So Far From Home

by Psyche_B

Year three in the Voyage of Andromeda.  The adventure that started in  Among the Stars, and Beyond the Farthest Planet continues in Far From Home.

Go To Part 1

                                        CHAPTER 15 A

"Open ship wide channel." Kate ordered.

"Channel open Captain."

"Attention all crew and residents of Andromeda. Make ready your stations. We are preparing to leave the city of Micari and Planet Terra. Report readiness in five minutes."

The screen near Liam beeped. "Katie departments are reporting readiness."

"Captain we have an incoming message from Premier Adone."

"On screen." The view screen lit up.

"Captain, good journey on your voyage home."

"Thank you Premier. We will not forget the friends we have made here and your generosity."

"Nor will we. Thank you again for all the help you have given us." The screen changed to their view of the port and docking area.

"Lieutenant begin your preflight check."

"All departments have reported in. Kacey reports that all craft are secured."

"I thought the Doctors were making her take some time off?" Kate asked. "Colonel O'Malley to the Bridge."

"On my way."

"Preflight is completed Captain." Lieutenant Minor stated.

"Start engines." Kate ordered.

The big engines came to life. They felt the rumble under their feet. "Bella how do the engines look?"

"Output at one hundred percent. They are ready to go." Bella reported.

The lift opened. Kacey strolled out and took her seat.

"What's up Kate?" She asked.

Kate held up a hand. "Give me a minute. Disengage and retract bow and stern docking clamps."

"Clamps disengaged and retracted, Captain."

"Disengage and retract port and stern clamps."

"We are ready to go, Captain."

"All right Rich. Nice and easy back us out of here one quarter impulse."

"Aye Captain one quarter impulse."

Andromeda started to slowly back out of the docking area. They watched the pier grow smaller in the view screen.

"As soon as we have cleared the docking area, raise shields, charge weapons and set our coordinates for home."

"Aye Captain."

Several minutes later the large ship was backed smoothly out of the docking area. Lieutenant Minor skillfully turned the large ship.

"We are cleared of the docking area, Captain. Coordinates locked in."

"Shields at maximum." Rhea reported. "Weapons fully charged."

"Rich take us out at one half impulse"

"Aye captain one half impulse."

The ship picked up speed as they left the busy port. Soon the port was far behind them. "Take us up Rich. Full impulse."

"Full impulse Aye."

The ship rose until they were several kilometers above the planet. "As soon as we are clear of their atmosphere increase speed to warp four."

"We will be free of their atmosphere in five, four, three, two, one. Increasing speed to warp four for home."

"Very nice take off Lieutenant." Kacey stated.

"Thank you Colonel."

"I thought the Doctor had not cleared you for duty yet and told you to take some time off." Kate stated.

"I am. I just needed to get some reports from my office when you needed the readiness status. I responded out of habit."

"All right." Kacey looked at her. "I don't think you understand the concept of a vacation." Kate joked. "Vacation means no work for a specific time frame."

"I under stand the concept Kate, but I still have reports that need to be completed."

"No. Vacations are where you sleep late, wear ratty clothes or stay in your pajamas half the day. Put your feet up and play games, or read. You know relaxing with no thoughts of work in any way shape or form. Doing reports are not an approved vacation past time." Kate continued to tease Kacey.

"There is an actual list of approved tasks?" Kacey asked with a smile. "Or is this one of those non existant rule books like the mom's or grandparent's hand book?"

Kate laughed. "You have me there."

"Look Kate, The Doc cleared me for desk duty for a few hours a day. I figure I can work on my reports for an hour or so early in the morning or when the squeakers are sleeping, then relax for the rest of the day. Don't go busting my chops."

"I am not busting your chops."

"That is good to hear. Now with the Captain's permission, I will return to my quarters to begin my semi vacation."

"Get out of here." Kate ordered.

Kacey left the Bridge.

Liam shook his head. "She never did learn to relax Katie."


Andromeda pushed on through the stars. There were only three scheduled stops before they reached the Kuiper Belt. They would stop at the Brin world, Verna where they would return the Vernan males to their world and families. Then on to Gellary to visit with their friends before they headed to the Kuiper Belt. Barring no problems and no long stops, they would be home within sixteen months.

Captain's log 15 November, 2178

We have started our return journey. We left the planet of Terra and friends we have made in the city of Micari four days ago. Thanks to the information provided by Premier Adone, we know which area to avoid. Unfortunately we will not be able to completely avoid Limari territory without adding at least another two years to our journey. If we can get through that area without any confrontations with them it would be great. However, I do not think that will happen. We have no idea how many ships they have. We are alone. The shuttles and Stingers are worth their weight in dilithium. I am certainly pleased with the job they have done. I can not imagine being on this journey with them.

"There are three scheduled stops before we begin the final push for home. I think I will scheduled a couple more on the last leg. Eternus will be one of them. It is hard to believe we are starting for home. By the time we actually land our journey will have gone over the four years by a few months.



Two weeks had elapsed since Andromeda left Terra. The area they travelled was through Limari territory. There was no way to avoid the area without going hundreds of millions of kilometers out of their way. Their speed was kept at warp nine to get through the area as quickly as possible. They slowed only for the few minutes it took for the smaller ships to launch or land as the shifts changed.

Kacey sat on the exam bed for what she hoped was her final check up before she returned to full duty. She allowed the Doctor to run several scans. After an hour of being poked, prodded and x-rayed the Doctor sat on the stool next to the bed.

"These past two weeks have been good for you. Taking it easy has paid off. Your lung is completely healed and the stitches we used are all dissolved. Lung function is at one hundred percent."

"Does that mean I can return to full duty?" Kaey asked.

"Yes, but with a condition."

"I may regret this. What is the condition?"

The Doctor motioned for a Nurse to bring over a vest. "You wear this vest under your flight suit to protect that area."

"Is that really necessary?"

"Necessary? No. However, I do not think you realize just how close to came to dying with this last injury. You are not indestructible." Doctor McCloud stated as she picked up a two sided diagram of a chest. "If you had not moved when Colonel Anderson yelled, that knife would have entered your back right around this area." She pointed to a spot on the diagram. "The blade could have severed your spinal cord which would have paralyzed you, and would have travelled right into your heart which would have been fatal. As it was, you turned and the blade entered here between your ribs and punctured your lung in two places. Do you see how close the tip came to your heart? Luckily that blade was not a centimeter longer or it would have hit your heart. You liver was also close to the entrance point. Neither of which you can live without."

"Damn. Does Kate know all this?"

"No, I did not tell her everything I just told you. If I had you would not leave the ship until we returned to Earth." She joked. "Look, Colonel... Kacey, this vest will offer some protection to your chest and back. With it under your clothes no one will even know you have it on unless you choose to tell them. I am not forcing you to comply and wear this vest."

"But if I do not voluntarily wear it you will tell Kate everything."

"You did give me permission."

"I take it back."

"That is your choice. I do need your permission to talk to the Captain. However I do not need permission to talk to Natalia, who in turn will tell Captain Jensen."

"Damn Doc, please don't do that. You will panic her for nothing. Say I agree to wear this vest, would it be all the time?"

"Just when you are off Andromeda."

"That is some choice you have given me Doc." Kacey griped.

"One of the many things we are taught in medical school is how to deal with you tough warrior women and win."

"Here I thought Kate taught you the secrets to fighting dirty."

"I can not give away all my secrets. We doctors have to keep an air of mystery around us." Doctor McCloud stated. She signed the chart. "You are free to return to full duty. Give this to Captain Jensen." Kacey jumped off the table and took the paper. She grabbed the vest. "Oh before I forget, there is one other thing about that vest I need to tell you about. That vest has sensors to monitor your organs. If there is a problem we will know immediately. Those sensors are body heat activated."

"Tricky Doc." Kacey said and walked out of Sick Bay. She stopped at her quarters to put on her flight suit. She donned the vest before she pulled the one piece suit on. "Next stop, the Bridge." She said out loud as she pulled up the flight roster and changed the "U" to an "A" for available. She headed for the Bridge.


The console next to Kate's hand beeped. She pulled it closer as the flight roster came up to show the change.

"It had to happed sooner or later, Katie." Liam stated.

"I know dad. I was hoping for later, much later."

"What are ye going to be doing?"

"I can not stop her from being who she is. I can try to talk her into not taking crazy chances." The lift behind them opened. Kacey walked out. She winked at Natalia who looked over to her and motioned to Kate when she turned around in her chair. "You have the Bridge." She told Liam. Kate stood up and led the way into her Ready Room and walked to her desk with Kacey right behind her.

"I got a clean bill of health and can return to full duty." Kacey said without preamble and handed Kate the paper the Doctor gave her.

Kate read the paper. "So I see. When are you going out?"

"With the next squad."

"According to the charts Jarel gave us, we are still a few days away from being out of Limari territory."

"Are you going to stop me from going out?"

Kate hesitated before she answered. "No I will not stop you. I will however hold you to your promise."

"Which promise is that?"

"That you will fully assess the situation before rushing in."

"Oh that one." Kacey joked. "Kate I have every intention of honoring that. I will not rush in without looking for alternative courses."

"All right. Get your ass out of my office and get back to work." Kacey stood and walked to the door. "Check in and you be God Damn careful out there." Kate ordered.

"I will Kate." She stated. She turned at the door. "Any Limari out there better watch out. Hurricane Kacey is coming." She said and bolted out the door.


The stars zoomed by the shuttle windows. Kacey was halfway through her four hour shift. Her music played and she had her good luck charm clenched between her teeth.

Stingers flew on both sides of her shuttle. Her sensors and scanners were quiet. The readouts showed nothing around them. She settled in her seat, relaxed in her place in the universe. Her restless spirit quiet and at peace. A warning beep from her sensors woke the spirit. She checked the read outs and keyed her mike.

"Shamrock to Andromeda."

"Go ahead Shamrock."

"My sensors have picked up some sort of electrical pulses one point four million kilometers from my position. Nothing is showing up on my screen."

"How far out are you?"

"About two thousand kilometers."

"Are our sensors picking up anything?" Kate asked.

"Not yet, wait yes we are now picking up those same pulses, Kate." Anya stated.

"Could it be that Electrical Elipsis again?" Natalia asked.

"No different pulses. These are low frequency."

"Any thoughts on the origin of these pulses?"

"A warning beacon perhaps."

"That is a possibility."

"Our sensors did not pick this up on our way out." Kacey stated. "Are we on a different course?"

"We are. Jarel showed us the shortest way to get through Limari territory."

"Why didn't we go around it?"

"Their area is huge. It would have taken us close to a year to go around it."

"Here's hoping they leave us alone." Kacey stated.

"WHAT?" Kate blurted. "Did I hear that right?"

"Yes Kate I said I am looking forward to a few days or even a week of routine."

Kate looked at Liam and Natalia who both shrugged. A warning sound filled the Bridge as the scanners picked up obstacles.

"I do not think you will get your wish. Scanners show several ships headed our way. They are three million kilometers away." Anya reported.

"Kacey did you hear that?"

"Yeah, my scanners are going off also. Return Beta squads. All ships return." Kacey ordered. "Do we know who they are?"

"They must be Limari. We are in their territory."

"Alpha and Beta squads to your ships. Gamma squad on standby." Kacey ordered. "Prepare to launch. How long before they arrive?"

"At their present speed thirty minutes." Anya replied.

"Red Alert." Kate ordered. "Make sure all weapons are charged. Open ship wide channel." A chime sounded.

"Channel open, Captain."

"This is Captain Jensen. All civilians report to your assigned spaces in Safe Haven. This is not a drill. I repeat this is not a drill. All civilians report to your assigned spaces in Safe Haven." Kate ordered. "Lower shield over the Hanger and drop speed to warp seven until all the ships have been launched then resume warp nine."

"Alpha and Beta squads launch immediately. Those with cloaking devices turn them on. Charge weapons and raise shields." Kacey ordered. "Advise when all ships have launched."

The Bridge crew watched as the smaller ships launched and surrounded Andromeda. Within minutes Kacey's shuttle and the stingers with her joined the guard. She turned her cloaking device on and her ship shimmered from view. Seconds later the video inside her shuttle came on.

"Kacey we have you on video,. Remember what you told me."

"I remember Kate. Are your scanners showing any numbers?"

"Six, no wait seven ships." Anya answered.

"Do you have a visual on them yet? We need to know who is heading our way."

"They are just coming into range now. Unfortunately we can not make out any markings yet." Anya stated.

"Do we even know if they are coming after us?" Kate asked.

"They have not changed their course. We are now picking up traces of trilithium signatures." Anya reported.

"Then I believe we are safe in assuming that these are Limari and that they are coming after us." Kate stated.

"I believe so. They are now less that two million kilometers from us.

To be continued...

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