Among the Stars

by Psyche_B

Go to Prologue


"On screen." Kate ordered, as she stepped off the lift. Kacey followed close behind. The screen lit up showing a large band of masses. "Magnify." The image increased.

"Holy shit. Look at the size of that band." Kacey uttered. "Meteor belt?"

"No those are stationary." Anya told her.

"Life signs?" Kate asked.

"Thousands Kate." Anya responded.

"Are you picking up any propulsions signatures?" Kacey asked.

"Why would you ask that?" Kate questioned her.

Kacey walked toward the screen. "Can you magnify it again."

The operator looked at Kate who nodded. The screen shifted for a closer image. Kacey studied the image before her.

"What are you seeing, Kacey?" Kate asked. Kacey did not answer at first but continued to study the image. "What is it?"

"Look at them Kate." Kacey finally answered. "They may be different sizes, but they are all the same shape." A blinking light caught her attention. "Did you see that?"

"See what?" Kate demanded.

"A light blinked. Just saw it for a second. There is another. Tell me you saw that one."

"No. Did anyone else see a light?" Kate looked around the bridge. Everyone shook their heads no. "Are you sure you saw a light? Wait I did see that one. Go to Red Alert." Kate ordered. "Open channel all sub space frequencies." Kate stepped closer to the screen with Kacey close by her side. "This is Captain Kate Jensen of the United World Star Explorer Andromeda."

A series of symbols appeared on the screen in front of them. The translators worked to turn the symbols into words.

"You are entering Megaran air space. State your purpose."

"We are explorers and scientists studying the solar system and making repairs to our communication relay towers."

Liam walked onto the Bridge still in regular clothes.

"You say your are explorers and scientists, yet your ship is loaded with weapons."

We are scientists, but we are not stupid. We will defend ourselves and our ship. We are not looking for trouble, just passage through your territory."

"What is your destination?"

"We are headed to the far side of the galaxy and beyond."

They waited for more symbols to appear. Kate turned to Rhea. "Are you picking up any weapons?"

"Only on the larger ships, Captain. Nothing on the smaller ones."

"Slow to impulse."

"Aye Captain. Slow to impulse."

"Should I get my pilots out Kate?"

"Put them on stand by."

Kacey spoke into her communicator. "All pilots to your stingers. Do preflight checks and hold for further orders."

"Will do Colonel. Do you want your shuttle ready?"

Kacey looked at Kate. "Yes." She stated. "I can not send my people into a situation I will not go myself, Kate." She stated.

More symbols appeared.

"We will grant your safe passage in exchange for the Chosen One."

"We have no Megarans on board. All residents were originally Earth citizens. We do not have your Chosen One."

A long string of symbols appeared. They read the translation.

"Our prophets told us to set up a test on Citner five. We observed you there. We saw the Chosen One. The one who will lead our people. The only person to pass our test."

"Kate do you think they are talking about Eternus? That is the only place we have landed" Anya asked.

"Nothing happened there except for that storm and..."

"The electromagnetic field." Kacey filled in.

"What proof do you have that your Chosen One is among us.?" Kate demanded.

The view screen flickered and was filled with the scene of the rescue crew when they first went through the field. Kacey falling to her knees. The scene changed. This one of Kacey as she stumbled after going through the second time and the tremors that hit her afterwards.

Symbols reappeared on the screen.

"Our Chosen One is among you. That field was designed to affect only the one person who is destined to lead us."

Kate looked at Kacey "Do not even think about it Kacey" She said softly. "All stop" Kate ordered.

"Aye Captain . All stop. "Lieutenant Minor said. The ship came to a complete stop.

"We need to discus this. We will contact you when we have reached a decision

"You have two of your Earth's hours. If you do not surrender the Chosen One, we will attack."

The screen went dark. "Find us a way around Megaran space." Kate ordered. "I want you in my Ready Room now." She told Kacey "Liam you too."

The three left the bridge.

"Sit down" .Kate stated "Thoughts?"

"To protect the ship..." Kacey started to talk.

"Stop right there Kacey. There is no way I will allow you to sacrifice yourself."

"Lass you be listening to Katie." Liam stated.

"What is the loss of one against the loss of many?"

"I will not allow it, Kacey" Kate typed a message on her private screen.

"You will not allow it Kate? It should be my choice?"

"Not this time little sister. You are an officer on this ship. I am your commanding officer. I will not allow you to leave this ship. What about that little item you showed me this morning.? Have you changed your mind in such a short time?" The door chimed. Kate glanced at the monitor. "Come in."

The door opened. Patricia, Natalia and Anya walked into the room. Natalia went into Kacey open arms.

"Reinforcement Kate?"

"Is it true?" Patricia demanded.

"Yes it is true, mom."

"I forbid it Kacey I absolutely forbid it. You are not to leave this ship." Patricia stated adamantly.

"Please Kacey, don't do this." Natalia spoke from her spot in Kacey's arms

Kacey looked and Anya. "Everyone has made their thoughts known Anya. What are yours?"

"It would be extremely foolish for you to go to them. For all we know they may be a cannibalistic society"

"Five against one. Not very good odds." Kacey stated.

"We will find a way around Megaran space. Anya stated.

"But not before their two hour dead line is up. What is to stop them from chasing us and attacking Andromeda?"

"We can defend ourselves. How many of their ships have weapons?" Kate asked.

"Sixty two Kate."

" Sixty two to one, not really good odds Kate." Kacey stated.

"Seems to me all your Stingers and the Shuttles have weapons. That puts the odds in our favor."

"Did you pick up any warp signatures?" Liam asked. Kacey walked to the window and looked out at the ships.

"Yes, but we have no way of knowing what their top speed is."

"What the hell difference does it make how fast they can go Kate. We have no idea how big their territory is. They could have an ambush waiting for us anywhere. There could be a thousand ships out there waiting for us to try to escape."

"That is very true, Kacey There is a lot about these people that we don't know. One thing I do know is that I will toss your ass in the Brig before I let you surrender yourself to them. Understand?"

"Captain you are needed on the Bridge."

"Now what?" Kate said and spoke into her communicator. " On our way. Mom, you and Natalia had better stay here."

They left the Ready Room and let the door close behind them.

To be continued...

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