by True T 159



During one of their adventures, Gabrielle ends up injured. Xena must fight with everything she has to save her.

PRIMAL pt.1 

The air was still as the enormous army steadily advanced toward the small village. Lead by a vicious and brutal warlord. The villagers ran in terror, scrambling to find safety. The warlord rode up on his horse and stopped in front of the village leader.


If you want to live, bring me all your valuables and women.   


 Please we don't want any trouble. We are a simple village, and don't have much of value to offer.


Then bring what you do have, and if I were you I'd make it quick. I'm not a very patient man.

The village leader motioned to the other villagers to do as the warlord commanded. When the loot the warlord demanded was brought before him, he smiled.


 Very good. Now for the women.


We've given you everything we had, please leave our women.


I told you to bring me your valuables AND your women. Don't make me say it again.


 But surely you have plenty of women to you satisfy you already. Please take all we've given you and leave us in peace.


 Very well. 

The warlord turned and began to ride away. He stopped next to his second in command.


 Kill them all.

The second in command gave the signal to attack.


 Wait please, don't do this.

The warlord's men began to attack the village, destroying everything in sight. Setting fire to the houses and cutting down the villagers as they fleed in terror. Perched on the cliff above stood two figures, who saw the turmoil below. They turned to race to the scene, to stop the slaughter. Gallopng in on their horses, they reached the village. The village leader, crouching in fear heard a loud yelling he didn't recognize. He looked up as a figure landed in front of him. His eyes widened as he realized who this was.





The warlord smiled.


Sorry but I was here first. Everything in this village is mine.


I'm not taking anything from this village, and neither are you.

Xena drew her sword, preparing for battle.


Come on don't tell me those rumors of your turning over a new leaf are true?                     


 Happy to disappoint.

Xena looked over.


Gabrielle make sure the villagers get to safety. 



Gabrielle raced off to escort the villagers out of harms way. Xena turned her attention back to the warlord.


You think YOU can take me down (laughing). I.m sure you being all goody, goody has made you go soft.


Why don't you find out.


Fine with me.

The warlord drew his weapon and changed toward Xena. A battle ensued between Xena and the warlord. Meanwhile, Gabrielle was rushing the villagers away from danger. Some of the warlord's men 

chased after them. Gabrielle turned to face the men. Drawing her weapons, she yelled back at the villagers to keep running. The villagers did they were told and flead from the danger. Both Xena and Gabrielle faced off against the villans, not knowing the true up hill battle before them.


The Sky darkened with a fierce storm rolling in, like the battle that was raging on as Xena and Gabrielle fought off the vicious warlord and his men.


 You can't beat me Xena.


Oh, and why's that?

The warlord paused as he heard a sound.


While you seem to have some sort of "moral compass" now, I have no problem doing whatever I want, taking anything I want and not 

letting anyone stand in my way. Including you.


We'll see about that.

The warlord laughed as he took off running. Xena raced after him.

At the same time Gabrielle was fighting off some the warlord's men. She had just taken out the last of the group, when she saw Xena running after the warlord. Gabrielle chased after them. As he was running he scooped up something. Then Xena saw what the warlord was talking about. The warlord had noticed a small child that had been forgotten in the midst of the chaos. He laughed as he ran carrying the terrified child under his arm.


Gabrielle he's got a child.


We have to stop him.

The warlord flead up the side of a cliff, as the dark clouds above broke and the rain began to fall. He reached the top and realized there was nowhere left to run.


 Let `em go. You've got nowhere to go.


Make me.


Coward! Using a child as a shield.

Xena scowled as she slowly and sneakily reached for her chakrum. The warlord laughed, pulled out a dagger and held it to his hostages throat.


I told you, you can't stop me. Make one move this ones blood will be on your hands.


 No it won't.

Xena quickly flung her chakrum, skillfully slicing the warlord's hand. He dropped the dagger.




 Now Gabrielle!

Quickly Gabrielle ran and snatched the child front the warlord's grasp. She got back behind Xena and put the child down.


Go, run.

The child ran back to the town. Panicking, the warlord looked around franticly. 


It's over.

Gabrielle returned and stood behind Xena ready to fight. Angerly the warlord yelled.


Who do you think you are. I won't let you get away with this, Xena!!

The warlord changed toward Xena. Xena readied her sword preparing to finally take down this monster. Quickly and seemingly for no reason,the warlord changed direction. Momentarily catching them off guard. But those couple seconds was all it took. He grabbed Gabrielle. But before either Xena or Gabrielle could react, the warlord threw Gabrielle off the cliff and she plummeted toward the sea and jagged rocks below.





Consumed by rage Xena drove her sword through the warlord before he knew what happened, and in an Instant the brutal warlord was slain. Quickly Xena ran and dove off the cliff into the deadly, stormy waters. Frantically searching for Gabrielle.


Gabrielle! Gabrielle!!!


Xena struggled against the waves as she searched for Gabrielle, who had been thrown into the stormy sea by the now defeated warlord. She was tossed around like a rag doll. A giant wave pushed her under. While below Xena looked around for Gabrielle as long as she could. Unable to hold her breath any longer, Xena swam back to the top for air. She scanned the waters s frantically trying to locate Gabrielle.



Xena took a deep breath and dove back under water. She continued searching below the waves. Then out of the corner of her eye, Xena finally spotted Gabrielle. She swam to her and brought them both up to the surface.


Gabrielle? Gabrielle ?

Gabrielle didn't respond. Knowing she couldn't do anything else in their current situation, Xena fought against the waters. Doing everything she could to get them both back to land. As the shoreline got closer Xena seemed to swim harder. Then Xena noticed another huge wave coming up behind them. Knowing she couldn't beat the wave to shore, Xena held Gabrielle even tighter and covered her mouth and nose. Just before the wave hit she took another deep breath, and let it take them nder. Xena allowed the current to carry them closer to land. She resurfaced and got herself and Gabrielle the rest of the way to shore. Though exhausted, Xena got to her feet and picked up Gabrielle. She got a safe distance away from the crashing waves and layed Gabrielle on the ground.



She shook Gabrielle lightly. 


Wake up. Come on Gabrielle.

Xena placed her lips on Gabrielle's, and blew. Pulling back, she began compressions on Gabrielle's chest.


Breath, open your eyes.

Xena repeated her actions over and over.


Come on! Breath! 

Gabrielle just layed there, unresponsive. Xena checked for a pulse and felt nothing. She resumed performing C P R. This went on for some time. When that didn't work, a deep sadness began to wash over her. Xena lovingly brushed Gabrielle's hair back. When she took her hand away it was covered in blood. Xena lifted Gabrielle forward and saw the huge gash on the back of Gabrielle's head. She knew she had act fast, before it was too late.


Just hold on, please. Just hold on. You have to fight Gabrielle. Come on.

Xena held her hand tightly against Gabrielle's head, to stop the bleeding. Then using her free hand, she continued trying to get Gabrielle to start breathing. Tears began to stream down Xena's face.


Don't leave me Gabrielle. I need you.

Refusing to give up she kept trying to breathe air into Gabrielle. She tried over and over. Then after what seemed like an eternity, Gabrielle coughed up water and finally began breathing again. Somewhat relieved that one problem was solved, Xena wiped away her tears. She looked around her for something to use to seal or bandage the wound. Down the beach she saw a small old shipwrecked sailboat. Xena quickly got to the boat and tore down part of the tattered sail. She raced back and began dressing Gabrielle's wound. For a few brief moments Gabrielle opened her eyes.



Gabrielle lost consciousness again. Once finished bandaging Gabrielle's head, Xena gently picked her up. Next she had to find shelter from the storm that was still raging around them. While carrying Gabrielle, Xena ventured into the vast forest that was connected to the beach that they had washed up on. 


Everything will be alright. I promise.

Xena pretended she was talking to the unconscious Gabrielle and not trying to convince herself. She hoped the worst was behind them. But was it?...


Xena carried the still unconscious Gabrielle through the forest in search of shelter from the downpour. Though exhausted she trudged on. 


(thinking to herself) I have to get Gabrielle someplace safe and dry.

Xena walked for a while until she spotted a cave up ahead. Once inside she gently layed Gabrielle down on the floor of the cave. Both of them were completely soaked. The night had begun to set in and the temperature was dropping fast. Xena searched for anything dry enough that she could use to build a fire. Luckily the cave apparently used to be some sort of creatures den. Xena gathered what were the remnants of the abandoned nest. She managed to get a small fire going. She moved Gabrielle near the fire to warm her. Xena sat with Gabrielle's head resting on her lap, gently stroking her hair. She leaned back against the cave wall. Completely worn out, Xena fell asleep. Some time passed when Xena was suddenly awakened by the feeling of being moved. She opened her eyes to see several large men standing over her. He was tying her hands and feet were together. She noticed another man who had Gabrielle draped over his shoulder. 


 Let her go, now.


I didn't think you're really in the position to be demanding anything.


We'll see about that.

Xena leapt to her feet in attempt to fight the man. Though due to her current lack of strength and her limbs being retrained she was unable to overpower the statuesque man. He knocked Xena to the ground, then with one swift blow he rendered Xena unconscious. A bit later Xena came to. She was hanging over the shoulder of one of the men. She saw another one was carrying Gabrielle. They were in a whole group and clearly heading somewhere. Xena knew it wasn't anywhere good. 


If you know what's good for you, you'll put me down right now


Oh look who's awake. If I you know what's good for YOU, you'll just relax and be a good girl. You don't want any trouble now do you? 

The man chuckled a little. Clearly proud of his condescending commitment. This just angered Xena.


I said put, me, down!

Xena elbowed him in the back of the head. He threw her to the ground in anger.


You bitch!

The man began kicking Xena. 


Know your place woman.

Having not fully recovered her strength and still bound Xena was unable to fight back. The man laughed as he repeatedly kicked and stomped on her. Finally another one of the men stopped him.


Enough! We can't damage the merchandise.

Xena realized these men were wearing the armor as the warlord she had slain after he threw Gabrielle off the cliff. The man that was carrying her sneered at the one who stopped him. Then out of sheer spite he gave Xena one more hard kick to the head, causing her

 to black out. He then picked her back up and they kept moving.

 When Xena came to she was in a cage, along with Gabrielle and

 other women. She saw Gabrielle was sitting beside her and had

 finally regained consciousness.




Gabrielle, your awake.

Tears of joy filled Xena's eyes, as she sat up and pulled Gabrielle close. Xena wept with Joy as she held her tight.


I thought I was going to lose you.

Gabrielle smiled as she embraced Xena. Though she was confused as to how they had gotten to where they were. The last thing she remembered was being thrown from the cliff. Then the next thing she knew she was here.


What happened while I was out?

Xena shook her head.


Your alright, that's all that matters.

Gabrielle pulled back as she noticed the bruises covering Xena's body.


But you're clearly hurt. What happened?


Now's not the time. We have to get out of here first.

Xena winsed in pain as she stood up and walked to the cage door. Ever resourceful, she inspected her surroundings to find a way out.

Before she could fully access the situation, a group of the warlord's men entered the chamber where they were being held. They stopped in front of the cell.


Now I'm gonna open the door. When I do, you will walk out single file. We're gonna up the stairs and out the big door. Anybody who who tries any funny business will be severely punished.

A second man walked to the cage door. He looked at Xena.


Step away from the door.

Xena just stood there. Her piercing blue eyes glaring at him.


This one seems feisty.


Just open the door.

He proceeded to do as commanded. Immediately Xena punched him in the face and kicked him in his stomach,seding him flying back. The other man grabbed Xena, trying to restrain her. Gabrielle jumped in the frey, attacking the man who grabbed Xena.


We need some backup here!

Hearing the commotion, a large number of guards burst in to quash the uprising. Both Xena and Gabrielle were too injured and too out numbered to fight them all off. They were beaten down and restrained.


Now if no one else has any bright ideas, behave and get moving!

The frightened prisoners did what they were told.

Two of the men forced Gabrielle and Xena to their feet. The men lead them up the stairs and out to a large courtyard. There was a good sized crowd gathered in front of a stage. As Xena and Gabrielle were forcefully lead up to the stage, they realized this was some sort of auction. They and the other women were about to be sold like catle to the highest bidder.

 PRIMAL finale

As a battered and worn down Xena and Gabrielle stood among the other prisoners, they were truly unsure how they were going to get out of this. The past few days had been a living hell. A large brutish looking man walked up on the stage and addressed the crowd.


Thank all of you for coming. We have fine specimens for you today. Sure to suite your every desire.

The lowlife crowd cheared. The brutish man basked in the adulation of the crowd. After a few moments he resumed speaking.


Alright, alright let's get started, shall we?

He walked to the side of the stage and motioned to start bringing up the "merchandise". Gabrielle, Xena and the other women were forced to form a line by the stage. One by one they were dragged up and auctioned off. Xena could barely even walk at this point. she stood in front of Gabrielle, as they were slowly marched toward the stage. While looking ahead Xena quietly spoke to Gabrielle.


 Gabrielle when its my turn and I'm on stage, I'll start causing a scene. While I have them distracted I want you to sneak away. Find a way out of here and get as far away as you can. And what ever you do don't look back.

Gabrielle could hear a shakiness in Xena's voice. This scared her.


What are you planning on doing?


 Just trust me.




Just promise me you'll escape, no matter what it takes.


Alright, alright, I promise.

As they were speaking, the line continued to move. Until it was Xena's turn next. Before she was taken up on stage, With her hands still bound, Xena reached around her and took Gabrielle's hands in hers. Just wanting to hold her in some way. The man in charge of bringing them up on stage grabbed Xena by the arm. He roughly escorted her to the center of the platform. The auctioneer began the bidding. Xena looked over at Gabrielle and gave her a sad smile. 


(thinking to herself) Words can't express how much you mean to me. Even if I wasn't always the best at saying it. I just hope you know Gabrielle, that I love you.

 With that thought Xena let out her patented battle cry. She jumped up, kicking the auctioneer and man who brought her on stage. She then leapt off the stage, and landed in the crowd. Surrounded by enemies, Xena began kicking and tackling anything that moved. Though her body was racked with pain, she did her best to keep fighting. While Xena caused a scene, the other women began to scatter trying to flee amongst the chaos. Gabrielle watched as Xena set her plan in to motion.



Xena quickly looked at Gabrielle.


Go Gabrielle, run!     

Gabrielle knew that Xena was in no condition to fight. She could barely stand. 


 (thinking to herself) Is her plan for me to escape, while distracts them by fighting? But with her injuries there's no way Xena can keep this up for long. Unless..

Gabrielle's eyes widened with fear at the realization of Xena's plan.


(thinking to herself) In order to give me the opportunity to escape, she's planning on her death! No.

(out loud) No!, Xena!!

Gabrielle picked up a sword that had been dropped in the commotion. She ran to Xena's side.


 What are you doing?! I told you to run.


I"m wont abandoning you here to die! You we're just gonna go and sacrifice yourself. Well I won't let you. 


I can't protect you in the state I'm in. Just go. You still have so much ahead of you. So run.


No, I'm not leaving. Don't bother trying to change my mind. This world needs you, I need you.


Gabrielle I...         

Xena was speechless. Though deep down she should have known that Gabrielle would never just run away and leave her behind. Even if her own life was at stake, and as much as Xena wanted her to. The two gave it everything they had as they fought their way through the crowd. Making sure the other prisoners could make it to safety. In the middle of the chaos Gabrielle noticed one of women had fallen and was about to be killed by one of the men. She ran and blocked his swing. 


Go, run.

The woman got up and ran. The man kicked Gabrielle and she stumbled back. Before she had the chance to regain her balance, the man ran his sword through her. Xena looked over to check on Gabrielle just as this was happening. Time seemed to slow as Xena watched the man pull his sword from Gabrielle and she fell to the ground, laying there completely motionless. Xena's heart sank.



With everything they had been through in the past few days, it was all just too much. Xena had finally reached her breaking point. In that moment Xena felt something deep inside her snap. All her pain and rage boiled over. She let out what could only be described as a primal roar. Xena summoned every ounce of strength she had left. She began fighting harder than she ever had in her whole life, cutting down everything in sight. She changed the man who stabbed Gabrielle, and immediately impaled him on her sword. She pulled it out and he fell, dead. Xena spun around continued to cut down everyone who rushed to attack her. She stood guarding the fallen Gabrielle. The battle carried on and Xena fought, taking out the men out, one by one. When finally all captives escaped and the battle was over, only Xena was left standing. The bodies of all the defeated enemies surrounded her. She tossed her sword to the ground as she turned and knelt beside Gabrielle. 


Stay with me Gabrielle. Don't do this to me again.

Xena applied pressure to Gabrielle's wound. Gabrielle spoke in a weak voice.


Here I go again, having to have you save me.


Come on, you've saved me plenty of times.


I'm so glad I got to know you and travel by your side. You've shown me more of this world than I ever thought I'd see.


Don't talk like that. You're going to be fine. You've gotten through worse than this.

Gabrielle gave Xena a small weak smile.


It's OK. Because of you I`ve been able to do so much. You've shown me more than I could have ever learned if I had stayed in my village.

She reached up and gently brushed Xena's face. 


I love you.


Gabrielle you said you need me, well I you. You bring so much joy to my life, so you can't give up.

Xena readied over and ripped the shirt from one of the fallen slavers. She wrapped it around Gabrielle to stop the bleeding.


Now come on, let's get out of here.  

Xena slowly stood up. She gingerly helped Gabrielle to her feet. Gabrielle and Xena learned against one another for support as they slowly stumbled out of the slavers camp. They made their way to the nearest town. Though they didn't know what the trials they may face down the road, they knew they would face them side by side, together.




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