The Heir Apparent

Rama Chaudhary


Summary:  Nirisa Holker has been groomed for the throne since her birth so is his twin brother. Now with 20th nameday of the twin approaching markhalan empire needs to choose who is going to ascend the throne. Nirisa has no plans for competing with his brother but things started to get interesting when a tragedy strikes and a new love blossom. Can Nirisa stay true to herself and keep her promises to her brother?

Chapter 1

"Why in the name of Gods I keep you guys around when you can't even remind me of time." Muttered Nirisa to her friends darkly. She was late for the dinner, once again and it was not her fault this time. The brutes she calls her friends had taken her for a ride in the woods and then let her forget all about the formal dinner. Now she will have to face the disappointment on her father's face. Again.

She hurried Glys towards the stable and dismounted quickly. Handing the rein over to a trusted stable hand.
"Give him a treat. He deserves it for carrying me back so fast." She commanded and rushed out of there but not without sparing a death glare towards her currently dismounting friend Drile, who wisely kept his head down. little Bugger. She thought. Knows me too well to become a target of my frustration.

As she ran towards my quarters servants scampered to get away from her path. They all know the reason behind her haste and the consequences of delaying her a moment longer than necessary. Her ladies in waiting were ready with her formal attire in the chambers and she quickly disrobed, tidied up herself as well as she could. She was turned into the perfect heir apparent of the empire in the record time. But she knew it was not going to be enough and as always she was right.

Her father's jaw was tight with tension as she made her way into the dining hall just behind the person they were supposed to formally welcome, Lord Theodore Vadir, new ambassador of Naldis. Herald on duty, a middle aged fellow named Jared, smiled at her apologetically as she saw the ambassador enter the hall just as she rounded the corner. Jared waited for her nod before announcing her presence.

"Her Imperial highness, the heir apparent, Princess Nirisa of house Holker, May it reign eternally! "

Everyone except Nahel, her twin brother knelt as she entered the hall and took her seat beside him at the head of the table. Look of pity in his eyes was enough to make her gulp but she hid her anxiety behind a calm expression. Her father, Johardin Somari, Lord protector of the realm, rose first after she sat and took his seat on her left. She didn't have to look at him to see the tension in his set jaw. Thankfully Lord Vadir came before he could reprimand her.

"Your Imperial Highnesses" He curtsied to Nirisa and Nahel before bowing to their father. "Lord Protector. I am honored to be in your presence."

"Congratulations on your new appointment, Lord Vadir. I hope you're finding the court to your liking? " Father replied warmly. Crap. Here goes the hour in idle chit chat. I did not even eat lunch today. Now she regretted not having anything other than forest berries for her lunch.

"Ah, I have been busy with the move, my Lord. Capital is quite different from my homeland. I haven't mingled with the court yet. Though I am sure it is going to change as autumn arrives. " He said the last part with a smile thrown toward both heirs. Nirisa was not sure what autumn had to do with them. Like I even care. Where are the servers. She looked around as sneakily as she could though Nahel caught her and flashed  a knowing grin.

"It sure will, Lord Vadir." Nahel chimed in. "I am certain you will fit quite well here. Now let us start the feast properly or my sister here will start chewing her fingers."

Vadir laughed at that but Johardin coughed loud enough  to make him uncomfortable. Always sucking joy out of every living thing.

"Yeah, please take your seat, good man. " He said gruffly and servers started bringing out delicious smelling dishes. Finally!
Hours later, Nirisa entered her chambers and sighed in relief, she managed to navigate the whole celebration without getting cornered by her father. Though she had no doubt he would be waiting to reprimand her at the breakfast table in the morning. She vanished that thought as quickly as it came and undid her uniform to don the simple tunic and trousers of a commoner. After hours of being suffocated by court politics and smoochery, she was itching to go out and have some real fun.

She made her way to the soldier barracks and there in the courtyard she saw her most trusted men sitting around the fire waiting for a pot of dinner to be served impatiently. Her boots announced her presence and soon all of the soldiers noted it. They stood up straight, right hand on their chest.

"At ease!" She commanded. They relaxed their posture and she waved a hand at them to resume their previous activities. Most of them did so cheerfully. Only Baon remained.

"General! " Baon, her second in command said. "Are you here to join us?"

"Has Captain Drile retired for the evening?" She asked.

"Aye General! He and Kevin both." Probably together, she smirked, Here goes her plan of visiting some taverns tonight.

"Join us General. Lads like it when you spend some time here." Baon urged her. She too liked to mingle with her soldiers sometimes but tonight she wasn't in the mood for bawdy songs and card games. She declined again and made her way back towards the palace.

She felt the presence as soon as she entered her own hallway. "Back so soon Princess? I was certain you won't come back till the wee hours of the morning." Purred a seductive voice from the door of her quarters. A smile curved up on Nirisa's face without her permission.

"Your destitute heart called me back from afar, my dear Asaka." She said huskily sliding her hands on the slim waist of her friend and sometimes lover. Alaska snorted.

"Believe me, your highness, my heart has nothing to do with it. Other body parts though..." She trailed off as her fingers slide into Nirisa's hair. Nirisa couldn't wait anymore. Asaka's visits has lessened considerably since her mother died and she took the reins of her father's household. So Nirisa didn't want to waste their time together.

She kissed the girl hungrily band pulled her inside the room. "Less wit, more action, understood? " She whispered as she lay the petite girl on the bed, seeing in her eyes that Asaka understood exactly what kind of night she wanted.


"So what made you visit, huh? " Nirisa asked in the morning as she lay with her lover in her arms, drawing small circles on her back. She had gotten only a couple of hours sleep before a wet tongue on her breasts woke her up. Asaka had been insatiable last night and then this morning.

"Will things change now? " Asaka asked after so long a silence that Nirisa herself had forgotten her question.

"What?" A confused princess said with a frown. Asaka stared at her A little before sighing.
"You don't even remember do you? " She said finally. "Your 20th nameday is in six months. One of the father's ship came back yesterday with the news of a Vedari ship. Few weeks away from our coast" She explained without really making any sense. Seeing the incomprehension on Nirisa's face she sighed again.

"Your betrothed is due in a few weeks Nirisa!"


Chapter 2

"Captain says we will land in Vomazhu in 3 weeks, your highness." Lieutenant Varna reported with her usual formal tone. Shariana looked at her childhood companion and bodyguard and sighed. This woman and her insistence on formalities.

"We are alone Varna, you can drop the bodyguard act. " She said softly knowing she won't be successful in persuading the tall women at all.

"But it is not an act, your highness. I am your bodyguard and forgive me but I can't drop formalities when presenting an official report."

"Whatever. Just don't forget that I am still the same girl you used to playing mud with." She said mischievously. "Now, did you ask the good Captain if he knows the port city of Vimazhu well? "

"He had stayed there a couple of times, your highness. Though you need not worry, etiquettes require an envoy from the emperor to welcome you on your disembarking. We shall have plenty of guides to lead us to the capital city of Markhala."

"Thank you, Lieutenant. That'd be all." Shariana said, emphasizing the haughtiness for dramatic effects. "Now can I have my best friend back? "

"Of course your Highness." Varna bowed and then poked her in shoulder. " You're terrible. Stop trying to make me laugh when I am trying to be formal."

"But that's the point Var. I don't want you acting so formal. Especially when we are alone. "

"We have discussed this Shari. I need to practice my role before we enter Markhalan court. It is supposed to be brutal. You can't be seen as anything but proper." She said in an affectionate tone.

"Ugh. I am proper." Shariana huffed. "Doesn't mean I need my best friend bowing at every other moment. Isn't it enough that I have to go marry a total stranger? "

"That total stranger is rumored to be quite a warrior though. I heard she defeated your father in a duel when she was thirteen. I wonder if she will accept a duel with me."

Shariana laughed. "Is there anything you think about beside your precious sword, Var? "

"Yup, food." Came the instant reply. "Which reminds me it is time for lunch. I will be right back with it." And with that she was gone leaving Shariana to chuckle quietly.


Nirisa's day was not going well. First thing in the morning she got the reminder that her free days were over. Then she had a somber chat with Asaka about their future, which was weird considering they didn't have one. Nirisa had been quite clear about that from the beginning. But sometimes intentions do not become actions. She cared about Asaka and from the way the girl reacted today implied that feelings were mutual. Nirisa couldn't break the oaths she would soon make. Nirisa couldn't compromise her honor nor of the woman who was coming to marry her. So she ended things with Asaka today.

Asaka's tears weren't surprising nor was the sadness Nirisa herself felt. What surprised her though were the parting words of Asaka.

"You deserved to be loved too, Nirisa. Please don't give it up. Find the girl of your destiny and make her fall in love with you."

What does she mean by that? Find the girl of your destiny. As if my destiny were really mine. She snorted.

"Nirisa, are you even listening to me?" A grounded voice pulled her out of the reverie. And yeah the bad day continues. As suspected her father was waiting at the breakfast table to tell her just how he felt about her late arrival at an important event and how she should act according to her station and blah blah.

"Actually, can you repeat that Father." She said with a polite smile. "I had something on my mind." Nahel stated at her as if she had grown an extra head.

Johardin ground his teeth again, obviously frustrated with her. "I said that your brother is leaving after breakfast with the welcome envoy to Tirashu to greet Amara. When are you leaving. I got a message that the Vedari princess is about three weeks away from Vomazhu."

Oh yeah. Etiquettes demanded a personal welcome by Nirisa. She shared a look with her brother who gazed guiltily at her. As he should, little bugger. How much time does it took to remind your sister of something important. Though she couldn't let her father know that she forgot.

"I gave instructions to Drile before coming to breakfast, Father. We leave at first light tomorrow morning." She lied without hesitating. "Though I was thinking of probably taking a smaller group. Probably one score of my elites. I have information about some distress in the West. I will probably check it out so agility will matter. "
She held her breath, wondering if her father would aow the breach in formalities. An escort of one score was not proper but Nirisa wanted it that way though not for the reason she stated.

"Okay, if you think so." Johardin answered, surprising her. "I too heard about some weird happenings in that region. Try to reach Vomazhu on time though and don't put Vedari in danger unnecessarily. It would be ideal if you avoid your investigation entirely  on the return trip." With that he got up and left the dining hall.

"You've become a pretty convincing liar. " Nahel remarked once they were alone. She shot him a death glare which made him squirm a little. "I am sorry Niri but in my defense I too forget about it and just remembered when I got the message about Amara's ship. " She let him squirm a little bit before relenting. She should have been more aware, anyway.

"So, how far is Amara? Gods, I haven't seen her in years. " She said finally, choosing a safer topic.

"About two weeks. I should arrive back in the capital before you so your best friend will be waiting for you when you come back with your future wife." He teased.

"Yeah Yeah. Make fun of me. You are lucky enough to marry the girl you know since childhood. I am the one stuck with a stranger." She grumbled around a piece of fruit.

" Eh, don't be a grump. Didn't you hear about how beautiful your princess is? And see my destiny girl is our Amara. I wonder if she has grown out of gardening since we last saw her. Otherwise we will get a future empress with twigs for the crown most likely." He joked.

Nirisa laughed remembering her best friend and her love of all things dirty. Johardin seems to think her a perfect princess but twins knew better. That girl was a typhoon. The years Sukari princess spent as a ward in Markhalan court were fondly remembered by twins.

"If I am right about you lying through your teeth" Nahel said again "you should probably go and find Drile. Go prepare to meet your destiny instead of laughing at mine." He joked again while pushing jis sister out of the chair.

Destiny. Yeah that she was. The Vedari princess. Maybe that's what Asaks meant too. The thought crossed Nirisa's mind and took hold. What if she can have both love and duty? She wondered.

Finding Drile was easy. Making him root through her closet for her old uniform was not. Though it sure was fun.

"Why are we going through your rags again? " He asked, grumbling.

"Cause we are going to escort my betrothed back to the capital."

"And that involves your old uniform how? "

She chucked evilly scaring him terribly at the possibilities of what she was concocting. "Oh simple, we are going to make her falll in love with a Captain" She said, picking up the uniform she hasn't worn in three years.

part 2

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