"The End is the Beginning"



Chapter Six: "Questions"

[my apologies to the readers who are fluent in German]

Go to Part 1


Xena is standing over the glass bowl watching the drama between Gabrielle and Deerdra play out. She does not like what she is hearing. "She knows too much." "There's no way she got all of that information from Joxer." "And her seeing her family killed then going off getting revenge sounds too much like Callisto."

Akimi just smiles. "Gabrielle is safe." "Deerdra has fallen in love with her and will not harm her."

"Yeah?" "Look what happened to the last woman she loved."

"That was not her fault." "She was made to believe something that was not true." "As have you in the past."

Xena concedes that point. "I suppose." "Wait a minute." "Ares, Discord, and that bathtub just screams Aphrodite." "It all makes sense now." "She's in with the Olympian Gods, isn't she?"

Akimi remains silent, letting Xena rant.

Xena begins to pace back and forth in front of the crystal bowl. Her nerves and fears are getting the best of her. "Is Ares behind all of this?" "His way of converting Gabrielle over to his side?" "Or maybe his twisted way of bringing us back together?" Panic leaps up and grabs her by the throat. She whirls around and grabs Akimi by the shoulders. "Tell me Deerdra isn't taking Gabrielle to the forest to kill her!"

Akimi doesn't bat an eye. "Ares did not send Deerdra to harm Gabrielle." "As I have said, she is safe." "Be patient, all will be revealed in time."

Xena growls. "She had better be." She walks over to the bowl then casts a suspicious eye at Akimi. "If it's not Ares then, is this your doing?"

Akimi's polite smile never wanes, but she is starting to loose some of her patience. She sighs. "Gabrielle--"

"Is safe, I know." She grips the sides of the bowl. "It's just difficult watching her go through all of this and not being able to help." She bows her head not to look at the water but rather to think. "Is what Gabrielle said true?" "Do the spirits of Higuchi feel guilty and want to send me back?"

"No." "They still feel you are solely responsible for their deaths." "However, there are some among them who believe that a better way for you to redeem yourself is for you to go back and continue fighting for the greater good."

"Maybe, I just hate feeling so helpless."

Akimi takes Xena's hands into hers. "Believe in Gabrielle and have faith in her decisions." "She had an amazing teacher, trust that she was an excellent student."

"You're right." "I'm sorry." "It's just frustrating."

Akimi lightly brushes Xena's cheek. "I understand." They smile at one another then embrace. Akimi pulls away. "They have arrived at their first destination." She takes Xena by the hand. "Come and see." They look into the bowl and see Gabrielle and Deerdra splashing around on a beach. "Their journey begins."

* * * * * * * * * * *

A new day finds Gabrielle and Deerdra splashing ashore a tree lined beach. The two of them are soaking wet as they had to swim ashore because their boat has gotten stuck on a sandbar and is listing to the left. Gabrielle has Xena's war clothes and urn in a leather bag and is now going through it making sure everything is okay. She looks madder than a wet hen. Deerdra, on the other hand is laughing her ass off.

"I cant' believe you thought I was going to crash our boat because of that siren!"

"It wasn't funny!" "You really scared me."

"I'm sorry." "I was only having some fun with you." "But, boy, you should have seen your face!"

Gabrielle picks up a blob of seaweed and throws it at Deerdra hitting her smack dab in the face. The seaweed sticks for a minute then slowly slides down her chin, this makes her laugh even harder and after a bit, so does Gabrielle.

"Does this mean I'm forgiven?"

Gabrielle, still laughing, nods 'yes' and walks over and picks a strand of seaweed out of Deerdra's hair.

Deerdra runs her fingers through her hair to double check for more. "Just for that, smarty pants, you can gather some wood for the fire."

In no time at all, they are sitting around a roaring fire drying off and warming up.

"How are you feeling, Gabrielle?" "Anxious?"

"Anxious and nervous." "What if we can't--"

"Uh, uh." "No What If's, remember?"

"Right." "Only positive thoughts." "We WILL bring Xena home."

"Thata girl." Deerdra stands and brushes the sand off of her behind. "I don't know about you, but I'm well done." "Ready to go?"

Gabrielle stands and does the same. "Ready as I'll ever be." "Say, what's that on your shirt?"

Deerdra looks down. "Where?"

Gabrielle puts her finger on her shirt. "Right there." Then clips the tip of Deerdra's nose, laughing 'gotcha.'

"Funny." "What no bucket of fish guts?"

"How do you know about--?"

"It's getting late, we'd better go."

Gabrielle picks up the satchel and helps to put out the fire, but as curiosity and suspicion creep up her spine, she becomes uneasy about Deerdra.

They follow a foot path leading through the forest and to a dirt road walking in silence as they go. It isn't hard for Deerdra to sense Gabrielle's discomfort.

"I enjoy the sounds of nature just as much as the next person, but your nickname is Gabby for a reason." "What's bothering you?"

Gabrielle stops walking and turns to face Deerdra, looking her straight in the eyes. "How do you know so much about Xena and me." "And don't say Joxer or that word gets around." "Only two other people know about the fish guts, and your not one of them."

Deerdra doesn't like being confronted in this way, even if it is by a beautiful blonde. She sits her temper so as to not give away any secrets. "Well, word does get around about you two." "However, I'm also friendly with Aphrodite."

A warning flag goes up. "How friendly?"

"She comes to visit me when she gets bored and she couldn't wait to tell me about the mini Aphrodite, the young woman Genia." "And, yes, she mentioned the fish gag." "See, nothing sinister." "Just a goddess and her ego."

Gabrielle feels terrible. "I'm sorry." "After all I've been through I must be getting paranoid."

"Don't worry about it." "I'd feel the same way if I were in your boots." "I just don't want you to ever be afraid to ask me something, okay?"


"Good." "Now let's pick up the pace before we loose the daylight."

They walk a short way up the road and come across a house set back away from the road. An older man is working in his garden.

"Hold up, Gabrielle." "Let me try out my German." "I'll ask him how far to the next village." "Guten Tag, Herr!"

"Guten Tag, Fraulein!"

"Wie Fern zu der nachst dorf?" ( "How far to the next village?")

"Gerecht uber der nachst hugel, flaum an der tal." ("Just over the next hill, down in the valley.")

"Danke schon."

Gabrielle has no idea what was just said, but she knows not to ask until they are out of earshot.


"He said it's over the next hill."

"Did you ask about a seer or the Black Forest?"

"No, I don't want too many people to know why we're here in case Xena has enemies in the area."

"He seemed friendly enough."

"Then why is he still watching us?"

"Oh, I don't know." "Two women, alone, walking through the forest." "Doesn't sound odd to me."

"Maybe, but let's stay on guard." "I don't want to go getting into any more trouble than we have to."

"No arguments here."

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

Xena watches as Gabrielle and Deerdra enter a small village nestled among the forest then walk into a building with a sign that reads: 'Eat, Sleep, Ride.'

She turns away to talk Akimi. "She isn't telling Gabrielle the whole truth." "I can buy the Aphrodite story, but there's more to it--and her." "Just how close was she to the Olympian gods?"

"The two of you have more in common than you know."

"Then tell me!" "Why all the secrecy if I'm just going to find out anyway?"

"So you can gain something you are missing." "Patience and trust."

"That's just great." "While I'm up here learning patience and trust, Gabrielle is down there with a woman who may or may not be working for the gods and going off on a journey that may or may not bring me back." "These spirits of yours are really grating on my nerves."

Akimi tries to calm Xena's grated nerves. She walks over and rubs her back. "Do not worry, my love." "All will be well." She glances at the bowl. "Ah, the second day of their journey begins."

Xena takes a look and sees that the two women are walking out of the building, yawing and stretching in the sunlight.

"But they just entered that building a moment ago."

"We are not ruled by the sun and the moon as they are." "Time does not exist here."

The reality of her possible future hits Xena. "For eternity."

* * * * * * * * * * *

Gabrielle and Deerdra emerge from the tavern and into the bustling village market. Deerdra's energized by the contrast between this market and the one at Lorrania. "Now this is a market!" "The people, the noise, the street urchin trying to steal your bag."

Gabrielle whirls around and a boy, rail thin and in dire need of a bath has his hand on the bag's strap. Deerdra quickly grabs him by the arm and speaks to him in German. ("Which way to the blacksmith?")

The boy just knew that he was about to be scolded and very relieved that he isn't. ("Straight ahead and to the left.")

Deerdra smiles and hands him five coins. ("Thank you.")

The boy's face lights up. ("Thank you, Miss!" "Thank you!") He runs off, bobbing and weaving through the crowd.

"What did you two say to each other?"

"I asked him which way to the blacksmith."

"But the tavern owner already told us the way."

Deerdra smiles. "I know."

Each act of kindness and tender moment reduces Gabrielle's suspicions a little more to where they are mostly gone, mostly. She still has an aura of mystery around her and that intrigues Gabrielle.

While Deerdra talks to the blacksmith\owner, Gabrielle waits at the corral and watches as a white mare with matching mane and tail and a gray mare with a silver mane and tail frolic. They are the only horses in the corral.

Deerdra comes walking over carrying two blankets and two sets of reigns/tack.

"He says we can have any one we want as long as it's the gray one and the white one."

"That's good because that's all he has."

Deerdra looks in the corral. "Oh, well then, you can have the white one."

"She's beautiful." "Are you sure?"

"I'm sure." "You are the hero of this story after all."

"Cute." "So, where to from here?"


"Ha, ha." "You know what I mean."

"Well, we ride through every village until we run across a seer."

They mount up and, yep, head North.

Gabrielle feels really discouraged. "That could take a long time." "Is there any other way?"

"Fraid not." "However, a true seer will be waiting for us and hopefully will make it easier to find them."

"Too bad they all don't look like Mary."

"I know." "It could be anyone." "An old gypsy, a child, someone wearing a cape lurking in the shadows..."

" A person living in an eerie old house on top of a hill."

"Yeah, someone who lives--."

Gabrielle has stopped riding and is staring intently at something over Deerdra's right shoulder. Deerdra follows her gaze and, sure enough, sees an eerie looking house on top of a hill. Right at that moment, the wind picks up, dark clouds move in, and a thunder clap rattles the trees. This sudden change in the weather unnerves the duo.

Deerdra clears the lump out of her throat. "Well, we knew the adventure would start sometime."

"I know, but this is pretty weird."

"I agree." "Let's put the horses in that barn over there then take a peek inside of the house." "If we don't like what we see, we'll stay with the horses until the storm passes then get out of here." "And, no, that barn wasn't there before."

Their horses and gear secure, they cautiously enter the house, the moment they do the wind howls, the rain beats down on the roof, and the thunder booms.

This does nothing to calm Gabrielle's nerves. "Why do storms always get worse when you're walking around a spooky old house?"

"It wouldn't be a spooky old house if it didn't." "Do you see anything we can use for a light?"

"No, wait, is that a fireplace?" "Maybe there's a candle or a lamp on the mantle."

They scoot their way over then slide their hands across the semi-rough wooden plank. Deerdra nearly knocks a light source onto the floor.

"Ah,ha!" "A candle!" "I'll just get out my handy dandy flint and....Eureka!" "We have light!"

Gabrielle looks the room over. Nothing out of the ordinary. "You know, now that I can see, this place doesn't look so creepy."

A female voice coming from the shadows behind the two women has them nearly jumping out of their skin. "Good."

In one fluid motion, the two spin around and draw their weapons. They're met by a young woman dressed in a flowing white gown and red velvet cape holding a candle. "I didn't mean to startle you." "You can put away your weapons, I mean you know harm." "Follow me, we have much to talk about." She walks out of the room but Gabrielle and Deerdra stay put not sure what to do. She calls to them. "Join me, Gabrielle and Deerdra." "I have the answers you seek."

Gabrielle whispers to Deerdra. "Okay, she appears out of nowhere and knows our names." "I am officially creeped out."

Deerdra whispers back. "Me too, but I think we've found our seer."

"You think so?"

"I hope so, but just in case stay ready."

They slow walk in the direction the woman went and end up in a brightly light kitchen. Margret is standing beside a table and three chairs. "Come and sit, I've been expecting you."

Gabrielle's in Deerdra's ear. "Four word you never want to hear from a mysterious stranger."

Deerdra doesn't hear her, she's thoroughly captivated by this woman in white. Tall and slender with eyes the color of cinnamon, she holds Deerdra's attention all evening. Gabrielle nudges her to break the spell.

"I get the feeling that you're not from around her." "So, who are you and how do you know our names?"

"My name is Margret." "I'm from here and there and everyone in the forest knows who you are and why you're here."

Gabrielle questions Miss Here and There. "Who's everyone?"

"Those who will help you and those who will try to stop you."

Gabrielle crosses her arms. "And which one are you?"

Deerdra tries some defusing. "You'll have to excuse my friend, she's been under a lot of stress lately."

Gabrielle glares at Deerdra who in turn mouths the words to her "calm down, we need her cooperation".

"Don't worry, Deerdra, I understand her skepticism." "You miss Xena, Gabrielle and are anxious to bring her back."

"Do you know how?"

"Yes." "It will be both simple and dangerous."

Deerdra chimes in. "We wouldn't have it any other way." "Go ahead."

"I have prepared a scroll telling you exactly where to go and what to do." "Your first task is to collect a flask full of pure water from the river's source." "The Neckar valley." "And your last task is to find the Circle of Light in the Dark." "You must be at the top of the highest peak by the time the sun and the moon are directly opposite each other on the horizon so Gabrielle can perform the homing ritual." "The peak is called Feldberg."

"That has to be where Mary saw Xena!" "So, after I do this ritual, Xena will come back?"

Margret's mood darkens. "I have only heard of this ritual." "Its origins are steeped in myth." "I cannot guarantee that it will even work."

Gabrielle runs her fingers through her hair and paces around the kitchen. "That's just great!"

Deerdra does some more tense situation defusing. "You said that there will be those who will help."

"Yes, the faeries of the forest-The Wood Wives- will help after an offering of a loaf baked bread".

Gabrielle stops pacing. "And those who will try and stop us?"

"The human sized River Nymph guards the River in the Neckar." "It is said that she can drown a person from half a mile away."

"Well, Gabrielle, it sounds like one of us will be distracting her while the other gets the water."

Margret answers. "Yes, Deerdra, you will." "For the ritual to work, Gabrielle's hands must be pure and her mind clear."

Gabrielle furrows her brow. "What does that mean?"

"From the moment you enter the forest, you must avoid fighting of any kind."


"It's all right, Gabrielle." "Our quest just got a little harder, that's all." "What else?"

"The most dangerous of all." "The Guardians of the Forest, a pack of demon wolves that guard the land around the peak." "They will rip to shreds anyone who dares to enter their domain."

Gabrielle perks up. "They must be the dogs that Mary heard."

"Not dogs, wolves." "Hairless ones who's leader has a black strip of fur that runs down the middle of his back." "Be warned, these wolves are bigger and stronger than any you have encountered before- and they know you are coming."

"Swell." "Can't wait to meet them." Deerdra is being just a tad sarcastic.

"Deerdra, if I'm not mistaken, the sun and moon will be aligning in a few days." "We should probably get some shut eye while we still can."

"Of course, you two need your rest." "The guest room is to the right of the fireplace."

"Thank you." "Deerdra, you coming?"

"Not yet, but you go on ahead." "I want to talk to Margret a little longer."

Gabrielle's none too pleased with Deerdra's infatuation with Margret. She grits her teeth. "Fine, but don't stay up to long." She marches out of the room then slams the door behind her.



chapter seven

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