Chapter 5

“It’s not that I don’t appreciate your help, but I really can manage this by myself,” Dae remarked with some amusement, though she made no move to hinder the efforts of the three young women gathered around her.

Firyaal, a ravishing, pale-skinned beauty with hair the color of copper flame, flashed her a cheeky grin. “True, but why deny us the pleasure of assisting you?”

“Oh, I’m not complaining, but your ‘assistance’ seems to be delaying the process rather than speeding it along.”

“Haste only saps the sweetness of pleasurable indulgence, Dae. Surely all those nights spent in the Scion’s bed have taught you as much.”

Dae hitched in a sharp breath as they drew the cool, flowing fabric up her legs, finding the sensations all the more delicious after a week of abstinence. She felt her nipples harden as soft hands explored her body, struggling to hold back a moan of wanton appreciation. “Slowly it is, then.”

Firyaal and her friends all laughed at her easy capitulation before continuing with their self-appointed task. Dae closed her eyes and tried to keep her simmering arousal in check.

Zafirah had left her that morning to attend to a few final details for their joining, leaving Dae in the care of the other harem girls, several of whom had eagerly accompanied her back to her bedchamber so they could assist her with her own preparations. Under the guise of helping her don the dress Zafirah had shyly presented her with a few days ago, they had stripped Dae out of her harem clothing with hasty efficiency, but now seemed to be finding the job of getting her dressed again a far more challenging affair…one which apparently required their hands to caress and explore her naked skin with stirring effect.

The last few days had passed in a busy, happy blur of activity interspersed with periods of lazy reflection. Zafirah had spent every free moment she could find taking Dae out for her first lessons in horsemanship, accompanied by a group of her spahi warriors. Initially nervous, Dae discovered riding wasn’t so scary as long as they were walking their horses along the coastline or on the flat plains just outside the city. She didn’t much care for faster paces like trotting, which could get a bit too bouncy and made it difficult to keep her seat, but she was slowly getting the hang of it. Certainly she wasn’t as at ease in the saddle as Zafirah, but Dae was now feeling confident she could endure the long ride out to the Herak tribe without too much difficulty.

She’d spent the last few nights in Zafirah’s bedchamber, and though tradition restricted them from fully indulging their passion, that didn’t stop them from engaging in other less intimate activities. It became something of challenge in restraint, keeping their sessions of drawn-out kissing and petting from escalating into anything more carnal, but somehow they’d managed it. From the smoldering heat she’d glimpsed in Zafirah’s eyes that morning, Dae was glad the day of their joining had finally arrived; she doubted they would have made it another night without giving in to temptation.

The young women of Zafirah’s harem were all filled with a bubbly, excited energy as they completed their own preparations for the ceremony, and the afternoon seemed to pass quickly. Inaya, acting in the role of what would have been termed a maid-of-honor in Dae’s homeland, remained by her side when the other pleasure-servants went on ahead to the Temple, allowing her a welcome opportunity to calm her mind and center herself before the ceremony. Dae studied her reflection in the gilded mirror which sat opposite her bed, tracing the plunging neckline of her dress with her fingertips.

“I have always admired Zafirah’s taste in adornments that enhance and highlight the beauty of other women,” Inaya commented behind her. “The dress she chose compliments you well.”

“It does.” And it was undeniably true. Made from the finest cotton fabric dyed in shades of sandstone and trimmed with turquoise silk, the dress was a simple yet elegant design which hugged her curves and hinted at the treasures beneath. Dae had always imagined herself getting married in virginal ivory, as was customary in her homeland, but she found the Jaharri-made dress far more pleasing and suitable for this occasion.

“And the hour of your joining draws near. Do you feel ready for the ceremony?”

Dae gave her friend’s reflection a dry smile. “After three nights sharing Zafirah’s bed but not being allowed to share her body? ‘Ready’ is a polite word for how I’m feeling.”

Inaya chuckled. “I was being serious. It is only natural for you to feel a certain amount of anxiety on such a day as this.”

Dae shook her head. “I’m not worried about the joining. A touch nervous, perhaps, but I think that’s mostly because I’m not especially looking forward to having a needle put through a rather sensitive part of my anatomy. I don’t doubt my feelings for Zafirah, or her feelings for me. It’s everything that comes afterwards that concerns me. Being Consort…leaving the palace to spend time out in the desert with Zafirah’s mother and her people…I still understand only a little of what will be expected of me.”

“You shall make a fine Consort to the Scion, my friend, I am certain of it. A generous heart and willingness to heed advice from those with greater experience are the most important qualities for a leader, and you have exhibited both in abundance. Do not fret over the duties of your new role, or about journeying into the deep desert. For this evening, focus only on the love and passion you hold for the woman you are joining with; that is what this ceremony honors. Let the future come in its own time.”

When one of the harem guards—a stern-faced woman who looked particularly resplendent in her freshly oiled leather-and-steel armor—came and announced that their escort had arrived, Dae took a calming breath and nodded that she was ready. Arm in arm, she and Inaya left the seraglio gardens and entered the marble halls beyond, where they were met by a dozen guards who fell into step around them.

Making their way down to the lower levels of the palace, Dae began noticing a dull, roaring sound, rather like the ocean’s waves breaking upon the shore, which grew steadily louder. It was only as they exited the palace that she realized the sound was caused by the citizens of El’Kasari gathered outside, all cheering and shouting their blessings with riotous enthusiasm. Overwhelmed by the jubilant crowd, Dae caught herself clutching tight to Inaya’s arm for support.

“Worry not, little one,” Inaya said, leaning close so she could be heard over the cries of the people. “The Temple is not far. Let us brave the crowds and give the people a chance to offer their blessings on your joining to their Scion.”

The guards used their spears and their bodies to form a protective cage around the two women as they plunged into the throng.

*   *          *

Though Dae was more accustomed to wandering El’Kasari in the Scion’s company without the formal protection of a guard, she found herself grateful for their presence this day. The citizens were all in extremely high spirits, and their escort ensured she and Inaya weren’t crushed by the enthusiasm of the mob.

They made their way toward the north-eastern section of the city, an area Dae had not yet had a chance to explore. Zafirah and Inaya had been teaching her much about the history of El’Kasari, and Dae, who had only ever heard fables of the city in her homeland, had been surprised to learn her own people had a hand in its construction. When Zafirah’s ancestor first united the strongest Jaharri tribes in his alliance, he had imported foreign engineers and craftsmen for most of the work related to the actual building of the city, as well as most of the materials. Marble was not a resource native to the desert, nor were the ceramics used to create the tiles for the domed roofs of most of the buildings. Hardwoods had been shipped from the lands across the northern ocean, at great expense. The first Scion funded his vision for the city with the horded wealth accumulated from generations of banditry and ransom. It seemed to be a source of considerable amusement among the Jaharri that the outlander workers had been paid for their services with treasures stolen from their own people.

While the work had been mostly overseen by foreigners, the actual design of the city was entirely the product of desert thinking. The streets of El’Kasari were laid out in such a way that, from above, they appeared to trace the petals of a lotus flower in full bloom—the lotus being the herald sign of the first Scion’s tribe. The seat of power for the line of Scion’s—the palace—stood at the center, forming the bud. El’Kasari was a colorful, exotic, and lively city, one which had grown to become a great trading hub, allowing the Jaharri to strengthen their dominance over numerous trading routes both on land and by sea.

There was, however, one major structure that had not been built by the outlanders…one building constructed solely from the raw materials of the desert. If the palace was the heart of El’Kasari, then the Temple of Inshal was most assuredly its soul.

Though the Jaharri believed in and worshiped many gods, Inshal was their most beloved. She represented the divine personification of Passion—whether it be in the bedroom or on the battlefield, it was Inshal who inspired the hot-blooded nature of the Jaharri. Tempestuous, unpredictable, and fierce, Inshal was the sun that both burned and blessed the endless dunes and rugged wilderness. The people of Dae’s homeland, who valued structure and balance, reviled her for those qualities, but the Jaharri loved Inshal in the same way they loved the brutal and unforgiving desert that was their home.

As they approached the magnificent Temple, the guards escorting Dae and Inaya took up positions outside on the sandstone steps to bar the common people from following. Stepping inside, Dae found she could still hear their cries of adulation in the otherwise quiet chamber, but looking around in awe, she soon found herself distracted by the beauty of the enormous Temple hall.

The walls, floors and steps were built from massive blocks of sandstone, and along every surface were magnificent bas-relief carvings depicting the ancient legends and history of the tribes…the story of their culture and traditions. Punctuating the stonework were narrow panels of thick, stained glass, and water flowed throughout the Temple along cleverly crafted rivers and waterfalls cut into the stone. The evening sun sent beams of light refracting through the glass panels which rippled over the water and the walls, giving the impression that everything around her was flowing in gentle motion.

Dae had never seen anything so beautiful; even the palace gardens couldn’t match the strange, tranquil majesty of the Temple. She could not envision a lovelier setting for her marriage this day.

Looking around with interest, her eye was drawn to four towering statues which stood in a circle, backs to one another, in the center of the hall. The tallest measured perhaps thirty feet high, each of them carved from a seamless block of dark blue granite. Dae had been learning more about the desert goddess from Inaya and the other harem girls, and recognized that each of the statues was a depiction of one of the four faces of Inshal—the warrior, the mother, the maiden, and the child. Inaya had explained that each of these aspects was, in essence, a personification of passion; the warrior represented passion in battle and warfare, the mother represented the passionate bond of loyalty that bound each tribe together as a family, the maiden represented the youthful, physical passion of sexual maturity, and the child represented the passion of innocence and wonder. In the dancing light reflecting off the water, each statue seemed almost alive, and Dae walked slowly around the quartet, gazing up at them in awe.

“Magnificent, are they not?” Inaya said.

Dae nodded, amazed yet again by the skill displayed by those her own people dismissed as simple-minded barbarians. “The whole Temple is amazing, but they…they could almost be breathing, the way the light moves over them.”

“It is said to have taken six artisans almost a decade to carve the four statues in honor of the Goddess. They have stood in the Temple for centuries, though only the more devout among outlanders ever make the pilgrimage here to see them.”

“I’m honored,” Dae said sincerely.

A familiar, lilting voice drew her eye to one of the sandstone staircases near the back of the chamber that led to the Temple’s upper levels. “Ah, Dae! What perfect timing. You look every bit as radiant as I dreamed you would. Welcome, Consort, to the house of Inshal.”

“High Priestess,” Dae greeted, offering a small bow.

“Oh, child, I told you before, you may call me Sakinah.” The petite High Priestess was dressed in magnificent white robes trimmed in shimmering gold. An intricate silver head-dress studded at its crown with an enormous opal framed her ethereal features. When she smiled, Dae found herself pierced once again by her stunning, ethereal beauty; she was somewhat relieved when her mesmerizing gaze shifted from her face to Inaya’s. Dae thought she saw a sparkle of amusement flicker in Sakinah’s peculiar, wine-colored eyes, and her smile turned very flirtatious. “And I see you are well-attended by the Scion’s charming raven. It has been a while since I last saw you, Inaya. I trust you are well?”

“Indeed, High Priestess,” Inaya said, dipping into a deep curtsy which Dae, knowing the temptress as she did, recognized was mostly intended to better display her cleavage for Sakinah’s appreciation. Watching the two women, Dae sensed a strong undercurrent of playful sexual tension between them. “I am honored to stand beside my friend in her joining.”

Sakinah held Inaya’s gaze intensely for a long moment before turning back to Dae. “The Scion is waiting in the inner sanctum with the other attendees, and my acolytes have completed their preparations. If you will excuse me, I shall go now and inform them of your arrival. When you are ready, Inaya can guide you to us.”

Dae watched Inaya’s gaze follow Sakinah as the Priestess left them, recognizing the hungry glint in her eyes. She laughed and gave her friend a playful poke. “See something you like?”

“Oh, indeed I do.” Inaya sighed in longing admiration. “I have met few agents of divinity so perfectly sculpted by the Goddess’ hand.”

“And when she called you Zafirah’s raven? A pet name, perhaps?”

“Not exactly.” Inaya twisted a lock of her blue-black hair around her finger, the silken strands reflecting the light like the wings of a raven. “It was a term of affection bestowed by my lovers in the days before I won my way into the harem.”

“So, have you and she ever…?” Dae left the question hanging; she was curious to hear more about the intriguing High Priestess. But Inaya shook her head.

“Sadly, some pleasures are beyond my grasp.” When Dae gave her a skeptical look, Inaya chuckled and, taking her by the hand, led them around the quartet of statues and further into the temple. “Contrary to what you might think, Dae, I have not bedded every beautiful woman in the city. Sakinah is born of the tribes and has held the position of High Priestess for less than two years. She is one of the Sacred; as such she stands among the most powerful and important people in the Jaharri…thus her attentions are sought by many. I am but a humble pleasure-servant…and like all in the harem, I live to serve the desires of the Scion alone. It is she who decides with whom we take pleasure, and as generous a lover as Zafirah is, it is not often that we are invited to help entertain someone from outside the seraglio.”

“Really? I thought…well, it just seems like all the girls in the harem are…you know…?”

“Highly sexed?”

Dae shrugged. “Well, yes.”

“Indeed, we are. But there is a reason the harem grounds are guarded exclusively by women whose preferences make them immune to our charms. Thinking back on your time among us, can you recall ever seeing us ply our seductions on anyone besides the Scion, or each other?”

Dae shook her head.

“Zafirah encourages us to explore our desires and passions with each other, which forges deep and lasting bonds between all the women in her harem. But we hold a special and unique position in the palace…one of uncensored intimacy with the ruler of all the Jaharri. Because of this, the pleasure of our company is reserved for only a few, and sadly I have never had an opportunity to sample the delights of Inshal’s chosen.” She gave a lamenting sigh and added, “Still, a girl can dream.”

“Hmm.” Dae considered Inaya’s words as they walked, never having thought about the sexual restrictions within the harem. In truth, there was so much lust and openly expressed desire in the seraglio, she had believed—rather naively, perhaps—that the women were free to pursue whatever pleasurable company took their fancy. “So…I can’t sleep with women outside the harem?”

“Perhaps you should accept the dozens of offers already made to you before setting an eye wandering further afield.”

Dae blushed at how easily her friend had read her disappointment.

Inaya patted her on the arm affectionately. “Fear not, little minx. After today you shall be Consort, unfettered by the limitations you endured—albeit unknowingly—as a pleasure-servant. With Zafirah’s guidance, you will be free to indulge your desires to whatever degree you wish.”

Dae bit her lower lip to hide a grin; although she had yet to stretch her sexual wings very far, she felt a shiver of excitement at the thought of that world of possibilities which lay before her. Still, she set aside thoughts of future delights and returned her mind to the present. Joining with Zafirah was more than enough to flood her senses with a tangle of excited, joyous, and—she couldn’t deny—slightly nervous emotions.

Making their way deeper into the heart of the Temple, they eventually came to a great archway flanked by statues of what appeared to be some type of mythical creatures; they resembled tall, four-armed women with features that had been twisted to become more feline than human. Beyond the archway Dae could make out a large chamber with a vaulted ceiling of glass, and a crowd of people gathered within. The sound of their whispered conversations fell silent as music began to play, reed pipes accompanied by a lyre’s strings, and Dae gave Inaya a smile before taking a deep breath and stepping through the archway.

The inner sanctum was a vast circular chamber, its floor comprised of a series of broad steppes descending to a central altar. It had the appearance of a miniature amphitheater filled with people, surrounded by a second-story balcony which ran the full inner circle. Dae could see this balcony was likewise crowded, though unlike the other attendees these figures were all dressed alike in simple yet elegant white robes; she guessed them to be the priests and priestesses of Inshal. A few of the faces were familiar to her, mostly those of the council representatives and other significant members of the palace staff, but the rest were strangers. Dae knew Zafirah had invited many prominent citizens, merchants and guild leaders from all corners of the city, to attend their joining. All eyes turned to greet her, but after sweeping the room with a slow, impressed glance, Dae looked beyond the faceless crowd to the tall woman standing before the altar in the center of the room.

Zafirah wore her long dark hair in a thick braid drawn over her right shoulder. She had dusted her eyelids and lashes with kohl to highlight her stunning blue eyes, making them appear even more luminous than usual in the low light. She was dressed in shades of gray and brown, her bodice and leggings cut to resemble the layered leather armor worn by warriors on ceremonial occasions. The soft, form-fitting lines of the fabric gave a flattering impression of great feminine strength, and Dae found herself completely breathless for a long moment. Only when Inaya gave her a gentle nudge did she manage to refocus and begin walking down the broad steppes to join her mate in front of the High Priestess.

Inaya left her to take her place among the other harem girls standing off to the side in a position of privilege near the altar. The women were all dressed in their finest outfits and most lavish jewelry, and many offered her small waves and happy smiles. Standing opposite them with a number of other high-ranking warriors was Falak, leader of Zafirah’s elite scouts and her military second-in-command. She presented a somewhat intimidating figure, with stern features, ebony skin and a tall, tightly muscular body. Dae knew Falak was among Zafirah’s closest and most devoted friends—not to mention one of her many former lovers—and a far more kind-hearted woman than her imposing appearance might suggest.

Taking her place beside the Scion, Dae glanced at the altar behind Sakinah and felt a warmth flood her cheeks; appropriately enough, the altar to the Goddess of Passion was a platform bedecked with plush cushions and satin sheets, held in the duel embrace of twin female figures carved from polished granite. Its purpose could not have been clearer, for it resembled a lavish bed more than a religious shrine, and Dae knew at once that she and Zafirah would be consummating their joining upon the altar with the rising of the full moon.

Zafirah gave her a little wink when she met her gaze, and Dae realized she’d read her thoughts from the glow in her cheeks. She returned her knowing look with a shy but eager smile as Sakinah addressed the gathered witnesses. The acoustics of the chamber carried her musical voice to those standing at the sanctum’s perimeter.

“Welcome all, to this most joyous of celebrations. We have gathered this evening in the sacred Temple of our Goddess Inshal to witness the joining of Zafirah Al’Intisar, beloved Scion of the Jaharri, with Dae of Everdeen, daughter of the eastern kingdom.” Sakinah flashed them each a heart-stopping smile. “My pleasure at overseeing this joining is all the greater for the fact that—as I am certain all would agree—none of us ever expected to see so wild a flame as our Scion tamed by love’s gentle embrace.”

There was a smattering of quiet laughter from the assembly, and Zafirah tossed them a slightly indignant look. Sakinah hushed their amusement with a glance before turning her attention back to Dae and Zafirah.

“Yet as Inshal teaches us, it is often in the unlikeliest of places that the rarest and most beautiful flowers choose to bloom. All love is sacred to the Goddess, but love which is bound with an absence of jealousy…which knows commitment without the taint of possessiveness or selfish greed…is surely the most favored and blessed in Inshal’s eyes. As tradition dictates, each of you have prepared words of commitment to formalize this union of spirit and flesh. Let them now be spoken, that Inshal may hear of your love and offer her blessings to see it sanctified.”

Dae had spent quite a bit of time this last week writing out and memorizing her vows, trying to compose her thoughts and emotions into something fitting for her union with Zafirah. Many in the harem had watched her scratching out the letters and words on a piece of parchment with a stick of charcoal; only a few among them had been taught to read or write, and then only at a very rudimentary level, and they seemed to find the whole process utterly fascinating. Johara and Hayam, who had sanctified their own love with a joining ceremony, had offered a few pieces of advice, and in the end Dae was pleased with what she’d come up with. Looking up into Zafirah’s bright eyes, she took a deep breath before beginning.

“Zafirah…growing up I never could have imagined that I would journey so far from my homeland to find a union that fulfilled me so completely as the one we share. My dreams of love had always been shaped by those around me—my parents, my tutors, the priests who taught me what was acceptable and what was shameful. As I grew older and the time approached for me to find a suitable mate, I often imagined a romance like those in the stories my parents would read to me as a child. I pictured a man who would court me with gentlemanly honor, who would respect me and provide for me, and keep me safe from the evils of the world. Yet my dreams always seemed to lack some crucial element I had no understanding of…some intangible force without which they could only ever be shadows of my true heart’s desire.

“Even as I journeyed to the city to receive the blessing of the priests for my upcoming betrothal, I believed the mystery of this missing piece would reveal itself in the fullness of time—a belief I thought shattered by the attack of the brutish men who slaughtered my escort and sought to enslave me. I cursed my fate as they marched me into the desert wastes, wondering bitterly why I should find myself so cruelly led from the path I was meant to walk. It was only much later that I came to realize, fate was leading me to my answer. It was only after I met you, my liberator, that I began to understand I’d spent my entire life believing in a lie.

“You were beautiful in a way I’d never seen before in the women of my homeland—so strong, yet unafraid to show compassion…so noble, yet utterly unburdened by the constraints of modesty. I tried not to admit it to myself, but from our first meeting I felt drawn to you for reasons beyond my understanding. Only from living among the remarkable women of your harem,” She paused to turn to the pleasure-servants standing nearby, giving them a warm smile, “did I learn how passion and desire can direct the heart more surely than reason and pragmatism…and how a love need not be deprived of lust in order to be pure.

“These lessons were not always easy for me. I couldn’t understand why my thoughts and feelings would betray me by constantly fixating upon what I believed, in my own naivete, to be such a sinful desire. But the connection I felt to you proved stronger than my ignorance, an undeniable spark which quickly brought the tinder to life and illuminated what had always been hidden in darkness. In the light of that fire, I found my heart revealed. Whatever force brought us together—whether fate or fortune, or the actions of a divine hand—I shall forever be grateful for the joy it has led me to discover. I am honored to stand before Inshal this day, that our love and passion may be bound by this sacred joining.” She paused a moment before reciting the final words required for the ceremony. “I offer all I am, and all I shall ever be, that my love be found worthy in your eyes. May our hearts beat as one, may we walk the same path, and may we always breath the same air.”

Zafirah’s expression of gentle adoration as she concluded was everything Dae had hoped for, and the mist in her eyes assured her that she’d conveyed her feelings well. After a moment to collect herself, Zafirah cleared her throat, and spoke her vows in turn.

“Dae…my beloved Tahirah…it humbles me to hear such words from one so deeply cherished. Since my adolescence, I have always allowed myself to find fulfillment in appeasing my appetites. I believed in the absolute purity of physical passion and pleasure. I celebrated the way such boundless passion could deepen a friendship with intimacy, or allow admiration and desire to bring people together in a union of ecstasy. And though I held a deep respect for those who, like my own parents, chose to share themselves only with one another, I believed no love could ever surmount the joy of sharing my passions freely with all those whom I desired.

“But as you say, fate often has a peculiar way of leading us to the truth of who we are. Though I do not deny it was your beauty that first caught my eye and brought you into my harem, even from our first meeting I felt a sense of connection unlike any I had experienced before. It was puzzling to me that I should find my thoughts dwelling upon you so frequently, and at first I dismissed my feelings as no more than a curious frustration at your resistance to my attempts to seduce you.”

Many among the crowd chuckled at this, and Dae couldn’t help but grin herself; she had certainly not made Zafirah’s pursuit of her easy.

“It took the eyes of another to show me the truth; that desire that feeds from the heart cannot be so easily sated as desire that feeds from the eye. Never before had I felt the need to temper my passions…but never had I felt such stirrings of emotion as I did whenever I was near you. And as we began spending more time together, it became clear that I was not alone in my confusion. I realized you also sensed the bond between us, saw you struggling to understand it, just as I was.

“I rejoiced when you began to accept my overtures of courtship, assuaging my desire with the hope that one day, you might return my feelings in kind. I love you beyond what words can convey, and though physical fidelity may ever remain foreign to my nature, you have laid claim to my heart and soul as no other woman ever shall. It is the greatest honor of my life to accept you as my eternal Consort, and to sanctify our love with a union here, in the Temple to the Goddess of passion.” Dae fought to keep her composure as a surge of emotion welled inside her, held by Zafirah’s steady gaze as she softly concluded, “I offer all I am, and all I shall ever be, that my love be found worthy in your eyes. May our hearts beat as one, may we walk the same path, and may we always breath the same air.”

Sakinah looked from Zafirah to Dae, a brilliant smile dimpling her cheeks. “Inshal has heard your oaths of commitment, words spoken from the heart which shall forever bind your two souls as one. I have no doubt the Goddess shall look with favor upon such a splendid union of virtue and passion. And now, before those assembled to witness your joining, please present the tokens you shall each wear as the outward symbol of your inner union.”

Falak stepped forward and handed a ring to Zafirah, while Dae accepted a similar ring from Inaya. The two women in turn offered the rings to Sakinah; each a perfect circle of plaited silver strands, one studded with a single, intricately-faceted emerald, the other with a flawless sapphire. A lesser priestess approached Sakinah and held forth a broad tray covered with a ceremonial-looking cloth embroidered with gold thread. Several items were arranged upon it with precise care: a small brass bowl filled with a thick, jelly-like substance; a lit oil-lamp studded with opals; what appeared to be a set of steel calipers crafted in the aspect of an asp; and finally, a thin metallic item which sparkled in the last rays of the setting sun. Dae swallowed a lump of fear when she identified this final item as a long, needle-like device, ornate and very sharp.

She suddenly found herself wishing she’d opted for a more traditional token. But Zafirah laid a reassuring hand on her shoulder, and she took a steadying breath before stepping forward.

Zafirah had offered to have her ring fitted first, but Dae had reasoned that watching her mate be pierced would only enhance her trepidation rather than ease it. Her dress had been designed to allow for easy removal, and Dae had overcome her more modest tendencies enough that when Zafirah tugged the simple knot at the back of her neck free, she barely tensed as the cloth fell away to expose her chest to the crowded hall. Still, she straightened her posture in response to the low murmur of admiration that rippled through the assembly. 

Sakinah dipped two fingers into the substance contained in the bowl, and when she applied the concoction to Dae’s left nipple, she tensed and inhaled sharply. The jelly was ice-cold, and the sensation of it against her skin brought her nipple to rigid attention. After a few seconds, however, Dae was surprised to note her sensitive nerve-endings grew numb. Sakinah offered her a gentle look and whispered, “The ointment will only diminish the pain, not kill it completely. Its main purpose is to prevent infection while the piercing heals.” Sakinah took up the calipers, and Dae suppressed a tremor of fear. “Relax, child,” the High Priestess said, her tone low. “It will sting but a moment, so try not to flinch.”

Dae exhaled slowly, trying to calm her thunderous heartbeat, then gave a nod to indicate she was ready. Sakinah applied the calipers to her stiff nipple and gently closed and held them in her left hand while her attendant picked up the needle and passed it through the oil-lamp’s flame. Dae closed her eyes, not really wanting to watch the proceedings further.

She felt Sakinah’s palm on her breast, cupping her gently, then the ticklish sting of the needle pressing lightly against her captured nipple. Then came a sudden flash of searing pain as the needle pierced her. Fire raced through her nerve-endings, and Dae clenched her jaw tightly to keep from yelping. Against her will, tears welled in the corners of her eyes, and she was grateful for the reassuring touch of Zafirah’s hand against her arm, offering comfort and support. A moment later she felt a curious tugging pressure as deft fingers slipped the ring through her flesh, and when they withdrew and the calipers released their hold, the sharpness of the pain seemed to mellow quickly, leaving behind a burning, dull ache.

Dae fought against a sudden wave of dizziness, imagining what an embarrassment it would be if she fainted in front of the assembled crowd. She closed her eyes to steady herself, and once the wave had passed she took several calming breathes before opening them. Looking down, she saw the delicate silver ring now dangling from her turgid nipple.

It was done, and though her entire breast was throbbing with a hot ache, it hadn’t been nearly as traumatic as she had feared.

Sakinah turned to Zafirah, who was watching Dae’s face closely with an expression of sympathetic concern. The last of the dizzy spell faded the instant Dae met her partner’s stunning sapphire gaze, and she gave her a smile of reassurance. “That wasn’t so bad.”

“It looks beautiful,” Zafirah said sincerely, studying Dae’s new adornment with fond appreciation.

Dae flushed with pleasure and glanced back to her marital ring; she could only imagine what her parents would think of their precious daughter subjecting herself to such a barbaric ritual, but to her eyes the piercing looked extremely sexy. Now that the worst was over, she felt decidedly proud of herself for choosing such a token. Zafirah helped her retie the top of her dress before turning to face Sakinah. Dae winced at the way the cloth rubbed against the sensitive piercing.

Sakinah repeated the process with the Scion, and although she tried to focus on Zafirah’s face, Dae found it impossible to stop herself sneaking curious glances down her chest to observe the ritual. It was over in only a few moments; Sakinah worked with a deft confidence that suggested this wasn’t her first time fitting such jewelry. As a warrior, Zafirah was more accustomed to enduring pain than Dae, but even she winced when the tip of the needle pierced her.

After it was done, Dae took a few moments to properly appreciate the way the emerald-and-silver ring sparkled against her partner’s olive skin, before turning back to Sakinah. The High Priestess handed the needle and calipers back to her attendant and graced her audience with another dazzling, joyous smile.

“Congratulations to you both. Zafirah Al’Intisar, and Dae of Everdeen—to be known among us from this day forward as Dae Al’Tahirah. You are now joined in the eyes of the Goddess Inshal.” Raising her arms above her head, holding her palms up flat as though in supplication, Sakinah addressed the hushed crowd. “Let us all celebrate the union of our beloved Scion and her Consort!”

Dae beamed up at Zafirah as the people applauded loudly, her tears of momentary pain turning to tears of joy as she wrapped her arms around her new wife and pulled her down to claim her lips. She intended to keep the kiss somewhat chaste in deference to the sacred ceremony, but the moment their lips met she felt that familiar, irresistible surge of passion sweep through her, and the crowd around them faded from concern. Her tongue met Zafirah’s and their kiss deepened into a protracted and sensual exploration.

When they finally parted, cheers of approval echoed throughout the temple. Before she had time to bask in the moment, however, the pleasure-servants had flocked around them, laughing and praising her for the display, while Zafirah accepted a more solemn but no less genuine congratulations from Falak and the tribal representatives.

“That was beautiful, Dae!” Inaya praised, kissing her cheek and giving her a careful hug, making certain not to brush against her tender chest. “Or perhaps I should say, ‘Consort.’ It is an honor to have witnessed the love between you and the Scion blossom these last months, and to know that my efforts to help you unlock your true passions have brought you both such joy.” She glanced at Dae’s left breast with a sympathetic smile. “How does it feel?”

“Mm…sore, but it’s not too bad.”

“It is important you take care to keep it clean in the coming weeks, and not to irritate it. I have a salve that should aid with the healing and help prevent any infections. Be sure to take some with you on your journey into the deep desert.”

Dae nodded her thanks. Inaya had already instructed her on how to care for her new piercing, warning her sternly of the consequences should she allow an infection to set in. Right now, her nipple and the surrounding area felt curiously hot and tingly, but the ache was quite bearable.

“If the Scion would permit me to steal you from her for a moment, there are some people I have been looking forward to introducing you to.” Inaya pointed out an older couple standing among the crowd, a woman dressed in the simple robes of a palace servant, and a man in a leather jerkin and breeches commonly worn by attendees’ in the army barracks. “My parents, Ada and Aman. Zafirah was kind enough to invite them to attend your joining, and they would be most honored to meet you.”

“Oh. Um…certainly.” She glanced at Zafirah, who smiled affectionately and nodded for her to go. Inaya linked arms with her and led the way, and Dae found herself feeling suddenly self-conscious as they approached the couple. It was a little awkward to be meeting the parents of a woman she knew so intimately…but as the thought occurred to her, Dae figured it would be best to get used to the idea, since it wouldn’t be long before she met Zafirah’s mother.

Inaya’s father was a burly-looking man with a broad, barrel-like chest and thick arms, while her mother was shorter and more delicate, with a plain but kindly face. Neither held much resemblance to their offspring in appearance or bearing, but they both looked upon Dae with matching expressions of curiosity and wonder.

As Inaya made introductions and her parents gave Dae low bows of homage, she noticed many other people hovering around her periphery, conversing in small groups but obviously watching for an opportunity to offer their own congratulations. The priests and priestesses of Inshal began moving about the chamber, bearing platters of food and drink which they offered to the gathered guests. When one of the acolytes—a younger girl wearing a shy, pretty blush—presented her with an offering of food, Dae politely declined; her stomach was still fluttering with butterflies, and the ache in her left breast didn’t much inspire her appetite.

Having attended her fair share of formal celebrations, Dae found it easy enough to converse with Ada and Aman while keeping half an eye on Zafirah. The Scion had been surrounded by a cluster of tribal elders, and though she maintained an outward expression of courteous interest in their words, Dae could tell she was suffering their fawning only out of polite respect. It was only when their eyes met across the crowded chamber that the Scion’s smile extended beyond her lips…and Dae found herself wishing the gathering would hurry up and disperse so they could be alone together.

After a week deprived of Zafirah’s touch, she was eager to wrap up the formal part of the ceremony so they could get on with the consummation.


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