Le Desir du Soleil

I wish I was the sun
So I could bathe you
in my rays of love

I wish I was the sun
So my fingers could caress
your soft cheeks, and my arms could
envelop you in their warmth

I wish I was the sun
So that my very presence
made you warm
and a lick of my tongue
upon your skin would make you hot

I wish I was the sun
So I could shine upon your day,
and light you a clear path to happiness

I wish I was the sun
So that I could cast a shadow
upon your fears,
and shine the rays that create
the rainbow bridge to your
dreams and desires

I wish I was the sun
because I could shine my
golden light upon your hair
and watch you sleep--
You're always most beautiful
in this light
You breathe a sigh of contentment
in your slumber and a slow smile

crawls across your face

As if an angel has touched upon you,
you stretch your chin up toward the sky,

and your body trembles with the tremors

only love and sleep can bring

I wish I was the sun
because I could kiss you now and
I could lie beside you and rest my head
upon your breast

I wish I was the sun,

because if I were, my lips
would make you thirsty and your
skin would beg for more

If I were the sun, I'd be
the only one in your world
and I would shine for only you.

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