Gabrielle does not open her eyes, even though dawn is bearing down. She is not sure if she is dreaming... or if this is real... and does it matter? She feels the heaviness of an arm over her chest, she feels hours-old sweat along her body and the chill it causes now...

Gabrielle can feel Xena, feel the warrior’s heart beating and can feel Xena’s breath coast over her bare shoulder. It all conjures up images from the night. Images of sex, because Gabrielle can’t call it love-making... Tantalizing visions of Xena above her, rapid and moaning... Visions of the bard’s own straining, her own desire spilling over...

It really happened...

She sighs, not sure what to do now... Is this just something to make it harder to leave? Do I dare to believe that it is a beginning? So, Gabrielle opens her eyes and looks at Xena. The warrior is asleep, looking peaceful... She takes a moment to enjoy this rare glimpse of Xena, after pleasure and resting. She is so gorgeous.

Red lips, slightly parted. Skin of ivory white, oh so smooth. Under all this, muscles in silence... used for war and for love...

Xena feels a sense of contentment in her body first. Then is the remembrance of what has brought about this feeling... and she smiles to herself. Next is the realization that her body is still all around Gabrielle’s body. Xena lets a sigh leave her lips, one of a joy she has rarely felt before.

It really happened...

And she can feel Gabrielle’s eyes watching, studying... so Xena remains ‘asleep’. Besides, the warrior likes being looked at by the bard. Xena can almost see Gabrielle’s face. Expressive green gaze, lips full with questions... and further down, the beautiful nakedness and supple skin, places that Xena longs to spend more time with...

Oh Gods, what a gift you have given to me...

Still, Xena keeps her eyes shut. She wants to enjoy this moment, just in case... just in case, it is the last between them.

To Be Continued...

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