Beyond the Farthest Planet

by Psyche-b

Chapter 4D

Go to Part 1

Disclaimers: As always the characters belong to my warped little mind. Unfortunately not the people they are patterned after. If this sort of this offends you please hit the delete button now. If you are under 18 please come back when you are older.

"How are you feeling, Natalia?" Patricia asked.

"I feel like a lazy slug for laying around all day. Kacey will not even let me go to the bathroom alone."

"It is good that you are taking care of Natalia, dear, but you do not have to go that far." Patricia told her daughter. "You should have seen how Kate was with Anya. There were times I thought Anya was going to have to resort to knocking Kate out just for a respite from her hovering."

"I remember that. I think if Kate could have picked Anya up, she would have carried Anya everywhere."

"Do not even think about doing that Kacey." Natalia warned.

"Oh I can think about it." Kacey argued. "I just will not do it."

"Good choice, Colonel." Natalia said.

Patricia picked up the music sheet. "A new piece?"

"It is not finished yet." Kacey told her.

"It may not be finished, but, what she has written is beautiful." Natalia said and quickly added. "Kacey told me she was watching me sleep and thought about the procedure working . She said the notes came to her and she stared composing a song for the baby or babies."

"You are trying for a multiple birth?"

"I can not let Kate show me up." Kacey joked.

"Child birth is not a competition, Kacey." Patricia warned.

"I know that mom. It was just a joke." Kacey defended herself. "Mom, if Kate and I had been born closer together, would you have had more children?"

"No, I do not think so. Kate's father and I wanted two children. Then he died and I married your father. We decided we also just wanted two children. I had a very difficult pregnancy with you, we decided that we had the two children we wanted and stopped trying."

"So you were causing trouble even before you were born." Natalia teased.

"Hey that is so not fair. I had no control over that stuff." Kacey protested.

Patricia laughed at the look on Kacey's face. "You still have the same pout that you had when you were a child. It is good to know some things never change." She laughed harder. Natalia joined in and which eventually made Kacey laugh.

To be continued...


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