Chapter 2

The sun was nearing its zenith by the time Dae returned to the lush gardens of the seraglio where the pleasure-servants of the Scion made their home. Only a few of the harem girls were still awake to brave the hottest part of the day, most, like Dae, preferring to sleep through till the afternoon began to cool into dusk. Most of her morning and much of the previous night had been spent alternately ravishing and being ravished by Zafirah, and while Dae was a spirited and energetic young woman, their explorations with the phallus had left her exhausted.

Exhausted…and extremely satisfied.

Dae made her way quickly and quietly back to her private bedchamber, happy to avoid the other women and the playful teasing they subjected her to whenever she returned from a night in Zafirah’s bed. The marks of Zafirah’s lips, fingernails, and teeth had left her with faint bruises scattered like love notes across her pale skin, and her scant clothing would offer little protection from the curious eyes of the other girls. Dae knew if they spied her in her current state, their teasing would inevitably give way to seduction. While she had little energy to deny what she knew would be offered, she had even less to endure any further attention…regardless of how tempting it might be to try.

For Dae, raised in a land where fidelity formed a cornerstone of every accepted relationship, the sexual norms of the desert people had been overwhelmingly liberating. Little was considered taboo in El’Kasari—women shared pleasure with other women, men with men…and the Scion’s reputation for voracious carnal indulgence was well-deserved. When she’d first accepted her love for Zafirah, Dae had also accepted that her love could not place the same expectations upon their commitment as would be commonplace in her homeland. A monogamous relationship was simply not in Zafirah’s nature, and Dae had come to understand and appreciate the benefits of being free to let her own eyes wander as they would.

To date, however, her eyes had done a great deal more wandering than her hands. Since she and Zafirah first consummated their love, their passions had been for each other alone. Dae knew very well that the other women in Zafirah’s harem were eager to bed her, and she knew that in time she would give in to their seductions, but there was no hurry or cause to rush. El’Kasari was her home now. The memories of her homeland she had once clung to so desperately were now bitter-sweet—recollections of a child’s innocence muted by a new maturity…a realization of the joy to be found in what had once been forbidden fruit.

Making her way back into the inner halls of the seraglio Dae breathed deeply of the perfumed air, enjoying the cool contrast of the marble hallway compared to the stifling mid-day heat outside. Nearing her bedchamber, Dae paused when she saw a familiar figure waiting outside her room—a slender young woman with long, blue-black hair who turned to face her when she heard her footfalls approaching. A brilliant smile flashed in the dim light; one Dae couldn’t help but return.

Inaya was typical of Zafirah’s pleasure-servants—passionately free-spirited, exotically beautiful, and extremely well-versed in the erotic arts. The sparkle in her dark, seductive eyes was reflected by the jeweled stud which pierced her naval. What little clothing that covered her body seemed comprised as much from jewelry as from cloth, revealing far more of her olive-toned skin than it concealed. Entrusted with Dae’s care after she was brought into the seraglio, Inaya had been the first to extend comfort and friendship, easing her homesickness and acquainting her with life in the harem. Later, as Dae’s curiosity about her burgeoning sexuality began to overpower her reluctance and fear of the unknown, Inaya had offered support, encouragement…and eventually, a more personal and intimate education.

Salaam alluikum, little Dae,” Inaya said with a grin, running a knowing glance over the fresh marks of passion that colored Dae’s skin. “Once again you return to us from a night in the Scion’s bed, too fatigued to play. Zafirah’s affections steal too much of your strength, I think.”

Dae laughed a little bashfully. “And would I get any more rest if I stayed in the seraglio?”

“Perhaps not…yet there are many new games we could teach you that Zafirah alone cannot.”

“Really? I haven’t exhausted her skills or her imagination yet.”

“No doubt. Still…” Inaya leaned closer to her, batting long eyelashes enticingly. “…her talents are not without their limitations. One woman can only do so much, after all.”

Dae arched a brow in amused challenge. “And you could please me better, could you?”

“Me? No, sweet one. I was thinking very much in terms of ‘we.’” Inaya waved a hand down the hallway, indicating the rooms of the other women. “You have yet to experience the touch of many lovers at once, and there are those in the harem who have been eagerly awaiting the chance to sample a fraction of your innocence for themselves.”

Dae chuckled. “My ‘innocence’ has faded a great deal since Zafirah first took me to her bed.”

“Not to the eyes of those who have watched you these last few months, my friend. Not to those who have lusted after you since Zafirah first brought you in from the desert.”

“Well…all things in time, I suppose,” Dae demurred.

“Mm, indeed.” Inaya gave a half-smile filled with the promise of secret knowledge, but then casually waved Dae toward her bedchamber. “Were you about to retire? I had hoped we might talk.”

“Talk, or…?”

“I came only for conversation, but if you desire more intimate companionship, I would be delighted to accommodate you.”

Dae laughed, entering her room and inviting her friend in after her. “Like you said, I’m too tired to play.”

“As you wish.” Inaya settled herself on the plush pile of silk cushions that made up the bed and watched while Dae filled a shallow bowl with rose-scented water. “Jesting aside, I have missed you these last weeks. We all have. You spend so many of your waking hours with Zafirah, we see little of you in the seraglio anymore.”

Dae retrieved a washcloth and dipped it in the water, glancing over her shoulder apologetically. “I know. We’ve, uh…been a bit involved in each other I suppose, haven’t we?”

Inaya held up a hand to forestall Dae’s guilt. “And that is as it should be. Please, Dae, do not think for a moment I would be so selfish as to steal you away from the Scion. I understand how difficult it can be to find incentive to leave a lover’s bed…especially when one is still new to the world of sexual pleasure. Getting lost in lust and passion should be part of the experience.”

“Particularly true with someone like Zafirah,” Dae agreed, recalling the last hours of intense lovemaking. Indeed, being with Zafirah was an intoxicating experience she was growing more addicted to every day. It was so tempting to just give herself over to the ecstasies of the Scion’s touch, languor in that decadence of flesh and let the rest of the world pass by unnoticed. Still, she fondly recalled the evenings spent in the seraglio gardens, dancing beneath the full moon and star-filled heavens to the lively rhythm of tribal drums and eerie wailing of reed pipes…music that would have been considered scandalous in her homeland, but which made her feel so alive and free. She missed the games the harem girls would play around the gardens in the early mornings, before the sun had fully risen and made the air too hot for running around. But most of all she missed the simple company of the other pleasure-servants—their flirtatious games, the sound of their laughter, and sharing their care-free, untroubled lives. Seeing Inaya’s slightly teasing smile as she watched her now, Dae offered sincerely, “Still, I’ve missed you too…and the others.”

“We shall have our time together soon, I think,” Inaya said coyly.

Dae’s hands paused in their task of unlacing her top. She recognized the expression on her friend’s face—Inaya had a secret, and Dae spent a moment wondering if she might be convinced to share it. Probably not, she decided, turning away from Inaya and continuing to tug at the loose cord that bound her top closed.

Stripping out of her meager clothing, she noticed in her periphery that Inaya was openly running her eyes down the curves of her body, head cocked to the side and a lazy smile tugging at her lips. Dae made no move to obstruct her view, unconcerned by Inaya’s frank appraisal of her nakedness. She had grown comfortable with her body since moving into the harem, where the standards of modesty favored bare skin over cloth.

“I spoke with the guards last evening,” Inaya commented. “They tell me the preparations are progressing for your joining ceremony.”

Dae glanced over her shoulder as she began washing the sweat and sex from her body. “I know. Zafirah seems to think everything will be ready before the next moon.”

“So I was told. I hear the people in the city are fevered with excitement! Their celebrations should last for weeks after the ceremony!”

“Really?” Dae smiled at the news. “Marriages are a bit more somber in the east.”

“Your relationship with Zafirah has developed swiftly. Are you excited about the joining…or do you feel hurried?”

Dae laughed as she ran the wet cloth over her breasts. “Not hurried exactly. Nervous, curious and, yes, excited, but…” She paused, considering her feelings carefully. “It’s a commitment to something—to somebody—that I never thought would happen like it has. I was going to be betrothed and married to a nobleman in my homeland. My parents were preparing for the engagement banquet, meeting with suitors and discussing my dowry…but I remember feeling rather removed from the whole thing. Like it was all happening to someone else.” She recalled those last days spent in her parents’ home; her mother happily sorting through designs for wedding dresses and orchestrating the elaborate dinner celebrations, her father’s eyes filled with pride tempered by sorrow that she would soon be leaving him. The memory brought a sad smile to her face. “Somehow I doubt Zafirah is what they had in mind as a partner for me.”

“Oh? How is that? She has wealth, power, title. And she loves you above all others, with every beat of her heart.”

“I know,” Dae said quietly. “Still…”

“She is a woman?”

Dae shrugged, turning to find dark eyes regarding her without judgment. “She’s somebody my parents wouldn’t understand.”

“Your parents are very far away, as are their opinions and prejudices.”


“Yet they still matter to you?”

Dae shrugged again, turning and dipping the cloth back into the water. “I still love them. And yes…their opinions matter, regardless of how far away they might be.”

Inaya’s bejeweled skirt jangled musically as she shifted about on the cushions. “Would their judgment of the choices you have made change matters any? Would you take their love over Zafirah’s?”

“No!” Dae spun around sharply. “No, of course not. How can you even ask—”

“Calm, my friend,” Inaya soothed. “I meant no insult, nor to question your devotion to Zafirah.” She paused a moment. “It has been some time since I last heard you speak of your family or homeland with any regret. Why does the joining ceremony recall them to your mind?”

Dae washed the last traces of sweat from her body before reaching for a soft cotton towel. “I don’t know. I suppose it just makes me think about…” She trailed off as she wrapped the white cloth around her body.

“About those you left behind?”

“No. Just…the changes in me, perhaps.”

“You have come a long way, little one,” Inaya praised, patting the cushions beside her, entreating Dae to sit down. When she did, Inaya took her hands in her own. “You have overcome the prejudices of your people and found something rare and beautiful—a kindred. A lover who would bind her very soul to yours…share her life with you completely. Would you have your parents call that love into question? Have their ignorance make you feel ashamed in their eyes?”

“No.” Dae gave her friend a sad, helpless look. “I would have them know that I am safe and happy. And I would have them love Zafirah as much as I do. Is that so much?”

Inaya’s lips pulled into an uncharacteristic frown. “Such acceptance is more than some people can give,” she said. “Perhaps it would help ease your mind if you wrote them a letter.”

“A letter? But I didn’t think…well, Zafirah told me that wouldn’t be possible.”

“When did she tell you this?”

“I asked her during our first meeting.”

“When you were new to the harem and little more than a stranger? Before the love between you had found time to blossom, yes? Was that not the same conversation when you assured her you would never warm her bed? Time changes many things, Dae.”

“But she hasn’t brought it up since.”

“Hardly a surprise. It would not occur to Zafirah to revisit the subject. A written parchment carried hundreds of miles conveying your words back to your parents…her mind does not think in such terms. But there are merchants aplenty in the markets and many ships in the port who travel to the eastern kingdom regularly; it would only be a matter of finding one trustworthy enough to carry that parchment.”

Dae was well aware of the strong aversion toward literacy held by the Jaharri, few of whom ever learned to read or write. The origin seemed to stem from an ancient tale of a long-lost tribe who had allied with outlanders and trusted their written missives promising peace, only to be betrayed and slaughtered. Since then, the Jaharri trusted people, not parchment.

Thinking about writing such a letter, however, Dae found herself at a loss. “I wouldn’t even know where to begin.”

“Begin with the facts your parents must surely be most anxious to learn: you are safe, you are loved, and you are happy. As for the rest…well, the message need not disclose everything.”

The idea was appealing. Dae’s heart ached at the thought of what her parents must have gone through since her abduction, fearing the worst, unable to find comfort. A letter—carefully worded to omit the details of her union with another woman—might at least ease their pain, reassure them she’d found a new life that was filled with joy and love, just as they’d always wanted.

“Give it some consideration, Dae, but try not to let melancholy thoughts cast shadows over your upcoming union. Of all the gifts bestowed by the Goddess Inshal, to love and be loved in return is certainly the richest.”

Dae smiled faintly and nodded, knowing Inaya was right. “And I am grateful.” She set her more ponderous thoughts of family aside without regret. “Besides, there’s still so many other things to think about. I’m just glad Zafirah’s taking care of most of the details.”

“Once she finds her course, Zafirah tends to pursue it with fixed devotion.” Inaya lay back on the cushions, gazing up at the carved ceiling. “Though we have seen little of her in the seraglio of late, I hear the guards commenting all the time on how happy the Scion seems. None of us ever thought to see the day when she would be planning such a ceremony, but it is unsurprising she embraces its preparation with such zeal.”

“And there are things she says I need to do before the day arrives. She told me about the Naming, that I must choose a second name of own to identify myself among Jaharri. There was only one name I could think of that would feel right—the one Zafirah gave me.” Such Namings typically took place when a young man or woman came of age at sixteen, but were also conducted when outlanders bonded with Jaharri—something Dae had been grateful to learn was not unheard of. “She also mentioned I have to present myself to the council of tribal elders so they can approve of our union.”

“And also to the High Priestess of Inshal, since your joining will make you Consort and raise you to an elevated position among our people.” Inaya seemed to read the shallow hint of concern Dae couldn’t keep from seeping into her voice, and added, “Have no fear, child. They are traditions carried down from generations ago, not intended to stand against you, but more to ensure your consent to the joining. Power such as Zafirah wields can be abused for many purposes, and the council stands mostly as a safeguard against such efforts.”

“That’s what Zafirah told me.” Still, it was reassuring to have her lover’s words confirmed by another.

“If you are concerned, I could coach you on what you will be asked, and what you should say,” Inaya offered.

“Sure, that would help a lot. Thank you.” Dae knew she would feel more relaxed if she understood better what was expected of her.

“And what of the ceremony itself? How much has Zafirah explained of what will happen?”

“Most of it, I think. Except for the Naming, your customs aren’t actually much different from those in my homeland: the exchange of vows, observance of religious rites, and the, uh…” She cleared her throat. “The…night of physical intimacy.”

Inaya propped her head on her hand and rolled a playful eye up at her. “For which you seem to be devoting a great deal of your time in practice.”

“That’s not all we do when we’re together, you know.”

“Of course not.” Inaya grinned, not sounding at all convinced. “And during those moments you are not distracted by passion, what else have you discussed with our Scion?”

“Well…” Dae pursed her lips, remembering one item she had been meaning to discuss with her more experienced friend. “We’ve talked about our tokens of commitment. I’m still not sure what we should use. Zafirah says the choice is up to me.”

“There are many options you might consider. I understand in your homeland, rings are considered the most typical symbol of such a union.”

“That’s true, but…I don’t want to choose based on where I came from. I want something that fits the person I am now, and the partner I’m marrying. Does that make sense?”

“It is understandable you would prefer to avoid the traditional tokens of a homeland that would view your love as unnatural. Perhaps a necklace would be more suitable?”

“Maybe.” Dae twisted her fingers together nervously for a moment before she cocked her head to the side and asked shyly, “When you had your naval pierced,” she gestured to the gleaming jeweled stud in Inaya’s belly, “did it hurt?”

Inaya sat up and regarded the jewelry in question, clearly surprised by her train of thought. “There was pain, yes. And such decorations take time to heal, also.”

“Mm hmm. And what about…you know? The other ones?” Her gaze lifted to her friend’s chest.

Inaya couldn’t quite conceal her smirk. “You mean these?” With the tips of her fingers she traced the subtle outlines of the metal rings that pierced each of her nipples. “In truth, my navel was the more painful, but they still hurt. You must remember, my friend, it is a rather sensitive area to subject to such treatment. They were sore for quite a while after.”

“But once they healed…”

Dark eyes hooded languidly. “Once they healed, they can feel verrry nice.”

Dae studied her friend a moment, trying to recall every moment of her heated encounter with Inaya some weeks earlier, when Zafirah had been away at war and she had sought Inaya’s help with a surprise for her lover-to-be. Unfortunately, she found that the details of their time together had grown hazy, muted by the fog of lustful memories she had filled her head with since Zafirah returned. After a moment of serious consideration, Dae met Inaya’s glittering dark eyes. “May I see them?”

Inaya raised an eyebrow. “I thought you said you were too fatigued to play?”

Dae laughed and shook her head. “Only to admire, I beg.”

“Perhaps I did not make as much of an impression as I had thought when we were together. My ego is sorely wounded.” Inaya pouted, but her eyes were teasing.

“Oh, you certainly made an impression. After your seduction, I think I appreciated Zafirah’s restraint all the more. You made it difficult to say no.”

“I made it impossible, which was precisely my goal. You were naked and squirming under my touch, Dae; how could I ignore so perfect an opportunity to further your education.”

“I was trying to behave myself.”

“And I was helpless to resist your charms.” Inaya reached for the laces that held her brief top closed. “Besides, Zafirah did not mind your lack of self-control. I think she might even like to bear witness to a repeat performance.” She suggested this with a questioning tone.

“She’d like to do more than just bear witness, I assure you.”

“Then I shall look forward to an invitation to your bedchamber soon after your joining ceremony.” Finished with the cord, Inaya shrugged the jeweled silk from her shoulders, exposing everything from the waist up.

Even after all of Zafirah’s very thorough attentions, Dae’s blood couldn’t help but warm at the sight of her friend’s naked torso. Inaya’s skin was olive-and-bronze like most of the desert people, smooth and unblemished in the flattering lamplight. She wore three necklaces, each one glittering with precious stones, the longest of which hung low on her chest, dipping into her cleavage. Her breasts were firm and high, each nipple pierced with a silver hoop studded with a small, intricately faceted diamond. Leaning forward to study the jewelry more closely, Dae licked her lips.

“You may touch them if you wish.”

Given permission she hadn’t quite been willing to ask for, Dae didn’t hesitate. Reaching out, she traced the circle of silver at Inaya’s left breast, cautiously drawing it through the flesh, watching for any sign of pain.

“You need not be so gentle, little one,” Inaya encouraged. “Relax. I recall moments during our last encounter when you were quite bold.”

Dae couldn’t help but laugh at that, remembering how intense Inaya had been when she was on the receiving end of their pleasuring. It seemed foolish to be shy with her now, after all they’d shared. “I know, it’s just…well—”

“I doubt you are so hesitant with Zafirah, hmm? Do not worry, I understand. It takes time to grow familiar with a lover’s body…to learn the boundaries of another’s pleasure.”

“Very true,” Dae agreed, acknowledging privately that there were times with Zafirah when she was anything but gentle, when the need to possess her lover’s body lent her hands great courage and authority. Dae fondled Inaya’s jewelry curiously for another few moments. “They’re very pretty.”

“Thank you.”

“Do you think Zafirah would…”

“If you asked it of her, of course she would.” Inaya waited until Dae had finished her inspection and withdrawn her hand before she pulled her top back over her shoulders and began threading the laces. “Whatever token you decide is suitable, I am certain Zafirah will wear it with pride and honor.”

“Mmm.” Dae wondered again at the cost of pain such a piercing would require, and eventually decided she was willing to pay it. She gave a decisive nod. “I’ll let her know tomorrow that I’ve decided.”

“I think your choice is a fine reflection of the changes in your heart,” Inaya complimented. “It shows a boldness you certainly did not possess when first you came here. Also, it is a token that demonstrates intimacy and trust between you and your partner…one I am confident you will both appreciate in your lovemaking afterwards.”

Dae felt herself blushing, but she used the thought of how Zafirah’s tongue might feel playing with her nipple after it was pierced to subdue the far less pleasant imagining of how it would feel to have the jewelry fitted. “I don’t think I can handle getting both nipples done. Do you think I should go with left…or right?”

“Left,” Inaya replied without hesitation. “Closest to your heart.”

“Mmm…a good thought. Thank you.”

“Most welcome. But now,” Inaya smiled when Dae yawned deeply, “I fear I am keeping you awake when you need to be resting. Zafirah would not be pleased if she heard I was the cause of your…lack of spirit.”

Dae growled and tossed a pillow at her friend. “I could show you a lack of spirit!” She made as if to pounce Inaya, who only laughed and clapped her hands in open invitation. “Another time.”

“Oh, you may count upon it, little one…for not all the rituals associated with your joining are as dull as petitioning the council and the Priestess for their permission.” Once again that secretive, coy smile lifted the corners of Inaya’s lips. “Some are far more interesting…and I think you shall need your rest before it comes time to face them.”

This time Dae narrowed her eyes, certain she was being baited with this mystery. “Such as?”

Inaya leaned closer and whispered conspiratorially, “Hafl al’iilkhlas multahab.”


Hafl al’iilkhlas multahab. It is the name of a particular ritual which you, once officially joined with the Scion as her Consort, must undertake.”

“Hmm. Can you say it again?”

Inaya repeated the words slowly and Dae sounded them out to herself. She was slowly learning more of the traditional Jaharri language, but had never heard this term before. “And I don’t suppose if I ask you what this ritual entails you’ll tell me?”

Inaya’s smile spread wider. “You will learn in time,” she promised, rising from Dae’s bed cushions. “I can assure you, however, that it will be one of the more…stimulating…ceremonies you will experience.”

Dae rolled her eyes, knowing there was no point pursuing the matter further. Inaya was clearly not about to spoil her secret …but that didn’t make it any less frustrating. “You’re such a tease.”

Inaya laughed. “Trust me, my friend, it will be better left as a surprise to look forward too. For now, I shall leave you to your rest.” Leaning down she placed another light kiss on Dae’s forehead. “May your dreams be sweet,” she said softly, before turning and leaving Dae in the warm glow of the scattered oil-lamps.

Alone, Dae pondered on what kind of ritual Inaya might have been hinting at, only to toss her hands up when she decided she couldn’t possibly guess…which was doubtless what her friend had intended. “Put it out of your mind,” she told herself, stripping the cotton towel from her now-dry body and laying back on her bed-cushions. Dragging a cool silk sheet over her naked body, Dae closed her eyes and recalled her time with Zafirah from last night and this morning, smiling.

“Sweet dreams indeed,” she breathed, letting well-earned fatigue carry her off to sleep.


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