Xena and Gabrielle undergo a uniquely wild, unsettling examination of their identities in the following submission to the 2023 Royal Academy of Bards Halloween Special Challenge. -- IQ 



By IseQween
October 2023


Part 1

Xena stirred at a light scratching on her scalp.  Hmmm.  Gabrielle up first?  Already in a playful mood?  She yawned and grinned simultaneously, otherwise remaining motionless.  Her “Mmm, good morning” sounded more like a growl.  The digits messing in her hair withdrew.  She cleared her throat, anxious to affirm receptiveness to fun.  Again her vocalized greeting came out as “Grrrr.”  She opened her eyes.

There, in her soulmate’s place, sat a little white owl, green gaze boring into the warrior beneath frowning brows.

“Huh,” Xena thought.  “Don’t want to scare the poor thing.”  She slowly reached out.  The owl backed away.  The warrior noticed a large paw where her hand should be.  She blinked to clear her vision.  Scanned the rest of her body, the entirety of which appeared wrapped in dark fur.  Stunned, she refocused on the owl.

The feathered visitor nodded as though understanding Xena’s confusion.


“Kiew.”  The owl glided up a couple feet and hovered.  Its fluttering wings invited the warrior to follow.

Xena warily padded after the bird.  It landed on the bank of a nearby lake.  Together they studied their reflections.   Xena batted the water.  When it calmed, she still saw the blue eyes of a black panther staring back at her.


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Earlier on Mt.  Olympus….

“Look, it’s not that big a deal.”  Ares sipped from his cup of wine.  “She already has my blessing.  Simply a little test to see if she’s really deserving of yours.”

“Nothing’s ever that simple with you, Brother.  Besides, I have just as much claim.” Athena swirled the wine in her goblet.  “You got to Xena first by cheating – appealing to her at her weakest, her worst.”

“You say ‘weak and worst.’  I say ‘undefeatable and glorious.’”  The War God shrugged.  “She’s sappier now, like you wanted.   If that proves more her true nature than blood lust, I won’t fight you taking a crack at her.”

“Exsqueez me?  Helloooo.  I have rights, too, ya know.”

“You?!”  Ares led the others assembled in gawking at the Goddess of Love as though she’d lost her last pearl.

Nonplussed, Aphrodite examined her fingernails.  “Uh huh, through my devotee.  Gabby’s who keeps Warrior Babe from turning into you,” she asserted, cutting her eyes at Ares.  “Quite successfully I’d say.”  She grinned smugly.  “Mr. I Don’t Need Anybody’s Help wouldn’t have summoned us here otherwise.”

“Whatever.”  Ares stroked his mustache, sensing capitulation to his scheme, as usual launching a preemptive strike.  “I propose a boar.”

“Tsk tsk.  Such a limited brain.  I’d think the Warrior Princess worthy of a more suitable incarnation.” Dionysius languorously indicated the leopard at his feet.  “A symbol of unparalleled might.”  He regarded the wine in his glass with a dreamy expression.  “Uninhibited through the gift of stimulants.”

“A tipsy cat?!”  Ares snickered.  “That your notion of ‘high and mighty?’  Riiiight.”

“He may be.  Especially in the form of a black panther.” Athena spared Ares a disdainful appraisal.  “It’s a pity you study little beyond your sword. You’d understand he’s referring to removal of barriers to unconscious urges and strengths.  Unfettered exploration of one’s True Power.”

“Well said, my dear.  Panthers have hundreds of muscles to use at will.  Revered for their ability to do a variety of things on all levels – physical, mental, psychic, spiritual.”  Dionysius winked at Ares.  “You know, many skills?”

“One protected Zeus’ beloved heifer Io,” reminded Artemis.  “When the panther died, its eyes were transferred to the feathers of the peacock, thus becoming the ‘Argos of a Thousand Eyes,’ bringing guardian energy to those it favors.”

“Arty, you’re the Big Mamma of animals.  We need your cooperation for this to work, whatever we choose.”

“Not to mention my affinity with ‘your’ Warrior Princess as a hunter.  My connection to Gabrielle through the Amazons.”

“Fine. Can we cut to the chase?”  Ares grinned at his witticism, which passed unappreciated by the others.

“Despite my fondness for stags, I vote for Dionysius’ and Athena’s selection.  The ‘pan’ in its name reflects its embodiment of all beasts.”

“That’s settled then. What about the irritating brat?” 

“Isn’t it obvious?”

“Leave her as is?”  Ares rubbed his hands together.  “A nice snack for my panther.”

Athena rolled her eyes.  “No.”  She brushed her cheek against the white bird on her shoulder.  “An owl.”

Ares pictured feathers dangling from his big cat’s mouth. “Sure, that could work too.”

“But not for your undoubtedly misguided reasons.  Unlike you, Athena oversees warfare through wisdom, strategy, technical skills.  She adopted the owl for both its intelligence and high effectiveness as a hunter.  It has far more status in mortal society than your boar.”  Artemis smirked.  “Certainly not the docile or easy prey you probably imagine.”

“But Artemis, its presence on the battlefield – as a sign from Athena – has made it a harbinger of death."  Aphrodite shuddered.  "And it's a solitary creature of the night.  Not known for caring behavior among its own kind, let alone with others.  Nothing like my sunny, full of life, people-magnet Sweat Pea.”

Athena nodded.  “Gabrielle’s quite the warrior as well, spiritually and physically.  In my observations she’s particularly important to Xena for her honesty, looking at situations from different angles, finding nonlethal approaches.  As my owl sits on my blind side, allowing me to see everything, comprehend the whole truth.”

“So it’s not exactly sympatico with her huggy feely faults.  Pfft.  A saving grace, if you ask me.”  Ares’ brow creased in uncharacteristic contemplation.  “Hmmm.  A test for Bardypoop too?  Yeah, I can get behind that.  Owl it is.”

The deities nodded to each other in agreement.  They surrounded their Scrying Bowl to view the subjects of their plan.  Reluctantly joined hands to ensure they summoned all the powers required for the transformations they envisioned.

“Okay, on the count of three….”


≉ ≉ ≉ ≉ ≉ ≉ ≉ ≉


Back at their camp, Xena prowled restlessly, sorting through conjectures about their latest predicament.  Gabrielle watched patiently, as she’d had a little more time to adjust.  She’d been surprised earlier at waking so naturally before dawn.  Unlike her typical “I’ll rise but I refuse to shine” response to prodding from Xena, had felt eager to spring up, ready for action.  “Heh, I’ll have first dibs this time,” she’d thought, not having heard any movement from her companion. “She won’t see this coming.”  She’d swiveled her head toward Xena with visions of tickling her.  And beheld instead a huge dark feline.

Where was Xena?  Out scouting?  Maybe caught unawares by the beast and injured?  Probably not, but she could be when she returned.  And wouldn’t be happy Gabrielle hadn’t taken steps to get herself to safety first.  Following her instincts, she’d fled to the closest tree.  Or more accurately flown, oblivious to her fear of heights.  Wings flapped from her shoulders, attached to a small ball of feathers.  

“Okay, stay calm.  If I’m a bird somehow, maybe whatever’s going on affected Xena too.”  She’d landed on the panther’s head.  Its reaction indicated she’d surmised correctly, corroborated by their later trip to the lake.  Now, judging by her constant circling, the warrior was working herself into a frenzy.  Gabrielle flew over to the panther’s shoulder. 



Xena vigorously shook herself.  Gabrielle’s tiny claws held firm.  A few stubborn paces later, the warrior relented and plopped down on her bedroll.  Gabrielle positioned herself against her soulmate’s chest, her initial cautions gone.  She concentrated on the heartbeat calming beneath the fur, the relaxing of tense muscles, reassuring herself their connection remained strong despite the word-defying situation.  She could almost hear Xena’s thoughts, her frustrations at feeling so helpless, her silent cursing of gods the warrior would presume responsible.   

They gradually found refuge in the love that enveloped them as surely as their confidence they would somehow stumble upon the answer for restoring themselves.  They dealt with mysteries as a normal aspect of their lives, even if this latest was particularly weird and challenging.  Xena suspected a novel twist in Ares’ obsession to recapture her allegiance, by ridding her of the humanity and bard in his way.  Gabrielle searched her memory for mortal conjurors or wood sprites they may have displeased somehow.  Finally a mutual thought occurred.  “Argo.”   

“Neighhh.”  The golden mare trotted up to the edge of their camp as if responding to a verbal summons.  She snorted at sight of the two creatures occupying her humans’ domain.  Sniffed the surrounding area.  Eventually stood with intelligent brown eyes studying the strangers.

Xena bowed her head submissively and tried her best to purr.  Gabrielle alighted on a nearby branch and cooed.  The horse glanced from one to the other.  The warrior began inching on her belly toward Argo, stopping when the mare retreated a little.  The Palomino took a couple steps forward.  Xena stayed put.  Argo came close enough to lower her nostrils to the big cat.  She whinnied at recognizing something familiar.  When Xena raised a paw to pat the horse’s nose, Argo dipped her head for a chin scratch.

Overjoyed, Gabrielle descended onto Xena’s back.  The Palomino shifted a bit, but soon settled.  Xena loped over to her saddlebags, lifted the flap, stuck in her snout to retrieve an apple and carry it to the Palomino.  Argo eagerly clamped her teeth around the fruit and took it from Xena’s mouth. 

Panther and owl did their versions of a happy dance.  The threesome was fully intact, at least one of them in the right body.

≉ ≉ ≉ ≉ ≉ ≉ ≉ ≉

Xena’s strong, springy legs, dexterous paws and fangs proved quite useful for managing many chores.  Assisted by her feathered assistant, she had rolled bedding, loaded weapons, clothing and other gear into saddlebags and secured everything on Argo with vines.  Though not properly buckled, the saddle sat on a blanket on the Palomino’s back.

Now on the road, the trio made an unusual sight – owl riding a panther riding a horse.  Gabrielle had screeched a warning about this arrangement.   Xena of course couldn’t resist showing she’d retained many human skills to add to her feline abilities.  Sure enough – to the bard’s annoyance and the warrior’s glee – they encountered a half dozen robber types blocking their path, assuming them easy prey.

“Well, well, well.  What do we have here?  Runaways from a circus?” 

“Wait, Pritus.  Can’t you tell somethin’ strange about this?  For one, that looks like a warhorse.  Could’ve wandered off from soldiers nearby.  Don’t want `em huntin’ us down.”

“Eh, why’d they bother?  It’s just a horse.  What’re they gonna do?   If they find us.  Not like they’re Xena or somethin’.”

“Matter a fact, Xena does have a Palomino like that.  I’d hate –.”

“Aw shut up, Titus. Ever hear a her travelin’ with pets?”

“I’m with Cush.  That big cat looks none too friendly.”

“Pffft.  I got just the answer.”  Pritus reached for his bow and arrows.  “One shot, it’ll go howlin’ for the hills.”

“Yeah well that’s where we’re headed too.  Good luck to ya.”

When the three remaining robbers advanced toward their prey, the panther pounced. 

“Argggh!  Get ‘im off me!  Shoot `im’!”

Pritus took aim, only to have his vision obscured by a fiercely attacking flurry of feathers.  “Yeow!  Get it off me!”

The third man running to Pritus’ aid found himself hurtling through space with a hoofprint on his butt.

“Retreat!  Retreat!” 

The owl, panther and horse regrouped as their assailants hi-tailed away.



Xena leapt onto the mare’s back with a deafening roar of victory.


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As dusk fell, the Dynamic Duo accepted there’d be no fire, tea, sharpening weapons or writing on scrolls.  And that they were hungry.  Xena found the little bird particularly appetizing. At Gabrielle’s squawk, the warrior shook her head free of devouring her companion in that manner.  They departed in separate directions to hunt down their respective dinners. 

The panther returned a few candle marks later.  The blood she licked from her snout signaled success in her pursuits.  The owl glided in, soon regurgitating undigestible parts of prey she’d snared.  Both felt torn between continuing to roam the darkness and spending time with each other.  They ended up hunting together.  Dawn found them back at their camp site.  Again they’d fought instincts to go off alone – one to conceal herself amid dense underbrush, the other to sequester in a large oak hole.  Instead they greeted the sun on Xena’s bedroll, owl resting between two large paws.

Xena lay mulling over the ironies of their transformations.  Despite vast differences in appearance, both were loners, relentless carnivores, extraordinarily gifted with sight and hearing to thrive in the dark.  The panther powerful on land, in water, scaling trees.  The owl a silent killer swooping down from the skies.  She could feel her animal nature coming to the fore.  In truth felt exhilarated by the added lethalness of her built-in weapons.  Being such a predator was in her blood anyway.  Something she’d long ago gotten accustomed to.  What about the gentle nature inside the small bird she cradled?  Would it succumb to equal exhilaration?  Crave it even if – no, when – human again?

Xena carefully stretched, mindful of not hurting her feathered companion, admitting to herself how much she missed the limbs usually sprawled over her at bedtime, holding her in place.  She pictured Gabrielle as her security blanket, the warmth, comfort and peace creating an intimacy she cherished above all else.  Usually obsessed as the protector, she could relax under the stars knowing she had someone to absorb both her nightmares and waking fears, guard against her doubts and destructive tendencies.  Yes, she was grateful to have the bard so near her in any form but did regret once again worrying she could accidentally injure or, worse, mistake the little bird for breakfast fortuitously dropped in her lap.

Gabrielle pruned her feathers, musing upon how often she’d thought of her companion as a panther in human form.  She could tell Xena was enjoying how it felt to actually be one, despite possible concerns about the impact on her all-to-human conscience.  She suspected the always vigilant warrior worried less about that though, than the conflicts possibly going on within her bard. 

True, Gabrielle did miss the intimacy of their chats, of reviewing their day together or in her writing, regardless of how much Xena contributed to or enjoyed that too.  Sharing with, touching the warrior grounded her. In the beginning of their travels helped structure and add meaning to her flights of fancy, reality to her dreams.  Since taking a more active role in their world’s violence, experiencing and delivering its agonies, she still valued Xena as her trusty sounding board, felt secure in Xena’s acceptance and love no matter who either of them became. 

On the other hand, the “glass half full” bard acknowledged benefits of her owl state.  Her practical side accepted not being nauseous at killing cute little critters she might’ve felt guilty about before.  She needed to eat.  They were simply a meal.  She appreciated her new heightened senses, being able to rise above as well as take part in the fray.  She could truly supplement Xena’s skills, scouting far ahead and from different vantage points.  And the warrior needn’t worry so much about her companion’s ability to elude danger if necessary.  She especially looked forward to pursuing her curiosity in ways she’d never imagined.  Maybe the most important requirement at the moment was convincing her panther that the owl was okay too?

The next day Gabrielle signaled her desire to explore the nearest town.  Xena pointed her muzzle in the opposite direction toward outlying structures surrounded by open fields, intent on scaring off two- and four-legged wolves from plundering nearby farms.   They left Argo to roam freely.


≉ ≉ ≉ ≉ ≉ ≉ ≉ ≉


Alone, Ares scowled at the figures in the Scrying Bowl.  This test was not progressing as he’d hoped.  For starters, his subjects had adjusted surprisingly well to their situation. What happened to following their creatures’ instincts as solitary hunters?  Why instead was Xena virtually cuddling natural prey and Gabrielle snuggling up to a dangerous predator? 

He’d brightened when the owl flitted off, obviously leaving the panther to her own devices.  His protege had spent awhile chasing squirrels up trees faster than falling rain, swimming from one side of the lake to the other like a fish, indefatigably racing and leaping through terrain at the speed of Hermes.  His eyes gleamed when she sighted thieves sneaking up on a farm.  Hunkered down, fangs bared, body coiled to spring.  Yes!  A taste of their blood, screams and limbs tearing!  Surely then she’d see red.

He watched her toy with the thieves, not necessarily a bad sign.  But it went on too long.  Circling them to keep them from running off.  Simply dodging when they poked at her.  Knocking their weapons away, then waiting for them to rearm.  Eventually rearing up with a terrifying growl that sent them scampering into the forest.  Sitting afterwards licking her paws as though satisfied she’d left no carnage in her wake.  No!  Time was running out.  He refused to accept defeat!

The rules stipulated no god could personally interfere unless the subjects might be permanently damaged.  Then it hit him – the one thing that could restore his Chosen to the pitiless raging avenger he needed.  And he wouldn’t have to touch her. An evil grin darkened his face.  Bardypoop would do it for him.


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Gabrielle glided giddily over merchandise stalls she hoped to revisit if – when – they got their bodies back.  She noticed men in scholar robes entering a two-story building that featured several carvings of her current image.  Intrigued, she hovered outside the windows, gasping at ceiling-high shelves of scrolls.  One of the librarians saw her.  He smiled broadly, bowed and beckoned her to enter.  Naturally, she did. 

He led her to a room that seemed dedicated to the various gods and their favored animals, as though assuming she would comprehend the various descriptions.  He showed her an exhibit celebrating owls.  She then flitted to sketches of black panthers.  The librarian dutifully followed her, opening scrolls for her to view.  He did the same when she landed elsewhere beside signs about a particular topic.  An appreciable time later, Gabrielle alighted on the librarian’s arm to coo her gratitude before departing.

She flew next to the town square and other likely places for overhearing gossip.  Some who sighted her gathered their neighbors and grimly pointed out her presence.  Others clasped their hands as though blessed at seeing her.  Fortunately her visit to the library had prepared her for the mixed reactions.  She decided to end her excursion with a sampling of the more “bad news” fare typically available in taverns.  Her ears homed into snippets of a conversation among people gathered outside.

“Said they saw the panther themselves.  Attacked them yesterday.  They’re gonna capture or skin it.  I considered going with them.”

“Pfft.  And be mauled for your trouble?”

“Not a problem.  Got it on good authority it’s a no brainer.”  The speaker winked.  “Inside help, so to speak.”

“What?  An animal trainer?”

“Much better.  A priest from the temple of Ares.”

Horrified, Gabrielle prepared to take off.  Too late to avoid the sack dropping over her.


Part 2

Xena reached their campsite a little before dusk, not particularly surprised her companion hadn’t returned yet. She figured the bard too had enjoyed stretching her wings, using her actual ones to cover territory for knickknacks faster than meandering with a shopping-averse partner.  The warrior settled down for a catnap before the night’s hunting.  But as the sky darkened, the hairs on her back rose.  For the first time since her transformation, she sensed something foreboding in surroundings where she usually felt confident, even as a human.  Not just unnatural but … evil. 

She crept through bordering trees in the direction of the potential threat.  In the distance she scoped out a group of men approaching with torches.  She leapt to a high branch, her sharp ears soon picking up snatches of whispers. 

“Close ….  Okay, stick it in ….  Back up ….  Get ready.”

They carried spears, bows, nets, thick ropes.  Formed a semi-circle around a pole from which hung a small wooden cage.  They waited in high alert.

“Sure this’ll work?  Why hasn’t it come out?”

“Don’t know.  Just following instructions.”

“Weird.  Raw meat would’ve been better.  Even I can smell that from aways.”

“This’s somehow special to the panther.”  A snicker.  “Else, who’d use an owl as bait?”

Xena’s blood froze, before molten heat pulsed through her veins.  She vaulted from the tree, landing next to the pole, lithely stretching up to the cage.  A white owl lay inside, its neck nearly cleaved in two. Her initial disbelief shattered with images of her life with Gabrielle.  An agonized scream caught in her throat.

The men’s apprehension turned to hope when the panther remained on its hind legs, paws on the cage, apparently mesmerized by its prize. 


Xena instinctively dodged the first arrows, swatted away the next as easily as flies.  Dragged like rag dolls men who netted her, barreling into the archers, then those with spears.  Head lowered, tongue lowling, she crept toward the men closest to her, salivating at ripping into their throats like they’d treated their last victim – a small, beautiful creature that soared with grace and strength, undeserving of such cruelty.  It made no sense even to the perpetrators.  “Who’d use an owl as bait?”  Her owl?   

Questions gave pause to her roiling brain.  Were the idiots clueless about the actual terror they meant to subdue?  Might instead send spiraling into madness, freeing it to prowl the earth again wreaking vengeance on anything in its way?  Unrestrained by temperance, compassion, joy, love, the greater good.  Bereft of the one light ….  Memories flickered in her mind, like a candle illuminating pieces of a puzzle.  She scanned with fresh eyes those cowering before her.  Not just vermin anymore but pawns, collateral damage.  Puppets in the hands of someone who did understand exactly what could happen.  Would glory in it.  Benefit the most.

Xena padded back to the cage.  Projected her thoughts to the small bird within.  “I could kill them all for what they did to you.  Let them kill me for making you a target.  Losing my reason to go on.  You wouldn’t want that.  No matter my pain, my sorrow, I can’t betray my   promise to you.  To do my best.  Not become a monster.  Never give in to Ares.”  She turned with numb resignation toward the men she’d fought, snarling but making no move to stop them run, hobble or be carried away.


Startled, Xena looked up to find herself captured in green eyes set in white feathers.  Her head swiveled between the body in the cage and the owl hovering next to her.  “Grrrl?”


With a last dismissive look at the fleeing attackers, the panther and owl hastened away, their frightening day ending with fur once again curled around feathers.


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Xena stirred at a feathery brush across the crown of her head.  How to prolong the fun?  Maybe a little scare, since they both knew it was play?  Yeah, a light swat to the offender.  She raised her paw.  Flesh touched flesh.  Her eyes shot open. 

Next to her Gabrielle slept with a hand nestled in her partner’s hair.  The warrior inhaled deeply, letting her breath out slowly, quietly, keeping absolutely still.  Time would no doubt confirm the origins of this latest mystery.  For now she’d revel in the evidence her soulmate was both alive and as she should be.

“Mmm.  Mmph.”  Gabrielle slid her hand away from the one on top of hers.  “Too soon,” she mumbled.  “Couple more winks, `kay?” 

Xena smiled wryly.  “Sure. You deserve a morning off.”

“Uh huh.  If I remember correctly ….”  Gabrielle’s eyes shot open.  “Xena!  You’re … you’re ….”  She raised up to examine her soulmate.  “You’re you!”  She made a quick inspection of herself.  “Me too!” 

Xena gathered in the petite frame.  “Appears so.”

Gabrielle shook her head in wonderment.  “The vision I had las night was real!”  Excited, she tried to sit up.  Strong arms held her in place.  “Xeenaa. Don’t you want to hear?”

“Too soon.  Talk later.”  The warrior kissed her bard’s forehead.  “Rest while – because – we can.”

Gabrielle studied Xena a moment before relaxing.  “You becoming a late-morning person?  Lose all that pent-up warrior-panther energy?”

“Mm.  Must’ve flitted off with a certain owl.”  Xena tweaked a pert nose.  “Better take advantage while you can.”

“No arguments here.”  Gabrielle snuggled as close as possible, resting her head on Xena’s chest, throwing an arm and leg over a long frame.     

Xena sighed contentedly.  “I missed this most,” she murmured.


 “My security blankey.”  Xena caressed the limbs covering her.  “Just the right weight.  Texture.  Hard to find peace without it.  Asleep or awake.”

“Huh.”  Gabrielle beamed.  “Kinda like protection for the Great Protector?”

“Mmhm.  Rare and precious respites.”  Xena snorted.  “Got nervous again with that birdie.”

“Hey, it could take care of itself.  Even more than a certain Amazon.”

 “Unless I rolled over on it.  Or forgot it wasn’t food.”

“Ah.  I see your point.”  Gabrielle stroked Xena’s side.  “I missed this too.  But more the … um … cuddle chats.  Sharing stuff.  You know, with my … sounding board?”

Xena chuckled.  “It’s okay.  Go ahead.  I’m suitably warm and fuzzied.”  She glanced at their bags.  “We could get dressed.  Chew on the what and why of things over a proper ‘people’ meal?”

“Well ….  Good as that sounds, I was an earlier riser today.  Sure you don’t want to take advantage?”  The bard batted her eyes.  “We are due a little … fun.  Maybe combine that with resolving a couple things.”

Xena’s initial enthusiasm dipped.  “Come again?”

“Uh huh.”  Gabrielle smirked.  “That devouring thing?  The owl saw it in the panther’s eyes.  Empathized.  Under normal circumstances would’ve welcomed it.  Since you’re not afraid of squishing it anymore ….”

“Ahhh,” Xena brightened again.  “Wise and a mind reader too?  To quote a friend of mine, ‘Woohoooo.’”

Part 3

Outstanding concerns addressed, the companions caught, plucked and cooked breakfast.  The sound of rustling drew their attention to a critter rummaging through their saddlebags.  It snatched out and started nibbling on an apple. 

“You don’t think ….”

“No way!”

The two looked at each other in consternation.  “Argo?!” they ventured in unison.

A large figure emerged from the trees, scaring the critter away.  The four-legged newcomer regarded the two-legged creatures lounging beside the campfire as though they belonged there.  Her humans had changed identities yet again?  That trick was starting to get old.


“Argo!” Xena and Gabrielle exclaimed, rushing over to hug and rub their beloved steed.

The Palomino indulged their affections until the discarded apple caught her eye.   She shook off the persistent hands and ambled over to seize her prize.

“Whew, that’s a relief.”  Gabrielle returned to their fire.

“Even the gods ain’t that dumb.”  Xena joined her soulmate.  “Messin’ with us is bad enough.  Touching Argo?  Suicidal.”

They finished breakfast, after which the bard happily launched into recounting her unique perspective on the what and why of recent events.

“You probably figured Ares was involved.”

“Top of my list.”

“But not by himself.”  Gabrielle grinned a bit smugly.  “Artemis came to me in a dream.  Seems most Olympians scoffed at his boasts about you being his Chosen.  That your darkness is fundamental to your character.  The strongest, most enduring aspect.”

“Pffft.  No surprises there.”

“Except others lay equal claim to you.  Through mitigating qualities like honor, compassion, the courage to conquer yourself, commitment to defend those in need.”

“You know I could care less about being somebody’s Chosen.”  Xena winked.  “Except yours.”  She snorted softly.  Her jaws clenched.  “Of course.  That’s why they messed with you.  `Cause your influence tops theirs?”

Gabrielle smirked.  “Funny you should mention that.  Yes, initially it was to be a test of your true nature.  But even Ares recognized I’d insinuated myself into the mix.”

“Insinuated?!”  Xena laughed.  “You mean guilted?  Bull dogged?  Weaseled?”  She shrunk away from her partner’s murderous expression. “Enticed?” 

“Whatever.  It worked.”  Gabrielle haughtily brushed hair off her forehead.  “Well enough that the gods argued claim over me too.  Through both my warrior spirit and multitudinous, exemplary, delightful –.”

“Yeah, yeah, goes without saying.  Olympian bait to die for.”  The warrior shuddered.  “Just glad your latest death wasn’t real.”

“Ares counted on thinking me dead would boot you into rage you couldn’t come back from.  The rules said we couldn’t be permanently harmed during the test.  Instead he had me captured.”


“Obviously I got away.”  Gabrielle snorted, shaking her head.  “Folks’re always underestimating me.  Stupid bag didn’t have a chance against my talons and beak.  My –.”


“Oh, right.  See, I got distracted, listening to these guys talk about plans to snare a panther.  Naturally I fought like Hades to free myself and prevent that.”

“Too bad about that sacrificial bird.  Sorry you missed out on the action?” 

“Actually, that worked out okay.  The lateness of my arrival.  Artemis feared the worst when you looked into that cage.  She could sense your grief and fury.  A challenge for you in human form.  As a panther?  Slaughter seemed inevitable.  You didn’t, even though you’d lost me for motivation.”

“Except I hadn’t.”  Xena gazed into their campfire.  “It was close.  The animal in me saw red.  Tearing apart every one of them I could get my claws on.  My brain – the human part – questioned the sense of it all.  For choosing that owl to get me.”

“Which led you to Ares.”

Xena nodded.  “And my heart to you.  To not taking the easy way out with equally senseless killing.”  She ducked her head.  “Or letting them kill me.  Payment toward guilt for your never-ending consequences of being with me.  Escape from the bleakness of life without you.”

“Oh, Xena.  You make me so grateful.  So proud.”  Gabrielle shifted to wrap her arms around the warrior’s shoulders.  “That’s why they ended the test. Athena said Ares beat himself by cheating, using his temple priest to do his bidding.  It backfired when you refused to go berserk despite everything. Convinced the others you ever going back to him had a snowball’s chance in Tartarus.”

“What about you?  Your true self?”

“Hmmm.  No more cravings to pounce on hapless critters.  To shun company that might ruffle my feathers.”  Gabrielle chuckled.  “Though I’m still quite comfortable snoozing during daylight.  Oh, and the flying thing?  Now that was a whole `nother dimension!”

“Liked that, did you?”

“Oh, yes!  I saw and learned so much!”

“Better than the Athens Academy?”

“No comparison!  The gods have their issues, but I gotta say, they did their homework on us.”

“Peachy.  As if their noses weren’t already in our business enough.”  Xena raised a brow.  “You’re not saying they should get credit for that?”

“They could’ve turned us into lizards or spiders or, ugh, rats.  They were actually quite thoughtful.  Complimentary even.”

“Yeah, such sweetie pies.  You’d see the good in almost anything.  Doesn’t excuse what they did.”

“Wellll.  This library I flew into?  The guy treated me with reverence.  Like he knew I could understand every spoken or written word.  As it happens, because of Athena’s traits, owls symbolize political, philosophical and literary achievement.”  Gabrielle rubbed her nose.  “Potentially apropos of a certain Amazon bard, wouldn’t you say?”

“Oh, indubitably.”


“Never underestimate the literacy of us feline types.”  Xena smirked.  “Your owl actually drew my attention to Athena early in my warlording days.  Old soldiers believed sighting one near a battlefield signaled the goddess’ presence.  That she stood for righteous warfare. I wondered if it might be worthwhile gaining her favor.”

“But Ares got to you first?”

Xena shrugged.  “Wasn’t picky back then about how I won.  Or for what.  Cared more about building my own reputation, not some deity taking credit.”

“Huh.  Things might’ve turned out differently?   If you’d followed the owl?”

 “Mm. Slow learner.  Must’ve been fated anyway.”  The warrior bestowed a fond smile on her bard.  “Apropos my current companion.”

“Ooo.”  Gabrielle clapped her hands. “Give that girl an A!”

“On the other hand, owls are known for their silence.  Might not hear one for days, unless guarding territory or mating time.”  Grinning at Gabrielle’s scowl, the warrior added, “Which confirms we have the real thing back in all her glory.”

“Humph.  Moderate save.  Maybe a C+.”  Gabrielle cocked her head. “You know, according to that exhibit anyway, the black panther has multifaceted potential.  Lots of mysticism connected to it.  Especially unleashing inner passions.”

“Because it’s favored by Dionysius?  High on intoxicants?”  The warrior snickered.  “Shoulda brought a hookah for me from your trip to town.  Given me an extra boost.”

“So much for your aesthetic appreciation,” Gabrielle muttered.  “And here I was having such hopes.”

Xena held up her hands, eyes dancing with mischief.  “Sorry.  Continue what you were saying.”

“As I was trying to say, it’s more about … an awakening.  Of unconscious instincts and abilities.  Experiencing, mastery over all dimensions.  Seriously Xena, think about how you’ve delved into Shaman practices.  Lao Ma’s.  So many other rituals and realms.  Tapped into them when you needed.”

“Well sure but not for good purposes.  Slow learner there too.”

“But not necessarily bad!”

“Come again?”

Gabrielle jumped up, hands gesticulating, pacing as she recounted her discoveries.  “See, if you’re open to them, the panther’s gifts can surface things from childhood and beyond.  Things that caused suffering and loss of innate power and creativity.  You can confront those things.  Transmute them.  Reclaim their connection to the great forces of life, the spirit of imminent rebirth.  Gain the ability to go beyond the imaginable, with discipline and control.”  The bard paused to gaze meaningfully at her soulmate.  “Discover a new turn in the heroic path.  Also apropos a certain warrior.”

“Mm.  Quite a mouthful.”  Xena shook her head.  “Even for your imagination.”

“No, no, I’m not making this up.  My owl brain was fantastic!  Like a machine that could store huge amounts of information.  You know Artemis’ connection to all this, right?”

“Sure, as the huntress.  Her dominion over animals.”

“Uh uh. Turns out the black panther is also a symbol of the dark of the moon.  The dark mother.  Feminine energies manifest upon the earth like life, death, rebirth.  By aiding us to understand the dark and death, acknowledge them, the panther helps us deal with our fears and learn to use their powers.”  Gabrielle smiled at her partner.  “And best of all?”

“There’s more?”

“Oh yes.  The panther entering your life as a totem can signal not just coming into one’s own power but reclaiming one’s True Power.”  The bard knelt in front of Xena.  “I haven’t known the words to say it, but that’s what I felt when we first met.  What it’s been like journeying with you.  Experiencing your trials and triumphs, alongside my own.”  Gabrielle pressed her hands to her heart.  “What I learned at that library that applied to me?  To you?   It comes closest to expressing dreams I’ve had since a little girl in Poteidaia.”

The warrior gaped at her partner.  Moved beyond speech.  Her consciousness expanded to visions of herself she’d never considered.  Been too blind or afraid to entertain.   A new perspective on a senseless past, a torturous present, a shrouded future.  The unfathomable persistence of a companion she’d done little to deserve.  But the belief in those green eyes spoke of wisdom and certainty that would not be denied.

“Xena?”  Gabrielle waved a hand in front of her partner’s frozen face.  “Too much?  You still with me?”

Xena swallowed.  “Yeah.”  She drew her soulmate up and into her arms.  “Always.  Best I’ve heard yet for why.  Thank you.”

“Ditto.”  Gabrielle fiddled with one of the warrior’s braces.  “Know how some believe opposites don’t attract?”

“Must not’ve met us.”

“Uh huh.  Whatever form we’re in.  Just as important as the qualities we share.”  The bard squeezed Xena’s arm.  “And so much more interesting.”

Xena chuckled.  “You sayin’ you could bore yourself?”

“Yes.  As incredible as that seems.  Was doing it on a regular basis before you popped in.”

“Turned your world upside down?”  Xena snorted.  “Yeah, that’d put boredom at the bottom of the worries list.”  Xena squeezed Gabrielle’s arm.  “Ditto.”  She brushed her fingers across the bard’s lips.  “So much for me being the ‘higher awareness’ guru.”

“Oh, but you are.  As my totem.”  Gabrielle brushed her fingers across the warrior’s lips.  “Think of me as your … mouthpiece.” 

“Hmmm.  Not sure I like sharing you with deities.”  Xena snickered.  “Word is, owls are their messengers too.”

Gabrielle regarded Xena skeptically.  “I must’ve missed that in my research.  Whose ‘word?’”

“Um, my grandma’s?  Claims legends also say witches can come in the form of owls to suck the blood from babies.” 

“Xeenaaa!”  Gabrielle shrieked, swatting the warrior’s midsection. 

“Hey, just repeating what I heard.  Don’t blame the … messenger.”

They sat awhile holding each other, grateful this latest mystery had been more illuminating than most.

Gabrielle shook her head.  “Playtime with the gods.  Capricious.  Devious.  Self-centered.  Who’d of thought anything worthwhile could come from their mischief?”

 “Shhh.  They might hear you.”  Xena shuddered.  “Don’t wanna push our luck.  Encourage worse games with us as the toys.”

“Right.”  Gabrielle shivered.  “Scary.”

“Uh huh.  And that’s just the half of it.”  The warrior pulled Gabrielle to her feet and led her to their blankets.  “Let’s take a load off,” she suggested, reclining.

Gabrielle tensed.  “What?  There’s more?”  She joined her partner with a hint of suspicion.  “Something I didn’t consider or learn?” 

“We covered the owl’s wonderful facets.  The … highs … of the panther’s darkness.  What about the dangers?  Wanna risk ignoring that?” 

“Why?”  Gabrielle narrowed her eyes at the deepening tone of her partner’s voice.  “The one I know is a semi-domesticated pussy cat.  With me anyway.”  Her heartbeat quickened as the warrior shifted to crouch above her, radiating menace.  “Xeeena.  What’re you –.”

“How `bout we give it a test,” the warrior growled, lunging with clawed fingers at Gabrielle’s tickle spot.  “Mwahahahaha!”


Xena’s hands stilled as she turned to check on Argo.  “Huh,” she said, when the mare scraped her hoof across the ground several times.  “What’s that about?”

Gabrielle seized on the distraction to scramble away from the warrior’s threat.  “Oh, bet I know,” she chortled, sprinting over to shield herself behind the Palomino.  “We’re having fun.  Back to normal.  As the horse in this trio?”  The bard snickered.  “Maybe … paw-wing … tribute to the bird and cat?   Bwahahahahahaha!”