Earth in Turmoil

by Psyche_b

Go To Part 1

The adventures of the Star Traveler Andromeda that started in Among the Stars, Beyond the Farthest Planet, So Far From Home and The Voyage Home continues in Earth in Turmoil.


Chapter 11

Kacey stood in front of the window and watched the storm's fury crash around them. The partially opened shields allowed the wind and rain to pass through. Any lightning strikes would not completely take down the shields as long as there were breaks in the protection, which meant that the heavy rains fell through the open areas.

The ships were all in the hangers away from the storm. Beds and cots were set up in every available space for those forced by the storm to remain on the base.

After working with her troops to set up the sleeping arrangements, she and Kate joined the brass for dinner at the Mess Hall. She led them trough a series of tunnels under the base to avoid getting soaked on their way to and from dinner.

The brass shared one of the cottages that were saved for visitors. Kate and Kacey shared a second with Bella and Rhea in a third. Mike bunked with the troops.

She knew Kate paced behind her as she watched the storm. Kate jumped with each crash of thunder and lightning lit op the sky.

"Do you have to have the damned drapes opened?" Kate snapped.

"No I don't." Kacey closed the drapes before she turned around.

"I am sorry I snapped." Kate apologized.

'Kate please don't apologize. I was not thinking while I was standing there."

"You never were spooked by these storms are you/ Not even as a child."

Kacey shrugged. "Must have something to do with the nickname and the fact that I was born during a hurricane." She joked.

"What nickname?"

"Ah Kate are you getting forgetful in your old age? That nickname you gave me at my thirtieth birthday party. Does Hurricane Kacey mean anything to you?"

"Oh that name. Yes I remember."

"You know of course that I will be coming up with an appropriate one for you when you turn forty in a few months."

"Lord, don't remind me. Any chance we can just forget my birthday this year?"

Kacey laughed. "Not on your life sis."

"Then can we just keep it low keyed?"

" Seems silly doesn't it?"

"What turning forty, because you will hit that milestone in eight years."

"No not that. It seems silly to be joking about birthdays when another threat to the peace of Earth looms over us."

"Threats that we will stop."

"At what cost Kate? How many lives will be lost again because of intolerance and hate."

Kate poured them each a drink and handed one to Kacey. "Yes lives will be lost in this struggle before it is stopped completely. There is no way to avoid it. The important point is to keep that loss at a minimum."


"Hey what is going on with you? You don't usually talk like that."

She took a sip of her brandy. "I don't know, Kate. Maybe it is just not being able to get home to Talia and the children."

"They are not alone. She has the entire family with her. No there is something else on your mind."

"You have been taking lessons from mom again, haven't you. She could always read me."

"No lessons, but at times you are an open book. So spill it."

Kacey finished her drink. Kate waited unsure if Kacey would open up.

"I am an action person, Kate and not meant to be a desk jockey. I hated being stuck in that damn tower today instead of leading my people in that test."

"I knew that bothered you more than you let on earlier."

"Yeah it did. How can I lead my people when the time comes if I am not allowed to take part in a simulated battle?"

"General Millhouse told you that you would lead the charge in the battle." Kate stated. "Do you think he will go back on his word?"

"No, but does being in charge mean actually being out there, or just directing them from behind a desk."

"I believe you will get your wish when the time comes. But I have to be completely honest with you. You can get angry with me, but if I have any say in the deployment, you would not go."

"Why?" Kacey demanded.

"Purely selfish reasons. You are my sister. I do not want to lose you. Not to mention that Natalia would be devastated if anything happened to you."

Any anger Kacey felt quickly deflated. She poured them each another drink from the bottle on the coffee table. "I know." She sighed. "Not to mention, you would not have anyone to argue with. Now you know the quandary that I am in."

"You will have to decide what is best when the time comes. At this point speculation will get us nowhere." Kate stated. "Thank you."

"For what?"

"For taking my mind off the storm."

"I can not take credit for that."

"Oh for Christ's sake, just say your welcome and leave it at that."

"You are welcome, Kate." Kacey replied. "So what is our next topic of conversation?"

"We could always go back to our old stand by and talk about sex."

Kacey laughed and raised her glass in salute.

"What did you find out?" The voice demanded.

"From the little information our man was able to get out earlier, this was a training mission."

"Nonsense, they would not put up a dampening field or declare a no fly zone for a simple training exercise."

"That was all he could say until they lifted the ship's radio silence order. I expect to hear from him shortly and will let you know as soon as he reports in."

"Good our commanders are anxious to get started." A third voice popped up.

"You tell them to sit on it. We have worked too hard and come too far to get antsy now."

"I will"

"Good, because if you cannot keep them in line..." The threat was left unsaid.


The storm raged through out the day. The sounds of limbs breaking under the almost constant barrage of the winds could be heard inside the house. Candles and hurricane lamps were readied in the event the power went out. Even though power lines were all buried, anything could happen to the lines going into the houses. Several times during the day, Liam dressed in protective rain gear and checked the condition of all their houses. Even though he remained under the protective cover of the porch, the winds pushed the rain so that within minutes every inch that was not covered was saturated.

He was finally able to convince the security guards to leave the porch and into the house to dry off.

He finished his inspection and returned to Kacey's. Patricia met him at the door with a large towel. Liam hung up the rain gear and toweled off before leaving the foyer.

"Except for the pool fence, everything looks good. We will have to replace the entire fence. What has not been knocked down is bent by debris. From what I could see your roof is fine. The lads that fixed it after the last big storm did a good job." He told Anya.

"Thank you, Liam. I was worried about it holding up."

"Have ye heard anything from the girls?"

"Not since we talked earlier, but they were heading out to help find and set up beds for all the extra people that are stuck at the base. I just hope Kate is not too freaked out by the storm."

"I think they will find things to occupy themselves and in the process, keep Kate's mind off the storm." Patricia stated.

"Kacey said there were many forms of entertainment on the base to keep the troops out of trouble." Natalia said as she walked down the stairs. "How is everything outside?"

"We will be doing a lot of cleaning to do." Liam answered.

"Your girls are keeping the twins occupied, Anya."

"The babies are still sleeping." Anya responded.

"Thank you all for coming over. I was not looking forward to being here alone with the four children."

"That is was families do, Natalia. You will never have to worry about being alone."

"I know and Kacey and I appreciate that support. I also know that Kacey would have found a way off the base, probably going A.W O.L, even if she had to walk."

"Aye that she would lass. She is very stubborn. Always has been." Liam stated as he sipped he coffee.

The storm continued. They could hear debris hit the houses. An extremely large, powerful gust shook the house. They heard a loud crack followed by the crash. The women hurried to the windows and looked out while Liam put on the rain gear to head back out into the storm. Patricia held open the door for him.

"Please be careful out there." She said softly.

'Aye Patsy darling." He replied and kissed her cheek. She quickly closed the door behind him. Patricia watched him through the door until he no longer was in sight. She remained there until he returned and she opened the door for him. Anya handed him a towel after he removed the rain gear. "The good news is, we do not have to worry about taking down that tree in the front yard any longer."

"I hesitate to ask what the bad news is." Patricia said. "I assume there is bad news."

"Aye Patsy there is. That tree is now in our bedroom and living room."

"Oh lord. How bad is the damage?"

"Bad enough that we will not be able to live there until repairs are made or at least the hole is covered."

"You are welcome to stay here with us for as long as needed." Natalia said.

"With us also." Anya added.

"We cannot do anything until this storm ends, but thank you both. Also you both need to talk to Kate and Kacey before you offer your homes as a hotel."

"I doubt there is anything to discuss, Patricia. They will both back us up on this and even say the same thing if they were here." Anya argued. "If it will make you feel better, we will mention it when they call later."

"Tis a grand idea lass."

"I know we have several heavy tarps in the garage, I will help you cover the hole." Anya said.

"Thank you for your offer and help lass. Now Patsy darling, maybe now ye will be letting me buy that new furniture."

'We can check the stores, Liam."

"That's me girl." Liam said and kissed her.


The rain fell in torrents through the open shields and rushed down the base road to the gate where it was stopped by the protective shields. Beyond the shields, the road leading to the base was flooded by the waves that continued to crash over the land. The shields could not be raised to let the water trapped on the inside out without the water from the outside flooding in. The water level continued to raise until it was lapping at the door to the guards building. A soldier hurried to the computer and initiated a call. Within seconds Kacey responded.

"General, this is Lieutenant Billings at gate one. The rain water is collecting at the shields. We cannot raise the shield with out flooding the base from outside."

"I will have the top shields closed immediately and be right down to assess the situation."

"Roger, General."

Kacey disconnect one call and initiated another immediately.

"Security Sergeant Thomas."

"Sergeant, this is General O'Malley. Close all shields immediately."

"Yes ma'am closing all shields."

Within seconds the torrential rain stopped inside the shield. Kacey donned protective gear and walked out of the bedroom surprised to see Kate also dressed for the outside. "You do not have to go, Kate."

"I know that, but why should I let you have all the fun."

Kacey laughed. "All right then. Let's go." They walked outside and found themselves standing in several inches of rushing water that headed down the small hill towards the gate. "Damn the storm drains can not handle all the rain." Kacey grabbed the radio from her belt. "General O'Malley to security."

"Sergeant Thomas here Ma'am. What can I do for you?"

"Put out an announcement for all hands to report for sand bag duty before this water gets any higher."

"The announcement is going out to every computer now."

"Thank you." Kacey climbed into the rover and drove slowly to the gate. The water level was over the tires and she drove carefully. The closer they drove to the gate the higher the water rose until it was lapping at their feet inside the rover.

The water level was several meters high at the shields by the time they arrived. "I will get sandbags and pumps here immediately."

"Thank you General. All the equipment has been moved off the floor in case the water got any higher."

"Good." Kacey pulled her radio again. "Now we need to drain this water. It will continue to get deeper as the water flows down from above us."

"We cannot open the shields because the flooding is worse on the outside. The shield is the only thing keeping the ocean out." The guard stated.

"That I can see."

"Is there a way to pump the water away from here?" Kate asked.

Kacey nodded and smiled. "That is a great idea. Thanks for the reminder." Kacey grabbed her radio again. "We get so dependent on technology that we forget about alternatives. General O'Malley to Colonel Anderson."

"Go ahead General."

"Mike get ten people with pumps and piping down to gate one immediately. Make it ten to fifteen meters of pipe for each pump."

"Will do. There is a load of sandbags headed your way now."

"As the transports get filled, place them around every building from the hangers down. Three high should be enough for now."

"Roger, General."


"Go ahead General."

"I need you to open the shields at Gate one at seven meters up and twenty meters long."

"Opening shield at seven meters by twenty meters now. You are set to go General."

"Thank you." She replaced the radio on her belt. "When the pumps arrive, we will set them up at two meter intervals and send the water to the other side." Kacey stated. "After the water recedes, we should stack sandbags on the other side of the shields to avoid this happening again."

"I would say that is a very good idea." Kate agreed.

The transports pulled up with the needed equipment and also General Millhouse and Admiral Tacher. They all snapped to attention.

"As you were." Admiral Tacher ordered.

"Where do you need us General? The announcement went out to all computers so here we are. What do you want us to do?" General Millhouse asked.

Kacey looked at Kate who just shrugged. "We need to get the pumps set up and running. The shield is opened at seven meters. I need you to place the pumps at two meter intervals and passed the pipes out to the other side."

"Roger, General." The two officers smiled as Kacey's jaw dropped and went to work unloading the pumps. Kacey closed her mouth and shook her head. She and Kate went to the second transport. Kacey grabbed one of the sandbags and passed it to Kate. Kate struggled to hold the heavy bag until a guard took it from her.

"Jesus. How heavy are those things?"

"That depends. Fifty to seventy five pounds each. Kate I do not want to insult you, but why don't you help the brass with the pumps."

"Not insulted at all little sister." Kate stated and walked away to help with the pumps.

With all of them working together, within an hour the sand bags were all in place and the pumps working. The water level started to drop. The water was channeled away from the buildings toward the pumps. The low hum of the pumps forcing the water out beyond the shields was heard. With that task finished, they headed away from the gate and into the base where the entire population was out working. Kacey waved them back as they started to come to attention.

"We are just about finished here General. Colonels Taggart and Williams are working their way towards the secure section."

"Thank you." General Millhouse said. "Once you have this area secured, the first drink is on me. I will let the officer clubs know."

"Thank you General."

They made their way to the secured area, stopping to relay the same offer to the cheers of the staff. They returned hours later to their shared cottages.

Kate noticed the blinking light on the computer. "We have a message."

"Be right there." Kacey called back seconds before she walking into the living room with two steaming cups of coffee. She handed one to Kate before she opened the video link.

"Talia is everything all right?"

"That depends on your definition of all right. That tree in the front yard of your parents house is now in their bedroom and living room."

"WHAT" They yelled together.

"Patricia and Liam were here so they were unhurt, but they cannot stay in the house. Both Anya and I have asked them to stay with one of us."

"Good. I hope they accepted."

"Not yet. They wanted us to talk to you both before they gave us an answer."

"Then get them and we will issue the invitation." Their parents came into view. "Mom, dad, we hope you will accept one of our invitations to stay instead of thinking about going to a hotel or something equally crazy." Kate stated.

"We have plenty of room." Kacey added.

"You also have four children to think of lass."

"Does not matter dad. We can move Caitlyn and Patrick back into the nursery as Colleen and Shannon still sleep in their bassinettes. You can take our room. Talia and I can sleep in the office."

"Thank you dear. Your father and I will discuss it and give you our answer when you get home."

"All right mom. Other than that is everyone and everything good?"

"Very good. The children love having their grandparents and cousins here." Natalia answered. "How are things there?"

"We had some flooding but that has been taken care of."

"Flooding? I thought the shields stopped the rain."

"The shields were partially opened due to the storm. If lightning hits the shields when they are fully closed it could blow out the whole system. We open them at intervals. The grass also gets watered when we do that." She joked. "Now that the storm is weakening we closed the shields without running the risk of a lightning strike. Unfortunately the winds are still to strong to fly home and flooding prevents us from driving. So we are still stuck here, at least for tonight."

"What are your plans for the rest of the night?"

"We will probably have dinner in the Mess Hall. Which, by the way, I wish mom would come here and give lessons to the cooks. Then I will try to talk Kate into a game of pool before I head back out to check on how the pumps are doing."

"Tell Kate I said to take it easy on the brandy." Anya stated.

Kate laughed. "I will Anya. I have to if I want to beat Fast Eddie here in pool. I will miss you tonight."

"Same here my Kate." She blew a kiss.

"Hey don't go fogging up my computer screen." Kacey complained and pushed Kate out of the way.

"Kacey behave." Natalia scolded.

"I will. Call me later? I will have my hand unit with me to register your call. You will be able to reach me no matter where I am on the base."

"Go get dinner. I can hear your stomach growling from here. Love you."

"Love you back." Kacey walked away to let Kate sign off.

To be continued...


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