The Royal Academy of Bards
in celebration of the Academy Annex
The Bard Challenge #22: Baby, It’s Code Outside
A Crossover Winter/Solstice Challenge
It's that time again...EVIL J and I have sharpened our horns (and made travel arrangements) to bring you another of our devilishly intriguing PUNZles.
As we like to do...we matched the theme of the current challenge: Baby, It's Code Outside. That's right...this PUNZle is all things CODE. That is the only hint you get.
EVIL J and I will be hiding out in...well, it wouldn't be hiding out if I told you, now would it? However, I'm sure we can rig up a way to pick up your contest email. Send your answer to me at
academy_contest@ yahoogroups. com (please put CODE PUNZle in the
subject line). Deadline is December 19th at midnight in Figi.
RATS! I have to make other hideout arrangements. EVIL J is not going to be happy.
Anywho...unlike other may only send it in once. So be sure everything is exactly as you want it to be (on your answer sheet) before you click send.
No changes and no additions allowed. One winner from all the correct entries <.snort.> will be chosen at random and will get a personalized tile and a surprise goodie.
Have fun... OZ

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