The Voyage Home

by Psyche_B

he adventures of the Star Traveler Andromeda that started in Among the Stars, Beyond the Farthest Planet, and So Far From Home, continues in the final chapter The Voyage Home.

Go To Part 1

Under the skillful hands of Lieutenant Minor, Andromeda landed on Eternus with a slight bump. The landing struts absorbed the weight of the large ship. They landed close to the spot they had landed before. The shuttles and stingers landed around the ship.

Before the ramps were opened, the Marines set up a safe perimeter of five kilometers around their location. Kacey stood outside and looked over the preparations. Survival huts were erected to allow the residents to sleep outside the ship. They would remain on Eternus for at least two weeks. They would have the first of the celebrations on their successful journey while there.

Kacey had an additional surprise while they were on Eternus. Mike joined her as she watched the activity.


"We have a perimeter of five kilometers set around Andromeda. Sensors are set for an additional five kilometers and show only small animals."


"Rhea and I are alternating our people so that everyone can enjoy shore leave."

"You have done a great job Mike."

"Is it true that you, me and Rhea are the only three assigned as Kate's protection detail?"

"It is true. One of us is usually around her at all times anyway. Anya and Bella are unofficial protectors. But no Marines or Security will be drafted for that detail."

"How is your surprise coming?"

"Everything is ready. I hope I will be able to keep it secret for a few days more."

"We will bring the rovers out shortly and get the lights set up. If the weather holds we should be able to hold the party outside."

"In a perfect world the weather cooperates, but we do not live in a perfect world. The auditoriums are being prepared just in case."

"Kacey do you believe in a higher power?"

"That came out of left field. Are you talking a higher power such as the President or a deity?"

"A deity."

Kacey let out a breath before she answered. "That is a hard question to answer. Why?"

"That night I found the medicine I was at the end. The end of my rope, the end of my endurance. I had not slept for a couple days but failure was not an option at that point. I knew you were quickly running out of time. We had torn everything out of Jessup's quarters and found nothing. Hell, at that point we were not even sure the cure even existed. I stood in the doorway of the destroyed quarters. You were dying and I almost gave up. I closed my eyes and bowed my head and asked for help and guidance. I opened my eyes and the first item I saw was the mattress. We had already checked it for cuts and found none. But I was certain that we would find what we wanted in the mattress. I started to tear it apart and pulled the stuffing out. The others helped. That is when I found the medicine."

"Do you believe it was divine guidance that night?"

"Yes I do. Kacey you know I was never a religious person, but that night someone was looking out for you and helping me."

"I am Irish. We tend to believe in other powers. I believe you did have divine guidance that night and for that I am truly grateful. I am in you debt."

"No. There are no debts between us. We are Marines and comrades in arms and friends. "

"Thank you my friend. Now I need to let Kate know that the ramps can be opened. I will talk to you later." Kacey walked into the Hanger where Kate waited. "Everything is cleared to go. You can open the ramps, Kate."


Residents and crew members took advantage of the last time they would leave the ship before they reached Earth. The weather was sunny and comfortable. Many took advantage of the nice weather to shed their uniforms. Wood was collected for campfires after the sun went down each day. The lakes were opened for swimming after the water tanks had been filled.

Kate decided that they would use this shore leave to divide up the diamonds the Brin had given them. Under armed guard, the sacks were moved into the Ready Room, where she and Kacey spent hours counting and dividing the stones into separate piles for each department. They would take one full day to hand out the raw diamonds.

With printed lists of all the crew members by department. The jeweler on board spent several days before they landed, weighing the stones and placing them into separate piles. They decided to start with those with the lowest rank and work their way up to the highest. The size of the stone was determined by their rank.

Tables were set up in one of the auditoriums for distribution. A general announcement was sent out advising every crew member for the date and time for them to collect their reward. With armed guards they moved the stones to the auditorium. The doors opened at precisely ten hundred hours. Once the person signed next to their names they were handed their reward for helping make their mission a success. It was a long day, but by the end each crew member had signed in.. They still had a good number of stones left over.

"What if we gave the extras to those civilians who have helped us out?" Kacey suggested.

"Who do you have in mind?"

"The jeweler, the two electrical contractors who help us with the Devoe problem." She hesitated. "Mom for keeping us so well fed. The staff in Sick Bay, Day Care workers, Kitchen staff, the Teachers."

"All right let me print out the lists and we will make sure they are rewarded for their help. If after we have taken care of all of them, we can revisit the question. How many are left?"

Kacey counted the stones. "Ninety eight. Do you want to do this today?"

"Why not. Do you have other plans?"

"No, but can we go to them instead of sitting here waiting for them to come to us. My butt is numb from sitting here all day."

Kate laughed. "Sure these chairs are not the most comfortable I have sat in."

They picked up the lists and the sack containing the remaining stones and left the Auditorium. "Can we start in the Mess Hall? I could use something other than coffee."

"Mess Hall it is."


Kacey walked the perimeter of the safe zone before the majority of the crew and residents were awake. Mike walked by her side. After the attack, she promised Natalia that she would not go off alone. Since they landed she felt anxious each time she walked outside. It was not something she could put a name on. Whatever was causing the anxious feelings was a mystery. They sipped the coffee they brought with them as the sun started its journey.

"The troops did a good job setting up the perimeter."

Kacey looked out over the line of shock sticks. "Uh huh."

"Is there something on your mind?" He asked. She removed her hat and ran a hand through her short hair before she replaced her hat. Mike touched her arm. "Kacey?" She continued to look off in the distance.

"Do you think it is still there Mike?"

"What do I think is still there?"

"That E.M. field. We are what about two or three hundred kilometers from there?"

"Closer to five hundred kilometers. Why?"

"When we get back to the ship, see if you can get a couple of volunteers to check it out."

"Of course."

"Have them just go to the coordinates. No one is to go through it. I just need to know if it is still active."

"Do you want us to blow it if it is?"

"Find out first. Last time I ordered the destruction of one of those fields, I was in a coma for two weeks. Let's head back."

Mike drove the rover back to the ship. "Will you tell Kate?"

"I do not want to, but I think I have to."

"Kacey, in a couple weeks we will be out of here and you will never have to come back."

"Is there a but in there?"

"There is. If you can still feel it or sense it at five hundred kilometers away what would happen if..."

"Let me talk to Kate first. We may be able to work something out."

"All right. I will take care of checking out that area."

They arrived back at Andromeda. Kacey jumped out of the rover and headed into the Hanger. She checked the time before he touched her communicator.


"What are you doing hailing me this early? Do you not understand the concept of shore leave or down time?"

"I understand the concept Kate, but I need to talk to you."

"You sound worried. Come to our quarters."

"Thank you." Kacey stepped into the lift. "Deck four." She stated.

Kacey stepped off the lift and headed to Kate's quarters where she rang the admittance bell.

"Come in." Kate called out. They were seated at the table eating breakfast when Kacey walked in.

"Hi Aunt Kacey."

"Hey Rug Rats."

"Would you like some breakfast?" Anya asked.

"No thank you., but I would not turn down a cup of coffee."

Anya poured her a cup from the carafe and handed it to Kacey.

"So what bring you to our quarters so early?" Kate asked. Kacey looked at the girls.

"Girls if you are finished eating, you can go play in your room while we talk." Anya told their children. They left the table and went into their room.

"Now tell us what you did not want to discuss in front of the children." Kate stated.

"Mike and I were out checking the perimeter earlier."

"It is only seven hundred hours now. What ungodly hour did you go out?"

"Six hundred hours." Kate shook her head. "Look Kate can we discuss my early morning habits another time?"

"Yes, proceed."

"Since we have landed I have felt, um, I am not really sure how to describe it, but whatever it is, is stronger outside of Andromeda and even stronger out at the perimeter."

"Is it the same feelings as before?"

"It was the same as when we went through the Megaran debris field."

"Is that E.M field still active?"

"I do not know. Mike is going to check it out."

"I am happy that you are not going along." Kate said with a smile.

"If that field is still active, will you attempt to collapse it?" Anya asked.

"That is why I came to talk to you." Kacey stated and sipped her coffee. "The last time we took down one of those fields..."

"You almost died. That is not something I can forget. Is this a strong reaction? Do you need medical help?"

"No, no more Sick Bay." Kacey argued.

"Are all those symbols and equations still in your brain?"

"Yes. When we went through the debris field, they became more evident."

"You were very shaky then. Do you feel the same now?"

"No shakes, but all those symbols are more evident and active. Before I had to actively access them, now they are no longer in a small corner." Kacey explained.

"Is it affecting your health in any way?" Anya asked.

"Other than a slight headache, no."

"We had intended on spending two weeks here, but under the circumstances I think we should lift off as soon as possible."

"No Kate. I do not want to interfere with everyone's shore leave."

"You health..."

"Is not relevant. Like I said, other than a slight headache I am fine. There are no shakes." She held her hands out in front of her. They were steady. "We are about five hundred kilometers from that area, so I think distance comes into play. When we went through that field, how far away was it?"

"We went through the center of it. At the most we were one to two hundred kilometers from it."

"So distance has meaning. The closer we are the more pronounced the effects." Anya stated.

"Seems so."

"Were you planning on visiting that sector?"

"Contrary to public opinion, I do not have a death wish. If you decide you want to see for yourself, I will have Rhea and Mike go with you as your security guards."

"Kate is more than happy on this side of Eternus.." Anya stated. Kate laughed.

"The boss has spoken. But she is right, I have no desire what so ever to revisit that section."

"Thank you Kate. If that field is still active, should we attempt to bring it down to stop anyone else from being affected by it?"

"Not at the cost of your health."

"What if there was a way?" Kacey asked.

"How could it be done?"

"I have no idea." Kacey responded. "There are several warning buoys around that section. I do not know what more we can do."

"What we can do is wait until we know for certain then plan." Kate stated. "Supposition will get us nowhere."-

"Once we leave here you will never have to visit again." Anya stated.

"That is two people. Mike said the same thing."

"Do you need to hear it from a third person before you believe it?"

"That will not be necessary."

"What are your plans for today?"

"Not a whole lot. Talia and I are just going to play it by ear for now. Why?"

"Leave this afternoon free. We have a video conference at fourteen hundred hours. We cannot put it off again."

"Where is a red alert when we need one." Kacey sighed. "Fourteen hundred hours it is. I will leave you to get dressed. Thanks for the coffee." Kacey left their quarters and headed back to the Hanger.


"Good afternoon sirs." They said together.

"Captain, Colonel." Admiral Tacher stated. "Colonel it is good to see you up and around again."

"Thank you sir."

"We have received you report on the incident. The paper work has been processed for his discharge. He and Devoe will be taken off ship before you land. They will be incarcerated for many, many years." General Millhouse spoke. "How long do you plan to stay on Eternus?"

"At least two weeks sir. After that we will make one final stop before the last leg to put us into orbit in time to watch the next launch."

"What next stop?"

"Sir," Kacey answered. "I have an event planned. A memorial for the residents of Marcus Prime."

"We will stop when we reach the coordinates and a memorial buoy will be released."

"Whose idea was this?"

"It was mine sir."

"It is an excellent idea Colonel. Will you broadcast this memorial?"

"That we can do." Kate agreed. "We approximate that we will be at the coordinates two weeks before we reach Earth."

"That will give us time to let the former residents know and those who wish to, can be here to witness the memorial." The Admiral stated. "Now we have the preliminary festivities planned. The day after the next Star Traveler launches, we will send a prison shuttle to remove the two prisoners. Once they are off ship, transports will land to take all the civilians that do not have family members, or are part of the medical staff, day care or school. At that time we will also be sending the paperwork to all service personnel to either re-up, resign or retire. This will get all the paperwork out of the way. Once you land you will have a four day weekend with debriefing starting the following Monday. We estimate the debriefings will take about two weeks and will only involve department heads. To debrief everyone will take years. After those two weeks there will be a banquet for all crew and Marines. This is a mandatory event and formal."

"We have the first party planned for this weekend." Kacey stated. "If the weather holds the party will be outside so that more can attend."

"That sounds like you have everything well in hand." General Millhouse stated.

"At least for this one sir." Kacey answered.

"We received your recommendations for the promotions of your top officers. They have all been approved. I ask that you hold off telling them until the banquet when the promotions will be handed out. Their pay grades will be adjusted retroactively at that time also."

"On behalf of our officers, thank you sirs." Kate said.

"We also have your requests for you lives after this mission. We assume you both want to remain in Florida."

"Yes sir." They both answered.

"Your appointments will also be made known at the banquet."

"Playing it close to the vest General?" Kacey asked.

"We have to leave some surprises for you both."

"Yes sir."

"Is there anything else you need to discuss?"

"Devoe sir. Jessup has admitted to his part in the attack, but so far Devoe has remained silent."

"We will handle his trial once you return. We have additional charges against him. He will never again be a free man."

"Thank you Admiral."

"Tell me Captain and you too Colonel, do you think Jessup can be rehabilitated?"

"Devoe took advantage of a mistake Jessup made when he became involved with a Vernan woman which was against regulations. He used that to blackmail him with the attacks."

"Permission to speak freely sir?" Kacey asked.

"Go ahead Colonel."

"Sir, if that regulation was not on the books, Devoe would not have been able to use it to black mail Jessup into his revenge attack."

"Do you think that regulation should be taken off the books?"

"I think it could be reworded. Instead of being strictly against the regs, it could be more of a frowned upon act." Kacey stated. "At one time in our history it was against the law for a person of one race to marry a person of another, or for two men or two women to marry. More and more ships will be sent into space and things like this will continue to happen. What better way to form an alliance than to allow relationships to develop."

"You make a valid point, Colonel and we will be discussing this at the next Joint Chiefs meeting."

"Thank you again sir."

"We will be going over all the regulations. Some of them are outdated and need to be changed. You are the new type of service person, Colonel. Us old types can learn much if we are willing to listen to what the younger generation are saying. Captain do you feel the same?"

"Yes sir, I do. The human race almost destroyed itself in the last war because of intolerance. It is past time to rethink some of the regulations against inter-species relationships."

"Hopefully that regulation will not be on the books much longer. We will keep you appraised. Is there anything else we should discuss at this time?" Admiral Tacher asked.

"I believe we have covered everything." General Millhouse stated.

"We are all set here also Admiral." Kate stated. "We will give you more information on the Marcus Prime memorial when we are closer."

"Very good Captain. Have a good rest of your journey." The screen went dark. "Tuck, those two will definitely shake up the Joint Chiefs and for the better."

"That they will, Charles."

To be continued...

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