The following story contains adult material depicting explicit sexual relations between two consenting adults of the same sex. If you are under 18 or this material is illegal where you live, please read no further. The writer accepts no legal responsibility for non-compliance with this warning.

The characters of Xena and Gabrielle are copyrighted to MCA/Universal/Renaissance even though this is a semi-Uberish kind of story. No copyright infringement is intended. The rest of the story is copyrighted to me (posted December 17, 1997--L.N. James). No original aspect of this story may be used without asking first.

Thanks to BL Miller for her story 'The Western Chronicles'. Also Della Street's 'Towards the Sunset' was inspiring as well.



L.N. James


"She is benediction..." - P.S.
Kansas City 1871
The saloon was loud and smoky near the bar, not that the patrons were complaining. As long as the bartender kept the brew coming, the outlaws in this tavern were happy. The gold rush had passed through and by Kansas City, but cattle and farming had kept some of the honest people in town. Of course, though, some of the dishonest people found a way to make a living in the Old West too, rustling and bank robbing. Naturally, this saloon was full of both kinds and Gabrielle wasn't surprised she had been sent word to meet here.

Kansas was still wild then, endless pastures and prairies spread out across the landscape. Winters were cruel with the wind blowing down the wide open spaces of brown, dead grasses, but summer was the worst. The prairie sun seemed to bake the land at times, wilting even the hardy wildlowers and tall grains that thrived. Regardless of the season though, the one constant that remained was the limitless possibilities the state held. It took the most determined and hopeful people to settle the land there, but the gentle grace it held made all the hard work worth it.

Afternoon storms raged across the land in beautiful but terrifying displays, reminding those who chose to make their home there that they merely rented the space, with Mother Nature owning the land and being an unforgiving landlady. Surprisingly though, very few wanted to leave, the land and wide sky offering its own source of peace if allowed.

Essentially, there were very few big towns outside of Kansas City in any direction. The city was a thriving river town, the upredictable Missouri flowing down the dividing line between the states. The city itself couldn't seem to decide whether it wanted to be in Missouri or Kansas, so it chose both. Because it was the hub of civilization, it was the meeting place of many. But it was a rough town, as were all those out west. Despite the best attempts by the local law, many of the country's famous rode through Kansas City like they owned it. Jesse James even dropped his boots under some of the best hotel beds in this town.

Everyone knew it was wild and rough and lawless. But tonight, the stage area of the saloon room was as quiet as a church, all eyes glued to the lighted stage and the beauty it held, all ears following with rapt attention the voice that spoke with passion and skill.

"And then, the warrior princess took a mighty swing and brought her sword down. Surprised, she watched as the leader of the Horde caught the blade in his hand, the blood trickling red down his palm. How her awesome sword had not severed his hand was a mystery to all who watched. Wrenching the sword free, the leader hefted it and looked at the warrior woman in front of him. After she had taken his deadly sickle weapon away from him, she smiled a feral smile as she twirled it with eminent kill. This would be a fight to the death and everyone knew it. But it would also be a fight for humanity."

Gabrielle paused as she let the words sink in before she prepared to finish her tale. She took in the attentive men who sat at small wooden tables, drinking their beer and whiskey and enjoying the story. The storyteller knew that most of the people who listened wanted to hear war stories about fighting and courage and killing, something that they thought would mirror their own lives. Gabrielle wasn't adverse to giving them such things, but she also felt compelled to expound on the complexities that came with such actions.

And she was determined to honor the warrior hero of her stories, the one she had learned about as a child from her native neighbors. Folklore passed from culture to culture as Gabrielle had defied her parents by visiting the peaceful settlements of the Shawnee and the Osage Indians. Gabrielle had snuck off and listened to the stories told around campfires, her imagination captured by the tales of a warrior woman from across the sea. She never stopped to wonder how those stories made their way to the middle of the Old West and to a people as ancient as the ones the warrior woman represented. Gabrielle simply believed.

Taking a deep breath, the storyteller continued, her green eyes flashed with the energy of her tale.

"They fought bravely as all eyes watched their dance of combat. The warrior woman was fierce and powerful, her blue eyes flashing as she parried each swing of the painted leader's sword. The energy and power that rolled off the warrior woman's body was awe-inspiring. Her long black hair flowed wildly as she twirled and swung the Horde weapon, her muscles shining in the sun. Suddenly, the tide turned as the crowd watched the mighty woman deflect the tall leader's sword and bring the wooden handle of her weapon around the man's thick neck. In a death grip, the warrior woman held his life in her hands as she pulled the weapon tighter, cutting off the leader's lifeblood and air. Certain death would follow if she kept up the pressure."

Gabrielle gestured, her body showing the moves that the warrior woman made and her face showing both the expressions of the warrior woman and the helpless Horde leader. The cowboy crowd began to cheer, urging for the story to end with a life taken. Gabrielle closed her eyes and let the voices carry over her as her mind's eye recreated the scene. Holding up her hands, she silenced the crowd and in a soft but clear voice, she continued.

"With the choice of giving into her darker side and simply killing the leader with an easy twist of her hands or choosing to silence her will and let the man live, the warrior woman chose to walk away. Pushing the leader from her, she dropped the man to the ground and turned her back to him as she picked up her sword to walk back to the fort. With herself vulnerable to a blind attack from behind, she put her faith in the hope of humanity over senseless killing."

The room full of men almost hissed out their displeasure at this before Gabrielle held up her hand and shook her head, indicating there was more to the story. A hush fell in the room of cowboys once more.

"She walked away, proud and tall as she always did, when suddenly, the Horde leader pulled back his weapon and prepared to attack the woman with deadly intent. Time seemed to stop as everyone watched. A desperate warning was issued by a young woman in the crowd, the fear and love for the warrior woman evident in her eyes. Just before the leader let go of the weapon to kill the warrior woman, the rest of the man's tribe let loose a wild call and threw their own weapons at the defeated and dishonored leader, killing him where he stood."

The room shouted and cheered at the story, seemingly missing the point while celebrating the obvious victory. Gabrielle let them continue for a bit before they settled down and gave the young storyteller their full attention, her green eyes conveying the warmth and compassion in her heart.

"Walking slowly to meet with her kin, the warrior woman caught the eye of the young woman who accompanied her throughout her journeys and who held her heart. She could have gone after the Horde and defeated them, but instead she chose to let the group go. When the young woman asked whether the fierce men could ever be stopped or defeated, the warrior woman shook her head. She had learned that her instinct to fight had blinded her to other ways of reaching a solution. Only when common ground and an appreciation for the shared humanity of all people was found would there be peace. She had learned this lesson many times from the young woman she travelled with and the warrior woman came to realize that she could change and find a better way to relate with people who were different than she was. Thus, it was a story of love and trust overcoming hate and doubt, a story of courage and redemption for all time."

With that, Gabrielle brought the story to a close and despite the lack of a big bloody finale, the crowd of men applauded her tale as much for the story as for the telling of it. In the shadows, blue eyes of a woman had watched the storyteller weave her tale, shaking her head at the exaggeration of the heroics of the warrior woman while downplaying the role of the woman's guide and lover. But part of her surged with the excitement of the story, the thrill of the battle described, the rush of the power held in two strong, sure hands. She could almost taste the dust and sun of that day, could almost feel the blood surging through her veins as it must have through the warrior woman's. To the shadowed observer who had listened to the story, the feelings inspired by the tale sung through her body like a familiar and haunting refrain. She knew that song. Silently, she watched the storyteller gracefully accept accolades from the stage as she made her way off, her sure and confident steps mirroring the skill she displayed on the stage. Something about the way the young woman seemed o hold herself flooded the silent form against the back wall of the saloon with pride. And something more. With hooded eyes, she watched the blond make her way to the bar.

After having finished her act on stage, Gabrielle sat at the bar and attempted to fend off the various offers from admirers and would-be companions. The bartender made sure to politely remind the drunken rowdies to leave the fair-haired woman alone or there would be hell to pay. Obviously, the dusty men who came up to Gabrielle weren't privy to the information that the storyteller was off-limits to everyone.

Except Xena.

The legendary bankrobber had met Gabrielle a year before while passing through on her way to Dodge City. Xena rode with a few trusted men and was wanted from New York to San Francisco. Rumor had it she had big plans for Kansas City and the annual gold transfer. Only Xena could pull off a heist the size of this one, plotting and executing a brilliant plan to intercept gold from the West Coast on its way to the treasury in Washington DC. The government had devised an elaborate system of drop offs, false leads and cover-ups in order to insure the safety of the transfer. All other outlaws had figured that the gold would go north through St. Joseph, a stop on the Pony Express route, but Xena figured out the government's plan to divert a small amount of the gold that way, while moving the largest portion through Kansas City. The treasury figured that most people wouldn't suspect that they would attempt to transfer that amount of gold through the heart of outlaw country. Of course, Xena wasn't most people.

Sipping her ale, Gabrielle closed her eyes and let the noise of the saloon fade away. Meeting Xena that first time had been an experience to say the least. The young woman had just moved to the city from her rural Kansas home, attempting to find a little more excitement in her life than watching the prairie grass wave back and forth on those hot summer days.

Not knowing any better, Gabrielle stumbled into the first saloon she found in the city and tried to find work telling stories. She almost found a profession she hadn't bargained for, but a tall, dark woman had threatened Madame Bouvier when the older woman tried to sell Gabrielle's services to the boys at the bar. The young woman had been thankful that the stranger had saved her and was amazed when, with very few words, this same woman tendered her a job telling stories and found her lodging at another more respectable saloon. It appeared that the stranger had some kind of pull in this place and before Gabrielle could get her name, she was gone.

Of course, she learned it soon enough and each time Xena passed through town, Gabrielle slowly got to know the quiet outlaw. Sometimes she would be in town for a day or two and when Xena wasn't taking care of other business, she generally ended up sitting in the back of the saloon, listening to Gabrielle tell stories. Funny how the patrons seemed to like listening to old stories about Ancient Greek gods and goddesses and warriors. Kansas City was a million miles away, but everyone seemed to be interested in the stories Gabrielle told about those places and people.

Their exchanges were short in the beginning, the outlaw simply nodding at Gabrielle or occasionally returning her greeting with a simple 'Hey'. But over time, the storyteller found that Xena tolerated her presence at the outlaw's table after she had finished her stories and would share a meal or drink with the young woman. It was like getting blood from a stone to drag anything out of Xena, but Gabrielle had managed to get a few details and their conversations progressed each time Xena stopped in town. There was just something familiar about her stoic companion that allowed the storyteller to feel comfortable with her. Everyone else kept their distance, but Gabrielle was persistent.

Surprisingly and quite unexpectedly, they became more than friends one long winter week when Xena found herself stranded in town. The cold northwest wind blew down from the Rocky Mountains across the expanse of prairie and covered the land in a white glaze of deep snow. It was almost as if everything outdoors had been covered in a blanket of deep white fluff and it confined everyone where they were. Inside the saloon with the wind howling outside, Gabrielle had simply looked across the dinner table one night and caught those blue eyes, looking lonely and sad and distant, and couldn't help but be pulled towards this woman. Xena had allowed herself to be led up to the storyteller's room, the sound of her boots on the stairs the only conversation between them.

That night had been...softer than Gabrielle would have imagined. That's the only way she could describe it. She had expected Xena to be rough, but instead, everything had been soft. She had never made love to anyone, let alone a woman, so in her storyteller's imagination, she hadn't dreamed everywhere she touched Xena would be smooth and warm like the rare silk she once felt in the county store. And the way the outlaw had touched her...well, that had been like an intense shiver that ran through her body for hours. It had left her crying and Xena had gathered her up in her strong arms and held her tightly, murmuring gentle words. That had been their first night and she was never going to forget it.

Gabrielle had never in her wildest dreams thought a person like Xena would ever become her lover. Perhaps it was the lonely miles Xena rode or perhaps it was the way Gabrielle felt she knew the outlaw's very soul or perhaps it was the expanse of Kansas sky that lay above of them; whatever it was, they found each other, the how or the why was still a mystery to the once-farm girl. All she knew was that Xena kept coming back and Gabrielle kept waiting.

Now, Gabrielle was an intelligent woman, and working in the city had taught the storyteller a thing or two about life. As much as Xena pretended that Gabrielle was one of many the outlaw had stationed across the West, the young woman knew better. Through creative means, Gabrielle had tracked down several sources, extracted tidbits of information here and there, and discovered that Xena led a solitary existence on the road, save for her small band of fellow outlaws. Gabrielle knew that she alone was the only woman Xena kept and that she alone had whatever it was the mysterious outlaw seemed to want or need. And that pleased Gabrielle to no end.

Word had come from the bartender that Xena would be coming to town tonight after stopping in Wichita. Gabrielle knew what that meant. Wichita always meant that Xena had to deal with the annoying man who arranged to launder her gold for her. And it meant that she undoubtably encountered highway bandits on the road to Kansas City. And it meant that the outlaw had been pushed to the point where she was dangerously close to killing the next person who looked at her the wrong way.

And, most importantly, it meant that Xena would be in a mood tonight.

Gabrielle smiled. She didn't care what people thought, she was no longer a farm girl and she was old enough and wise enough now to make her own decisions. Many had thought that the outlaw had corrupted Gabrielle and maybe she had, but as far as the storyteller was concerned, if this was what corruption felt like, then by all means, she'd gladly pay her own way to ride that handbasket to Hell.

Taking another sip of her ale, Gabrielle felt a slight breeze move behind her. Without opening her eyes, she knew and felt the presence move close. She had a sense about the outlaw, could feel when this magnetic woman walked into the room without looking. She had felt this from that first day. She had no explanation for it, nor did she feel the need to question it. It just was.

"My room. Now."

The low rumble glided against her ear, sending shivers down Gabrielle. With a slight touch of a hand against her back and a light breath against her neck, the outlaw was gone before Gabrielle even had a chance to put her mug of ale down and turn around. Yes, Xena was most definitely in a mood tonight. Taking a deep breath, Gabrielle swivelled off her barstool, adjusted her long skirt, and headed for the stairs, anticipation making her steps quick and light. She felt like she hadn't seen the outlaw in a thousand years or more. Whatever it was that drew them both together, it was definitely telling Gabrielle to get herself there. Now.


Gabrielle turned the doorknob to Xena's room, well, really, it was her room most of the time, but she wasn't about to quibble over such details at a time like this. The door opened quietly and as she slipped inside the slightly dark room, the sounds of the saloon below faded to nothing. Inside the sparsely furnished room, ten candles flickered from the window sill and the table and the night stand and the trunk at the foot of the bed. In all, the room had a fairly bright glow, the candles casting golden light around the room...except in one corner.

Gabrielle froze in place.

She stood in the shadow, leaning casually against the wall, her figure slightly hidden. As Gabrielle's eyes adjusted to the light, she could see that Xena's arms were crossed in front of her chest and her legs were crossed at the ankles. She still wore her hat, her long dark hair falling loosely behind her. The white of her shirt was the only thing that stood out on her. The rest was dark.

"Did you miss me?"

Xena's low words worked their way across the room to Gabrielle, making the storyteller realize just how much she did indeed miss the outlaw. Three weeks was too long. Hell, one day was too long. Obediently, she answered the query with a smile.

"I did. Very much."

A slight chuckle came from the shadows and Gabrielle knew that Xena's eyes were roaming across her, taking in the young woman's form, drinking in the curves and lines. Gabrielle had worn one of Xena's favorite outfits, a tight fitting long green skirt and a loosely buttoned, long sleeved white shirt. To Xena, half of what made it her favorite outfit was knowing exactly what those soft clothes covered. The storyteller's golden hair freely fell around her shoulders and her green eyes glinted in the candlelight. Just knowing what was to come made the blush rise from her neck to cheeks.

Xena's words were first soft, and then dropped to a lower seductive pitch as her blue eyes gazed at Gabrielle.

"Mmm..I missed you too. Very much. Do you know what a long trip it's been?"

It was question and answer time so Gabrielle played along. Smiling, she responded.

"Very long?"

Xena chuckled again as she stepped forward, the light finally catching her body. Gabrielle swallowed as she watched the outlaw move towards her. This is what it came down to, loving an outlaw the way she did. The young woman's eyes took in the sight with silent relish, knowing that half of what she liked about what Xena wore was that it spoke volumes about who Xena was and how powerful she could be.

Walking slowly and stopping five feet from Gabrielle, Xena smiled. She wore a dark brown leather hat, the chin strap was behind her head and loosely tangled in her dark hair. Her white shirt was nearly identical to Gabrielle's except she wore a dark brown leather vest over it and let the top two buttons of the shirt remain open. She wore dark tan cotton trousers and over those trousers, a pair of worn dark brown chaps matched her vest and hat. Dark boots with silver spurs covered her feet. But what caught Gabrielle's eyes and what had always caught them were the two gunbelts she wore strapped around her waist. Slung low, the brown leather gunbelts buckled at either side of the outlaw's hips and each holster held a shiny silver gun. Casually, Xena rested her thumbs inside the gunbelts in front of her and smiled at Gabrielle. The candlelight glinted off the metal and Gabrielle unconsciously licked her lips. Still smiling, Xena came forward and walked around Gabrielle.

"Mm was a very long trip."

Gabrielle closed her eyes when she felt Xena lean in close but not touch her, her breath warm against the side of her neck and ear.

"Too long."

Walking back around in front of Gabrielle, the outlaw stopped again, this time one of her hands came to lightly touch the young woman's cheek. Opening her eyes, Gabrielle forced herself to look into the blue eyes of the woman standing before her, pure desire sparking out of those depths. Sometimes, what those eyes conveyed scared her, so strong and passionate and consuming.

"And do you know what kept me going? Hmm?"

Xena's fingertip lightly traced a path over Gabrielle's lips and down the front f her neck. The outlaw smiled as she watched her lover shiver under her touch as she pulled her hand away. Taking hold of her hat, Xena pulled it off her head and shook out her hair, expertly tossing the hat across the room and hooking it on the nail on the back of the door. Smiling, she watched Gabrielle's eyes follow her hands as she ran them through her dark hair. The storyteller apparently had forgotten what the question was.

Moving smoothly behind Gabrielle once more, Xena put her hands on the young woman's shoulders and leaned in again, her lips resting gently against one of Gabrielle's ears.

"I'm going to tell you exactly what kept me going, Gabrielle."

The storyteller closed her eyes and leaned her head to the side as she felt Xena's hands softly squeeze her shoulders. Lips against her ear once more made her shake slightly as she felt Xena move closer and press against her back. With a low, husky voice, the outlaw spoke again.

"The thought of you on your knees."

Gabrielle bit her bottom lip as she felt Xena nip against her ear. Xena's rumbly voice was all she heard.

"That's what kept me going."

Xena's hands moved down Gabrielle's arms, her rough hands smoothing over the soft cotton sleeves of the blond's shirt. Gabrielle took in a breath when those hands found her hips and rested there. Moving her head to the other side, Xena leaned in again and spoke in a low voice.

"And that's what I want."

The outlaw moved her hands up Gabrielle's side and curved around to cup the storyteller's breasts.


Xena's teeth bit softly into Gabrielle's neck below her ear.

"On your knees."

Fingers squeezed gently and Gabrielle's nipples instantly responded to the pressure, hardening as the young woman whimpered softly at the touch.

"For me."

With that, Xena bit harder against the soft flesh of Gabrielle's neck where it met her shoulder, not quite hurting but leaving enough of an impression for Gabrielle to know exactly whose lips and teeth were on her and whose hands were touching her and whose body she wold be pleasuring tonight.

"Turn around."

The outlaw commanded with her voice and Gabrielle turned to face the woman she felt like she had known forever. With her cheeks reddened with arousal and her green eyes darkening to match, the young storyteller looked up at Xena. Smiling, the taller woman let her eyes travel down Gabrielle's body, pausing and narrowing as they caught sight of the young woman's nipples pressing against the white cotton fabric of her shirt. Dragging her eyes back up to Gabrielle's face, Xena's expression filled with desire.

"I like this..."

Xena nodded as she raised her hand and traced a fingertip over one of Gabrielle's nipples, smiling as she watched the young woman shiver at the touch. Moving her hand to where the first button was buttoned, Xena easily undid it and caught hold of the fabric in her hand. Gabrielle watched as Xena's eyes turned feral, and the outlaw roughly grabbed the storyteller's shirt and pulled her forward.

Crushing her lips against the smaller woman's, Xena finally kissed Gabrielle with a passion few people on this earth were lucky enough to feel. It was all-consuming, all-encompassing, and completely hot. All Gabrielle could do was respond as Xena's lips covered hers and devoured her. It was almost as if everything the outlaw had been saving these past few weeks or maybe a lifetime found its outlet in that kiss. Slightly moaning, Gabrielle let herself be taken as Xena's tongue moved over her lips and across her teeth and filled her fully.

The taller woman's hand still clutched Gabrielle's shirt while her other wound its way around and pulled the storyteller close. When they were both breathless, Xena let her lips and tongue travel over and down Gabrielle's neck, never losing contact with her lover's sweet skin. Each taste reminded Xena of exactly how much she missed Gabrielle, exactly how much this passionate young woman turned her on, and exactly how much she was beginning to think she wanted this woman in her life for a long time. And when she nipped against Gabrielle's neck and the storyteller whimpered in response, Xena was reminded of exactly how much she needed Gabrielle. On her knees.

Pulling back, Xena looked down at Gabrielle, whose eyes were still closed from the roughly sensual assault on her lips and neck. Breathing slightly harder, Gabrielle finally opened her eyes and swallowed at the lust clearly evident in the outlaw's eyes.

"I need to see you."

Xena growled by way of explanation as she easily pulled and ripped the buttons from Gabrielle's shirt, exposing the bard's body to her eyes. Licking her lips, Xena absentmindedly pushed the shirt off of one shoulder, her eyes glued to the soft curves of Gabrielle's breast and the clearly defined muscles running tautly across her belly. With a slight shrug, Gabrielle finished the task of removing her shirt for Xena, knowing that the outlaw had her mind elsewhere.

One hand was suddenly tentative as it raised to lightly touch against one of the storyteller's breasts, as if the sight of Gabrielle's exposed body somehow made Xena realize that she was the one who should be kneeling at such beauty and perfection. Gabrielle's soft voice brought her back to the present as her fingers stroked against sensitive flesh.

"Do you like what you see, Xena?"

Gazing up to meet Gabrielle's green eyes, Xena nodded. When she felt Gabrielle lean into her hand, Xena's eyes softened.

"You know I do, Gabrielle. I always have and I always will."

Gabrielle leaned forward and lightly kissed Xena's lips, her breasts pressing against the smooth suede of the outlaw's vest. Moving her own arms up and around Xena's neck, the young woman pulled Xena down as her lips moved with gentle pressure. Xena's own hands slid around and moved against Gabrielle's back, feeling the warmth and muscles under her hands. When she felt Gabrielle's tongue tentatively touch against her lips, Xena remembered that she was supposed to be in charge here. Pulling back, the outlaw narrowed her eyes at Gabrielle, who simply smiled and tried to act innocent. Truth be told, as tough as Xena might pretend to be, Gabrielle was slowly realizing just how much power she herself had over the woman. Right now though, she was content to let Xena lead, mainly because (if another truth be told) it turned her on to no end.

"Undress me."

Xena attempted to regain the upper hand and when her voice took on that commanding note as it did now, the outlaw could pretty much convince anyone to do anything she wanted. And right now, she wanted Gabrielle, intensely.

But before that, she wanted her young lover to undress her and she wanted Gabrielle to be reminded of who she was making love to tonight. As the storyteller reached to undo one of Xena's gunbelts, the outlaw pulled her hips back and smiled, her finger wagging in admonishment.

"No no...I'm the one who tells you what to do and where to start, remember?"

Gabrielle looked up at Xena, her green eyes suddenly taking on the look of someone kept from doing what was most wanted. Watching Gabrielle's eyes, Xena's smile faded and her expression turned serious. And sexy. At the same time.

"My vest first."

With nimble fingers, Gabrielle reached up and took hold of the flaps of the leather vest. Keeping her eyes locked on Xena, the storyteller briefly rubbed her thumbs against the worn silk liner of the vest and slowly pushed it over Xena's shoulders and tossed it on a nearby chair. Glancing up, Gabrielle waited for her next order. With dark eyes, Xena once again moved around behind and leaned in. Gabrielle closed her eyes when she felt Xena's breasts through the outlaw's shirt against her bare back. Again, she felt warm breath against her ear as Xena's voice dropped to a low rumble.

"Can you feel what you do to me?"

To emphasize her point, Xena moved against Gabrielle's back, her hard nipples rubbing against sensitive skin. With a loan moan, Gabrielle tried to reach around behind her but Xena's hands found her wrists and captured them for the time being. Nuzzling her face against soft, scented hair, Xena's lips found Gabrielle's ear again, nibbling lightly on the lobe.

"And this is only the half of what you do to me, Gabrielle. When I think about you...mmm..."

Xena paused as she closed her eyes and moved her hands to entwine with Gabrielle's, wrapping her arms around the storyteller's warm midsection, squeezing tight. With her tongue moving lightly against Gabrielle's ear, Xena continued.

"And believe me, I've been..thinking..about you every night since I've been gone."

Letting one of Gabrielle's hands go, Xena dropped her palm and smoothed it over the front of the storyteller's skirt, down her thigh and over, stopping to rest against Gabrielle's sex as if to emphasize exactly what she meant by her words.

"Every night, Gabrielle..."

The young woman made a soft sound as the impact of the words sank in and Xena continued to rub against her back, whispering soft words in her ear.

"I'd think about what we've done together.."

Letting go of Gabrielle's other hand, Xena moved to cup a firm breast again, her thumb gently moving over incredibly sensitive flesh. Gabrielle's knees were beginning to get weak as she leaned back against the outlaw.

"And I'd think about what I'd like to do..with you..and to you.."

Xena nipped at Gabrielle's neck again, feeling the heat of the young woman's skin against her lips and tasting the salt with her tongue.

"I'd think about you touching me.."

Xena's hands moved to Gabrielle's waist and she turned the young woman around, her eyes meeting deep, dark green. Running her hands up Gabrielle's sides and over her breasts to rest on her shoulders, Xena narrowed her eyes at the arousal she saw on Gabrielle's face. With a curl of her lip in a semi-growl, the outlaw spoke.


With that, Xena pushed down against the young storyteller's shoulders, her eyes never leaving Gabrielle's as she watched her lover make a slow descent to her knees.

Watching Gabrielle kneel in front of her the way she did sparked off even more heat in Xena's body, if that were possible. The storyteller sat back with her knees on the thick throw rug on the floor to the side of the room, her hands rested on her thighs as she looked up and waited to see what the outlaw had in store for her. Xena smiled slightly as she reached out and ran a fingertip across the warm skin of Gabrielle's shoulder, her eyes transfixed by the soft, smoothness under her hand. Stepping closer to the young woman, Xena moved her hand through silky golden hair to the side of Gabrielle's face and let her fingertips move back forward and graze a warm, flushed cheek and full bottom lip. Resting her hand back on Gabrielle's shoulder, Xena smiled seductively again.

"My boots."

Gabrielle looked up Xena's face and nodded slightly as the outlaw held up one foot for Gabrielle to slip off the boot. Feeling the pressure of Xena's hand against her shoulder, Gabrielle looked down and reached or the boot, her hand grasping the heel, her fingers moving over the cool metal of the spurs. Tugging, she pulled off Xena's boot and sock all at once and smiled to herself as the outlaw shifted her weight and held up her other foot. Gabrielle repeated the procedure and soon, Xena was standing in bare feet in front of her. The young storyteller looked up expectantly at Xena.

"My shirt."

Gabrielle nodded and tried to stand, but Xena's hand held her in place. Smiling, the outlaw looked down at the young woman and shook her head.

"You can reach.."

Getting up further on her knees, Gabrielle lifted her hands and pulled the shirt from its tucked position in Xena's trousers, her fingers briefly grazing against the leather gunbelts around the outlaw's waist. Xena's eyes watched as Gabrielle's fingers worked the wooden buttons on her shirt, starting with the lowest and going up. Xena smiled to herself as she watched the storyteller's eyes take in the sight of her bare skin as it was slowly revealed. Gabrielle had almost unbuttoned all the buttons and only one remained, holding the white fabric together at the valley between Xena's breasts. Just was Gabrielle was about to reach up and undo the last one, Xena's had took hold of both of Gabrielle's and stopped her.

"I'll do that last one...when I'm ready."

Xena smiled down at Gabrielle and let go of the storyteller's hands. Stepping even closer, Xena stood less than a foot from her kneeling lover and looked down into soft green eyes. With her hand still on Gabrielle's shoulder, Xena let her other one move through red-blond hair, delighting in the silky feel of it against her fingers. Slowly, she brought her hand back to Gabrielle's face and ran her fingertips over the soft brows and down the side of warm cheeks. Resting her fingers just under Gabrielle's chin, Xena looked down at her and spoke in a low voice.

"Look at me.."

Reaching up with one hand, Xena undid the last button on her shirt and pulled it open, letting it fall off one shoulder, making sure Gabrielle's eyes saw exactly what they were supposed to see. Xena narrowed her eyes as she watched the flush of Gabrielle's cheeks spread further at the sight of the outlaw's perfect breasts. Smiling slightly, Xena moved her hand back to Gabrielle's cheek, pressing her palm against the warmth she found there.

"You like that, don't you?"

Feeling the younger woman nod, Xena moved even closer, Gabrielle's face was gunbelt-level and inches away. She could tell the storyteller wasn't sure where her eyes should go, green flickered up to blue and then to breasts and then to bare belly and then to the leather gunbelt and back up to blue again. Briefly letting go of Gabrielle, Xena quickly removed her shirt and let it fall where she stood. Clad only in her trousers, chaps, and gunbelts, Xena was quite possibly the most magnificently beautiful woman Gabrielle had ever known. Again, Gabrielle dare not wonder how or why they found each other, instead just thanking whoever for the woman who stood before her. She felt herself fall a little further and a little deeper as the world settled into place and things seemed 'right' again..almost like she had come home after a million miles of road and space.

"My gunbelts."

Xena's low voice brought her back to this moment in time and reminded her of exactly where she was and who she was with. Reaching her hands up, Gabrielle watched as Xena's larger hands captured hers and held them briefly as the outlaw spoke again.

"Slowly...and talk to me.."

With that, Xena placed Gabrielle's hands on her hips at the buckles and looked into sparkling green eyes. Nodding, she glanced down and watched as Gabrielle's hands and fingers started a slow exploration. Starting from both hips, the storyteller's fingers traced just the edges of the leather belts along to where they met in the middle, crossing each other.


Gabrielle's voice was a whisper as her eyes moved over dark worn brown leather, the belts broken-in appearance leaving no doubt that the outlaw used these weapons every day. Gabrielle's fingers nimbly moved over the bullets nestled in a row, tucked into small leather straps fashioned just for that purpose.


Gabrielle whispered again as her fingers moved across the bullets and down. Xena's eyes were half-closed as she looked down her body and watched Gabrielle's hands move around her hips and thighs, tracing the gunbelts reverently, like they were an extension of Xena's body. When she saw Gabrielle's hands move to her holsters and the guns themselves, Xena took a breath and waited to see how the young storyteller would proceed.

With her hands shaking slightly, Gabrielle pulled back a bit and let her eyes wander from one side of Xena's hip to the other, taking note of how the holsters themselves rested firmly against the outside of the outlaw's muscled thighs. The dark brown holsters held the guns and at the bottom, a thin strap of woven leather tied around each of Xena's thighs, securing the guns in place for quick and efficient drawing. The guns themselves were Smith and Wesson Schofields, silver with dark black handles, thin brass swirls were imbedded in the handles and the triggers were brass as well.

Running her hand over the smooth leather of the holsters, Gabrielle looked up at Xena, desire filling her green eyes. Keeping her eyes locked on Xena's, the storyteller's hands moved up and over the black handles of the outlaw's guns. Touching the metal, Gabrielle swallowed.


Her whispered word floated up to Xena as the outlaw watched Gabrielle's smaller hands touch her guns, the storyteller's thumbs rubbing softly over the black handles, tracing the brass swirls. Looking at her own hands move over Xena, her face took on a look of wonder as looked back up into blue eyes.

"And warm..."

Gabrielle murmured as she felt the warmth under her hands, the heat of herpalms warming the metal under them. Letting go of the guns, Gabrielle reached up and laid her hands on the bare skin of Xena's belly, her fingers spread wide as she absorbed the heat from the outlaw's skin.


She said, her fingers lightly touching Xena. Smiling up at the taller woman, Gabrielle thought she had pretty much summed up everything she knew about Xena in those five words: Smooth, hard, cool, warm, and soft. And under the storyteller's hands, the outlaw was all of those things and more.

As much as Xena wanted this to last, another part of her was screaming out for the touch of the woman kneeling in front of her. With firm hands, Xena took hold of Gabrielle's hands and placed them on her hips at the buckles. She growled down to her young lover as her eyes locked on green.


With that Gabrielle realized that Xena was at her limit, the outlaw's need barely in check. Quickly, Gabrielle moved to untie the holster laces around Xena's thighs and then reached up to unbuckle first one belt and then the other. The taller woman's hands closed over Gabrielle's, feeling the young storyteller's fingers move efficiently under them, undoing the buckles and removing the gunbelts. Once they were removed, the only thing standing in the way between Gabrielle and Xena was a pair of trousers and chaps.

Leaning forward, Gabrielle rested her face against the inside of one of Xena's thighs, her cheek rubbing against the brown suede leather chaps, her hands and arms wrapped around each leg at the thigh. She closed her eyes when she felt Xena's hands move to her hair, stroking and combing through the golden lengths. The way the outlaw held her head against her thigh was firm and gentle at the same time and it made Gabrielle melt into the touch.

Looking down at the blond kneeling in front of her, Xena swallowed as she narrowed her eyes, her hand fighting to keep from roughly pulling Gabrielle's hair. The young storyteller somehow settled her while still making her feel powerful and in control. She couldn't explain it any other way. And if Gabrielle asked her to, Xena would have stood there forever just like this. Hell, if Gabrielle asked her to give up bankrobbing and settle down somewhere out on the grassy Kansas prairies, she would have done it. Anything the outlaw had to give was Gabrielle's for the taking...her heart, her body, her soul. She wasn't going to fight destiny and right now, that meant she was Gabrielle's forever.

Gabrielle pulled back when she felt Xena's hands move to the side of her face. Looking up at Xena, the storyteller took in the smooth skin of the outlaw's upper body, highlighted by the golden softness of the candles in the room. Xena's arms were muscular and defined, but there was a gentle softness to her as well, as if the woman could not be hidden under those muscled lines. The sloping curves from Xena's sides to her hips also spoke of the feminine form sometimes covered by the trappings of an outlaw.

Reaching up, Gabrielle placed her hands on Xena's hips and made an executive decision. Before the outlaw knew what was happening, Gabrielle was on her feet, propelling both of them against the wall of the room. The storyteller backed Xena to the smooth wooden surface of the wall and pressed in against her. Leaning up, Gabrielle's breasts came in contact with Xena's and all the outlaw could do was gasp in surprise when Gabrielle's hands circled around her neck and pulled her down into a passionate kiss. With surprising pressure, the young woman's lips moved hungrily against Xena's, her tongue dancing across the outlaw's bottom lip as she kissed Xena with everything she had.

Not that Xena needed any reminding, but Gabrielle approached lovemaking in much the same way she approached storytelling: Wholeheartedly, passionately, and with an almost instinctual skill for knowing exactly what to do and when to do it. Even though they had only been intimate for a few months, it was enough for Xena to realize that farm-girl or not, Gabrielle simply was the outlaw's best lover, ever...almost as if they had been made for each other. No one ever accused Gabrielle of not throwing her entire being into whatever she was doing and Xena never knew what hit her sometimes. This was one of those times.

Pulling back from that breathless kiss, Gabrielle's dark eyes found Xena's and the young woman practically dripped with sensuality. With her hands tangled in Xena's long dark hair, Gabrielle's voice lowered to a deep purr.

"I'm going to remind you of exactly who it is you come back to every time, Outlaw."

Xena's eyes flashed blue at the words and at Gabrielle's hand that had found its way down to one of her breasts, squeezing it in her smaller hand.

"And I'm going to remind you of exactly why you always come back to me."

With that, Gabrielle leaned up and kissed Xena again deeply, her tongue pushing its way into the outlaw's warm depths, her fingers kneading the soft, responsive flesh under her hand. Xena's arms wound themselves around Gabrielle's back and she couldn't help but pull the young woman closer and tighter to her body. When they were breathless again, Gabrielle's lips slid off Xena's and made their way to the side of the outlaw's neck, nipping slightly and finding a sensitive ear.

"I'm the only one, Xena."

Whispered words in the outlaw's ear sent shivers down the taller woman, the pressure of Gabrielle's breasts and hand against her own was delicious. With her lips moving across the front of Xena's neck, Gabrielle moved her way across to the other side and once again found the outlaw's ear.

"Aren't I?"

It was a question from Gabrielle that came with a light breath against Xena's sensitive ear and a harder squeeze of her nipple by Gabrielle's knowing fingers. The outlaw let out a low moan and leaned her head back against the wall. When an answer wasn't forthcoming, Gabrielle pushed harder against the taller woman and nipped at the front of her neck. Pulling back, she brought her eyes to lock into blue.

"Aren't I, Xena?"

Taking a deep breath, Xena's hands moved up and ran through Gabrielle's hair and then down her back, sliding over Gabrielle's curves. Xena returned the intense look from Gabrielle with one of her own for long moments. Leaning down, she kissed against the storyteller's neck and felt Gabrielle whisper into her ear.

"Aren't I?"

Closing her eyes, Xena turned her head and let her lips rest against softness and she breathed her answer to the young storyteller.


Smiling to herself, Gabrielle put both hands on Xena's shoulders and pulled her into another devastating kiss, relishing the feel of Xena's strong hands moving across her back and hips. It was time to reward her outlaw.

Pulling back from the kiss, Gabrielle's hands moved down Xena's sides and reached around the outlaw's waist. With her eyes glued to the taller woman's, Gabrielle unbuckled the belt behind Xena that held the chaps in place. With nimble fingers, the storyteller quickly brought the band of the chaps forward and pulled the leather from in front of Xena's trousers and let it fall in a heap at their feet. Next, her hands moved to the front of the outlaw's trousers and her fingers unbuckled the leather belt and then worked the button fly slowly, a smile crossing her lips as her eyes never left blue. When all the buttons were undone, Gabrielle placed her hands at Xena's hips and grabbed hold of the cotton trouser band. Raising an eyebrow, the blond smiled up at Xena.

"Now, didn't you say something about wanting me on my knees?"

Xena's cheeks warmed with heat and her eyes narrowed with barely controlled desire. This woman would be the death of her. Taking a deep breath, Xena growled out a wordless answer with her arms at her side and her palms pressed flat against the wall, as if the wood itself would gave her strength to withstand this sensual assault.

Gabrielle's lips pressed lightly against Xena's as she leaned up on her toes, then slowly and softly, the young woman placed a kiss every few inches down Xena's chin and the front of her neck. When she got to the hollow of the outlaw's throat, she smiled against the soft skin as felt Xena's breathing catch. With her hands still holding the trousers, Gabrielle kissed a soft, wet path down the middle of Xena's chest between her breasts and started to ease the trousers down with her as she moved to her knees. Tickling the outlaw's bellybutton with her tongue, Gabrielle pulled the cotton trousers over Xena's hips, catching the soft cotton breeches under them with her thumbs while she was at it. Stopping her mouth's sweet labors momentarily, Gabrielle watched as she pushed the trousers further, sliding the cotton fabric down to Xena's mid thigh.

And Gabrielle inhaled a deep breath at the sight. On her knees and inches in front of Xena, the young storyteller had an up close and personal view of exactly how much she affected the outlaw. Dark ebony curls formed an intricate pattern that swirled in front of Gabrielle. But what took her breath away was the fact that she could see those curls glistening with the outlaw's arousal. In fact, she could see where Xena's wetness had made the inside of each thigh slick with the fluid. This was why Gabrielle was on her knees, praying at an altar most sweet. And this was why Gabrielle would only worship one woman for the rest of her life. Xena.

Eyes and senses mesmerized, Gabrielle absently pulled the outlaw's trousers down past her knees and let them fall around Xena's ankles. As if in wonder, the young storyteller's hand moved slowly up to trace the inside of one of Xena's thighs, her fingertips gliding across skin as she felt the sweet liquid. The young woman's eyes focused on her fingertips as she brought them to her lips, silently closing her eyes when she lightly tasted her outlaw. Sweetness and salt combined in a unique and indescribably tangy way that was the unmistakable essence of Xena. The sweetest nectar could not compare, Gabrielle decided.

Opening her eyes, Gabrielle looked up at Xena. What she saw on the outlaw's face and in her very dark blue eyes was primal. Xena had watched as Gabrielle's eyes devoured her sex and had watched when the young woman's fingers touched her thigh. But when she saw the complete and utter pleasure Gabrielle showed when she tasted Xena on her fingers, the outlaw's level of arousal nearly brought her to her knees as well. Seeing Gabrielle's face and lips respond to her taste quickened Xena's already deep breathing and caused even more liquid to slick her dark curls. To say that Xena was..ready..would be like saying a mountain was large or the ocean was wide; small words were inadequate to describe the immensity of what Xena was feeling.

Gabrielle slid her palms against the outside of Xena's thighs and up to the outlaw's hips. With a firm grip and a smile on her beautiful face, Gabrielle purred.

"Mmm..I'm the only one.."

With that, the young woman pulled Xena's hips forward and buried her face in the sweetness that was all for her, her lips and tongue moving with purpose.


Xena closed her eyes tightly and gasped, her hands instinctively moving to Gabrielle's hair, tangling in its softness as she bent her knees a bit. It was a miracle and sheer willpower alone that kept the outlaw from letting go right then and there. What Gabrielle was doing to her was intense and sublime and purely divine. She could feel Gabrielle's lips and tongue and breath against her, almost as if the young woman was everywhere all at once, covering each inch in loving detail, drinking in the outlaw with pleasure.

When Gabrielle had made sure that she captured every drop of Xena's liquid arousal, her tongue swirled and danced until it covered one very sensitive nerve center. Xena had to keep herself from bucking against Gabrielle, her breathless moans matching in time with her hip's motion, both complimenting each other. Out of Xena's fading awareness of anything other than Gabrielle's mouth against her, she felt one of the storyteller's hands leave her hip and gently move to her opening.

"God, yes..that's so good..."

Xena opened her eyes and growled down to the young woman as she stepped out of one leg of her damn, constricting trousers and spread further for her young lover. With her back against the wall, Xena slid down just a bit further, making sure she stayed in contact with Gabrielle. Soft, intense green eyes looked up at the outlaw, sensing Xena was at the breaking point. Slowing down her pace, Gabrielle gently placed one fingertip inside Xena, barely moving. The outlaw moaned at the contact and leaned her head back against the wall as she closed her eyes. When Gabrielle slid further in, Xena's body hummed against the sliding pressure, her voice a low murmur of pure, unadulterated pleasure.

"That's right, Gabrielle."

The young storyteller picked up her gentle swirling pressure against Xena with her tongue and began to slide her finger in and out, matching her rhythm against the outlaw. Feeling Xena's muscles squeeze against her finger, Gabrielle pressed another inside, seamlessly continuing her ministrations.

"Yess...just like that..."

Xena purred as she let out a satisfied sigh, her hands gently stroking through Gabrielle's hair. The outlaw's hips moved against Gabrielle, further increasing the sensual pressure. Xena was completely liquid and Gabrielle's fingers glided effortlessly through her slick warmth. Xena's breath caught as she felt one more finger join the other two while Gabrielle pressed further inside. With a groan, the outlaw closed her eyes and concentrated on the incredible and total fullness inside her as well as the sweet pressure Gabrielle applied outside. Pulling Gabrielle's head tighter against her body, she knew it was only a matter of time.


Xena's words were delivered between erratic breaths and soft moans. Naturally this only served to inspire the storyteller to wholeheartedly give Xena everything she had. The outlaw struggled to open her eyes while her hips moved faster, her mind in a complete and utter state of sensory overload, focused on only one thing. Catching Gabrielle's green eyes, Xena locked into them like they were the only thing keeping her afloat in a big swirling sea of pleasure. Gabrielle thrust deeper and held still, her fingers pushing up and inside but not moving out, and with one gentle curving motion, she felt Xena turn totally liquid and squeeze against her fingers.

"Now! Oh God! Gabrielle..."

With that Xena's eyes locked onto Gabrielle's and her mouth opened as she cried out with her release, the outlaw's hands clutching reflexively into Gabrielle's hair. The storyteller felt the vibrations on her lips and tongue and fingers as Xena came, the sweet release shaking and humming throughout the outlaw's body. Gabrielle held her fingers still as she coaxed wave after wave with each circling of her tongue. Finally, when the outlaw could take no more and was breathlessly panting, she weakly attempted to pull Gabrielle away from her sensitive skin, her eyes closed tight.

Smiling to herself, Gabrielle pulled back but left her fingers inside, wanting to feel each and every pull and squeeze Xena had. The outlaw finally gave up on standing and slid the rest of the way down the wall, leaving Gabrielle still kneeling between her legs. Gabrielle simply admired Xena as she sat catching her breath, the storyteller loving the flush that covered the outlaw's checks and neck and chest. A slight sheen of sweat dampened Xena's hair at the temples, a testament to the older woman's hard work. Gently, Gabrielle removed her fingers from Xena, watching as the outlaw winced slightly at the withdrawal, her blue eyes still closed as she breathed. The young woman softly placed her hand over Xena's dark patch of curls and let it rest there, covering and protecting the outlaw as if she were fragile and breakable.

Slowly, Xena opened her eyes and blinked at the sight of her young lover, catching the incredibly radiant smile on Gabrielle's face and letting a small quirk of her lips answer it. Xena hummed out her approval.


The young storyteller smiled at Xena before she murmured softly. Her golden hair slightly messed up from the experience but looking naturally wonderful regardless. Her own cheeks were flushed red from her activity and her lips shined with a mixture of Xena and happiness.


Xena chuckled before she cocked her head to the side.


The outlaw answered deeply with a bigger grin as she opened up her arms and quirked an eyebrow, inviting the young woman to crawl into her arms, which Gabrielle did. Xena looked into amazing green eyes and shook her head slightly, as if to ask herself how an outlaw like her was blessed enough to find a woman like Gabrielle. Bringing the storyteller to her lips, Xena kissed her gently, conveying in that kiss how much she felt for the young woman.

Gabrielle kissed Xena back happily and then tucked her head under her chin, nuzzling against her neck and nestling herself comfortably between Xena's legs and in her strong arms. It felt so right and so familiar that all Gabrielle could do was sigh in contentment.


The outlaw squeezed Gabrielle tighter in her arms and kissed the top of her head, murmuring her reply in soft hair that smelled of bergamot, the scent reminding Xena of something from far away and long ago.


Gabrielle's hand traced a lazy pattern on the outlaw's arm and shoulder, feeling the muscles under the skin. Pulling up just a bit, Gabrielle looked in Xena's eyes, her expression soft, a slight smile on her face.

"What would you say if I told you I thought I was falling for you?"

Xena didn't flinch at the words as some might have expected a hardened outlaw like her to do, instead she simply leaned down and kissed Gabrielle gently and nuzzled against her ear, her whisper soft.

"I'd say I already fell a long time ago, Gabrielle.."

The storyteller smiled and moved closer, breathing in the scent of Xena's skin. Squeezing the outlaw closer, the young woman murmured in pleasure.

"Mmm..good, so you don't mind company here on the floor then.."

Gabrielle smiled when she felt Xena's low chuckle and the outlaw's hands moved gently across her back. Xena closed her eyes and simply enjoyed the moment, feeling like she had known this feeling forever, almost as if she had lived it a million times before. The easy comfort of Gabrielle in her arms felt right and made the dusty roads she traveled to get to that point worth it. She would have crossed the deserts or the seas or the mountains or the prairies for this young woman if she had to. Her life as an outlaw though would have to change, she knew, if she let Gabrielle inside, but she figured that the young storyteller could only be a good influence on her.


Gabrielle murmured against her neck.


Came the reply.

"Do you know how much I missed you while you were away?"

And with that, Gabrielle took one of Xena's hands and slid it to the storyteller's own breast, nipping at the outlaw's neck. On second thought, Xena considered that this sweet, innocent farm girl from Kansas was out to corrupt the hell out of her and, God, she didn't mind one damn bit.


After hauling Gabrielle up to her feet and assailing the young woman's lips in a series of wet kisses, Xena back stepped them towards the bed and sat down, leaving Gabrielle standing between her knees. With a chuckle, the outlaw held both of the young woman's hands and smiled up at her.

"Now, I think you were about to tell me how much you missed me while I was gone."

Gabrielle smiled widely down at the naked outlaw who was just about as comfortable out of clothes as she was in them. Xena's body was a temple but the outlaw seemed oblivious to this, her easy demeanor concerning her own beauty made Gabrielle smile at this as well.

"Well, yeah...I had hoped.."

The young storyteller chuckled as she watched Xena's lips quirk upwards. With a little tug, Xena pulled Gabrielle down and sat her across one of her powerful thighs, one rm around Gabrielle's warm back and the other hand still entwined with the smaller woman's. Xena smiled when Gabrielle's arm went around her neck and felt the storyteller lean her head to rest against Xena's own. Lightly rubbing Gabrielle's back, the outlaw spoke softly.

"So, how have you been?"

Gabrielle laughed as poked against Xena's shoulder, her eyes rising skywards.

"Oh, now she asks!"

The outlaw chuckled and let go of Gabrielle's hand so she could rest it on the young storyteller's skirt-covered thigh, briefly wondering how that article of clothing had remained on her lover's body.

"Come on, Gabrielle, you know what I mean.."

Xena looked into the young woman's sparkling eyes and smiled back at her. With a brief kiss against the outlaw's cheek, Gabrielle put her hand on Xena's arm and squeezed.

"I know...just giving you a hard time. I've been fine..busy, I guess. But that's good because it helps pass the time while you're gone."

Xena closed her eyes and leaned her head against Gabrielle's and squeezed her thigh lightly.

"Yeah..being busy is good. Tell me what you've been up to.."

The outlaw let one subject go for now and decided to switch to a safer one. They could have that talk later, maybe after the gold run. Gabrielle pulled back and looked at Xena as the outlaw opened her eyes and smiled at her, a question quirking her lips.


The young storyteller just raised an eyebrow at Xena's act and smiled.

"Mm hmm...anyway, I've just been doing the storytelling know, making a few dollars here and there."

Xena smiled at Gabrielle, her eyes conveying sincerity and a depth of blue the young storyteller found slightly dizzying.

"I really liked your story tonight..very nicely done...but I think you were probably being too kind to the warrior woman and too modest about her friend's contribution."

Gabrielle blushed and realized she should have known that the outlaw was in the shadows as usual. Trying to deflect the attention, the young woman tried to continue.

" guys that come in here seem to like what I have to say.."

Xena narrowed her eyes and squeezed Gabrielle's thigh again.

"Oh, I'm sure they like more than just what you have to say, Gabrielle."

Gabrielle pulled back and playfully smacked Xena's arm, exclaiming in indignation.


Xena just threw up her hand in innocence as if she were stating the obvious, which she was. Smiling, the outlaw drawled out her case.

"Can I help it if you just happen to be the best storyteller this side of the Mississippi...not to mention the most gorgeous, irresistible, insatiable.."

Gabrielle cut the outlaw off with a kiss and pulled back to smirk at Xena. The storyteller's words were sultry as she let her finger trace across the front of Xena's shoulders from side to side.

"Flattery will get you everywhere, outlaw."

Xena raised her eyebrow at the storyteller and smiled. Everywhere, huh? The older woman's eyes took on a rather mischievous sparkle.

"Did I mention your incredible br-.."

Gabrielle quickly placed her hand over Xena's mouth and laughed.


Xena just looked at her, blue eyes dancing with playfulness. Gabrielle just shook her head and sighed at her outlaw. Not many people saw Xena like this, playful and warm. Most people saw the menacing outlaw and thought of the stories they had heard about her.

Most people knew the legends. And those legends of her past focused solely on her crimes, of which there were many, some very ruthless and some indefensible. Xena's homestead in South Dakota had been burned to the ground by what she thought were bandits. She later found out that those men were representatives of the United States government, sent to infiltrate the Old West in order to keep an eye on the Indian population. The government had let these groups of men go unchecked for too long, and soon, they became a powerful band of roaming looters, doing what they wanted, terrorizing both the settlers and Indians alike. Xena had taken a course of revenge that spread across the country like wildfire, planning raids on federal banks from coast to coast. In the course of this, innocent people had been killed, some intentionally, some not.

Gabrielle knew about Xena's past, everyone out west did. But the young storyteller also knew about Xena's present, which, even though it wasn't as bloody as it had been, was still illegal and she would be wanted for years and years to come. Gabrielle had gotten bits of information from the reticent outlaw over the course of their brief, if not intense relationship, but many things still remained unknown. And if what Xena had said about starting to feel something deeper for her was true, Gabrielle knew she had a chance at making a place for herself in the outlaw's life and offering some kind of stability for Xena. She knew the outlaw felt guilty now about the innocent lives she took, but she also knew that Xena needed gentle reminders that it didn't always have to be that way and that Xena did, indeed, have a heart worth fighting for.

All of these musings were interrupted by a soft, wet kiss in the palm of Gabrielle's hand, reminding her she still had her hand over Xena's mouth. Smiling, she replaced her hand with her lips and kissed Xena softly, her eyes closing at the contact. Gabrielle's hands made their way up and she placed them against Xena's face, her fingers tangling in dark hair as she pulled the outlaw closer to her lips. Gabrielle's kisses were like silk at times, gentle and soft, and Xena couldn't help but notice the contrast with her own rough kisses. So, when Gabrielle kissed her, the outlaw had

to let herself be slowed and let herself soften for her storyteller. When Gabrielle slowly pulled back and let her eyes open, vivid blue met her.

"How ya doing?"

Xena's low voice made her smile. With a gentle touch, Gabrielle let her finger softly trace the outlaw's lips and then let her palm rest against her cheek. Her voice was barely above a whisper when she responded.

"Very good...."

Green eyes took on a deeper shade and the golden highlights in them blazed as Gabrielle's had touched over Xena's face, each finger memorizing the outlaw's skin in detail. Gabrielle roamed across her dark brows, over her soft eyelids, brushing against a temple, and down along the outlaw's strong jawline. Each light touch against warm skin sent sensations from the storyteller's fingertips down her arm to settle somewhere inside her body with a glow. Gabrielle watched as her hand glided up and through Xena's dark hair until she pulled her close, letting her lips brush against the outlaw's brows and forehead. Sprinkling light kisses down along Xena's hairline, Gabrielle closed her eyes at the emotions she felt in this woman's arms. Finally, the storyteller simply buried her face against Xena's warm, sweet-smelling neck, lightly tasting and kissing at the same time.

Gabrielle caught her breath when she felt Xena's hand move over her back, lightly touching and pressing against her. She stopped kissing and just breathed. The storyteller murmured softly against Xena's neck as she felt the outlaw's other hand begin to move up her thigh to lightly press against the bare skin on her belly, strong fingers following the lines of muscles across the expanse of warm skin. When Gabrielle felt Xena's hand move up and just barely touch the curve of her breast, she opened her mouth in a soft cry and burrowed further against the outlaw's skin. After having made love to Xena, Gabrielle's body was responding effortlessly to the outlaw, her arousal unquenched.

Xena held Gabrielle tighter to her, enjoying the feel of the young woman's breath against her neck and her weight resting on her leg. What she enjoyed just as much, though, was feeling the softness of Gabrielle's breast as her fingers lightly traced the curve underneath, following the arc of smoothness up and around. She could feel Gabrielle holding completely still, not even breathing as the outlaw's fingertips barely grazed the storyteller's nipple.

Gabrielle's arms tightened around Xena's neck as she let out a breath in the outlaw's ear, the feel of Xena's light touch went straight to every nerve in her body, making her skin hypersensitive and alive.


Gabrielle murmured in the outlaw's ear, her lips moving unconsciously as other parts of her body responded. Just when she thought the touch was too gentle, the outlaw took Gabrielle's nipple between her thumb and finger and squeezed, pressing against the sensitive flesh, sending ripples of pleasure through the storyteller's body. Gabrielle cried out softly in Xena's ear, sending sparks of her own through the outlaw's body as well. Taking Gabrielle's entire breast in her hand, Xena pressed and squeezed the soft flesh, feeling the weight of it in her strong hand.

Tangling in the back of Gabrielle's hair, Xena pulled the young woman back from her neck and hungrily kissed her, roughly delivering a searing kiss that spoke of possession and passion. Where Gabrielle's earlier kiss had been soft, Xena's was hard, crushing against Gabrielle's lips, her tongue fighting for space in the young woman's willing mouth.

Breathless moments later, Xena pulled back and grabbed on to Gabrielle's hips with both hands, pushing the reluctant storyteller to her feet. Gabrielle's eyes were unfocused and her cheeks were flushed...the last thing she wanted was to lose contact with Xena's warm, bare skin.


Xena silenced the storyteller's question with firm grip on her hips.

"Gabrielle, listen to me."

Xena's words were low and commanding, getting the attention of the young woman who then focused intently on dark blue eyes. Seeing that Gabrielle was indeed listening to her, Xena's lips curled into a seductive smile. Running both of her hands along the outsides of Gabrielle's thigh, she reached down and lifted one of the storyteller's legs up, letting Gabrielle's small booted foot rest on the bed between her own legs. Dropping her voice to a dangerous sounding purr, Xena's became the seducer in their private exchange.

"Tell me, Gabrielle, when I was gone all this time, what did you do to occupy your nights?"

While she was saying this, Xena never let her eyes move from the storyteller's as she slowly unlaced her boot and removed it from Gabrielle's foot. Running her hands over a muscled calf, Xena raised an eyebrow up at Gabrielle, waiting for her answer.


Gabrielle smiled shyly, assuming the innocence she knew Xena liked at times, as she watched Xena drop her leg from the bed and reach for her other, undoing the laces and removing the boot. Again, she kept Gabrielle's foot on the bed as she slowly massaged the storyteller's leg, running her hands up and down. With her eyes on Gabrielle's, Xena ventured a guess.

"Did you have anyone keeping you company on those long nights without me?"

The storyteller raised her eyebrows in surprise and shook her head vigorously.

", I.."

Xena chuckled as she took Gabrielle's foot in her hand and gently caressed it, her fingers rubbing the sole while her thumbs smoothed over the top. Looking up, Xena raised an eyebrow.

"So you were in this big bed all by yourself?"

Xena put Gabrielle's foot back on the bed between her legs and smoothed her hands along the hem of the storyteller's skirt, coming to a stop at the seam along one side. Glancing up, Xena smiled as she watched Gabrielle nod silently. Taking the material in her hands, the outlaw began to rip it apart slowly, her muscles flexing as the seam began to tear from the bottom up. Stopping when it was to Gabrielle's knee, she looked up into the storyteller's eyes.

"Tell me, Gabrielle, when you were in this big bed all by yourself all those long nights I was gone...did you ever think about me?"

Before Gabrielle could answer, Xena quickly ripped the skirt all the way up to her hip, exposing the length of the storyteller's leg. Smiling, she admired the muscles she found running along Gabrielle's calf and thigh before she gently nudged the storyteller's foot off the bed and raised an eyebrow asking for the other foot to return in its place. Gabrielle was speechless, which, for a storyteller was pretty much a miracle. Xena looked up again.

"Hmm? Did you ever think about me, Gabrielle?"

Xena took the material on the other side of the storyteller's skirt and held it, prepared to rip but waiting for an answer from her young lover. Swallowing, Gabrielle whispered.


Xena ripped the material to Gabrielle's knee and stopped, her eyebrows wide in feigned surprise.

"You did?"

The storyteller blushed and nodded as she drowned in a sea of blue. God, this outlaw would be the death of her. Reaching out, she gently put one hand on Xena's shoulder to steady herself as she stood in front of the dark, compelling woman. Glancing briefly at Gabrielle's hand on her shoulder, Xena raised an eyebrow back up at the storyteller and dropped her voice to a low, deep pitch as she smiled.

"Let me thought about how well I ride a horse?"

With a quick pull, Xena ripped the skirt seam the rest of the way up Gabrielle's leg and nudged her foot off the bed as she reached up and took the storyteller's hand from her shoulder. When Gabrielle didn't answer, Xena's eyes returned to meet green, her voice a low seductive purr.

"No? Hmmm..well..why don't you just tell me what you were thinking about, Gabrielle."

Xena pulled Gabrielle's hand and slowly turned her around and pulled her down to the bed, bringing the young woman to sit on the bed between Xena's bare thighs. With her hand on top of Gabrielle's, Xena placed it on the storyteller's exposed thigh, the dark green material of the skirt separating. Xena's other arm encircled Gabrielle's waist as the outlaw's hand pressed gently against the bare skin of her belly. Pulled in an embrace, Gabrielle's back rested against Xena's chest, a slight moan of pleasure escaping her lips when she felt the outlaw's nipples firmly press into her back. Finally, she simply closed her eyes when Xena placed her chin on her shoulder and nuzzled against Gabrielle's neck and ear, breathing against the storyteller.

Gabrielle was in a total place of sheer arousal from Xena's words and actions and attitude that all she could do was just respond at a purely instinctual level. Her mind was completely in tune with what Xena was doig to her, both physically and emotionally and mentally. If Xena asked her to do just about anything right now, Gabrielle would have done it. Her trust and her heart belonged to the outlaw.

Slowly, Xena used Gabrielle's hand to lightly smooth over the storyteller's own muscled thigh, her fingers helping Gabrielle move. Xena's lips brushed against Gabrielle's ear as she growled in it.

"Tell me what you did all alone in this bed, Gabrielle."

Xena's other hand found Gabrielle's free hand and covered it as well, bringing it to smooth over the storyteller's stomach. With green eyes closed, Gabrielle leaned her head back against Xena's shoulder and let her hands move where Xena moved them. The outlaw growled again in Gabrielle's ear, her voice demanding.

"Tell me..."

Xena's lips assailed Gabrielle's neck as the outlaw nipped and kissed her roughly. Turning her head towards Xena's slightly, Gabrielle whispered.

"I thought of you...touching me.."

Xena closed her eyes at the admission and let her hands continue guiding Gabrielle's over the storyteller's thigh and belly, her own thighs pressing in against the young woman. Finding Gabrielle's ear again, Xena purred a demand into it.

"Show me.."

To emphasize her point, Xena moved one of their hands up to Gabrielle's breasts and pressed against it, loving the way the storyteller moaned softly at the contact. Then she let both hands simply stop moving Gabrielle's as she waited for her lover to show her exactly how much she missed the outlaw.

For a moment, their hands were still against Gabrielle, not moving until the storyteller took a deep breath and slowly moved her hand up the inside of her thigh, bringing Xena's hand along with it as she touched lightly. The outlaw's other hand felt Gabrielle begin a gentle stroking against the storyteller's breast as Gabrielle moaned softly at the feeling of their hands against her sensitive flesh.

The outlaw gazed over Gabrielle's shoulder with hooded eyes and watched the young woman's hands begin to move over her body lightly touching against the inside of her thigh. Her eyes narrowed as she watched Gabrielle's fingers pull back and grasp her nipple, the storyteller crying out at the touch. Xena's jaw clenched in response as she growled out her words.

"That's right, Gabrielle, show me how I touched you.."

Gabrielle let her hand move further up her thigh as she leaned back against the outlaw, fully pressing herself against Xena. The taller woman felt Gabrielle's slickness against her fingers as the young woman's hand moved closer up to where she was positively warm and wet. With a moan, Gabrielle's hand cupped her sex and pressed her fingers against herself as she pulled against her nipple with her other hand.


Gabrielle's words were off the scale in terms of the pure sensuality they exuded, her voice was low and husky, the sound of it made a beeline to a very warm place between the outlaw's own legs. Feeling Gabrielle's hands move against herself and watching it happen and listening to it all at once made Xena's breath and heart come faster with each passing moment. And Gabrielle could tell this in the small part of her mind that wasn't occupied with being totally focused on her own body's pleasure. Of course, Xena's reaction only served to heighten Gabrielle's, so it worked out well.

"Come on, Gabrielle, you needed me, didn't you.."

Xena coaxed in a deep voice, her chin still resting on Gabrielle's shoulder as she enjoyed a view of the storyteller's movements. Both of them groaned as Gabrielle slipped a finger inside of herself and Xena followed with one of her own. The storyteller's wetness covered their hands as they glided against sensitive flesh.

"You're so wet.."

Xena growled as she roughly kissed against Gabrielle's neck, her lips burning into the young woman's skin, her teeth grazing against her shoulder as she watched and felt Gabrielle move. The outlaw throbbed as she felt the back of Gabrielle's skirt begin to move against her own sensitive center when the storyteller's hips began their gentle thrusting.

Watching Gabrielle's hand move under the skirt simply heightened the experience because she couldn't exactly see what Gabrielle was doing, but could only feel it with her hand. Gritting her teeth, the outlaw's hand on Gabrielle's breast pushed aside the storyteller's and began kneading the flesh with strong fingers. Xena's voice was rough and deep and dark.

"You thought about me doing this to you..."

Gabrielle closed her eyes tight as she moved her right leg and placed it over and on top of Xena's leg, spreading herself wider for their delicious movements. The ripped skirt stayed in place over their hands and all of Gabrielle's leg was exposed as they both kept up their sliding pressure. Xena began to rock her body with Gabrielle's, her own hips moving against Gabrielle's cloth-covered curve. If it were possible, Xena's voice growled even deeper and rougher than ever before. Gabrielle had unleashed something primal in the outlaw.

"You thought about me fucking you, didn't you?"

Xena's raw words hit Gabrielle and she cried out, her hand moving faster inside as both of their fingers slid unwavering in a rhythm that became more frantic. Both of their hips rocked at the pressure and Gabrielle couldn't help but move her free hand down to slide her fingers against her sensitive nerve center.

"God, yes!"

Gabrielle cried out as all of her attention was centered on the exquisitely rough way her hands moved against herself, the outlaw inspiring her to be taken as she always imagined Xena would take her. Uncontrolled, rough, and powerful. She could feel they both were getting close to the edge as their breathing became labored and fast, each of them completely into their own pleasure and that of the other's body. They needed this together.

Xena's jaw clenched again as she watched both of Gabrielle's hands move against herself under her skirt, she could feel the walls squeezing against her finger as she moved in sync with Gabrielle's hand. The storyteller's body was entirely on fire and both of them wee covered in a slight sheen of glistening sweat. Xena's breasts rubbed against Gabrielle's back, her hand fondled Gabrielle's breast, her own center was sliding against the back of Gabrielle's skirt. Xena was ready.

Gabrielle closed her eyes tight as she felt Xena's hand on her breast, squeezing and pulling her flesh. She moaned as she leaned back and felt their fingers fighting for space inside of her, moving in and out faster and faster. She briefly looked down and saw her other hand working faster as her fingers pressed against herself, rubbing with perfect intensity. Gabrielle was ready.

"Come for me, Gabrielle..."

Xena panted out in the storyteller's ear as both of their bodies rocked and moved in total harmony. She could feel herself starting to give in to the friction and held out just a fraction of a bit longer, waiting for Gabrielle.

Gabrielle's mind wrapped itself around all of who and what Xena was to her and all of how she made her feel and simply embraced that with intensity. It was a complete and total surrender to the outlaw and she knew it was mutual. Her body, in turn, responded and let itself be led to the very edge until she felt as if she were standing on a cliff about to dive off into the bluest sea she had ever known.

"That's right..come for me..."

Xena's desperate breathless plea in her ear sent her over that edge as their hands and bodies moved as one, pushing Gabrielle into that abyss of sensation.


Gabrielle screamed the outlaw's name as her body exploded under her hands, the heat igniting Xena in return. The outlaw closed her eyes and pressed her forehead against Gabrielle's shoulder as she cried out, not with words but with the sounds of a woman who completely gave in to her lover.

For a brief second, the entire room seemed to glow and expand as they gasped out their body's deepest rapture, their breathing and soft moans keeping time with the waves of pleasure that kept rolling over them. Finally, their bodies slowed down and all movement stopped except for their breathing and uncontrolled spasms that still lingered.

With a deep breath, Xena moved so both arms could encircle Gabrielle's smaller body in them, bringing the storyteller close and tight as the outlaw burrowed her face against the salty skin of her neck. Gabrielle moved her hands and folded her arms to her chest as she moved her leg back between Xena's and turned in strong arms to face the outlaw, her eyes still shut and her face flushed red. With a sigh pleasure, Xena laid back on the bed and tucked Gabrielle's head under her chin and completely enclosing the younger woman in a tight, secure embrace as Gabrielle's body rested comfortably on top of hers.

"God, you are so good, Gabrielle.."

Xena let out a deep breath with her words and squeezed the young woman to her tighter. She felt Gabrielle chuckle just a bit as the storyteller adjusted her arms so she could hold the outlaw better.


Was all Gabrielle could manage at the moment as she placed a soft kiss against the warm skin of Xena's chest and laid her cheek back down against the outlaw. Mumbling, Gabrielle responded hazily.

"You're not so bad yourself, outlaw.."

Xena chuckled at that and simply hugged Gabrielle tighter, feeling the storyteller's back crack, smiling at the incoherent groan of pleasure coming from the woman on top of her.

"Let's get you into bed and comfortable before you fall asleep right here."

The storyteller nodded her head, too exhausted for words right now. Mumbling, she smiled as the outlaw began to extract herself.

"But I was comfortable.."

Sleepily, she heard Xena chuckle and felt the outlaw move and pick her up, gently turning her and settling her lengthwise on the bed. Gabrielle ventured a peek when she felt the outlaw's hands fumbling at her waist.

"Am I still wearing that damn skirt?"

Xena laughed quietly as she undid the skirt and started to remove it.

"Yeah, what's left of it anyway.."

Gabrielle let out a hum that would have been a chuckle had she the strength or the will to do that. Instead, she just let the outlaw deal with the bedtime preparations, smiling contentedly when she finally felt Xena's warm body slip in next to her as she drew the covers up over them both. With the familiarity passed down over lifetimes, Xena wrapped her arm around Gabrielle as the storyteller rolled over and threw an arm and a leg over the outlaw. They settled themselves in the most comfortable and natural position and breathed in the warmth of the moment.

"I really missed you, Xena.."

Gabrielle softly spoke, her hand tucking itself under Xena's side as she felt the outlaw's arm pull her close.

"I missed you too..."

Xena turned and placed a soft kiss on the top of the storyteller's head and smiled to herself as Gabrielle's breathing started to even out and she joined her in that blissful state. And then it was all dark and warm and peaceful.


The next morning dawned and both women found themselves in a sunlit bedroom in a saloon in Kansas City but they could have been anywhere because all that existed was the other. Stretching, Gabrielle yawned and nuzzled her way closer against the outlaw when she felt Xena shift under her. Smiling sleepily to herself, she felt Xena's hand rubbing against her back and her soft words floating down to the storyteller.

"Gabrielle, time to get up.."

Gabrielle closed her eyes tight and shook her head against the outlaw's body, making sleepy sounds as she pushed herself up on top of Xena's body and draped herself contentedly on her outlaw. Feeling a kiss against the top of her head, Gabrielle hummed in pleasure as she felt Xena's arms pull her in a strong embrace.

"Come on, we have to get up.."

Xena's low words ruffled the storyteller's soft golden hair. Blinking sleepily, Gabrielle raised her head and smiled down at Xena, her arms tucked under herself against the outlaw's sides.

"Why can't we stay in bed all day?"

Xena chuckled and shook her head, fighting back a vague feeling of familiarity about the whole scene and conversation. Raising a hand, the outlaw ran it through the side of Gabrielle's hair and smiled at her.

"We can't stay in bed all day because I have to take care of some business."

Gabrielle's brows came together and her smile faded. She had decided that there was no way in Hell she was going to ever let this woman out of her sight again. If she had to beg, plead, or weasel her way, she was going to become a part of the outlaw's life. With her fingertip, Gabrielle traced Xena's lips and then looked into deep blue.

"What kind of business?"

Xena closed her eyes, knowing the time had come where they could no longer avoid the subject. She had an appointment with a train headed east carrying a mint's worth of gold. She debated lying but tossed that aside quickly. She debated arguing but had found that usually worked against her when it came to Gabrielle. Finally, she settled on the truth.

"Gabrielle, you know what I am.."

Sighing, Xena stopped and looked up at Gabrielle, knowing that those green eyes knew the truth. She was an outlaw, and no matter why she did it now, the storyteller probably would prefer to keep company with someone more respectable. Gabrielle's eyes were serious as she looked down at Xena, her words were soft.

"I know..."

Xena looked at her and shook her head, her mouth forming a grim line as she continued, her tone questioning.

"Then how can you possibly want to be with someone like me? Do you know that I'm going to steal thousands of dollars in gold today? That I'm probably going to shoot and get shot at by government men?"

Gabrielle put her hand against Xena's cheek and bent down, softly kissing the outlaw's lips as if to absolve this woman of her sins. Pulling back, Gabrielle's eyes were soft and green like the prairies to the west of them, stretching forever.

"Xena, I know all that..but do you know what else I know?"

The outlaw's brows knit together as a puzzled look came over her face. The storyteller smiled at the Xena softly.

"Xena, I know that you've done some things you haven't been proud of in the past. But that's just's in the past and I know you've changed."

Just as Xena was about to protest, Gabrielle shook her head.

"'ve changed because I know that for the past year, you've been raiding the government's banks and gold transfers..."

Gabrielle paused and took a breath, her eyes locking into the outlaw's blue, conveying love and forgiveness in them. Her words were soft as she smiled down at Xena.

"And you've been giving all of that money and gold to the Indians and poor settlers who have been wrongly forced off their land by the government. Xena, that isn't the act of an evil person. While I may not agree with the means, in my heart, I believe in the end goal. I believe in you and the good you're capable of even if sometimes you don't."

Xena's eyes gazed intently at the storyteller. In that instant, she realized that Gabrielle knew everything. Knew her past and her present and still accepted the outlaw. And this was when Xena came to see that Gabrielle was not just some farm girl from Kansas. This young woman looking at her with infinite wisdom and strength was the key to everything. Everything.

"But how.."

Gabrielle cut off the outlaw's soft words with a kiss and pulled back, her eyes sparkling.

"How do I know what's in your heart? Oh, I have many skills..."

Xena softly chuckled and gave Gabrielle a squeeze, shaking her head at the young storyteller. If she didn't know better, she was completely and hopelessly in love with this woman and didn't mind one damn bit. The outlaw closed her eyes as she felt Gabrielle start to kiss her brows and temple and move to her ear before she spoke quietly in her ear, her words firm and leaving no room for argument.

"Xena, I'm coming with you today...and tomorrow..and every day after that."

Protestations and logical arguments and dissuasions and direct orders would have been useless. The outlaw had met her match and as much as she tried to deny it, a bigger part of her wanted Gabrielle in her life. Besides, it would be wonderful to share her life out on the dusty roads with someone, the freedom and space of sleeping under the stars with Gabrielle was exactly what she wanted now and forever. She could feel that her life was about to change. The thought of having Gabrielle with her...Xena just smiled at the possibilities and the potentials that her life held. Maybe she could make up for some of the things she had done in her past. Maybe they could be happy and good for each other. Together, maybe, just maybe they could make a difference in the wild land that was the Old West.

The End..and The Beginning.


Colophon: The writing of this story was greatly aided by Paulaner Doppel Bock, a cold winter's day, and the music of Patti Smith...the song "Dancing Barefoot" in particular (J. Napolitano's version of it specifically).


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