Disclaimers: See Part I

You’re Mine Lassiter!

Part II



June 4, 2001

Chapter 4: Divine Intervention Never Hurts

I awoke alone and cold, not because of the temperature in the room, but from the fear constricting my heart, and invading my soul. De’s plan was in full swing now; there was no turning back. De left strict orders I was not to try to contact her under any circumstances. I was to go nowhere near the club. As if I knew where in the hell the damn thing was! Any communication from De would come through Unc or Ian. I was ooohhhh sssooo happy with that! I was wondering how I was going to get through this without going insane. My concentration was so intense; I didn't hear Unc walk up.

"Hey short stuff," Unc called, "what has you so deep in thought that an ol' lead foot like me can walk up on ya and ya don't take no notice?"

I really must be losing it! Damn, I'll never live this down!

"Oh hi Unc," I mumbled, "I guess you finally learned how to walk softly."

We both knew that was just a bald faced lie.

"Hmph," Unc snorted, "you know better 'n that! I still am 'bout as quiet as a bull stompin'' through the brush after a heifer."

Now there's a visual!

"I never could fool you, could I?" I murmured, "I don't even know why I try."

The old rancher put his arm around me and held me close.

"Listen, darlin', De will be just fine. She knows what she's doing, and I'll bet she'll have Lassiter and his bully boys back behind bars quicker a

than I can spit."

I knew Unc was right, but that still didn't keep me from worrying, or saying a silent prayer.

"Please God, keep my lady safe and free from harm. I love her more than my own life. Bring her back to me safe and whole. Please God."


Just as promised, Doan came through. He pulled a few strings with the city government, and got an old club purchased, and all the necessary building permits, on short notice and the renovations were nearly completed. De's club was located in, what could easily be called the more upscale section of the city. 'The Golden Spike' was advertised as the place to see, and be seen, by the more upwardly mobile segment of Calgary society, not to mention the thousands of tourists who flocked to the city annually. De made sure 'The Spike', as she and her associates had dubbed her club, drew the kind of clientele she wanted. It was imperative to lure, first Clanton, then the ultimate prize, Lassiter to her place.

The rich and powerful were the usual denizens of 'The Spike'. The exclusive upper luxury suites, and the back room provided a secure place for De's customers to enjoy illegal high stakes gambling, high priced 'escorts', and multi-million dollar drug deals. De thought of everything to make sure her plan was successful. She couldn't afford the local law enforcement agencies interfering with her activities. So, naturally, like any good crime boss would do, De bought off the Calgary Police. She couldn't allow any possible leaking of information getting back to Clanton, so she could only inform the upper echelons of the police department. That meant, she had to pay off precinct captains to, 'look the other way', and ignore the goings on in 'The Spike'. Once all the preparations were completed, De was ready to begin.

The grand opening of 'The Golden Spike' was scheduled for the first night of the Calgary Stampede. The Stampede was one of the biggest events put on in Calgary all year and drew thousands of tourists to the city for its two-week run. De never did anything without a reason, and usually she was successful in what she did. The opening was calculated to coincide with the flurry of activities associated with Stampede Week, especially the Chuck Wagon races. The high rollers spent thousands on the races, and the draw for Clanton was just too much to ignore. Clanton loved betting on 'the ponies', and the Chuck Wagon Race was just another race, winner take all, and De intended to take everything.

Chapter: 5 Welcome to My Lair...

There were lots of last minute arrangements to finish up before the opening, and De, who was a stickler for organization, was overseeing everything. She was going to leave nothing to chance. Everything had to meet her standards, and in her past, she would have had anyone who disobeyed orders, or disappointed her in any way, simply killed. Fortunately, she wasn't the cold, calculated murderer now she was then. But still, she had a way to dress someone down with a cold, murderous stare, and God help you if she actually attacked you verbally. I had seen her in action when one of the hands mishandled one of the horses, and I certainly had no desire to piss her off.

De had ordered a sophisticated surveillance system be put in her private office, and Quinlin, the undercover Mountie who was recruited to be her bouncer and her acting right hand, was finishing up the last minute adjustments. The huge, mountain of a man felt her presence before he heard her enter the room. There was a flurry of activity as at least twenty technicians went about the business of checking a vast array of computer and monitoring equipment.

"I'm just about finished here boss," Mike commented, "come see what you think, aye?"

De still hadn't gotten use to the Canadian dialect, and the slight difference in inflection, and colloquialisms got on her nerves.

"I'm sure you've done an excellent job, Mike, but yes, I'll have a look, aye?"

Mike chuckled at De's little jab at his speech.

"Ya know boss," Mike remarked good-naturedly, "you might as well get used to the way we talk here. If you plan on staying here permanently, I mean."

It was no secret that Mike Quinlin had a huge thing for De. There was no arguing the guy had it bad; it was obvious. A blind man could see the drool sliding down Mike's chin whenever he was around De. Unfortunately, he was oblivious to the fact that De was a lesbian, and even more clueless that De and I were a couple. In fact, I was becoming less than cordial toward him when he was around. He was like a fifth wheel, at the ranch, and it was becoming quite tiring to say the least.

De was trying to let him down easily, but I was ready to get a pole ax, and give the man a clue. But De's wishes prevailed, and she was probably right.

"Yeah Mike, I plan on sticking around...permanently," De explained. "Cody and I are taking over the ranch for Doan, when he retires, and we're going to build my place, just the way the two of us want. Yes, I plan on making Canada my home...with Cody by my side."

Now I couldn't have said it any plainer than that, De thought. He's got to get the hint sooner or later. If not, there is Cody and her pole ax.

"Well, that's good to hear," Mike replied, then hesitated. "Uh...uh...De...I mean...what I want to say is...well...after...after this is over...maybe...we ...uh...ah hell. Would you maybe...go have dinner with me? It doesn't have to be anything special...you know...just a man and woman having a good time."

Oh man, has this guy been living under a rock or what?

Unaware of De's discomfort, Mike stumbled on.

"We could maybe go to the rodeo over at Drumheller. That's usually a good rodeo. And...well...I'll be up in the steer wrestlin' then, too. I thought maybe you'd like to see me...per...perform. If you know what I mean."

Perform? Is this guy serious?

"Look," De began seriously, "Mike, you need to understand something. I'm not interested in going out with you."

The big man's shoulders slumped slightly, but the look on his face was one of total disbelief. De hurried on before Mike could voice his protestations.

"Listen, Cody and I are together, and that is how I want it, forever." De explained.

Mike's look of disbelief turned blank.

Have you ever seen the like, De wondered?

"Mike, buy a clue here!" De nearly shouted. "Cody and I are a couple. We're gay...you know...lesbians?" She continued softly. "Mike, we love each other. Cody loves me, and I love her. We're...uh...we're soulmates, ya know? I don't know how or why, but we were meant to be together, forever. I'll never leave her willingly, or unless she tells me to go. Do you understand?"

Mike nodded, but replied, "No."

Oh shit! De's mind groaned.

Mike continued to look totally confused.

"I understand that you think you love Cody, but maybe that's because you've never met the right man, ya know. Uh, someone to take care of you and do all the things a man does for a woman."

If nothing else, the man was persistent; sorta like a dog worrying a bone.

"No Mike, this has nothing to do with me finding 'the right man'," De pointed out. "No man could be the right man; I am attracted to women. I always have been. All my life, it has been a matter of me trying to find 'the right woman', and now I have. Try to understand," De's voice was soothing, as though she was communicating with a scared colt.

"Well, I've always heard about women being together, but I never believed it was...was...possible. But I guess I was wrong." Mike conceded defeat.

"Ya know, I'm not as dense as you might think. I've seen the way you two act together...the way you touch and stuff." Mike hesitated before he continued. "I guess I always knew you had something special, but I never wanted to admit it. I guess I have to now," the big man finished.

Finally!!! I think he's got it!!!

"Thanks for understanding, Mike." De took the big man's large hand. "Listen, I'm really flattered. I mean any other woman would jump at the chance to go out with you. And I want you to know I wouldn't have chosen anyone else to cover my back in a fight. I trust you with my life; that's why you're here. Now, is everything here ready to go?"

Mike was ready for inspection, and couldn’t wait for De to give him the go ahead to flip the switch to engage the system.

"You bet, boss," Mike beamed, "just give the word."

De really did like this overgrown kid, and prayed to God he came to no harm from his association with her.

"Then don’t just stand there," De ordered, "let’s turn this puppy on and see what we’ve got!"

Mike obediently turned on the system and all at once, the bank of thirty monitors came to life. Each screen showed a different room, and every ten seconds, the view in the rooms changed to a different angle. Nothing happening in any portion of the rooms would be missed. And with the help of a computer keyboard, cameras could zoom in and out at a technician’s command.

"All right Mike, you’ve done an excellent job. Tell the rest of the tech team know I’m pleased with the operation so far. Now let’s get to it. There are some other details I want you to go over with the rest of the security team, both here and at the ranch."

Mike was ready for action; he loved this kind of work. He had received several commendations for his handling of important covert operations. Because of his leadership and dedication to duty, he and his team had broken two of the biggest drug cartels in Canada. He was noted for his attention to detail. He always made sure there were no loopholes in any of his cases, which would lead to people getting off on technicalities.

"I’m ready when you are boss," Mike said enthusiastically, "I want this scum to go down, in the worse way…I mean…so he can’t hurt you… or anyone else…ever again. I mean that sincerely."

De was truly touched by the bouncer’s genuine affection for her.

"I know," De whispered," now, let’s do this."


The grand opening of ‘The Golden Spike’ was in full swing. The place was packed with the social elite, rodeo fans, and tourists. The main lounge was packed, as well as the more lucrative upper floors and back gaming rooms. De had yet to make an appearance, but that was all part of the plan. Clanton hadn’t shown up yet, but an undercover Mountie unit, commanded by Ian, had monitored his movements. So, it wouldn’t be long before he would arrive. De’s appearance would take place an hour or so after Clanton’s. The time was necessary to feed Clanton’s ego. He wanted to make the impression he was a real high roller, an honored guest, if you will. De ordered his every desire was to be fulfilled at a moment’s notice. She wanted him as comfortable as a bug in a rug, very complacent, off-guard. The set-up had to be perfect; then she’d make her entrance.

Her appearance would be the one thing that would rock Clanton’s world, and once he was off balance, then she’d move in for the kill, literally. But first, she planned to play with her victim. Clanton was never a match for her, and she saw nothing in his behavior, so far, that would make her think otherwise.

So, as Shakespeare said, "…cry havoc, and loose the dogs of war."

Chapter 6: The Trap is Set

I kept pacing back and forth down the barn aisle. I’d tried everything to keep my mind off of what was going down in town, but I couldn’t. In the past, whenever things had gotten on my nerves to the point of distraction, I would always go work with the horses. I had gone through the entire barn. The horses hadn’t looked this spit polished in months. You’d think they were all going into a halter conformation class. Even the four-hour grooming session hadn’t worked. I was still thinking about De. Well, the barn is where Unc found me.

"Holy, sweet Jesus," Unc declared, "what the hell went through here? These horses ain’t been this spit n’ polished since they went through the Canada Day Parade five years ago. Hell, they don’t even look like my horses. You slip in a bunch a them fancy-assed show horses from down South. This is a workin’ cattle ranch ya know. Ain’t no place for wimpy show horses ‘round here."

The damn man was certainly no comic, and I was in no mood for jokes.

"Hell no!" I shouted. "I’ve been trying to keep my mind occupied, since no one has seen fit to let me know what the hell’s going on in town!"

I was one pissed-off woman, and Unc knew it.

"Now hon, try to calm down. We’re all worried about De, you know that."

He was right, again, and I knew it.

"I’m sorry Unc," I apologized, "I didn’t mean to take my frustrations out on you. It’s just I’m no good at waiting around doing nothing. Is there any word?"

Unc shook his head.

No darlin’," Unc admitted, "not a blessed thing, and I gotta say, that is getting’ this ol’ ‘puncher just as aggravated as y’all. But we jus’ gotta keep the faith that De knows what she’s doin’, an’ things ‘ul work out fine. Now let’s go on up to the house; Maggie’s got supper on."

With that, Unc took me round the shoulders and led me out of the barn and up toward the house.

"I’m not sure I can eat anything," I said quietly, "but I could use some coffee."

Yeah well, you go try that one on Maggie, won’t ya?

"We’ll see," Unc chuckled, "we’ll jus’ see."


De surveyed heself in the full-length mirror. She was hoping she would find the results of the three-hour makeover session distasteful. She was hoping she would not fall so easily, so comfortably, into her old way of life. Unfortunately, that was not the case. She liked what she saw; she liked what the result of her appearance would be. For all of the hateful, hurtful, heinous things she done, there was a part of her that loved the thrill of having people fall under her spell. She liked people paying attention to her; she liked the beautiful clothes, the jewels, the jet set life that came with power and wealth. God help her; she loved it.

No! Her mind screamed; not any longer! Think about Cody! Think about the life you've planned here. Think about the anguish you would cause the one person you love above all else if you would fall back into the hell your old life was. Think, De's mind screamed, think!

De shook her head and glared at her reflection in disgust.

"No Lassiter, not this time, you bastard," De growled, "you're not pulling me into this again. I'm gonna win this time. No you're going down, and you're going down hard. You're not going back to prison. You're mine; I'll see you dead, or die trying. I'll win this one for Cody...Spike...and me."

Downstairs, the partying was in full swing. People were having the time of their lives, but things were just getting started. The clientele of 'The Golden Spike' were about to be treated to the most beautifully striking creature they had ever seen, or were likely to ever see, in their entire lives. De appeared at the top of the circular staircase like a goddess descending from Mt. Olympus. She was resplendent in a shimmering blue gown with silver threads weaved throughout. One shoulder was bare, and the left side of the gown was split up above mid-thigh. Her shoulder length raven hair was woven into a single loose braid down her back. A blue and silver ribbon was interwoven through the inky tresses. She wore little make-up, save eye-liner, mascara, and light violet eyeshadow expertly applied for the best effect. Her bronzed skin shone in the light giving her an almost translucent aura. To say she was a vision would certainly be an understatement.

Mike spotted De as she slowly, gracefully began her descent down the stairs. Once he pulled in his tongue and picked his jaw up off the bar, where he was standing, he raced up the stairs to escort De through the throng of the now mesmerized club patrons.

"Take it easy," De whispered, "you’re acting like a hormonal adolescent. Let’s try to act professionally here, shall we?"

Mike salvaged what was left of his pride, and straightened his hulking 6’5" frame.

"Right," he croaked desperately.

A dour glare from De brought him back to reality.

"Hmm," he coughed, "of course boss, I’m ready for this, honest."

De rolled her eyes and groaned softly.

"Oh God, save me from men who are controlled by their glands."

With Mike’s hand resting lightly on her elbow, De made her way through the crowd like a regal monarch surveying her subjects. Admittedly, the two looked like they belonged together. Mike’s dark, brooding eyes and hair complemented De’s azure eyes, and equally black hair; both were tall and muscular. Mike’s muscles bulged and rippled beneath his dark blue, sleeveless leather vest. His long, thick, muscular legs were encased in gray, dress Wranglers. He wore a black, leather belt sporting his 1999 NFR Steer Wrestling Champion- ship trophy buckle. Around his neck, he wore a St. Christopher’s medal on a gold chain. Yes sir, there was no doubt about it. By anyone’s standards, and if you were so inclined, Mike was one helluva man. Anyone, who was foolish enough to cross this black belt, would find themselves totally overmatched. Even De was impressed.

"Mike, have you checked out the crowd?" De whispered.

Mike looked around; wondering what she was getting at.

"Of course I checked out the crowd," he replied indignantly, "that’s what I get pain for, isn’t it?"

De smirked softly.

"No, Mikie boy, that’s not what I was referring to. Check out the blonde by the window on the left."

Mike followed De’s gaze as she indicated.

"So," the Mounties replied, "she’s attractive enough, I guess. What’s your point?"

De turned to look at the big man and smiled. She slapped him playfully on the cheek.

"Wake up my friend," the tall goddess admonished, "she’s hot for you."

Mike’s head snapped up as though he’d been slapped.

"You’re not serious?" the bouncer asked, incredulously.

De only nodded.

"Ya think? Really?"

Mike was dumbfounded.

"Seems like it to me," De remarked absentmindedly, as she surveyed the crowd. "Let’s go, Clanton must be in the back room with the high rollers. I want to say hello."

Mike followed along behind the club owner, ready to pounce on anyone who made a wrong move toward his friend. Still, he hesitated to take one last look at the blonde, who was still making seductive eye contact with him.

"Hmph," he snorted.

"Were you saying something?" De asked.

"No, nothing," Mike replied.

"Well then, let’s get on with this."

Mike was just more than a little curious about what De had in mind.

"What’s the plan, once we get in there?" Mike asked pointedly.

"It’s really simple, my large friend," De said flatly, "I’m gonna go rock Mr. Clanton’s mundane little world. And if he’s really lucky, I might let you take him to jail while he’s still in one piece."

De left the shocked policeman standing where he’d stopped.

"Oh, by the way, you’re only back-up, remember? This is my deal, all the way, got it?" De hissed.

Mike nodded mutely, then followed meekly along.


"Hey, bring me another scotch, honey, and be quick about it. And if you’re real good baby, I may reward you later. You look like you could use a night in the sack with a real man," Clanton crowed.

Clanton slapped the hostess on the butt and sent her on her way. The undercover police woman wanted to break Clanton’s beefy neck, but a glance toward the door where De had just entered changed her mind. A slight shake of her head sent the waitress back to the bar to get Clanton’s drink. De felt her skin crawl, as she looked the two-bit thug over carefully.

The years had not been kind to him. The once virile, strong man had gotten soft. He had obviously been living the 'Life of Riley' way too long. His once flat stomach was now a flabby paunch. His long, slender fingers were now swollen. The hawk-like features, in his face, were now puffy and bloated. Clanton had definitely gone to seed.

"Pathetic," De growled.

Clanton was playing poker at a table comprised of various minor figures in the Calgary crime syndicate. Clanton fit right in with this bunch, De thought. A big fish in a little pond; he could throw his considerable weight around and his compatriots would think he was a really big man. The waitress brought the thug his drink.

"Hey baby, when do I get to see the owner of this dive?" Clanton asked.

He reached for the drink, took a big draft, and pinched the waitress’s butt all at the same time. He promptly blew the strong drink out his mouth and nostrils when he heard the low contralto voice purr behind him.

"Is now good enough for you, Martin?"

With a simple wave of her hand the lowly scum sitting at Clanton’s table all but fell over themselves trying to get out of the bodyguard’s way as he pulled a chair out for her. Clanton nearly swallowed his tongue as De sat down and gracefully crossed her leg, revealing a length of tempting, shapely thigh. He was left to try desperately pull himself together, and salvage some portion of what little dignity he had. Clanton thought briefly about making a run for it, but he was surrounded, instantly it seemed, by a mass of very large, very serious looking men. Their job by all accounts was to protect De’s back, as if she needed help where that was concerned. He tried levity instead, without much success.

"You must think I’m really big and bad," Clanton smirked, indicating all the beef standing behind De.

De never missed a beat.

"Hardly," she remarked off hand.

Clanton decided it was time to move on, quickly. Maybe a compliment would work it’s magic; it always had before.

"The years have certainly been good to you," he gushed, "you look incredible."

De was in no mood to be kind.

"It’s really sad to say you haven’t faired well at all," De’s jab hit hard as Clanton shifted uncomfortably in his cushy chair, but she continued.

"You look like hell. Tsk, tsk. You’ve let yourself go terribly, Martin. You should take better care of yourself."

Clanton tried to rise from his chair, obviously with the intention of reaching over the table to slap De senseless. But before he could move, he found himself slammed back down into his chair, and the tall, angry looking bodyguard was towering over him.

"Hey, cowboy," Clanton shouted, "what’s the big idea?"

Martin would have said more, but he instantly lost his voice when he found himself face to face with a very deadly, dangerous creature.

"Shut up Clanton," De intoned. "You’re not in charge here, I am. My boys here are very protective of me," De purred as she stroked Mike’s arm suggestively. "They make sure nothing…bad…happens to me, and they’re greatly rewarded for their efforts."

Clanton swallowed audibly as De’s hand moved from Mike’s arm down over his strong thigh, then she veered left toward, and eventually stopped directly over his manhood. She ran her hand up and down, stroking Mike softly, yet firmly. For Mike’s part, he was having a hard time keeping his male responses in check.

"Now, let’s get down to business. Shall we adjourn to my office?" De ordered. She turned to one of her men.

"Clay, see to it Mr. Clanton is escorted to my office; Mike, shall we?"

De arose from her chair and glided to her office door. Mike nearly tripped over his size fourteen Tony Lamas getting the door open for the tall beauty. Once inside, the gloves came off. Clanton was literally thrown into a chair, and held there by two of De’s body-guards. Clanton nearly wet himself; he was so scared.

"Wh…wh…what…ddd…do you want with me?" the scum lord whimpered.

De pulled out a long, thin, stiletto and approached the shaking, whining man.

"Oh Martin, I’m so very disappointed in you," De sighed. The words, spoken sickeningly sweet, were full of venom.

"I should think you would know exactly what I want." This time, the stiletto sliced neatly along Clanton’s cheek, drawing blood as it traveled downward, punctuated her words.

De’s dark side was now loose and running wild.

"What I want is really very simple," the dark woman continued, "I want revenge, I want Lassiter, and you’re going to deliver both."

Well, isn’t this a good place to end Part II? This thing is taking on a mind of its own, but I promise, Part III will be the end of "The Real Dreams Series". Let me know what you think. As always, I require constructive comments.

Part 3

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