Chapter 18

Late in the afternoon a week after returning to El'Kasari, Dae found herself walking the familiar path to her old bedchamber in the seraglio, butterflies of nervous energy fluttering in her stomach. This was the evening of hafl al’iilkhlas multahab, and the few women she passed by in the gardens all offered her smiles of welcome…though she felt their eyes trailing her passage with lustful intent.

Pacing back and forth across the hallway outside her room she found Inaya. The raven-haired girl gestured impatiently as soon as she spied her, her pretty face alive with urgent excitement.

“At last! I was beginning to fear the Scion had stolen you from us yet again! Where have you been?”

“I was with Zafirah, of course,” Dae explained, puzzled by her friend’s anxious air. “We were showing Lyric and Kaylee around some of the palace gardens. She said we had plenty of time before the ceremony.”

Inaya waved the excuse aside with a delicate hand. “Time which could have been better spent in preparation, especially considering the delays already forced upon us by fickle fate. Come along. The acolytes of Inshal have already been here, and the others are eager to begin.”

“Others? What others? And what exactly are we ‘beginning?’” Dae glared at her friend, feeling flustered as she was herded into her old room. “Inaya, would you please tell me what’s going on?” Entering her little-used bedchamber, Dae stopped in surprise. Several of the smaller pieces of furniture had been shifted so that now, sitting in the center of the room, was a huge, ornately carved bowl. The bowl—which she estimated was almost as wide as she was tall, stood perhaps three feet deep and must have required several strong men to move—was crafted from bronze-chased silver and studded everywhere with faceted, semi-precious stones. It was filled with gently steaming water which filled the room with a scent of hyacinth and vanilla. Dae stared at it in confusion. “What’s this?”

“A sacred pool,” Inaya explained. “They are used in purification rituals for ceremonies such as this which do not take place in the Temple itself. The waters have been blessed by the High Priestess and were brought directly from the Temple itself. Here.” From an equally ornate carafe, Inaya poured a thick, amber-colored liquid into a tin cup and handed it to her. “Drink.”

Dae sniffed the strange liquid suspiciously. “What is it?”

“Another sacrament of Inshal…akin to the brehani. Trust me.” Inaya offered an encouraging smile. “It tastes quite nice.”

Dae took a small sip, found this to be true, but set the cup aside anyway. “So…this is all part of the ceremony? Are you going to tell me what I’m supposed to be doing, or not?”

“Soon, I promise. First, I must make certain the others have completed their preparations. I shall leave you alone to bathe.”

“Bathe?” Dae indicated the sacred pool. “In that?”

“Of course.” Inaya laid a comforting hand on Dae’s shoulder. “Do not worry yourself over the ceremony, Dae. All will be explained when I return. For now, relax. Take this time to clear your mind of thoughts…to cleanse your body and spirit.”

Dae cocked her head to the side and gave her friend a stern look. “And you’ll explain when you get back, right?”

“I promise.” Inaya flashed a smile so utterly charming that Dae couldn’t help but relent. “There is no cause to fret, Consort. All shall soon be made clear. Just find peace in the waters, and I will return for you shortly.” She touched her fingertips to Dae’s cheek affectionately, offered another brilliant smile, then headed back out into the hallway.

Dae watched her friend leave, then uttered a quiet, relieved sigh, glad to have a few minutes peace to compose herself. She took another sip of the sweet amber liquid, feeling a pleasant warmth settle in her belly and spread through her limbs. Some kind of alcohol, she guessed, not being at all familiar with either the taste or effects of liquor. She set the cup aside and turned her attention to the sacred pool. “Purification, huh? Okay, I can do that.”

Slipping out of her simple clothes, Dae approached the silver pool and dipped a curious toe into the still waters. She smiled, finding the temperature cool, but not uncomfortable. Stepping into the pool fully, Dae knelt down and cupped handfuls of the sweet-smelling water up over her body, sighing in bliss at the sensation. “I guess this isn’t so bad,” she murmured happily, taking long moments to wash away the sweat and grit from her morning adventures while reflecting on what had already been a very enjoyable day.

She had woken in Zafirah's embrace just before dawn, their bodies entwined with the silk sheets in sleep, and had taken a long moment to just appreciate being back in the palace of El'Kasari again after the lengthy separation. She had then turned her attention to appreciating the other thing most sorely missed during her confinement in the reformatory—her lover's naked body. Dae's wandering hands and light, exploring kisses soon roused the Scion from her dreams, and the two had spent a delicious hour in languid lovemaking before they left the bed.

Though Zafirah had shown her much of the labyrinthine palace on their many walks together, Dae had by no means explored its many wonders. Now that she was Consort, she truly had free run of the place, and she and Zafirah had invited their newest guests to join them on a tour of the northern palisades and gardens, where the views out over the bay were especially magnificent. Lyric and Kaylee were presently residing in adjoining suites typically reserved for visiting foreign dignitaries…lavishly furnished and constantly attended to by palace servants. Though Kaylee found her new accommodations overwhelmingly decadent, Lyric seemed to be taking it all in stride; Dae had promised her a life in the desert of freedom and luxury, and the ravishing blonde accepted the fawning admiration of the servants and the sumptuous surroundings with only slightly surprised delight. Both young women were happy to accept their invitation, and they’d spent several hours wandering along tiered marble walkways and gazing out the elaborate windows at the sparkling ocean.

On their tour Kaylee again asked her when she would be able to see the seraglio and meet the pleasure-servants…and Dae had noticed Lyric listening surreptitiously to her reply that they would have the opportunity soon, after the ceremony. It was obvious both young women were curious about the harem, but Dae didn't want to rush their introduction to the other girls—all of whom were equally anxious to meet their potential new playmates—until each was certain of the decision. For now, she was just enjoying the look of wonder and excitement on Kaylee's pretty face, and the way Lyric no longer seemed so painfully rigid in her stance, or guarded in her expression.

When the noon-day sun forced them to retreat back into the cooler palace hallways, Kaylee and Lyric returned to their rooms to eat while Dae, still wanting to enjoy what she knew would be her last hours with Zafirah before the ceremony, had persuaded her partner to take her wandering through the city after the worst of the heat had past. They stopped to visit one of the arwats for a late lunch of spicy shishlick served with berkouks. After eating their fill, the two had meandered through the stalls and trade-tents, laughing at the antics of street-performers as they plied their craft and browsing through the wares offered by the various merchants. It was mid-afternoon by the time they returned to the palace, and later still before they parted company. Knowing she would not see her again for at least another day, Zafirah had kept Dae with her as long as possible, reluctant to let her go until the sun began its descent in earnest. Dae didn't offer any protest.

Recalling Zafirah’s parting kiss now, tracing her lips with wet fingertips as though to relive the sensation, Dae smiled and hummed happily to herself. The cool waters of the sacred pool melted all tensions from her body, and her mind wandered pleasantly through misted daydreams. Only when she felt the light touch of delicate fingers running through her hair did her mind abandon its drowsy wanderings, realizing Inaya had returned.

“Relaxed?” Inaya’s voice was low and husky…a voice of seduction. Her hands, however, remained innocent, combing the few tangles from Dae’s blonde tresses with practiced fingers before introducing a soft-bristled brush.

Dae nodded lazily and tilted her head forward a little, inviting her friend to continue her attentions. “Very.”

“Excellent. The others are ready to begin.”

“Ready?” Dae craned her head to regard the raven-haired girl behind her. “And what exactly are they ready for?”

Hafl al’iilkhlas multahab.” Inaya smiled, admiring the way Dae’s hair shone in the scattered light like spun gold after her efforts. Abandoning the brush, she let her fingers massage lightly over the muscles of her shoulders while she explained. “In the Common tongue, it is called the Ceremony of Ardent Devotion. We are late in celebrating it, but you are now joined with the Scion. In the eyes of our Goddess and our people, the two of you have become as one. Where once you were a pleasure-servant, now you take on the title of Consort. All you are and all you own is now shared with Zafirah…just as all she is and all she owns is shared with you.”

Dae nodded her understanding. “Zafirah explained all this,” she said quietly.

“We who serve in the Scion’s harem belong to her,” Inaya continued. “Though we are not slaves, and her possession may be temporary, our dedication and service bind us to her, just as she is bound to us—as confidants, as friends, and as lovers.”


“Now that you are Consort…” Inaya’s hands stilled, “…so must we also be bound to you.”

Dae’s eyes, closed in peaceful pleasure at the massage, opened as these words—and Inaya's tone—confirmed her earlier suspicions. “So…you’re saying you’ll serve me the same way you serve Zafirah?”

“Precisely. Tonight, we shall acknowledge and accept you as the Consort of our Scion. We shall celebrate and renew the bonds between us that we share in our servitude. And we shall demonstrate our devotion to that which gives meaning and purpose to our lives…” The touch of Inaya’s hands, at first innocent, became something more passionate as she leaned close to whisper into Dae’s ear. “Your pleasure.”

Dae’s sharp intake of breath was clearly audible in the silence of the room. A shiver chased its way down her spine, leaving her skin tingling. “So that’s—” Her voice squeaked and she cleared her throat. “That’s what this ceremony is about?”


Dae smiled hesitantly. “So…no long, boring speeches tonight, huh?”

Inaya laughed lightly at that, her earrings jingling musically. “No, little one, no speeches save those spoken with cries and moans of ecstasy!”

“And why can't Zafirah join us?”

She felt Inaya's lips brush lightly against her right shoulder, her throaty voice a warm breath against her ear. “Because this is our night, Consort…a chance for us to experience you as many among us have only dreamed of doing. Zafirah has your heart, little one…but for tonight at least, your body shall find solace and satiation in our worship.”

Turning around in the pool, Dae regarded her friend with hesitant eyes. “So…what exactly do I have to do?”

Inaya’s dark eyes softened, losing a great deal of their seduction when she recognized the slight edge of uncertainty in Dae's expression. She smiled reassuringly and said, “Nothing you do not wish to do.” Offering her hand, she helped Dae step out of the sacred pool and retrieved a soft cotton towel from the wardrobe. When Dae reached out to take to cloth, Inaya waved her away and began the task of drying her herself, careful to keep her ministrations from becoming too intimate. “Tonight, we serve your pleasure, Dae,” the harem girl explained as she worked. “We accept you as our mistress, and you will accept us as your servants.”

“Uh huh.” Dae held herself stiffly as Inaya dried her. “So…you expect me to…” She gestured with one hand and waggled her eyebrows, “get 'frisky'…with all the other pleasure-servants? Inaya, there are almost two-dozen girls in this harem!”

Inaya, patting Dae’s legs with the towel, grinned up at her roguishly. “You cannot tell me the fantasy has never occurred to you,” she teased, laughing at the immediate blush that colored Dae’s pale skin. “I did not think so.”

“Well…thinking about it is one thing! This is…” Dae shook her head. “I-I just…I’m not sure I know if I—”

“Hush,” Inaya quickly soothed. “Relax. Anything that happens tonight will happen only because you wish it. You need not lie with any of us if it would cause you umbrage. But we are your friends, Dae. Now that you are Consort, we can provide the same solace we give to Zafirah. We love you, honor you. Would you truly wish to reject the gift we offer?”

“No, of course not.” Dae quickly shook her head. “I just—”

“You are not the naïve girl you were when first you came among us,” Inaya continued. “If nothing else, your return to your homeland has clearly demonstrated how much you have grown since you left…how deep your passions run. You have already accepted Zafirah’s pledges of love and devotion; will you not accept ours?”

Dae sighed and closed her eyes. When she opened them, she managed a slight smile. “Of course I will,” she said softly. “It’s just…” She trailed off.

“The guards have been dismissed from the seraglio,” Inaya offered. “There are no watchers in the night. Tonight, your every lust can take form in us.” A spark of interest flared unmistakably in Dae’s emerald eyes, and she added innocently, “Yet if it would please you more simply to bear witness to your servants as we ravish each other, then—”

“I didn’t say that!” Dae protested quickly. “But come on, Inaya, I mean…” She gestured emphatically but wordlessly.

Inaya’s grin returned, as did the twinkle in her dark eyes. “Accepting the affections of twenty-three women seems a daunting undertaking, I know.”

“Exactly.” Dae assumed a coquettish air, lifting her chin a little higher. “I’m not saying I don’t have stamina, but there’s only so much one girl can take.”

Patting dry the last drops of water from Dae’s chest, Inaya helped her into a forest-green robe of sheer silk, then plucked the half-emptied cup from where Dae had set it on the table. She offered it to her again with a mysterious smile. “There are ways to overcome such mortal limitations. Drink.”

Dae took the cup, eyeing her friend with definite suspicion. “Why? What is it?”

“A sacrament of the priests of Inshal, as I told you. It will ensure your ability to accept all the pleasure we offer you this night.”

Dae poked a finger dubiously into the thick amber liquid. “What’s in it?”

Inaya shrugged. “I know not. The secret of its making is known only to the servants of Inshal. But I know its effects well. It will gift you with stamina and energy, will make your skin come alive with sensation! The normal limitations of desire will be lifted from you for the ceremony, and your arousal shall not wane even after it has been satisfied.”

“So…it’ll get me worked up and keep me that way, right?”

“Indeed.” Seeing the caution lingering in Dae’s eyes, Inaya decided to lead by example. Pouring herself a cup from the jeweled carafe, she raised it in a toast. “Trust me, Dae, as you have with so many things you once feared. No harm will come to you this night, and certainly not from this.”

Dae watched her friend drink and, feeling a little foolish at her hesitation, followed suit. After all, Inaya had earned her trust. Dae was very aware of how much Inaya's advice and support had helped her since she came to this desert world, and knew the girl would likely be a source of great strength and assistance to her in her role as Zafirah's Consort. The mysterious elixir burned a pleasant path down her throat, warming her blood and bringing color to her cheeks. She set the cup back on the table and took a deep breath. “Okay…I’m ready.”

“Excellent!” Taking her hand, Inaya led her out into the hallway. Soft sighs and whispered words drifted down the hall, coming from the antechamber, and when they stepped into the room Dae’s eyes went wide at the sight of several of the pleasure-servants already wrapped in a tangle of half-clothed flesh. Hooded, hungry eyes turned to greet their arrival, and Dae felt a burst of intense arousal flow through her body and settle low in her groin. She turned to Inaya, who gave her a playful, excited grin.

“It seems they started without us.” Slowly, Inaya slipped the gown from Dae’s shoulders and let it fall to the floor, and she inhaled sharply as eyes swept over her nakedness like a delicate caress. “No cause to be shy,” Inaya’s breath whispered in her ear. “You are safe with us.”

Swallowing what remained of her trepidation, Dae smiled a little and, at a gentle push from her friend, stepped forward to accept an offered hand. Her last thought before she was pulled into an embrace was a brief regret that Zafirah was not permitted to be with her to share the experience.

*          *          *

Gazing out from her bedroom balcony over the expanse of El’Kasari, Zafirah smiled at the flickering light of hundreds of torches below that lit the city streets through the dark of night. Tonight, their light seemed almost to be striving to emulate the glittering firmament of stars that filled the sky, and though the efforts of man could never challenge the majesty of the heavens, Zafirah considered it an impressive attempt. In the distance she could make out the shimmering of the northern ocean, which sent the cooler breezes whispering through her city and ruffled her dark hair as it passed by. The air was cool and smelled faintly of sea salt and distant storms. Turning her attention to the sparkling night sky, Zafirah watched for shooting stars…wishing she could be watching the events unfolding in her harem instead.

Deeply involved in her contemplation of the heavens, Zafirah didn’t hear the soft footsteps as someone entered her bedchamber, nor did she hear the low, even breathing as the intruder approached. But she was only slightly startled when the voice spoke behind her, not terribly surprised by the company.

“A beautiful night for stargazing, is it not?”

Zafirah half-turned and nodded a greeting to the woman behind her. “Indeed. Yet there are things of far greater beauty I would rather set my gaze upon this night.”

The woman grinned, her brilliant white teeth a distinct contrast against skin as dark as ebony wood. Few in the palace would dare take the liberty of entering the Scion’s bedchamber uninvited and unannounced; Falak was one of those few. Stepping onto the balcony, the dark-skinned woman joined Zafirah in looking out at the city below.

“You wish you could be with her for the ceremony?” she asked rhetorically.

“Of course.”

“Hmm.” Falak considered the Scion curiously. “For her benefit, or your own?”

Zafirah smiled a little guiltily. “I must confess mostly for my own. But,” she held the carved stone railing and straightened her back bravely, “I shall bear the burden of being absent from her pleasure once again, knowing how important it is that she experiences this night without me.”

“Inaya will make certain Dae is comfortable with anything that happens,” Falak assured. “No doubt every girl in your harem is eager to bed your mate, but they would never push her to accept more than she is willing to.”

“Of course, I know that,” Zafirah waved a hand to dismiss the notion. “I trust they will take good care of my Tahirah.”

“And you will be able to see her tomorrow…though she may need some time to recover her strength before she feels ready to share any of her experiences.”

“She will doubtless open her eyes to many new pleasures this night, and grow ever more comfortable enjoying her passions without restraint or embarrassment.” Zafirah gave her friend a half-proud, half-amused grin. “Dae accorded herself in her homeland as a true Consort of the Jaharri. Word of her exploits has already filtered into the city and beyond. How long will it be before her legend rivals my own?”

Falak chuckled. “Indeed. I think the people are also gloating a little over the 'spoils' she brought back with her from the east.”

Zafirah couldn't help but laugh at that, knowing Falak wasn't referring to the benefits gained in the new treaty. There remained enough of that old raider blood among the Jaharri for them to be entertained by the thought that Dae had laid claim to two of the eastern kingdom's more beautiful flowers, one of whom was no less than another daughter of their nobility. For such a bloodless invasion, the spoils were indeed impressive.

“And what of the two, then? Shall they find their way into the harem now that Dae is leaving it?”

“My Tahirah wishes them to acclimate to their new surroundings before they make their decision…but I believe their minds are already made up. Since they would be entering service willingly, I have made it clear to both women they would be free to leave if they wished to do so. And from what my guards have told me, young Kaylee has been continuing her 'lessons' under the firm hand of her friend.”


“Mmm.” Zafirah smiled a little hungrily. “Dae judged the passions of that one with perfect accuracy. And surely she must be touched by the moon goddess to be blessed with such luminously lovely features! Never have I seen a woman quite like her. I only hope Sakinah does not hear of her before she can agree to a place in the harem; she would doubtless try to tempt the young lady to join her in the Temple.” Badriya, Goddess of the tranquil moon, was mate to Inshal, the fiery sun. If Sakinah decided Lyric was indeed touched by divinity, she might declare the girl Sacred and use her many wiles to lure her to a position in the priesthood.

“You cannot deny she would make a fine Priestess,” Falak teased.

“She will look finer in our bed giving my Consort the same torturous ecstasy as she described to me in vivid detail on our trek home.” Zafirah grinned as she looked out over the deepening dark, but after a moment her eyes turned thoughtful, reflective. She sighed quietly. “It is strange that, for all its trials, these last few months have only strengthened my bond with my aziza. The fear of how her parents might react if they ever learned she had fallen in love with another woman was a weight around her neck. Standing up to her father as she did, confronting her fears, has relieved her of that burden. Having the opportunity to stretch her wings as a seductress has given her greater confidence…and she has seen now there are plenty of others, even in her homeland, who share her desires. She is well prepared for this night; it is an experience she will remember for the rest of her life.”

“Hmm.” Leaning her elbows on the stone balustrade that framed the balcony, Falak studied her casually. “With all the love she has for you…for the new life she has made here…I think Dae will make an incredible Consort. The bonds she forges with Inaya and the others will be a part of that role, just as they are a part of you and your role as Scion. In the morning, after the ceremony, those bonds will be made all the stronger.”

“Indeed.” Head tilted to the side, Zafirah returned her gaze to the heavens, watching a shining flash of silver flare brilliantly for a second as a star fell. “This will be a good night for her,” she whispered almost to herself, “but I still regret my absence.”

No response was necessary, so Falak silently joined her friend in her contemplation of the glittering night sky..


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