Beyond the Farthest Planet

by Psyche-b

Chapter 7D

Go to Part 1

Natalia watched Kacey leave the waiting area. She hesitated before going into Sick Bay to avoid facing Patricia. She timed her entrance to give Kacey as much of a head start as possible.

She made her way to Kate's room. Machines surrounded the bed. Anya held Kate's hand and silently cried. Patricia rubbed Anya's back as she tried to comfort her. Liam looked up when Natalia walked into the room. He pulled up a chair for her. Patricia looked at her and smiled then looked around for Kacey. Her eyes flashed with anger.

"Where is Kacey?" She demanded.

"I am not completely sure, Patricia." Natalia said, which was the truth, as she had no way to know exactly where Kacey was at that time. She could be anywhere from the Hanger to the planet.

"I do not care how old she is, I will bust her ass for defying me." She said angrily. "Liam find her please."

"Aye Patsy. Computer locate Colonel O'Malley."

"Colonel O'Malley is not on board at this time."

"Should I get the girls?" Natalia asked.

"I do not want them to see Kate like this." Anya said. "This would scare them."

"I will take them back to our place Anya."

"Thank you, Natalia."

"Do you want me to tell them anything?"

"If you would, just let them know that Kate is sick. They do not need to know how sick she is."

"I will. They can spend the night also." Natalia said and turned to leave.

"Natalia, when you see Kirsten, tell her that she is in a heap of trouble with me." Natalia nodded and left Sick Bay. As soon as she was in the waiting room she pushed the private call button on her communicator.'



Kacey and Mike finished putting on their protective suits so that every inch was covered. They pulled down the protective face masks and put on gloves. They pulled the fasteners tight on the sleeves and pants legs. They left the shuttle and walked slowly to the tree. Kacey looked into the low hanging branches. She pointed to the nest. Holding the collection bag under the nest, they slowly pulled it over the nest and fastened the ties tight before taking the nest off the branch. Kacey put the collection bag into a container and closed it. They headed back to the shuttle.

She took off the face mask and gloves as soon as they entered the shuttle. Kacey started the engine as Mike secured the container. He removed his face mask and gloves as he sat down in the co-pilots seat. Kacey lifted off as he strapped in. Within minutes they approached Andromeda.

"Mike, do me a favor, pass the word that volunteers are needed to make the anti venom."

"You will have plenty of volunteers shortly."

"Thanks Mike."

Kacey landed the shuttle and impatiently waited for the doors to close and the atmosphere to be returned before she opened the ramp. She quickly grabbed the container and ran for the lift.

"Sick Bay" She said as she entered the lift. When the doors opened, she ran the container into Sick Bay. She handed the container to the Doctor.

"You brought the whole nest?"

"It was quicker than trying to catch any, Doc."

"Good thinking, Colonel."

"You will have plenty of volunteers shortly, Doc. Are you sure you can not use me?"

"Were you ever stung by a bee or hornet?"

"Not that I remember."

"Then we can not use you Colonel. You may have the same allergic reaction as the Captain. We do not need both of you down." The Doctor stated. "Get these into a containment unit and start extracting the venom. Full protective gear. Get as many processed as possible." Kacey turned to go to Kate's room. "Colonel if you need a place to hide you can use my office."

"That bad Doc?"

"I have not seen anyone that angry in a long time."

Thanks for the warning."

Kacey walked into Kate's room. She saw all the machines around the bed keeping her alive. She met her mother's angry glare with out flinching. She knelt next to Anya and place a hand on hers.

"Anya, what about the girls?"

"Natalia brought them to your place. They do not need to see Kate like this."

"Is there anything I can do for you?" Anya shook her head, no, as she held Kate's fevered hand.

"The Docs have the hornets and they will have the anti venom in no time, then Kate will be back giving orders. You have to believe it."

"I do believe it Kacey. Thank you for everything you have done."

"It was the least I could do, so no thanks are necessary." Kacey said as she stood up.

Patricia grabbed her arm and pulled her from the room. She hustled her into an empty one.

To be continued...


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