and now a word from our sponsers


Don't be a Jerk... Look Like Herc !!
Are you a XCV pound weakling ?
Have you always wanted to look like a god ?
Then Look No Further !
Salmoneus' Patented Chest Expanders, Ltd. are now being made
available to the public for the ridiculous price of just XX dinars !
Yes, that's right -- for ONLY XX dinars YOU can possess the physique
of Hercules, son of Zeus. You'll never be bullied again !
Wenches will flock to bask in your mighty shadow !
Here's what one of our clients had to say:
"I couldn't even get a job as a village idiot until I tried
Salmoneus' Patented Chest Expanders. Now all the chicks want me,
my face has cleared up and my voice finally changed.
Thank Zeus for Salmoneus !!" - Joxer the Mighty
Don't wait another candlemark - Tempus fugit !
If YOU want to go from Jerk to Herc...
Get your Salmoneus' Patented Chest Expander today !!
Available from your local purveyor of fine goods everywhere.
Price does not include delivery. In those areas currently undergoing a shift in the
community power base due to warlords, raiders or civil wars,
there may be an extra charge due to widespread panic, property loss,
and the prevalence of rampaging warriors to stampede women and rape cattle.
Salmoneus' Patented Chest Expander copyright LXVI
No Refunds

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