Andy linked her arm with Miranda’s as they walked away from the customs station with their freshly stamped passports tucked away in their purses. “Okay, so we’re here, now what?”

Miranda took a deep breath and leaned into the younger woman as they walked. “Off to the hotel, late dinner, relax tonight…”

Mmm… sounds heavenly…” With a gasp, Andy stopped their forward motion. Pulling them out of the main line of traffic, they ended up in a shadowed corner. “I just realized…this is the first vacation we’ve taken together, alone.” Andy shifted closer threading her fingers through the soft white hair she loved to feel and whispered. “I intend to take full advantage of that status.” Pulling the older woman to her, Andy pressed their lips together and protested with a whimper when Miranda broke the kiss after only a few seconds.

The first thing you should know about London, Andrea, is that paparazzi here are even more devious than their counterparts back home.” She looked around the airport and didn’t notice anyone who looked particularly interested in them at the moment. Andrea’s chuckle pulled her attention back to the woman.

So what?” Andy pulled her fiancée back to her. “I hope they get my good side.”

Andrea,” Miranda chuckled, “You don’t have a bad side.” Their lips met again and Miranda felt herself being turned, pressed into the wall behind her. Breaking the quickly deepening kiss, she gasped. “Oh, no… not here…” Grabbing the amorous young woman’s hand, Miranda practically pulled her to the exit. There was, as there always were at airports, a line of cabs waiting to take newly arriving people to their destinations. Miranda guided Andrea past those to a waiting limousine. The driver held a sign that said ‘Priestly-Sachs’. He held the door open for them and waited until they were settled before he shut it firmly. Assuming his position behind the wheel, he looked into the rearview mirror.

Where to?”

Kensington,” Miranda grabbed Andy’s hand before it could slide any higher on her thigh, this car did not have a privacy divider, “The Milestone Hotel.”

Nodding once, he checked the traffic and pulled the car slowly away from the curb.


Miranda continued to hold Andrea’s hand as the young woman was caught by the sights passing the car window. The lights weren’t quite as romantic as Paris, but when the car pulled up in front of the huge stately building it was enough to reduce Andrea’s voice to a whisper.

Miranda, it’s gorgeous.”

Nodding, the older woman smiled and tugged on her companion’s hand as the car door opened. “We must check in, then we can explore all we want.”

Andy followed obediently and stood slightly behind Miranda as she conducted the business of checking in. While the desk clerk was finishing the documents for Miranda to sign, the manager arrived and glanced at the screen behind the counter.

Ah, Ms. Priestly!” he smiled, “I’m glad to see you arrived safely.” Looking past the older woman his eyes met with Andy’s. “And you must be Ms. Sachs.” He smiled as the brunette nodded, her lovely brown eyes widening slightly. “Ms. Priestly informs us that you have a running routine in the mornings…” He waited for her to acknowledge that before continuing. “I also run every morning and would be glad to take you on my circuit through Hyde Park, if you wish, or we have state of the art equipment in our fitness facility.”

The light suddenly went on over Andy’s head. No wonder Miranda let me wear my running shoes. She knows I can’t just buy a new pair and run in them without breaking them in first. Depending on time constraints she normally ran three to eight miles a day. She asked the manager. “How far do you run?”

I run the same path twice, it’s roughly eight kilometers total.”

She nodded. “Five miles, that’s perfect.” She knew it would be difficult to make herself run very far during the two weeks she was going to be on her honeymoon so she tried to keep it toward the upper end of her normal range as much as possible right now. “What time?”

Ms. Priestly had said the woman usually ran in the mornings, so the manager smiled, “I’ll be waiting for you in the lobby at seven am? It’s only a short walk to the park.” The man was pleased his fitness regime was going to help the hotel make a customer happy.

A little later than I normally run, but I do want to sleep in somewhat… “Excellent.” She smiled and nodded at him then turned to Miranda. “Are we all set?” Nodding, Miranda handed her a key card and linked their arms together. They followed an empty-handed bellboy as he showed them to their room.


They listened absently as the young man described the amenities of the suite. Miranda gave him a tip, thanking him for the information before she walked him to the door.

Andy waited until Miranda shut the door firmly before she wrapped her arms around the older woman. “So, what’s the plan, Boss?”

Mmmm…” Miranda leaned back into the embrace. “I must call Abigail and request some clothing be sent from their Closet, at least a running suit for you in the morning.”

Bending her head, Andy kissed the woman’s neck, smiling against the soft skin there. “I thought you said we could go to Harrods and shop?”

Turning in place, Miranda nodded as she reciprocated the soft touches with gentle explorations of her own. Familiar tingles began to build within her but Miranda managed to mumble against the silken skin. “Not today, it’s Sunday, they close at six.”

Oh…” Andy walked Miranda backward until they were standing next to the bed. The heat in her veins was quickly becoming fire and Andy tore herself away from the one person in the world she wanted to burn with. “Make your call.” With great heaving breaths, Andy backed off slightly her eyes large and dark as she looked out from under her bangs. She managed another word, deep and husky. “Hurry.”

Miranda closed her eyes and swallowed as the phone to her ear produced a woman’s voice. She did not return the greeting. “Abigail, I’ve managed to find time for a holiday but find myself in need of your Closet. Would you be a dear and have a selection of casual outfits and a few dresses suitable for fine dining sent to The Milestone, size four for Andrea and size two for me, include shoes, eight and a half for her, seven for me, and also include three running outfits for Andrea.” Blue eyes blinked at the response and Miranda nodded. “Acceptable.” Disconnecting the call, Miranda tossed the phone into a nearby chair barely in time to prepare for Andrea’s pounce. She found herself pressed back onto the bed with Andrea’s delicious weight above her. “Mmmm…” She forced the young woman to stop. “Wait…” Miranda assured the brunette, “just a moment.” Rolling to pick up the phone next to the bed, she quickly dialed downstairs. The helpful desk clerk assured her that when the delivery arrived from British Runway they would hold it until she or Andrea called for it to be sent up and that the Do Not Disturb restriction on their room was firmly in place. Replacing the phone in its place, Miranda smiled as Andrea’s deep voice growled in her ear. “Finished?”

Yes, Darling,” Miranda grinned. “I’m all yours…but,” blue eyes twinkled at her amorous partner, “Flying east has caused us to lose time.” The meal served on the plane wasn't even enough to sustain Emily, “We will have to eat at some point.”

Flashing a wicked smirk at the older woman, Andrea moved in. “Oh yes,” Her lips were now close enough to Miranda’s to mingle their breaths. “I definitely plan on eating at some point.” Her large trembling hand found its way inside Miranda’s shirt, brushing the velvet skin she found there. “I love you, Miranda.”

Arching into the touch, Miranda moaned, “I love you too.” She closed her eyes as the soft hand left a trail of heat along her skin. I love you too… was her last thought before the fire in her veins consumed her.


The sensation of eyes on her, combined with dim light filtering in through the windows, woke Miranda slowly. She stretched and almost purred as she blinked her eyes open, knowing what she’d find. Andrea, beside her, watching her, those big brown eyes taking in every inch of skin they could see. “Mmmm…” Turning to face the young woman, Miranda lifted her hand lazily to trace the lovely cheek. “How long have you been awake?”

Closing her eyes, Andy leaned into the touch. “I don’t know.” Hours.

Small lines appeared between Miranda’s eyes, “Something wrong, Darling?” Another nightmare?

No.” With a deep breath, Andy’s eyes opened and she turned to kiss the palm of the hand caressing her. “Everything is perfect.” Reaching out, Andy brushed a lock of silver white hair off of Miranda’s forehead, trailing her fingertips around the woman’s face. “Have I told you lately how beautiful you are?”

Miranda chuckled and smiled, “Not since I’ve woken up.”

You’re beautiful.”

Blue eyes softened as those two, softly spoken, words carried the emotion behind them directly to her heart. “What did I ever do to deserve you…your love?”

I’ve been lying here, watching you sleep, asking myself that very same question. I have no clue what incredibly wonderful thing I must have done to deserve you in my life.”

Miranda smiled as Andrea snuggled closer. “And what was your solution to this mutual quandary?”

I don’t know about you.” Andy chuckled. “But I pretty much just came to the conclusion that I’m the luckiest woman on Earth.”

If I recall correctly, I believe we established the true holder of that title, on the plane here.” Miranda sighed as she caught sight of the clock. “You will need to prepare for your run soon.”

Yeah,” Andy didn’t show any sign of motion, “in a minute.” She sighed, “I wish you would run with me.”

Mmmm…” Miranda exhaled slowly. “I’m not in any condition to do that.” She wouldn’t admit that she would be embarrassed to try and keep up with the younger woman. The mere thought of trying to run five miles was intimidating, much less trying to maintain dignity while she was doing it.

Scoffing at that, Andy countered the protest. “You are in wonderful shape, Miranda.” She did concede a fact though. “You can’t just go out and start running the same as I do though, we’d have to start you out slowly.”

Inspiration struck the older woman. “I’ve been thinking about getting a treadmill for the townhouse, perhaps we could have a few exercise machines in the basement?”

A gym?”

Not exactly, just a small workout area, a treadmill, a stair-stepper, that sort of thing… perhaps we can discuss it with the girls when we return home.” Miranda knew they would be getting at least a treadmill, on the pretense of conditioning herself for running with Andrea. She wanted the young woman to have it available this winter when the snow and ice made running outside hazardous.

The idea of running with Miranda made Andy smile. “Sounds like a plan.” With a sigh Andy shifted, tossing her hair back over her shoulder with a flick of her head. She kissed the bare shoulder under her cheek and lightly caressed the stomach muscles under her hand. “Okay, gonna go jump in the shower.”

Mmm… Do you want me to call and have some juice sent up, or water?”

Water would be good…Dasani,” Andy thought about it, “and grape juice if they have it… otherwise just water.” She gave her fiancée’s stomach another pat and placed a quick kiss on her lips before rising from the bed. “Back in a bit.”

Miranda nodded as she reached for the phone, muttering, “if they have it…” she snorted as she dialed the phone. “They better have it, or someone will start pressing grapes immediately.”


Are you sure this is okay?” Andy sat on the floor legs splayed wide as she leaned over reaching for the toes on her right foot once more. “Because I don’t have to…”

Andrea, it’s perfectly acceptable for you to maintain your workout routine while we are here.” Miranda took a sip of her coffee and browsed through the newspaper that had been delivered along with their morning drinks. “I will manage for a little while without you.”

Okay then…” Rising from the floor, the young woman stretched her arms above her head and leaned from side to side. “I’m guessing I’m about as limber as I’m going to get and it’s time to go meet my new running buddy.” She moved to the chair Miranda occupied and bent down for a quick kiss.

Miranda tilted her head upward to accept the warm lips on her cheek. “Take care.”

It’s a medium run, shouldn’t take more than an hour…I don’t know how fast this guy goes.” That actually worried her, she didn’t want to have to go slower than her regular pace but she didn’t know the circuit that well. She hoped he wasn’t just trying to score points and that he actually did run this circuit daily. If so, she shouldn’t have any trouble with pacing, unless she couldn’t keep up with him.

Of course,” Miranda nodded. “I’ll be here.” She watched the woman she loved walk out the door. As soon as the door closed, Miranda set aside the paper and her glasses. A moment later she stood and, moving to the center of the room, began a short workout routine of her own.

A few days after they’d been taken hostage at the charity event, Miranda had begun using Andrea’s running time to refamiliarize herself with certain karate forms. The fluffy hotel robe wasn’t exactly the best wardrobe choice for her routine, but it wasn’t too much of a hindrance; not as much as a ball gown anyway. Focusing on her breathing, Miranda moved silently around the room, almost dancing as she stretched her muscles and practiced the long abandoned moves.


The hotel manager waited in the lobby for the young woman he would be running with today. He hoped she was actually a runner and not just another rich American who thought running was ‘trendy’. He rolled his eyes as she walked out of the elevator. Schooling his expression as she approached, he nodded politely. “Ms. Sachs.”

Andy, please.” She held out her hand to shake. “Thanks for babysitting me…”

Michael... Ashcroft.” He shook her hand and raised his eyebrow. “Nice outfit.”

Ah,” Andy looked down at the running suit Abigail had sent for her. It had amazed her when she saw it because it was exactly like the outfits Miranda had gotten her for her birthday. “This one is just on loan from British Runway.”

Of course,” he chuckled. “It’s not really an outfit a person would wear every day.”

Andy went very still. “What?”

Versace right? Her new venture.” He shrugged. “I don’t really follow fashion, but running outfits I pay attention to. I guess some American celebrity has been photographed several times wearing them over the last few weeks. They’re all the rage now; very trendy, very expensive.”

Andy covered her mouth with her fingers briefly, then questioned him as they walked to the door. “Donatella Versace?”

He nodded, “That’s the one… not something she normally designs, I understand.” He held the door open for her. “I heard it was a special request from someone very high up in the industry. Since this came from Runway, it’s probably one that the designer worked on herself…” he chuckled. “…how often do you get the chance to sweat in designer originals?”

You’d be surprised at what I sweat in. Laughing, Andy sent warm thoughts racing back to Miranda as she brushed past him to exit the building and mumbled, “Every day apparently.”

He followed her out and directed her toward the park. “I’m sorry, I didn’t catch that.”

Running her fingers through her hair, Andy sighed and indicated her outfit. “I have ten of these at home.” She shrugged. “I wear one every day.” With a slightly depreciating smile, she informed him. “I suppose, I’m the American that’s been photographed wearing them.”

Oh,” He wondered if he should apologize. “I…um…”

Andy waved his halting apology off, “No problem.” Looking around, she decided to change the subject from Miranda’s single handed influence on the running world’s fashion sense and smiled. “Wow, this is beautiful. It was dark when we got here last night.”

He looked around the park with a bit of pride. “Yes, it’s quite lovely.” Stepping onto a path, he gestured the direction they were going to be running. “Ready?”

As I’ll ever be.”

He started down the path slowly, increasing his speed gradually to his normal pace. He was pleasantly surprised that the young woman was keeping up.


Miranda sat at the table on the balcony. Her shortened workout was over and she’d quickly prepared for the upcoming day. It was quite pleasant to sit here in the open air and just enjoy the moment. Closing her eyes, she smiled as the sun filtered through her eyelids and warmed her face. Her mind turned to the girls, hoping they were enjoying their time with their father, and her then her thoughts, as always, turned to Runway for a moment as she wondered what sort of work she would face upon their return. Mostly though she thought of Andrea and hoped the meeting with her family would go at least as well as the one with the young woman’s had.

Hearing the knock at the door and the faint voice announcing ‘housekeeping’, Miranda ignored both as she remained seated simply enjoying the moment. She heard the woman bustling around the room, changing the sheets and making the bed, cleaning and restocking the bathroom, running the vacuum, Miranda listened to the woman leaving the room and remained sitting on the chair just thinking about the upcoming day with Andrea. She smiled as thoughts of her fiancée invaded her mind.

Hey, Beautiful.” Andy smiled as Miranda turned her head to look at her. “Whatcha thinkin’ about?”

You.” Miranda grinned as Andy’s sun-rivaling smile appeared. “Did you have a nice run?”

Yes.” Nodding, the brunette took a seat at the table, across from Miranda. She sat for a long moment silently studying her partner. She could see Miranda shift under the stare and ran her tongue over her teeth before plucking at the fabric of her sleeve and raising her eyebrow. “Donatella?”

Andy watched Miranda’s face shift through several fascinating expressions before settling on a totally unrepentant look.


You asked her… to design a running outfit?”

Miranda’s eye twitched at the word ‘ask’. “I… suggested, she look into the sport and its apparel.”

And then she sent you…ten of her newest designs.” Andy wiped her hand over her face in exasperation. When Miranda had presented her with the outfits, she’d also given her the De La Renta Cerulean Blue collection… the evening gowns had turned her head and taken away any close scrutiny that the running outfits might have received. Andy had noticed the brand logo, but hadn't really given it much thought.

I…requested seven, she sent me…you… ten.” Miranda watched her fiancée carefully for signs of anger. She had not meant to deceive the woman, she just had neglected to mention that the outfits were in fact designer originals. It was almost ridiculous for Andrea not to know that anyway, you would think she’s known me long enough by now… Miranda thought, almost pouting in her head.

I suppose I should have known.” Andy smiled at the love of her life. “You being you and all.” Dark eyes twinkled at the incredulous expression morphing onto Miranda’s face. “No, I’m not reading your mind,” Andy laughed as the editor’s mouth fell open slightly, “I just know you, better than you think I do.” Andy winked and rose from her seat. “I have time for a quick shower, don’t I?”

Nodding, Miranda’s eyes tracked Andrea as she rose. “Yes, it’s barely eight now. Harrods doesn’t open until ten, and it isn’t far. We have plenty of time.”

Oh we do?” Andy’s wicked smile touched her darkening eyes. “In that case…” She held out her hand. “Shall we?”

My God what she does to me… Miranda couldn’t believe that with just a mere smile the woman standing next to her could ignite such heat in her veins. Swallowing at the sensation, Miranda slid her hand into Andrea’s and whispered. “Let’s shall.”


It was eleven thirty before they met the car downstairs and started on their way. Miranda wondered if they should shop first or not. Pulling her phone from her purse, she dialed a rarely used number, winking at Andrea as she listened to the device for an answer. She couldn’t tell if she was relieved or not when the voice answered.


Natalie.” Miranda licked her lips. “Hello.”

Miriam…uh… I mean… Miranda… is everything okay?”

We are in town.” Miranda took a deep breath. “We are going to have some lunch and do some shopping, for some necessities and then…” pausing to chose her words carefully Miranda continued. “…I’m going to go visit mother, then I would like to bring Andrea to your home. I would like for you to meet.”

Miria…Miranda, you are more than welcome, it’s perfect timing… Remember when we spoke over the holidays, I told you Dinah was pregnant? Well she gave birth last week and tonight we’ll all be here celebrating.” She hesitated, then ventured. “The naming ceremony is today…”

Today?” Miranda was surprised. “On a Monday?”

Natalie was silent for a moment then exhaled loudly and explained, reminding her sister what this weekend was. “Saturday was Shavuot. We rescheduled the naming to include…everyone.”

Samuel, the editor thought with only a slight tightening of her stomach. “I will not go to the synagogue.” Miranda was firm on that point.

Natalie sighed. “No, I suppose you wouldn’t. Come to the house after? We’ll all be there.”

Natalie sounded like she was smiling, Miranda narrowed her eyes. “All?”

Yes! Everyone! Dinah will be thrilled to see you!” Natalie was overjoyed that her sister would be joining them. “The whole family together under one roof!”

Oh… then perhaps we shouldn’t….” Miranda was truly worried about subjecting Andrea to the sum total of her family. However, she recalled the trip to Cincinnati quite vividly and wondered. Is turnabout truly fair play?

Oh!... You must come! Please Miranda…” Natalie held her breath as her stubborn sister made up her mind.

He won’t like it.” Miranda warned.

It’s my house.” Natalie countered. She was determined to get her sister back at some point, she wasn’t going to let their older brother and his strict ways prevent that. She remained quiet for a moment longer, praying Miranda wouldn’t let him stop her either.

Very well.” Miranda reached out to hold Andrea’s hand. “What time should we be there?”

I’m saying seven-thirty, to give everyone the time to get here from the Synagogue.” Natalie again projected a smile through the phone. “Everyone will be so thrilled to see you!”

Mmmm…” That was entirely untrue and Natalie knew it. Miranda saw they were nearing the end of their car ride. “Seven-thirty then, goodbye Natalie.” She waited for her sister to say farewell before disconnecting the call, which was in fact more than most people got. Staring out the window for a long moment she wondered if it were possible to reconnect with her family, her sister at least. If the girls were at odds I would encourage them to work it out between them. Andrea’s strangled voice, and the slight motion of their joined hands, pulled her attention out of her thoughts.

Miranda?” Andy’s eyes were as wide and dark as any terrified deer’s ever were. “Your m…mother?”

The car slowed to a stop and the driver exited to open the door for them. Miranda kissed the trembling hand in hers. “Don’t worry Andrea. Everything will be fine.” As her door opened, the older woman smiled. “Come, we have much more important things to think about.”

Andy wished she'd been outside the car to see Miranda's leg emerge first. She scrambled out of the car after Miranda and looked up at the magnificent building in front of them. “Whoa!” The building was huge, the size of a city block.

Chuckling, Miranda dismissed the driver and wrapped her arm around Andrea’s waist. “Whoa, indeed.” She laughed. “Lunch, and then we have some shopping to do.”

They had skipped breakfast but Andy wasn’t sure her stomach could take anything heavy right now, the thought of Miranda’s family was unsettling, but her mother? Yikes. “Can we eat light?”

Miranda raised her eyebrows and licked her lips as she smirked. “After this morning I would have thought you’d be starving.” The editor laughed. “Of course, my darling…” She indicated the huge building they were about to enter. “Anything and everything you could ever ask for, just beyond those doors.”

Andy shook her head as her arms slid around the older woman’s waist. “No, Miranda. Anything and everything I will ever want, I have right here.”

Chuckling at that, Miranda shook her head. “I love you too, Andrea.” She guided the young woman toward the door. “They have a wonderful sushi bar here.”

Yeah?” Andy nodded. “That sounds great.” She blinked as a uniformed doorman opened the door for them. “Um… Miranda. Are we going to talk about your mother?”

Miranda looked confused for a moment then answered, “No.” Blue eyes took on a sad tinge and the woman’s lips pressed together for a moment. “Not now. Please.” Directing Andrea toward the chosen restaurant, Miranda informed her companion of other, more pleasant, things. “My sister informs me that her daughter has recently given birth, so in addition to shopping for our own necessities, we should also look for an appropriate gift.”

Oh!” Andy’s eyes sparkled as her trademark dazzling smile appeared. “Will we get to see the baby?!”

The smile she’d never tire of seeing warmed Miranda’s heart but the reason for it nibbled at her brain. Does Andrea want a baby? A child of her own? “My family is scheduled to be at Natalie’s home this evening, to celebrate. I’m fairly certain there will be several children there of varying ages, including newborn.”

Wow…” Andy smiled at the hostess of the restaurant and spoke to Miranda quietly as they were escorted to their table. “Should we bring treats for all of them?”

A slow smile crossed Miranda’s face as she was seated. “I think that’s a lovely idea, Andrea.”

To be continued