"Enter the Dark "




Go To Part 1

Chapter Four: "Complications"

Gabrielle and Xena are growing antsy waiting for Deerdra and Michael's conference to end. Xena is playing it cool, leaning against a tree with her arms crossed and watching Gabrielle chew her nails and pace.

"Is that what they mean by finger food?"

"What?" Xena nods towards her hands. "Oh." Gabrielle makes a partial fist and examines he nails. "Well, aren't you eager to find out what's going on? They've been in there a long time."

"It hasn't been that long, but, yeah I want to know." She feels a hangnail and does a little manicuring of her own. She bites off the offending skin tag then spits it out. "Deerdra can handle Michael, sword or no sword."

"That's not what I'm worried about. It's no secret that he doesn't like you and if he's in there trying to turn her against you..."

"He won't."

"She doesn't like you either, Xena. How can you be so sure?"

Xena walks over to Gabrielle and places her hands on her shoulders, looking her straight in the eye. "You."

Gabrielle blushes. "Yeah, well..."

Deerdra walks out of the cave, interrupting their tender moment. "Well, that was interesting."

"Deerdra!" Gabrielle dashes over to her. "How did it go? What did he say? Is everything alright?"

"Yeah, yeah, it's all good. Would it be okay if I explain later? I'm really ready for a change of scenery."

Something she and Xena can agree on. "Right there with you."

They trudge through the forest in silence then continue down a dirt road until near sundown when they stop to make camp.

Gabrielle is tired of waiting, she wants answers. "Okay, You've had plenty of time to think. What did you and Michael talk about?"

Xena scoots back from the fire a bit. "Yeah, what did Michael tell you?"

' Here we go. ' Deerdra says to herself. "Nothing bad about either of you. He did give me a lot to think about, though."

Xena eyeballs the scabbard at Deerdra's side. "It has something to do with that new sword, doesn't it?"

Deerdra sighs. "It has everything to do with the sword." She takes a deep breath. "He wants me to travel around the world and kill any and all demons I encounter."

Stunned silence then Xena asks, "And you agreed?"

"Yes, it's an opportunity to do something important with my life and make up for some of the things from my past. To be someone my parents can be proud of." She's worried that Gabrielle hasn't said anything.

Xena understand redemption, but..."That's a good way to get yourself killed."

Deerdra pretends not to be concerned. "Nah, I have more lives than a cat. Besides," She pats the sword, "I have secret weapon." She chuckles and looks over at Gabrielle. She's not amused.

In fact, there's no expression at all on her face. She doesn't look at Deerdra at all. She just stares straight ahead at the fire when she asks the question weighing heavy on her mind. "Alone?"

Deerdra's heart sinks. "Yes."

Gabrielle studies the yellows and oranges of the fire. "Why?" She turns and looks at Deerdra, the flames dancing in her watering, angry eyes. "And don't say to keep me safe."

"But it's true. I wouldn't be able to bear it if anything happened to you because of a decision I made about my life."

"How you would feel? What about me, don't I get a say? This is so typical." Gabrielle is royally ticked off. She bounds to her feet, her face as red as the fire. "Time and again, Xena'll go off to fight the bad guy and leave me behind. To keep me safe, you say. How many times have I watched you die trying to protect me? I knew the risks then, but this last time... This last time you didn't even tell me until the end. We didn't discuss options or even a plan B. You just made the decision on your own. The heck with what I want!"

She aims her fury back at Deerdra. "And now you're doing it! Gotta protect poor helpless Gabrielle. She's a writer not a fighter! The two of you are treating me like I've had my head in a scroll all of these years and I'm tired of it! I need some air." She stomps off into the forest.

Deerdra looks over at Xena. "That went over well."

"She lashed out because she's hurt. She cares for you, you know."

"Yeah? She's hard to read sometimes. You understand why I have to leave, don't you?"

"More than you know." Xena nods in the direction that Gabrielle went. "So go make her."

Deerdra gets to her feet. "Right." She heads that way then stops and says over her shoulder, "She has a point, you know."

Xena kicks at the fire. "Yeah, I know."

Gabrielle has stopped at a little stream, more angry at herself than at Xena or Deerdra. "Real mature, Gabrielle. Throw a tantrum why don't you?" Sigh . "Why does life have to be so complicated?"

Deerdra steps through the trees. "It would be pretty boring otherwise."

"Deerdra, I'm--"

"No, this is on me. You were right, I should have heard your voice in the matter. I apologize. I would like to defend myself on one point, though."

"I don't need to be protected, Deerdra."

"I know--well, in theory I know. Speaking for myself, but I'm sure Xena would agree, I don't think you're helpless. My not asking you to come along is me being protective, not because you can't fight, but because I don't want you to get hurt. I've seen a lot of people die, family, friends, and lovers." She caresses Gabrielle's cheek. "I don't want to add you to that list."

"You won't."

Deerdra whispers the words, "How can you be sure?"

"Because you won't let it." Gabrielle's grin lightens their mood.

"Oh, so I'm back to being your protector now?" Deerdra chuckles--then ruins the moment. "I don't know why we're even discussing this. It's not like you're going to up and leave Xena so soon after getting her back."

Deerdra's words smack Gabrielle across the face. She stands there stunned. 'You don't get it.' She stammers, "Um, right, of course. Speaking of Xena, we should be getting back to camp."

Deerdra knows what Gabrielle's getting at, that's why she brought up Xena. Although she would like to spend some more time alone with Gabrielle. "Yeah, sure. Don't want Xena to worry."

The walk back to camp is painfully quiet. Xena is waiting for them.

"Everything okay?"

Gabrielle plops down on her bedroll. "Yeah, fine. I'm going to sleep. Goodnight." She rolls over, turning her back to both of them.

Xena can tell by her tone that she didn't get her way. "Yeah, it's been a long day. I'm pretty tired myself." She looks at Deerdra who shrugs then lays down and stares at the stars.

"One crappy decision down, hundreds more to come."

Morning and they break camp in tense silence. Things don't improve on their walk along a dirt road until they come to a fork in the road. Decision time. Xena to which way to go. Gabrielle to who to go with. Deerdra to the new and unknown.

Deerdra glances up. "Subtle." She faces Gabrielle and Xena. "Well, looks like this is where we part. You do understand why I have to do this, don't you Gabrielle?"

Gabrielle has been in deep thought since daybreak weighing the pros and cons of her decision. Now here she is staring at the crossroads of her life and the scales are still evenly balanced. The why of Deerdra leaving isn't in question. "I understand, I just don't like it. You shouldn't be doing this alone."

"Gabrielle, we discussed this." She glances at Xena.

She sighs. "I know. Not now. Someday maybe."

"No somedays. You just live your life and be happy."

They hug each other long and tight.

"I love you, Deerdra."

"And I love you."

Xena's a bit uncomfortable standing there watching. She clears her throat.

"Goodbye, Xena." She extends her hand. "It's been--interesting."

Xena grasps her hand. "Good luck and stay out of trouble."

Deerdra grins. "I will if you will. Oh! I almost forgot. I have something for each of you. I was saving them for your birthdays, but, there's no time like the present." She rummages around in her satchel.

While Deerdra has her nose buried in her bag, Xena leans down and whispers into Gabrielle's ear. "Don't stay because of me."

"Ah ha! Here they are. I was hoping to buy some colorful cloth to wrap them in, but... Gabrielle, this one's for you."

Deerdra hands her a crystal heart-shaped pendant that dangles from a woven leather lanyard. Two ruby beads, one on each side of the heart, sparkle in the sunlight. A flake of gold adorns the center of the heart. Pretty much a fancy version of the one she's already wearing.

"It symbolizes that no matter where you are or what you do, your heart will always be pure and strong."

Tears well in Gabrielle's eyes. "Oh, Deerdra, it's beautiful. Thank you." She sniffles and wipes her eyes then takes off her old necklace and hands it to Deerdra. "And a part of me for you."

Deerdra's heart sinks. She clinches her fist to try and stop the tears. "You're gonna always be a part of me." She clears her throat then turns to Xena. "And this is for you, Xena." She hands her a palm sized smooth oval stone. "It's a worry stone. You rub your thumb in that little grove in the middle and all of your worries will disappear."

"Oh, yeah?" Xena rubs her thumb across its cool surface. "Did It work for you?"

Deerdra smiles and revises her gift's description. "And for you, Xena. A fancy skipping stone!"

Xena chuckles. "Thanks. And for you, I have...ah!" She reaches into her breastplate and produces the small breast dagger. "Here you go! To keep you safe from all of the tiny demons you may encounter."

Deerdra takes it from her and laughs. "The Dainty Dagger of Death! Are you sure? Your breasts are going to be a little less dangerous now."

All three erupt into much needed laughter.

Gabrielle watches as these two rivals joke around with the little dagger. The scale has moved ever so slight. She has made up her mind. "Deerdra, I--"

She doesn't get to finish her sentence. A man comes jogging up the road toward them.

"Hello! You must be going to the festival as well."

Xena looks him over. "What festival? Where?"

The man is confused by her questions. They're certainly dressed for the occasion. "The one in Areesia, honoring Deerdra Reese."

Deerdra's jaw hits the dirt. "What? Why?"

The man is still cautious with his answers. "They're unveiling a new statue for her temple. I'm surprised three warriors like yourselves haven't heard about it." He looks Deerdra over from head to toe. "You should enter the look-a-like contest. You'd place in the top five easy."

Xena is thoroughly amused at the thought of a bunch of Deerdra clones running around. "Oh, this I gotta see. Lead the way."

Deerdra stops Gabrielle. "What were you going to say?"

"Later." Gabrielle can't resist needling Deerdra. "So, you have temples, huh?" She chuckles. "I can't imagine what they would leave for an offering."

"Ha, ha. They were Athena's idea not mine. I thought she destroyed them after I left."

Gabrielle is still chuckling. "Well, she missed at least one."

Deerdra shakes her head. "There's never a dull moment with you two, is there?"

Gabrielle's grin grows wide. "And you want to trade this to fight demons."

She hooks Deerdra's arm and they follow Xena and the man down the right path leading to Areesia and yet another adventure.

* * * * *

As soon as they arrive at Areesia, their guide leaves them and joins up with his friends. On any other day, this would be your typical sleepy little village. Rows of thatched roofed buildings and street vendors hawking their wears, but today, today the streets are crowded with merry people drinking and dancing. They even have wandering minstrels and acrobats.

Deerdra can't believe her eyes. "My word, it's like a mini Lorrania."

Xena isn't surprised. "Makes sense. You are their god after all."

Deerdra shoots her a dirty look. "Not after today, I'm not."

"There's your statue." Gabrielle points beyond the crowd at an area at the other edge of the village. The ten foot tall statue is covered and there is an elevated stage butted up against it. A tall pole is situated just off center of the stage. "I wonder what that pole is for?"

Xena looks over the top of the crowd. "I don't know. Let's see if we can get closer."

They attempt to breach the crowd, but it is slow going. It seems like everyone they bump into offers them either food or drink or both, most of them just want to dance. It doesn't take long for the villagers' partying mood to infect the three warriors. Oh, they're still headed for the stage, it's just now instead of walking, they're dancing their way across the village. Nobody pays them any attention. There are several Deerdras scattered throughout with a sprinkling of Gabrielles. There are a couple of Xenas. However, they are not dressed as present day Xena, but as dark Conqueror of Nations Xena. (This is a party celebrating Deerdra, after all). Their anonymity doesn't last long. One of the vendors selling wooden replicas of Lorrania's castle recognizes Deerdra.

He bellows over the noise. "It's Her! It's Deerdra! Everyone! Deerdra is here!"

A hush falls over the crowd. The trio exchange nervous looks.

Gabrielle whispers to Xena. "Now what?"

Xena isn't sure until she sees an older gentleman walking their way. "Ask him."

He ignores Xena and Gabrielle and extends his hand to Deerdra. "Welcome, welcome. This is quite the unexpected honor for us and you're just in time for the statue unveiling. My name is Thomas, by the way. I'm the mayor of this fine village."

Deerdra shakes his hand. "Nice to meet you, Thomas. These are my friends Xena and Gabrielle. We're here by accident. If we hadn't ran into a man on his way here, we wouldn't have known anything about the celebration."

Thomas continues to ignore Xena and Gabrielle. "Ah, it was no accident. The gods guided you here for a reason. The unveiling isn't until tomorrow, but would you say a few words today? It would be such an honor if you did." He finally turns and looks at Gabrielle. His tone is decidedly less friendly. "Oh, and welcome, Gabrielle...you too, Xena."

Deerdra isn't sure she wants to draw any more attention than she already has. "I don't know. I'm not big on speeches."

Gabrielle just has to tease her. "Go on, say something. They adore you here."

Thomas doesn't wait for Deerdra to answer. He grabs her by the arm and pulls her through the crowd and up onto the stage. "Everyone! Areesia has been blessed by the gods on this special day! Deerdra is here and she wishes to speak to us!"

Xena and Gabrielle, standing up front, snicker while everyone else in the crowd cheer. The villagers standing next to the pair give them dirty looks.

Deerdra blushes and gives a timid wave. "Hello, everybody!"

A hush falls over the masses and in unison they fall to their knees.

"No, no, no, no. Stand up! You are not to worship me! I am not a god! I am just a humble human being like yourselves!" Deerdra's tone is firm but not angry. The villagers are confused. They don't move, which ticks Deerdra off. Now he tone is angry. "Didn't you hear me? I said stand up!"

Thomas gets to his feet then motions for the others to stand. He's worried. "What have we done to anger you? You were the wife of our protector, Athena. We only wish to honor her memory and you."

Deerdra checks her temper. They are simple villagers, after all and don't know any better. "Honoring is one thing. Worshiping is quite another. Listen, I don't mean to put a damper on the festivities, but I'm not nor have I ever been a god. Do not worship me. But, by all means, celebrate Athena and all of the good that she did." She reaches down and takes a mug of ale from a reveler then raises it in a toast. "To Athena!" The crowd echoes. "To Athena!" Deerdra takes a drink. "So let's eat, drink, and be merry!"

The crowd roars in approval and the party continues.

Deerdra grabs Thomas' tunic to stop him from joining the crowd. "Wait a minute, Thomas. I'm curious. Why is there a pole at the end of the stage?"

Thomas smiles. "That's for the grand finale tomorrow. I do believe you will enjoy it."

Deerdra looks at him sideways. "What are you up to?"

His grin widens. "It is the ultimate honor we can bestow upon you. Now please, I must go and finalize the preparations."

She lets him go and he melts into the mayhem. His evasiveness makes her uneasy. Xena and Gabrielle join her on the stage.

Gabrielle puts her hand on Deerdra's shoulder. "You handled that just right."

Xena concurs. "Yeah, the last thing we need are more false deities. What'd he say about the pole?"

"It has something to do with the finale tomorrow. I have a feeling that I'm not going to like it, though." Deerdra looks out over the sea of partiers. She gulps down the rest of her ale. "I'll worry about it later. Right now, party!"

She pushes Xena and Gabrielle off of the stage and into the crowd then dives in herself. The crowd catches them then passes them around overhead to the chant of "Deerdra, Deerdra, Deerdra!" All at once, the three are tossed into the air. The crowd roars when they land gracefully on their feet. A pretty buxom red-head hands Deerdra another pint and leads her deep into the mass of people.

Gabrielle gets caught up in the music and starts doing the Cha-cha. "When in Rome, huh Xena?" Xena shoots her a dirty look. "Okay, when you're in Areesia."

Xena watches her boogy over to a group of revelers then ponders that pole. "When in Rome."



Chapter Five

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