
Dawn broke over the horizon as a pair of horses emerged from a group of trees after veering off a snow-covered road. The powdered snow was kicked up from beneath their hooves as they pushed onward after traveling throughout the night. Gabrielle looked around as they continued to gauge how far she and Ephiny still were from the village. 

Not much further. 

She noticed Arrian had been slowing down for the last bit and felt for the 
stallion, knowing he was exhausted after going all night. 

All most there boy. Just a little longer, I know you can do it. 

Ephiny rode beside her as Argo had also lost a lot of her momentum after being on the move through the snow all night. Ephiny looked ahead and saw they were coming up on a hill that overlooked the valley where the secret waterfall entrance to the village lay. 

Look there's the hill that overlooks the village. 

Finally, we're almost there. 

Gabrielle looked down for a moment to make sure Aurora was okay and got a giggle from the toddler as they went over a small jump confirming that the little girl was not only fine with the fast ride but enjoying it. 

(thinking to herself) You certainly are our daughter no doubt. Not even two and you already have a knack and excitement for adventure. I just wish it didn't have to be something like this. 

They drew closer to the village but were thrown off guard when both horses suddenly stopped and whinnied as they backed up slightly. Gabrielle held on tight to both Aurora and the reigns as Arrian raised up to his hind legs as he turned to try going back the way they came. 

Arrian, what's wrong? Come on calm down. 

Gabrielle pulled on the reigns and after a couple of moments was able to get the clearly uneasy stallion under control as she prevented herself and Aurora from being thrown from the saddle. 

What was that about? 

I don't know but something is obviously wrong because even Argo seems spooked. 

Gabrielle looked at Xena's normally tame and unshakable mare as Argo seemed to anxiously shift from hoove to hoove, clearly wanting to run away but remained the obedient and trusted animal she was. 

This can't be good, Argo's a war horse. She doesn't get worked up like this. What could possibly have them both acting this way? 

Almost as if on cue Gabrielle and Ephiny heard laughter begin to echo around them. Gabrielle felt a chill run down her spine that had nothing to do with the cold as she used Arrian to move right next to Argo and Ephiny. 

Ephiny, take Aurora. If things go bad here Argo can move much quicker than Arrian. 

Gabrielle picked up the little girl and handed her to Ephiny, who then sat Aurora in front of her and held on to her with one arm as she gripped Argo's reigns with the other. Gabrielle scowled as the familiar laughter continued and Alti appeared before them. 

Going somewhere? 

Yeah, to save Xena and stop you. 

Oh Gabrielle you pose no threat to me on your own. 

Then why try to get rid of me? 

I didn't. That was all your "loyal followers" doing. I wanted Xena out of the way and you being dragged down with her was just a nice bonus. 

I'm not sure whether I should be offended by that or not. But either way, I don't have time for this.

Gabrielle had just gotten Arrian moving again when Alti called to her. 

What's the hurry, Gabrielle? Do you really wanna save the people who just killed the woman you love? 

Gabrielle stopped her horse as she looked back at Alti after hearing the wording Alti used. 

That's right, you're too late. 

Suddenly Alti was in front of Gabrielle and Gabrielle had to take a moment to steady the frightened Arrian as she then returned her focus to Alti. 

You're lying. They wouldn't do an execution this early. 

That's normally true but I gave them a little push to move it earlier because I knew you were on your way. 

And why would I believe you? 

Also showed an evil smile. 

Because if Xena wasn't dead how would I have this? 

Alti tossed a small item to Gabrielle who caught it and felt a sinking feeling in her stomach as she held and looked at the item that she would recognize anywhere. 

One of Xena's armbands. 

Gabrielle traced her thumb over the curved designs of the thin metal as she noted the multiple scratches and knicks on it from years of wear and tear. There was no question it was Xena's actual armband. The same armband that she still had on after she was imprisoned. And Gabrielle couldn't think of a reason for Xena to have to remove it afterward. The only logical reason it would be taken off would be after Xena was dead and the villagers were preparing to dispose of her body. 

No... Xena. Xena! 

Gabrielle began to cry as Ephiny rode up beside her. She saw what Gabrielle was holding and knew what it must have meant. 

Gabrielle... I'm sorry. 

Ephiny placed a comforting hand on Gabrielle's shoulder. 

I wish we could've made it in time. 

Gabrielle clung tightly to the armband for a few minutes before she forced back her emotions for the time being and took a deep breath. 

Let's go Ephiny. 

She got Arrian walking again as she resumed making her way towards the village. Though now she was moving at a fairly slower rate than before. 

Where are you going now, Gabrielle? 

Gabrielle didn't flinch at all when Alti suddenly spoke into her ear as she appeared behind her on her horse. 

Back to the village. Just like before. 

Why bother? Xena's gone. 

First I'm stopping you from doing whatever you've had planned. And then getting Xena's body and taking her back to her home village where she always said she wanted her final resting place to be. 

Now why would you still want to help the women in that village? After the way they treated you and killed Xena, why should you care what happens to them? If I were you I would just turn around and leave them to their fate. After all, isn't that what they deserve? 

As much as she didn't want to admit it, in her grief, a small part of Gabrielle agreed with Alti about just letting the village fall to whatever fate Alti had in store for them. After all, they had turned their backs on her and Xena when they tried to warn them about Alti. And ignored the person they had known Xena to be as they only focused on the part of Xena that no longer existed and hadn't for a long time. And now that the people they had done so much for had killed Xena, the person Gabrielle loved more than she of all people could adequately describe, why should she still care what happens to them? But for some reason, she couldn't explain, she did. It was just like with Vallasca, Kai, Celine, Ares, Calisto, or any others who have wronged her, Gabrielle just couldn't bring herself to hate them. She remembered Xena telling her just after Vallasca and her follower's betrayal that despite Gabrielle's hurt and worry about how she could move past what happened and trust those around her besides Xena at the time, Xena didn't believe that Gabrielle was capable of truly hating anyone. It just wasn't who she was. And in time Xena had been proven right. And the same was true now. Gabrielle didn't hate Clover or anyone else from the village. Even after sending her and Aurora out into the harsh and unforgiving elements. And even though Xena had apparently been killed by their hands. Gabrielle didn't hate them. After all, she knew that none of this would have ever happened if it wasn't for Alti. And that was someone that Gabrielle knew was nothing but evil incarnate and who she had no problem with loathing entirely. And who she would not let have her way regardless of what happened to Xena as she looked back at Alti who still sat behind her. 

No, even without Xena I won't let that village fall into your hands. 

Alti sneered as she vanished and reappeared right in front of Gabrielle and her horse. 

(irritated tone) You really are just as much of a nuisance as Xena is. 

Alti's wording didn't go unnoticed by Gabrielle. 

Is? So they didn't kill her yet. We still have time. 

Alti scowled at her slip-up but figured it didn't matter now as her plan to deter Gabrielle from returning to the village had already failed. 

Do you though? Yes, Xena might still be alive for now, but she won't be for much longer. 

She will be when we get to the village and stop the Execution. 

(angry tone) Not if I kill you right here first. 

Alti then used her power to send an unseen force at Gabrielle who was thrown from her horse and landed uninjured in the snow. She quickly moved out of the way from a large rock that was thrown her way by Alti's power and yelled for Ephiny to go as she dodged another rock. Alti let out an angry yell as launched Gabrielle back and caused her to collide with a tree. 


Holding Aurora tight, Ephiny drew her sword and had Argo charge towards Alti. Gabrielle winced as she stood and yelled to Ephiny. 

Ephiny no take Aurora and get back to the village! 

But before Ephiny could do anything Alti appeared right in front of her and raised her hand to use her power to throw Ephiny and Aurora from Argo's saddle. But right before she could Argo leaped over her and once she landed behind the sorceress, the mare kicked out both back hooves into Alti's back and sent her flying several feet away and into a large snow bank. 

I have got to remember to ask what Xena did to train you like this. 

Argo snorted as Gabrielle winced as she made it back to her feet and got to Arrian. 

Hurry let's go. 

They were already on the move towards the village once more as Gabrielle ignored the pain in her back and climbed back into the saddle. 

Are you okay? 

Trust me I've dealt with much worse. Right now I'm much more concerned about getting back and stopping the execution before we really are too late to save both Xena and the village. 

Also sneered as she extracted herself from the snow and saw Gabrielle and Ephiny riding off as she vanished to return to the village to find another way to prevent Gabrielle and Ephiny from reaching Xena. 


Okay Gabrielle you think you can get in my way, but nothing will stop me from taking what I've wanted for far too long. Not Xena, not you or anyone. So we'll see what you actually do when you get to that village and watch Xena die right in front of you when you thought you were so close to saving her. 



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