Romantic Friendship Index

With gratitude to Sherrie Johnson (TrueBlue) for her article in Whoosh!
that explored Romantic Friendship and how the term could be related
to the Xena, Gabrielle friendship. This term is a loosley defined as a friendship
so close that it resembles a romantic liason. The friends are both affectionate
and attentive to one another and much rather spend time with each other
than others. But this is not a sexual relationship.

With Xena Fanfiction, we have both general and alternative stories.
However, with this new category, we now have something in between. We hope
you enjoy this new style.

Cath, Bard-In-Training
The Healer's Kiss

Cecily Hawkins
Bridging the Rift Paradise Reclaimed

chemmy (chem1)
to read chemmy's new stories visit her at: chemmy's corner
Self Discovery On a Warm Summer's Day
The Mist Ate's Revenge

Eva Allen
Love's Trust

In the Interim In the Darkness
That the Night Come The Cause

Rope the Moon That Question
A Heart's Desire The Last Story

Hope Lives... Bookcover

Xedra and Friend
A Beast at Heart Bookcover


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