, but right now we need to focus on Xena and Gabrielle. Anything going on there? Any police show up? … Well, maybe they won't, but I wouldn't count on it … Yes, I'll call when it's all over … Okay. 'Bye … 'Bye, Harry … Yes, I promise, now goodbye."

"So, no cops, huh?" Xena asked.

"No, not yet anyway. Maybe when Ares tricked the detective, he told everyone we were clean. But I'm sure the warrant is still out on you."

"I'm getting hungry," Mattie said. "How about some lunch before we go again?"

"Sounds good to me," Gabrielle answered.

Annie and Xena were also ready to eat.

"When we start back, I have a suggestion, since you're taking requests," Annie said.


                               Chapter Fourteen

                                 One Last Time

After a quick and light lunch, since everyone was anxious to continue, they resumed their places in the four chairs, knees touching and hands held.

"Okay," Mattie said to Annie, "just where do you want to visit?"

"Well, I'm sure you all remember when Salmoneus was pretending to be Lord Seltzer."

"Not really," Xena answered.

"Don't worry about it, it'll come back to you," Annie reassured her. "Anyway, he sold a warlord named Talmadeus some bogus armor and Talmadeus was going to attack the village where Salmoneus was running his scam. And during all of this, I was shot in the neck with a poisoned dart."

"Wasn't it Callisto who shot you?" Gabrielle asked.

"She did. But that's not why I want us to go back. The particular point I want to visit is in the barn where I was hiding from Talmadeus' men. The talmic poison had paralyzed my legs and was working its way up my body and there was a good chance that I was going to die."

Mattie smiled. "I think I know why you chose that exact point in time. And if I'm right, it was an excellent choice."

"Tell us," Xena demanded.

"I think it would be better for you, and for all of us to experience it. All right then. Let's get started. Slow your breathing – in … and … out, in … and … out. Think back – the old barn, Xena is lying on the straw, waiting for Gabrielle to return. Counting to ten. One—two—three—four—five—six—"

Xena heard the barn door open and saw Gabrielle come inside.

"I made sure the guards were posted.”

Good -- now let’s get everybody out of the factory.  Tell them to go home, board up their houses, and stay inside. Talmadeus’ focus right now is here.”

“Xena, can you just stop thinking of everybody else for a moment?  There’s got to be something I can do for  you.”

“Don’t worry about me.  What did I tell you?  Focus.  We’ve got Talmadeus on his heels.  You need to hit him at his camp.  A direct attack will really make him cautious."

Gabrielle was having a hard time holding back the tears. "Xena, are you going to die?”

“It’s not about me.  It’s about these people.  That’s why we’re here.  People like this used to be my victims.  I keep that in mind every time we come up against a warlord like Talmadeus.  It’s the Greater Good -- remember that."  Xena took a breath, and in a more somber voice said,  "Gabrielle -- if it does happen,  I want to be taken back home to be buried next to my brother, Lyceus." Then her tone became business-like again. "Go on, now.  I’ll be here when you get back.”

And then they were back in the present, not quite as traumatized as previously, but it still made an impact. Then Gabrielle realized why Annie had chosen that specific situation. "That was the very first time you ever mentioned the greater good using those exact words!"

"You're right. Xena, anything ring a bell?"

"Yes -- and no. Every time we've gone back, it was like I was watching these things happen to someone else. But when we return, I know the memories are truly mine."

"But how are they affecting you? Do you feel any different – any less evil?" Mattie asked.

Xena didn't answer right away. It was obvious she was trying to sort out her feelings. The three of them left the dining room, not wanting to make her feel like they were pressuring her to say what they wanted – hoped, she would say. They gathered in the kitchen in pretense of cleaning up after lunch. Xena slowly went into the living room and sat down on the sofa, not exactly sure what she was feeling, or was supposed to feel.

"Do you think it's done any real good?" Gabrielle asked, trying to keep her voice low enough to keep Xena from hearing.

"It's done some good, that's obvious," Mattie answered. "I just wonder how much, and for how long."

"Well, we can always keep going back if we have to," Annie said. "Even if the results aren't exactly what we want, she does seem to want to change."

Still unsure of herself, Xena looked up when she heard the front door open. Harry, tired of waiting at the office for them to call him, decided to lock up and come home.

"Hello, Harry," she said absently, then looked back down at her hands.

"The name's Har—Hey! You called me Harry."

Xena looked up at him, then stood up. "I guess I did."

"So this means things worked out okay?"

"I suppose they did, as far as I can tell." Xena gave him a slightly wistful smile, then said, "I, uh, I want to apologize for calling you Joxer like I was. I was just trying to get you goat."

"Yeah, I figured that."

"But there's something you should know -- even though I made it sound like an insult, it really wasn't."

"It wasn’t?"

"No. Even as I was being mean about it, I remembered how much Joxer -- you, cared about Gabrielle and me. And that even though you screwed up sometimes, you were always there, trying to help."

Harry was at a loss for words. This was totally unexpected.

"But if I do happen to slip up and call you Joxer, don't take the wrong way. We both know Joxer proved himself to be a true friend."

"Well, sure," he started to say, his bravado coming back.

Then Xena slapped him, just a bit too hard, but with a smile. "But don't let it go to your head."

Just then Annie, Mattie and Gabrielle, hearing voices, came into the living room.

"She called me Harry!" he exclaimed.

"That's good," Annie replied. "It means we've been successful, don't you think, Xena?"

"I do. I don't feel that anger waiting to explode, but there still is this -- blackness deep inside of me. I can feel it. And I don't want it there."

"But you need it," Mattie said. When she saw Xena's confused look, she continued. "Maybe you don't      quite remember all the details, but after Caesar had us crucified and we died, we became as angels, and thanks to Eli, we eventually were returned to our bodies. But you lost that dark part of you, and your memory. You were totally lost."

"Some of that sounds familiar."

"There were two Chakrams, the one you had, and a dark Chakram. Both Ares and Kal, some other war god, wanted it. But only you could touch the dark one without being killed. You used the dark Chakram to kill Kal, then you joined the two of them together to make the one we have now. Your memory came back, and with it, that bit of darkness that gave you your edge."

"So, you're saying the darkness inside me is good thing?"

"That's exactly right," said the intrusive voice of Ares, who had again appeared unnoticed.

"What do you want now?" Annie asked.

"I'm just here for Xena to make good on her promise to give me an heir, and for us to have a VERY good time in the process!"


                               Chapter Fifteen

                               Too Late, But Not

"Sorry, Ares," Xena said, "but you're too late. I changed my mind."

"No way! Not in such a short time."

"You snooze, you lose," Mattie said as she and Gabrielle positioned themselves on both sides of Xena in support. "You had your chance, and you blew it," Gabrielle said

"Damn it!" he exclaimed. "I should have known better to leave you two, three, alone. Twice the influence on Xena, and twice the aggravation for me."

His anger was beginning to grow. "I don't know WHY I put up with it all those years." Ares put his hand up and a blue energy ball appeared. "I should have done this a long time ago."

But before he could do anything, Annie came from the hallway with the Chakram Mattie had hidden under their mattress. She was slowly spinning it on her finger, with a no-nonsense look on her face.

If anyone had ever interviewed Ares, and if he was one hundred percent truthful, he would have admitted that he feared only two things, the only two things that could kill him -- a dagger dipped in hind's blood, and the dark Chakram. He didn't know if the new, combined Chakram could kill him, but he suspected at the very least, it could cause some very painful damage. But he wasn't willing to find out.

He angrily closed his hand and the energy ball dissipated. "I don't need to be here," he said. "I've got business elsewhere."

"Causing more bloodshed and suffering, no doubt," Annie said.

"Well yeah, if must know. Things have gotten too quiet on the Indian-Pakistani border. And while I'm in the mood, maybe I'll pay another visit to the Israelis and Palestinians."

"Don't let us keep you," Gabrielle said. "You're not wanted here."

Without any parting words, Ares disappeared.

"I see you got it pretty quickly," Xena said. "What, was it under your mattress?"

"It was," Annie answered with a smile, then held out the Chakram to her. "I guess this is yours."

Xena took it, ran her fingers around it's razor-sharp edge, then said, "Actually, it belongs to all four of us. As I recall, after we died in Japan, it was passed on to Gabrielle." She handed the Chakram back to Annie. "Maybe you can find a safe place for it until we need it."

"So, what was it like?" Harry said, not wanting to be left out. "All four of you together?"

"Kind of strange," Mattie answered. "It was like all of our feelings and thoughts were together, but still separate when we were in our past bodies."

She looked for confirmation from the rest of them.

"That sounds about right," Xena agreed. "We were together, but apart. I could feel, sense, experience all the anguish, and the worry, and especially the love each of us had for the other."

Mattie and Gabrielle concurred.

"And it was also exhausting," Annie added. "I know it's early, but we didn't have much of a lunch. So, Harry, I was wondering if you wouldn't mind fixing supper now?"

"Not at all," he replied. "I can make baked chicken, or spaghetti. Which would you prefer?"

They decided they would like spaghetti.

"Okay. So, why don't the four of you relax, put your feet up, watch some TV, and I'll call you when supper's ready?"

Harry went into the kitchen and started the browning the ground beef, put in the spaghetti to boil, then took out a loaf of French bread to make garlic toast. As he started to slice it, he said to himself, "I wonder if they would like Parmesan cheese on the garlic toast."

He walked back through the dining room to the living room and saw that they had taken his advice to relax, but not exactly the way he expected. Annie was sitting on the love seat with Gabrielle. Her arm was around Gabrielle, and Gabrielle's head was down on Annie's shoulder with one leg across her lap.

Xena was in her usual spot on the end of the sofa, her feet on the coffee table and ankles crossed. Mattie was lying down with her head on Xena's lap, and Xena's fingers were entwined in Mattie's dark red hair as if she had been running her fingers through it. All four of them were asleep.

Harry stood there for a few seconds, trying to figure out how that had happened, then quietly went back into the kitchen. He stirred the spaghetti, then the ground beef, and picked up the knife to start slicing, but put it back down. And with a sigh, and in a sad voice, he said, "Oh, Meg. You're just like a cop -- never around when you're needed."

For most of a minute he let himself think back on the faint and fleeting images of himself and Meg -- drinking and laughing together in Meg's tavern, drinking and laughing when they got married, the drunken wedding night, and the farm and their kids being born and growing up. Then shaking himself from his reverie, he picked up the knife again and began slicing the bread to make the garlic toast.

                                      THE END

David E. Milligan

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