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April 29th, 2015

The Girl Behind the Camera by Kerry McNair [Original/Alt/Incomplete]
Two women, Drew and Jordan have known each other for at least 15 years. One has had a crush for almost that long on the other. It takes a brother and a party to make them accept their feelings for each other.

Added Xena & Gabrielle: A Turn of Fate: Part 17 by Ahkiken [Classic/Alt/Incomplete]

Added The Conqueror & Ri: A Twist of Destiny: Part 17 by Ahkiken [Conqueror/Alt/Incomplete]

April 24th, 2015

Added Xena & Gabrielle: A Turn of Fate: Part 16 by Ahkiken [Classic/Alt/Incomplete]

Added The Conqueror & Ri: A Twist of Destiny: Part 16 by Ahkiken [Conqueror/Alt/Incomplete]

Added Part 7 of The End is the Beginning by Wilbur [Classic/Gen/Incomplete]

April 20th, 2015

Added Part 6 of The End is the Beginning by Wilbur [Classic/Gen/Incomplete]

Added Part 7 - Chapters 14 & 15 of Spoils of War by Stein Willard.

The Compton Trial Incident by Phineas Redux [Original/Alt/Complete]
Fiona ‘Fay' Cartwright & Alice ‘Al' Drever are private detectives in an East Coast American city, in the 1930's. They are cross-examined as witnesses in a big criminal trial.

April 17th, 2015

This month the Academy celebrates its 15th Birthday! Thank you to all the readers who supported us for such a long time. And thank you to all the bards who provided us with so many great stories. Battle on!

Added Part 3 of A Single Step by Kennedy Northcutt [PostFIN/Alt/Incomplete]

April 10th, 2015

Added Part 5 of The End is the Beginning by Wilbur [Classic/Gen/Incomplete]
While Gabrielle starts her quest, Xena is reunited with a woman from her past. A woman who has surprising and hopeful news for the Warrior Princes.

April 9th, 2015

Added Part 4 of The End is the Beginning by Wilbur [Classic/Gen/Incomplete]
"The End is The Beginning".....Gabrielle, traveling to Amphipolis to place Xena's ashes in the family tomb, learns of a way to bring the Warrior Princess back to life. Along the way, she meets a fellow female warrior who vows to help. Can the Battling Bard trust this stranger? Should she? Chapter One: Friend or Foe?

April 7th, 2015

Added Xena & Gabrielle: A Turn of Fate: Part 16 by Ahkiken [Classic/Alt/Incomplete]
A decision made by Xena on the bard's birthday sets the stage for untold events to unfold. Looking forward to settling down with Xena, Gabrielle's happiness is shelved when an old friend from the Warrior Princess past insist on their help to stop an evil daemon. Torn doing right by her soul mate, or sacrificing everything for the Greater Good, Xena is faced with tremendous obstacles. Not only has a wedge formed between her and Gabrielle, but unseen occurrences portend to tear the lovers asunder, as an even powerful enemy patiently awaits to play their hand. Not just threatening Xena's and Gabrielle's world, but another world that's equally important. The Realm of the Conqueror.

Added The Conqueror & Ri: A Twist of Destiny: Part 16 by Ahkiken [Conqueror/Alt/Incomplete]
The Conqueror of the Realm, ruler of the Grecian Empire, has brought peace and prosperity to its lands after nine years of internal war. Now with new ideals happening in Rome, the Conqueror may have to put her thriving country in the woes of battle again. Ri, the Conqueror's hand-maiden, although she can't recall her childhood past, dreams of being a bard and renown around the known world. Almost getting the opportunity, she is at a pause, due to the fact that she feels she will be leaving something behind at the Corinthian castle. However, with a possible skirmish occuring, the Conqueror gives a farewell gift to Ri, whom she secretly loves, causing events to transpire, and forcing the Conqueror to come unknowingly in contact with a being from another world, who resembles her hand-maiden, Ri.

Announcement from Sapphire Books

New Release from Sapphire Books Publishing

Missing Mary – A Young Adult Mystery

by – Cricket Watson

Available at Amazon U.S, Amazon UK Barnes and Noble
Smashwords Sapphire Books Publishing

One fateful evening in 1996, only child and latchkey kid 14-year old Brenna Bianco caves into peer pressure and blatantly ignores her parents request to remain home while they are out. Venturing on an apparently harmless neighborhood bike ride with her cousin Sara and their mutual friend Mary, Brenna wakes the next morning to realize Mary never returned home. When an overzealous police officer accuses Brenna of foul play, she must rely on her amateur police skills and ingenuity to redeem herself.

On a personal level, Brenna is struggling with being an only child, her over-protective, work-a-holic parents, and her unwelcome, yet growing interest in members of her same sex.

Who ever said being a teenager was easy?

April 5th, 2015

Added April 9, 1940 by Norsebard [original/alt/complete]
In the early hours of the morning on April 9th, 1940, Anne-Katrine Jensen's life is changed irrevocably when the German Army commences Operation Weserübung, the invasion of Denmark and Norway. As a woman, she isn't allowed to join the hopelessly outnumbered Danish forces that struggle to put up a defense against the advancing army, but she refuses to let it stop her. Equipped with her ill brother's uniform and rifle, Anne-Katrine heads off to war - much to the despair of her sweetheart, Lydia Petersen...

Added Chapters 12 & 13 of Spoils of War by Stein Willard.

April 1st , 2015

Added Part 2 of A Single Step by Kennedy Northcutt [PostFIN/Alt/Incomplete]
“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” ~ Lao Tzu, The Way of Lao Tzu , Chinese philosopher (604 BC - 531 BC). Original Chinese:千里之行,始於足下 Xena is dead. Gabrielle may have possibly moved on. We'll see. This story takes place years after Gabrielle's adventures in Egypt as “the girl with a chakram.” She built a hospice near Amphipolis and lives there with others. And then a stranger shows up and changes everything.

Added Part 7 of The Realm by Warriorjudge [Conquer/Alt/Incomplete]
This story is a sequel to the stories “ Lord Conqueror of the Realm,” " Queen of the Realm," and " Princess of the Realm." I strongly recommend you read them first because in this story there are references to events that took place in them.



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