


Following the events dealing with the betrayal of their some of those who were thought to have been their friends, Xena and Gabrielle carry on living in the secret Amazon village. In an effort to help the village continue to thrive, Gabrielle suggests inviting Amazon's from another tribe to the secret village. Which is a decision that Gabrielle soon comes to question when strange occurrences begin to happen which causes suspicions from the residents of secret village towards their visitors. And soon leads to more serious problems between the two groups. As all the while Xena secretly deals with her own issue in the form of something that she can't explain.

-This is the 4th story in my
"THE PRINCESS AND THE QUEEN" series.Following :


So it's highly suggested you read those in order before this one if you haven't already. As this is a direct sequel and knowing the events and/or characters introduced in the previous stories are important for understanding the plot of this story. 

 prosperous or pregnant  


"It takes guts to be skeptical, it takes guts to believe. To put yourself on the line. To take action and risk failure and ultimately succeed."



Silent, focused eyes peered through the tail grass as they kept close watch over their intended target. After studying the unsuspecting victims movements, without a sound a figure moved in as they followed their prey. Before long the figure was within range as they got into position. Then without a sound they raised their weapon, poised to strike. Taking a breath the attacker waited for just the right moment as they steadied their aim. The string of the bow was pulled back as their sight narroed down the length of arrow that sat ready to be let loose. A moment went by as the attacker zeroed in on just the right spot to go for the kill and....

(Irritated tone/ whisper) Gabrielle if you don't stop talking in my ear and cause me to miss this deer I'm gonna be very upset with you.


(Whisper) Oh, sorry.

Gabrielle backed and remained quite as Ephiny released the shot and took down the deer. The two stood up from their crouching positions as they walked out of the tall grass and into the clearing where the deer layed. Ephiny then got to work getting the creature ready to be taken back to the village.

Need any help.

No I got it. 

Gabrielle continued making idle conversation as Ephiny tried to focus on the task at hand. After several minutes of questions by the ever inquisitive Gabrielle, Ephiny sighed as stopped working and looked at the her Gabrielle who dispite being her friend, could be at times a little too talkative for Ephiny's liking.

I think I get why Xena sent you with me today instead of staying with her and Skyla.

(Slightly offended) What's the supposed to mean?


Gabrielle gave Ephiny a disapproving look as they finished up and heard a rustling in the bushes behind them. Both of them turned around and stood ready for anything that might come out after them. Gabrielle held her staff ready to strike as the sound drew closer. Ephiny drew her sword as she stepped forward. Putting herself between Gabrielle and whatever was out there. 

You know I can handle myself Ephiny.

Yes. But as my queen it's my duty to protect you. Plus if I let anything happened to you while Xena's not around, I'd be as good as dead.

Gabrielle sighed knowing that there was no point in arguing that fact. Instead she stayed ready as the sound got closer still. Ephiny motioned to Gabrielle to spread out so they could get the jump on whatever was coming. Silently Gabrielle moved to behind a tree as Ephiny crouched by a large rock. The unknown presence came ever closer as Gabrielle waited for it to emerge from the grass. Then as soon as the sound had started the area again fell silent. After waiting for a few tense moments, Gabrielle peeked out from behind the tree but didn't see anything. She looked over at Ephiny who shrugged. Then gripping her staff tight Gabrielle cautiously stepped out from behind the tree. She took a step forward then another as she looked around. But on her third step forward Gabrielle inadvertently stepped on the stick which made a loud snap as her foot came down on it. She quickly looked down, seeing the broken piece of wood.

(Whisper) Damn.

Gabrielle's head snapped back up when she heard the sound of something flying through the air. Her eyes went wide as the projectile came her way. The sunlight shined off the object making Gabrielle unable to see what it was. She stood frozen as it came towards her. She quickly snapped out of her momentary trance and attempted to duck. Then out of nowhere a figure jumped in front of her and caught the object just before it was about to hit. Gabrielle stood there as she looked at the object that rested just inches from her face and scowled as she saw what it was.

(Irritated tone) Are you crazy?! You could've killed me!

Gabrielle looked at the person now standing next to her. And received a shrug.

What I caught it. Besides weren't you supposed to be on the other side of the valley?

Xena stepped away from Gabrielle who was still sporting a very unhappy look as she replaced her weapon to it's place on her hip. Ephiny looked at Xena.

We were but Gabrielle spotted some tracks so we followed them here.

There was more rustling as the trio readied their weapons only to lower them again when Skyla came into view.

There you are Xena I think I lost that deer we've been... 

Skyla looked down to see a deer on the ground and then noticed Gabrielle and Ephiny.

Never mind, I think I found it.

Well now that everyone's here maybe we should take care of this and get back.

Sounds like a plan to me. 

(Joking) Yeah let's get out of here before someone else mistakes me for game and I end up on their dinner menu.

Everyone sheathed their weapons as Xena opened her mouth to make a crude comment but thought better of it when she received a look telling her that she'd better not from Gabrielle who pretty much already knew what Xena was going to say. Knowing their friends so well Ephiny and Skyla just smirked at each other. Once everything was ready the four women headed back to the secret Saphire Snow Owl Tribe's village.

Okay let's get moving.

Several months had gone by since the rebellion and betrayed of Valassca, Kai and a number of other Amazon's from the village who had attempted to kill Gabrielle. It had been difficult for Gabrielle once she learned that Valassca, who she thought was her friend was behind multiple attempts to assassinate her. And it had all in the pursuit of taking Gabrielle's place as queen. Of which Valassca had been fully convinced was her right and not Gabrielle's. So finally driven completely mad with her desire for power, Valassca had rallied a group together by telling lies in an effort to get rid of Gabrielle. But while most followed Valassca due to her lies, Kai had other motives for joining the group. She had learned of a number of horrible things that Xena had done to the Amazon's in her past and wanted revenge for her people. And she felt that the best way to hurt Xena was through Gabrielle. Fortunately in the end Xena and Gabrielle put a stop to Valassca's plan. Which ultimately lead to Valassca's death and the remaining rebel amazons along with Kai being sentenced to exile from the Amazon's completely. It had been a difficult choice for Gabrielle to make but she felt it was a far better alternative than what Amazonian law actually called for in such a situation. Which was death. So with Valassca and her rebels dealt with Gabrielle, Xena and the rest of the village did their best to move on. Now it was beginning to move into the cooler season as the leaves on the trees began to change. As Gabrielle held Xena as they rode Argo back to the village from their day of hunting, she looked up at the multi colored leaves and smiled as she thought of the good fortune that the village had seen since dealing with the rebels. Things were calm and peaceful. The village had recently brought in a very large end of season harvest. Everyone was happy and the village was thriving. In her spare time Gabrielle had begun to tell the younger children of the village stories about what life was like outside the village. Which the children marveled at the thought of the vast world that layed outside their home. This had made Gabrielle realize that most of the people of the Sapphire Snow Owl Tribe hadn't really ventured outside of protective walls their village. Or at least not very far anyway. Which caused her to wonder how they had managed to go so long without knowing so much about what was beyond the confines of their home.

Gabrielle. Hey you wanna come back to reality now?


Gabrielle was pulled from her thoughts as she felt a pat on her leg and looked around noticing that they had arrived back in the village. She looked at Xena who smiled back at her as they still sat on Argo.

Did you have a nice daydream?

Gabrielle just smiled as she shook her head and got down from the sattle as Xena followed. Argo was taken to the field with the other horses as Gabrielle, Xena and the rest from the hunting party brought their game to behind the mess hall for it to be skinned and prepared for meals or storage. Afterwards Xena and Gabrielle headed for their house to get cleaned up after their long day.

You know I'm still a little surprised that you wanted to come along today. Especially with how early we had to get up.

I just figured I should probably get better at that sort of thing. Never know when I might need it.

(Joking) Though it might be easier if what you're hunting can't hear you coming. That is unless you plan on talking it to death.


Gabrielle playfully backhanded Xena in the stomach.

I see you've been talking to Ephiny.

Xena chuckled as they continued walking. Once home the two sat snuggled up in the living room as they relaxed.

So you wanna tell me what had you so preoccupied on the ride home.

Oh I was just thinking about everything that happened with Valassca.

Xena frowned as she remembered Valassca's attempts on Gabrielle's life.

I'm sorry you went through that. I know you thought of her and Kai as your friends. I wish I had known. I would've...

Gabrielle snuggled closer to Xena as she gently kissed her to stop Xena from blaming herself for not seeing the true Valassca before hand.

Not everything that happens is your fault you know. 

But the only reason Kai joined her was because of me.

Kai, like Valassca and the others made her own decisions. You didn't make any of them do anything.

I still wish I could've stopped them before you went through all that.

I know. But I'm okay now. And besides that wasn't the only thing I was thinking about on the way home.

Oh yeah? And what else was going through that wonderful mind of yours?

Gabrielle smiled as she continued to tell Xena about how she wondered how everyone that had lived in the village their whole lives could be missing out on so much that the outside world has to offer.

Well you know not everyone has the same wanderlust that you do. Plus with needing to protect the fountain of youth I'm pretty sure they can't just leave and set out on the open roads like we do.

I know that but after seeing how happy my stories about the places we've been and the people we've met made not only the children but the women here too. I can't help but think that there must be something I can do to maybe bring a little of the outside world to these people.

While Gabrielle continued speaking Xena smiled as she once again saw the kindness that Gabrielle had for other people. Dispite having been betrayed she still wanted to see the best in everyone and genuinely wanted to see those around her happy. Gabrielle lifted her head from where it had been resting on Xena's chest and looked at her.

Xena are you even listening to me?

Xena gave Gabrielle a gentle kiss.

Of course I am. And I think it's a wonderful idea. 

I'm glad you think so too.

Gabrielle settled her head back down to her previous spot as she continued to go over her new idea in her head.

Now I just have to figure out how to actually do this. And get everyone else on board.

I'm sure you'll figure it out. After all I know how you are.

Gabrielle gave Xena a suspicious look.

What's that supposed to mean?

Nothing, just that once you've got your mind set on something you always seem to find a way of getting it done.

Huh I guess you're right.

Gabrielle smiled as she and Xena got up and headed upstairs for bed.

Okay then it's settled. Tomorrow begins a new, exciting chapter in the lives of the people of this village.


Hmmm. No that won't work. Oh maybe if I do that. No, or what about...no. Hmm. Wait a minute. Yes! That's it!

Gabrielle happily stood up from her desk as Xena walked into the room.

I take it with the yelling you did something worth getting worked up over.

Gabrielle looked up from the paper she'd been writing on with a big smile on her face.

I did. 

Gabrielle walked over to Xena and showed her what she had been working on.

You know how a few days ago I was saying that the people here could really benefit from seeing how life outside the village is?


Well since then I've been going over different ideas for doing that. And after putting alot of thought into it, I think I may have finally come up with something that just might work.

Xena read over what Gabrielle had written.

You know that there will probably be alot of people who aren't going to think that this is a good idea.

I know. Which is why even though I'm queen I want everyone to feel like this isn't a decision being made for them. I'm not going to do this if it's something that the people here don't want. But I think that with a little coaxing they'll see that this can be a wonderful opportunity for everyone and will only make the village even better in the long run.

Xena couldn't help but smile at seeing how excited Gabrielle was for do this. And knew that her enthusiasm could often become infectious. So Xena had a feeling that that when all was said and done she would have one very happy bard-queen on her hands.

I'm sure you'll end up getting everyone to agree. After all you can be very persuasive when you wanna be.

Yup. I mean you did end up keeping me around after telling me you were sending me back to Potidaea when I first followed you.

Gabrielle smirked as she took her now rolled up scroll and playfully swatted Xena in her stomach with it as she walked by and out of the room. Xena just smiled as shook her head as she followed Gabrielle out of the house. Not long after the whole village was gathered together in the village hall. The crowd talked amongst themselves as they wondered what they had all been called together for. Even Gabrielle's friends had been left in the dark about what was going on. Once everyone was settled down Gabrielle stood from her seat in front of everyone as she prepared to address the room. Ephiny who stood in her usual spot next to the throne for these official gatherings, looked over at Xena who was on the opposite side of Gabrielle and gave her a questioning look to ask what Gabrielle was doing. Xena simply smiled and shrugged as she returned her attention forward to the crowd. After the room quieted down, Gabrielle began to speak.

I know you must be wondering why you've all been gathered together today. Well first let me start by saying everything is completely fine. I realize that suddenly being called together like this usually means that something's gone wrong, but let me reassure you that I did not call this meeting to tell you some sort of bad news or anything like that. Infact I believe that you'll soon see that this is actually quite the opposite.

Gabrielle paused for a moment as she saw the crowd become far more relaxed after learning that there wasn't any kind of trouble heading their way again. After the crowd settled down Gabrielle continued.

Now I know that things might have been pretty difficult for the past number of months and the people here have been through alot. But I believe that we as a group have all become stronger from the challenges that we've faced and are better now from it.

The crowd claped and cheared a bit in agreement and Gabrielle carried on.

Now with there being peace and no signs of trouble on the horizon I think that we should sieze this opportunity to make this already amazing place into something even better. And carry people's lives here to new heights.

The crowd continued to show their approval for what Gabrielle was saying. Gabrielle smiled as she saw the happy faces in the crowd and felt a sense of pride for how much the women of the village had come to accept her both into their home and as their queen. She knew that she would do anything she could to ensure that she never did anything to betray their acceptance and trust in her.

So with that being said I've come up with an idea that I believe will help do just that. Now I know that this village has been kept hidden from the outside world for generations. And I completely understand why. The job this village has is vitality important to ensure the balance of practicality the whole world. But I also believe that you shouldn't allow that to stand in the way of this village being everything it can be.

Gabrielle glanced over to Xena as the crowd began to become restless with where Gabrielle was going. Xena just nodded slightly in support for her, giving Gabrielle the little bit of reassurance she needed to continue.

As I was saying I think that we can make life here better for everyone. And all we have to do is open up a little and let some of the world in.

The murmurs became louder as the crowd was told Gabrielle's idea. The room was soon filled with very unhappy amazons as Gabrielle tried to regain control over the situation.

Calm down everyone, please. Nothings been decided yet. That's why I wanted to hold this meeting.

Most of the crowd was no longer listening as they were too preoccupied with the thought of what might happen if the outside world found out about their village. Gabrielle's repeated attempts to quiet the room were unsuccessful as Xena and Ephany saw the frustration and regret beginning to show on Gabrielle's face. The crowd continued to speak and yell until finally Xena couldn't take it anymore. Without saying a word she walked over to a large metal shield that happened to be sitting in the corner and picked it up. A moment later everyone stopped yelling over each other as they covered their ears from a sudden horrible screeching sound that echoed loudly through the room. After a couple moments it stopped and Gabrielle uncovered her ears as she along with the rest of the room looked over at Xena who was holding the shield in one hand and her chakrum in the other having clearly just dragged the bladed weapon over the metal shield to create the noise they had just heard. After a moment of awkward silence Gabrielle took the opportunity Xena gave her to continue.

Eh hem. Now as I was saying nothings been decided. And I have no intention of forcing this on anyone. I simply want the best for this village and it's people. So I'm open to discussing this and addressing any concerns or questions you might have. And once we're done here I hope we can all come to an agreement on where to go from here.

The now much tamer crowd agreed to discuss Gabrielle's proposition and see where it would lead. The first and possibility the most important issue was the fountain of youth that the village was sworn to protect. And the whole reason for it being hidden in the first place.

I agree that is an extremely important topic that we have to consider here. Which rest assured I have. Now while I know that the fountain is somewhere within the village, I still have no clue where it is. And I've been living here for nearly two whole seasons and have had complete freedom to go wherever I choose. The same goes for Xena, Ephiny and Amarice. And none of us have ever seen any sign of the fountain. Which leads me to believe that it's obviously extremely well hidden. So I don't believe that a few guests who will have no knowledge of it being here will be able to simply stumble upon it. And to put you more at ease I've already decided that if anyone were to come here they would always be accompanied by someone living here while they're out and about.

The crowd became far more relaxed once Gabrielle began to explain how she planned on ensuring the village's safety along with its secrets.

Further more with the help of my trusted friend and advisor Ephiny, I plan on going through a thorough process for deciding who we'll be bringing into the village. She's very well versed in knowledge of various tribes that may have people that would be a perfect fit to come and expand your horizons of the outside world that could in turn benefits this village. So you have nothing to worry about when it comes to bringing people here who would seek to harm anyone here. And finally should it be decided that the visitors can't be trusted with the village's location they will be asked to remain blindfolded on the trip here until they are inside the village. And if they are still deemed untrustworthy by the time they're set to leave, they will be returned home in the same way they came. And as for the numbers I think three to four visitors should be good. This way the situation will be easy to maintain. 

Gabrielle felt a sense of accomplishment as the room began to come around to her plan. The meeting continued for a while longer as Gabrielle went over the details of how things would work while the visiting Amazon's were there. Such as where they'd be staying, what people would be doing and various other things that would help make everything run as smoothly as possible. Some time later, once the villagers were satisfied with the plan, the meeting was ajurned and everyone left the village hall. Gabrielle smiled as she and Xena walked outside arm in arm and looked out at the village.

It's gonna take some work but I have a good feeling about this Xena. I really think this could be the start of something amazing.

I'm sure you're right. These people are pretty lucky to have you running things around here. And so am I for having such an amazing person like you beside me.

(Joking) Oh I bet you say that to all the bard, slash amazon queen's you come across.

(Joking tone) Only the ones I really like.

Gabrielle laughed as she and Xena made it home and went inside. Not long after Gabrielle was laying in bed as she happily took one last look over her scroll that had all the information for her plan on it. 

I don't think I've seen you this excited about something since we decided to stay here.

Gabrielle placed the scroll on the table next to the bed as Xena got into bed beside her.

I don't know how to explain it, but something big is gonna come from this. I can feel it.

Gabrielle looked at Xena as she smiled.


I was just thinking about how incredibly supportive you've been. And not just with this. The whole reason I can even do anything for these people is because of you Xena.

What are you talking about? 

I know when you originally agreed to stay in this village you weren't expecting to be here this long. But you let us stay so we could help them with everything that's been happening. And you haven't even mentioned leaving because you know how much this place and its people have come to mean to me. And I feel like I've grown and learned so much from our time being here.

As long as you're happy Gabrielle that's what matters the most to me.

Gabrielle smiled as she leaned in and kissed Xena.

I love you Xena. 

I love you too Gabrielle. Always. 

Xena pulled Gabrielle into another kiss. Before long the light and gentle kiss turned into one of passion and hunger as the two begin to feel the familar heat of desire for one another ignite. Xena sat up and moved to kneel between Gabrielle's legs as she leaned down and kissed Gabrielle again. Gabrielle softly moaned as Xena began running her hands along the length of her body up to her chest which Xena then clasped in a gentle yet firm grip through the nightgown Gabrielle was wearing. Gabrielle arched into Xena's touch as she felt Xena began placing a trail of kisses along her neck down the upper part of her chest to where her clothing covered her and back up again as she kneaded Gabrielle's boobs in her hands. As she seized Gabrielle's lips for another kiss Xena pulled at the string tying the top of Gabrielle's nightgown closed. As it fell open Xena kissed her way back down to Gabrielle's chest and pushed the clothing out of the way as she began kissing her boobs. Gabrielle moaned as she felt Xena's lips brush against her nipple before beginning to trace her tongue around it. Gabrielle arched into Xena's touch as she felt her switch her attention to the other nipple and run the tip of her tongue over it. After a few moments Gabrielle moaned as Xena took the nipple into her mouth and began to suck. Gabrielle ran her hands through Xena's hair as she held her in place, feeling the suction on her chest having a direct effect on the rapidly growing need between her legs. Xena could hear Gabrielle groaning as she kept her mouth on her nipple while she ran her hand down Gabrielle's stomach and grabbed hold of her nightgown to move it up enough to reach under it. As she slid her hand underneath Gabrielle's nightgown Xena began rubbing her fingers against Gabrielle's mound over her underwear. Feeling Xena touching her Gabrielle moaned a little more. Xena could feel Gabrielle's wetness beginning to seep through the under clothing. As Xena touched her, Gabrielle sat up slightly and lifted Xena's head and lips from her chest as she kissed her. Then Xena pulled away as Gabrielle took off her nightgown and tossed it aside, before pulling Xena back in for another kiss as she layed back down. Xena proceeded to run the tip of her tongue down Gabrielle's neck, chest and stomach under she reached Gabrielle's womanhood. Xena took hold of the last of Gabrielle's remaining clothing and slid them off, tossing them aside like she had done with her nightgown. Xena then pushed Gabrielle's legs further apart as she layed on her stomach below her. She softly began kissing along the inside of Gabrielle's thighs as she made her way to her center. Gabrielle moaned slightly when Xena finally reached her destination as she felt her tongue lightly graze over her entrance. Xena smiled for a moment before running the tip of her tongue up and down Gabrielle's womanhood. After a couple moments Gabrielle sighed happily as she felt Xena going further into her. She moved her legs further apart as Xena's tongue dove into her warmth. Xena moaned against her as she feasted on Gabrielle's feminine treasure. Leaving no inch she could reach within her untouched. She continued as she made her way to Gabrielle's sweet spot and used the tip of her tongue to begin circling around the little bud. Gabrielle's breathing quickened as she felt Xena coming closer to her most sensitive area. She arched slightly of the bed when she felt Xena finally come in contact with her clit. Xena paused for a moment as she gently held Gabrielle's netherlands open given her better access to her current desire. Now with nothing slowing her down Xena resumed her previous activity as she again flicked her tongue over Gabrielle's sweet spot. Again Gabrielle arched as she felt Xena continue. Xena proceeded to repeatedly roll her tongue over Gabrielle's clit as Gabrielle began to move herself against Xena as she started to feel her orgasism building. Xena then put her lips around the little bud and began to suck as she pushed a couple fingers into Gabrielle's entrance. Gabrielle pushed against Xena's mouth and hand as she felt Xena began moving inside her. She moaned Xena's name as she felt her stroking deep inside her while continuing to maintain the suction of her clit. Xena continued a steady pace of weaving her fingers in and out of Gabrielle's core all the while keeping her mouth on her most sensitive area. The combined actions turned out to be an extremely effective combination as it didn't take long until Gabrielle began to feel herself charging towards her climax. Xena could hear the change in Gabrielle's tone as she moaned for Xena not to stop which told her that Gabrielle was close to finding her release. She quickened the movement of her hand and Gabrielle arched her back further as felt the increased speed and force Xena put behind each motion. Gabrielle clung tightly to the sheet under her as her feet dug into the bed. Then with one more stroke Gabrielle threw her head back as Xena sent her over the edge. Xena heard Gabrielle let out a blissful scream and felt her tighten around her fingers as she came. Xena steadied her hand as she took her mouth off of Gabrielle's clit and lightly ran her tongue over the sensitive bud a few more times causing Gabrielle to shutter as the aftershocks of her orgasism ran through her. After a few moments Gabrielle sighed contently as she felt Xena retrieve her fingers from inside her still sensitive center. Gabrielle smiled up at Xena who slowly crawled up the bed and hovered over her. Gabrielle reached up and pulled Xena down into a kiss, tasting herself on Xena's lips. After a few moments Xena pulled away as she hastily took off her own clothing and tossed them aside before coming back for another heated kiss. As their tongues met in a heated passion Xena strattled one of Gabrielle's legs and pushed her womanhood against Gabrielle's. Gabrielle moaned lightly as she felt Xena's warmth meeting hers. Xena pulled back from Gabrielle's kiss and lifted Gabrielle's free leg. Putting it on her shoulder, holding it as she began moving. She slowly thrust herself against Gabrielle's center, moaning as she felt Gabrielle's wetness now mixing with her own that had been building for some time now. Gabrielle pushed herself up against Xena, matching her movements. Xena continued pushing against Gabrielle as she felt her desire increasing. After moving for a few more moments, Xena paused as she reached down between them. Gabrielle gasped slightly as she felt Xena spred her open and watched as she used her other hand to part her own womanhood. Xena resumed her thrusts as she moved so their clits began to rub together. Gabrielle called Xena's name. Urging her not to stop as she felt the beginnings of another orgasism building. Xena's thrusts quickly hastened as she moved her hand from holding Gabrielle's leg which still rested on her shoulder and placed it on the bed. She gripped the sheets with both hands, lowering herself closer to Gabrielle beginning to put more force behind her thrusts. Gabrielle wrapped her arms around Xena who continued pushing against her. The room was filled with both Xena and Gabrielle's cries of extacy. Within a few more moments Gabrielle yelled a second powerful orgasism coursed through her, causing her rapidly push up harder against Xena as the continued movement sent Gabrielle even further into her orgasmic high. The sudden burst of movement from Gabrielle was enough to send Xena over the edge and into her own climax. Xena and Gabrielle yelled, feeling their nether regions spasm as they both came together. After a few moments Xena collapsed onto Gabrielle as the powerful orgasism began to subsidie. She moved her arm allowing Gabrielle to lower her leg as she caught her breath and softly kissed Gabrielle. Xena moved to lay next to Gabrielle and put her arms around her as the two got into their comfortable sleeping positions and Xena pulled the covers over them.

I love you Xena.

I love you too.

Gabrielle smiled contently as she thought about what the coming days had in store. Xena found herself smiling too as she saw the happiness on Gabrielle's face as she began to drift off to sleep. Knowing that the coming days and weeks would be hard work to get everything prepared for Gabrielle's plan. But she had no doubt that Gabrielle would make it happen. And as Xena closed her eyes she knew she would do anything she could to make sure everything that Gabrielle was putting so much into would pay off.


About a month went by and all that time Gabrielle was hard at work getting everything prepared for the village to receive visitors. Fortunately with some help from Ephiny, Gabrielle was able to find a few acceptable and willing candidates to come to the secret village. While not knowing the women personally, Ephiny explained that she was friends with the leader of the tribe that the Amazon's had been selected from. Gabrielle had exchanged multiple letters back and forth with her as they went over any details that were needed. Fortunately the specific tribe that was selected happened to not be very far from the secret village, which made communication go fairly quickly. And while they were currently located near by, the residents of the village were very well traveled as the village moved around alot due to them primarily focusing on hunting and trade. They would track a multitude of different game and then use that to sell or barter with the different tribes, villages, and cities that they would come across. Which made them the perfect choice to come visit the women of the Sapphire Snow Owl Tribe. Having been all over the place Gabrielle knew that this village could learn alot from the Amazon's from this tribe.

I think her royal highness might be a little nervous.

(Sarcasm) How can you tell?

Skyla, Clover, and the rest of their friends stood among a number of other villagers in the village square as they watched Gabrielle pace back and forth talking to herself as they waited to see the new Amazon's arrive. 

Xena, Ephiny and the others have been gone a while. What if something went wrong? Maybe this whole thing was a bad idea to begin with. What am I gonna do if something happened to one of the visitors. It could cause a direct conflict between the two villages. Oh gods what did I get myself into?

Gabrielle's nervous ranting was stopped when she heard the villagers saying that Xena and the others were back. Gabrielle looked and saw Xena, Ephiny and a couple other people from the village returning.and walking behind them were three unfamiliar faces that were taking in the sight of the village as they came towards the middle of the village where Gabrielle stood. As they approached Xena smiled at Gabrielle. She could tell just from looking at Gabrielle that she was very nervous. Even though she could hide it from everyone else, Xena knew Gabrielle too well and could see the minor things that no one else would notice. Gabrielle smiled as Xena walked up to her while the visiting women stopped a few feet away with Ephiny standing beside them.

You're guest's have arrived.

Xena patted Gabrielle on the shoulder as quickly whispered who each of the women were as she walked behind her and stood to the side of the crowd. Gabrielle pushed down her nerves and stepped forward as she entered her "queen mode". Gabrielle knew that a good first impression could go a long way in settling things in the right direction. And she needed this to go well. The villagers had placed their trust in her to ensure that everyone remained safe. And Gabrielle knew if something went wrong it could make the people living in the village to turn on her. Or even worse, turn into a nightmare situation for the whole village. Gabrielle pushed the intrusive, negative thoughts from her mind as she addressed their visitors.

Greetings, my name if you weren't already aware is Gabrielle. And as queen and resident of this village on behalf of everyone here I'd like to officially welcome you all to our home.

The village residents cheared as they welcomed their guests. Gabrielle smiled as she continued.

Now I'm sure before you came you were informed of the fact that this is a hidden village and must remain that way. And while I can't go into detail about why I hope you understand why you were blindfolded on your trip here. And I apologize for the inconvenience.

The three women nodded and said that they understood and were greatfull to have the villagers open their home to them and hoped that the experience could be beneficial for everyone. Gabrielle smiled as she personally introduced herself to each of the women and then stood to the side of them as she introduced them to the rest of the village.

Now let me introduce you to our guests from The Roaming Panthera Leppard Tribe. First, this is Cora.

Gabrielle gestured to a young woman with long red hair with a small braid on both sides side of her face with a white feather tied to the end of each. A small amount of paint that went across her face under her eyes and across her nose in a thick, solid line. Along with a marking on her forehead that was a circle with small lines coming out from it which resembled a sun with a dot in the middle. She wore a decorative headband with beads and feathers that hung along the bottom and a small bird skull attached to the front. She wore a long blue dress that had a slit most of the way up both sides. It had a dark orange "V" shape in the front that came from the collar down to the middle of her chest and trim along the bottom of her half sleeves and waist of the same color. Under the dress were tighter, longer sleeves and pants that were a darker blue than her dress. One both arms she had very light brown and white fur bracers that went from her wrists up to her elbows. And dark brown boots that came to her knees with lighter brown fur trim along the top. Cora smiled as she nodded slightly to greet everyone.

Nice to meet you all. I hope we can learn a great deal from one another.

Gabrielle continued as introduced the second woman.

This is Celine. I'm sure you'll make her feel welcome.

Thanks for having me. I look forward to learning from you and hope we can get along.

Celine appeared to be the youngest of the three. She had long, straight brown hair with several thin braids spread throughout. A dark leather sleeveless top that was laced up the front and tied at the top. On her lower half she wore a dark leather wrap around skirt matching the color of her top that came halfway down her thigh. And a thick, dark brown belt that hung loosely on her hips at a slight angle. The dark brown boots she wore came up to below her knee. And on her arms were the same color bracers which came most of the way up her forearm. On one upper arm she had a thin silver decorative arm band that wrapped most of the way around that had three circular curves on each end which curved upwards on the top of one end and down on the other. Finally around her neck she wore a tight dark necklace with long thin feathers and string hanging all around it.

And finally this is Willow.

The last of the visiting Amazon's waved to everyone as she smiled and greeted the crowd.

Hey, excited to meet you all.

Willow had long blonde hair that she wore in two large braids. Along with several thinner ones that had blue and yellow string braided into them. She wore a short, sleeveless, black shirt that came a bit below her chest and looked to be roughly cut and tattered at the bottom. A short black fabric skirt with strips of fur hanging from her waist line. The skirt itself, much like her top appeared ripped or cut along the bottom as it came up at an angle to her hip. The fur lined boots on her feet came to just before her knees. On each wrist she wore short dark brown bracers that were longer on the top, covering the backs of her hands up to her knuckles. Around her neck were a few necklaces. One was a pendent of some kind tied to a thin string. Another was a little longer with a multitude of large beads with a thin strip of fur along the bottom of the string. And the third was just a large brightly-colored feather tied to a long string. On her face she had a pattern of yellow paint, along with a bit of paint just below her neck and on her shoulders. Once the introductions of the new Amazon's were out of the way Gabrielle continued with the details of their visit saying that providing everything went well and everyone felt comfortable they would likely be staying for at least a year. Gabrielle figured that would be a good amount of time for everyone to share and learn from one another. Once she went over the last bit of details, Gabrielle introduced a few villagers that would show the visiting Amazon's around and to where they'd be staying during their time there.

Oh and before I finish up I would like to announce that tomorrow night we'll be holding a celebration to welcome Willow, Cora and Celine to the village. So rest up tonight it's gonna be a busy day tomorrow.

With that Gabrielle dismissed the crowd to go about their usual business. The rest of the day was filled with Gabrielle making sure that the new Amazon's had everything they needed and were getting settled in okay. After Gabrielle was content that everything was taken care of she headed home with Xena. The next day was fairly uneventful as the majority of the day was spent showing Willow, Celine and Cora around the village. Everyone acted friendly enough towards each other but Gabrielle noticed that alot of the villagers were a bit stand-offish. But she had already figured that would likely happen, which was why she had the welcome celebration planned a head of time. She knew that once everyone was in a more relaxed atmosphere, everyone would begin to warm up to one another. 

Just wait until tonight. I know this is gonna be great.


Night came as the village square became filled with people. Gabrielle walked around as she looked to see how everything was doing. Everyone seemed happy. There was plenty of food to be enjoyed. Upbeat drumming filled the air as a number of the villagers danced. Gabrielle walked by numerous casual, lighthearted conversations. She smiled to herself as things seemed to be going well. but then she stopped when she saw the new Amazon's standing off to the side by themselves. No one from the village was approaching them or vice-versa. The woman were just standing in a group looking very uncomfortable and out of place. Gabrielle sighed as Xena walked over and handed her one of the drinks she was carrying. Xena took a sip from her cup as she saw the way Gabrielle was looking out at the party.

Something wrong?

They're not really mingling like I hoped they would. Look Cora, Celine and Willow are just standing over there and no one from the village is going over there either.

Give it time Gabrielle. Other then us, Ephiny, Amarice and Velasca, this village hasn't really been open to people from outside for a very long time. Plus after everything that's happened since we've been her it makes sense that they'd be even more weary of people they don't really know. And as for those three, I'm sure they're nervous too. Being away from their own tribe. Coming to a secret village. Having to have been kept in the dark on their way here, ao they don't really know where they are. It's alot for both sides to deal with. Not to mention they can probably sense each other are uncomfortable. Which I'm sure doesn't help.

I guess. I was just hoping this party would help everyone relax, get to know each other and have a little fun.

Wow this party could use a real pick-me-up.

No kidding.

Gabrielle smiled as Clover and Skyla came over.

I know. I was just telling Xena that no one seems to be mingling with our visitors.

Skyla looked over at the three women for a moment then smiled as she returned her attention to Gabrielle.

Why don't we do something about it.


Simple. Once you get in there and mix it up I think the other residents will join in.

I think you might be right.

(Joking tone) Of course I am. I tend to be right most of the time. Isn't that right Clover?

Clover looked off to avoid Skyla's glare that she knew would be coming.

No comment.

Gabrielle saw the disapproving look Skyla gave Clover and smiled as she thought of how much they reminded her of Xena and herself.

Aaanyway, why do we go find the rest of our little group and go get our guests to loosen up and have some fun.

Sounds like a plan to me. Let's go.

Gabrielle, Xena, Clover and Skyla headed to find the rest of their friends that were scattered throughout the party. They were stopped when one of the village guards approached them.

Ah Xena I was hoping I'd find you here.

Is everything alright?

I'm not sure. But we heard something lurking around just outside.

Is the village in danger?

Inside, I don't think so. But there does seem to be signs that something might be out there which could be trouble if anyone ventures outside the walls. We know that your probably the best tracker and fighter here, so I figured I'd see if there was anything you could do about this.

I'll check it out.

I'll go with you.

Xena turned to Gabrielle and smiled.

I can handle this on my own. You stay here and enjoy the party. 

Are you sure? 

Yeah I'll be fine. I doubt it's anything too series anyway. So go have fun and I'll be back before you even have the chance to miss me.

Well... okay. Just don't be gone too long, I want a dance before the party's over.

I won't.

Xena smiled as she gave Gabrielle a gentle kiss.

Be back soon.

Gabrielle watched as Xena followed the guards away from the party and out of sight. Then she returned her attention to Skyla and Clover.

You wanna wait here until Xena comes back?

No it's fine. She'll be back soon anyway.

Okay let's go find everyone and really get this party going.

I like the sound of that.

After gathering Fauna, Iris, Ephiny and Amarice the group went over to the new Amazon's who were still standing by themselves.

Hey there. Enjoying the party?

Oh queen Gabrielle, nice of you to join us.

Of course. And please just call me Gabrielle.

She's not really a formal person unless she needs to be. 

Oh very well then. We're happy you could join us, Gabrielle.

Gabrielle smiled as she introduced everyone.

It's great to meet you guys. We would've walked around a little more...

Willow leaned in so she could whisper to Gabrielle but was still loud enough for everyone in the group to hear her.

but Cora can be a little on the shy side when she's around new people.

(Slightly annoyed tone) You know my hearing works just fine and I can clearly hear you.

Willow stood back up straight as she smiled at Cora.

I know. I just have fun messing with you.

Must you act like a child Willow? Especially around the people we're supposed to be making a good impression on.

(Sarcasm) Oh boy our first outing in the village a we're already making a scene. This is going great.

Gabrielle couldn't help but laugh a little as she thought of just how well these three women would probably fit into their colorful little group.

So I didn't really ask but it seems like the three of you are pretty close.

Oh yeah, we've all been friends since we were little. Well me and Cora anyway. Celine came to our village later with her mother. 

Yeah I guess she wanted me to really hone my hunting skills and their tribe is one of the best at it. So I stayed there alot as a kid. And now it's my permanent home.

So if you don't mind me asking, what do you do in a trbe that travels around so much?

Oh all sorts of stuff. We get to see all kinds of things and meet exciting, new people . We've learned so much from all the various places we've been.

It sounds fascinating.

It definitely is.

Gabrielle smiled as everyone in the group began to let down their guard and enjoy themselves. The welcome celebration went on well into the night as Gabrielle, her friends and the new Amazon's got better acquainted. During that time Gabrielle continued to check for Xena to return. Ephiny noticed Gabrielle waiting and wondered if she could help.

You don't think something was out there and Xena's in trouble do you?

Knowing her she's probably off sharpening her sword or something and just lost track of time. You want me to go find her?

No it's fine. You're probably right. Besides If anything was wrong I'm sure we'd be alerted. 

Plus you know that Xena's never really cared much for crowds and parties anyway.

That's true. I'm sure she'll be back soon.

(Joking) Okay. Just let me know if you decide that someone needs to go find Xena and drag her hide back here. 

Gabrielle smiled.

(Joking) You'll be the first one I come to.

Ephiny smiled as Gabrielle walked off and continued to mingle with the others at the party. 

(Talking to herself) I need another drink.

It was late as the moon was high and the welcome celebration had ended some time ago. The door slowly and quietly opened then shut as Xena crept into the bedroom. She saw Gabrielle already in bed and sighed to herself.

(Quietly talking to herself) I can't believe that happened. Gabrielle's gonna be so upset with me. Not that I can blame her. At least she's asleep. Maybe she won't mention it tomorrow. Yeah right. I feel terrible for just leaving her like that. I honestly don't know what came over me.

Xena quietly slipped out of her armor and got ready for bed before laying down beside Gabrielle.

(Quietly talking to herself) I know I can't tell her what really happened. I'd never hear the end of it.

Xena sighed to herself.

(Quietly talking to herself) I'm too tired to think right now. I'll figure out something to tell her tomorrow.

Xena got comfortable and fell asleep. Not long after Xena was asleep, Gabrielle peeked open her eyes, having just heard everything Xena had just been talking to herself about. As she wondered what Xena meant. Along with just what had Xena been doing all this time that would cause her to come home so late? A part of Gabrielle wanted to wake Xena up and ask her right then, but she was also very tired from waiting up so late for Xena to come home. She had only fallen asleep maybe an hour or so before she was awakened when she heard Xena enter their room. Normally she would've slept right through it, but being worried about Xena made Gabrielle much more alert. But with Xena safety home, Gabrielle felt much more relaxed and figured that whatever kept Xena out so long it must've been important. Gabrielle smiled as she snuggled up to Xena and quickly fell asleep. Happy that for once everything was going good. Unaware that all too soon hers, Xena's and everyone else in the village's lives would be completely turned upside down. Threatening everything that Gabrielle held dear.


Xena yawned as she stretched out and opened her eyes to the morning sunlight coming in through the window of the bedroom.

(Irritated tone) Look who's finally awake.

Xena smiled as she looked at the foot of the bed to see Gabrielle who had her arms folded across her chest and an unhappy look on her face. Xena's smile faded as she sat up.

Look I know you're upset about me just disappearing last night and I'm really sorry. It was an accident.

(Irritated tone) An accident? You go off the check something saying that you'll be right back and just leave me at the party. Then you're just gone for hours with no one knowing where you went. And don't come home until late at night without saying a word.

Xena looked down at the floor like a scolded child as she idly gave the leg of the bed a tap with her foot.

 I know you're upset but I don't really know what to say except I'm sorry.

Gabrielle sighed as looked at Xena.

 You've never just left for that long before without telling me what you were doing. And after the guards saying that they saw something out there I was worried that something might've happened to you Xena.

Xena looked up as she saw the hurt on Gabrielle's face. She walked over and crouched down next to Gabrielle's side of the bed.

I'm so sorry Gabrielle, I never meant to worry you like that. 

Xena took Gabrielle's hand in hers feeling terrible about causing Gabrielle to worry about her.

So what happened? Where were you all night?

Nothing, guess I just lost track of time is all.

Gabrielle scowled.

(Irritated tone) You lost track of time? All night? Come on Xena you don't seriously exspect me to believe that.

No I suppose not.

(Irritated tone) Xena why did you just lie to me? And a really bad one at that. That's not like you at all. So I'll ask you again where were you last night after you left the party? And please just tell me the truth, what ever it is.

Xena sighed.

Okay. Well after I left the party, the guards told me around where they had seen signs of our mystery lurker. I didn't see anything but I wanted to make sure just to be safe. So I decided to take a thorough look around. As I was checking things out I got a little tired and decided to sit down for a quick break. I guess I must've accidentally fallen asleep, because the next thing I knew it was morning. As soon as I realized what happened I knew that you would be worried about me and came straight home and saw you asleep.

Gabrielle gave Xena a suspicious look as she pulled her hand from Xena's.

(Irritated tone) You fell asleep. That's what you're going with now? You, Xena, warrior princess who can fight an army of soldiers single handedly. Pull off inhuman feats of athleticism with little to no effort. Got tired out from a simple walk and just fell asleep.


(Irritated tone) Come on Xena. Stop lying. What did you do last night that you clearly don't want me to know about?

Xena rubbed her forehead as she tried to figure out how to make things right between her and Gabrielle.

Gabrielle I know that I lied when I said that I lost track of time. That was a dumb thing to do and I apologize. But I'm telling you the truth when I say that I really did just fall asleep.

(Irritated tone) If that's all that happened, why did you lie?

I don't know. I guess I was just embarrassed that I just feel asleep like that. I didn't wanna say anything about it before because I didn't want to worry you, but I've been feeling a bit more tired and fatigued lately. 

Gabrielle looked in Xena's eyes, seing the sincerely behind them and knew that Xena was telling the truth. Her feelings quickly switched over from one's of annoyance and anger, to love and concern.

Xena I get that you didn't want to worry me, but you can't hide that sort of thing. I love you and if something's wrong you need to tell me. 

I know. I'll try not to do it anymore. I'm sorry Gabrielle.

Xena pulled Gabrielle close as they held each other for a moment. After they separated Gabrielle looked closely at Xena and placed her hand on her forehead.

Hmm you don't feel warm.

Xena smiled as she gently pushed Gabrielle's hand away.

I'm okay Gabrielle, really. I've probably just been doing too much. Between the sparing sessions, being part of the main hunting group . And all the craziness that's happened around here its probably just wearing me down a little.

Xena chuckled a little.

Guess I'm not as young as I used to be and this warriors body is starting to slow down a bit.

Gabrielle gave Xena a weary expression.

Are you sure Xena? Maybe you should visit the village healers just to make sure.

Gabrielle I promise you that everything is okay. I don't wanna waste those women's time just because I'm a little tired. So can you trust me when I say that I'm alright?

Gabrielle sighed.

Okay Xena, I trust you.

Xena smiled as she gave Gabrielle a reassuring kiss as she stood up. The two went about their day like normal.

This is going even better than I had planned.

Gabrielle sat on a fence looking at a group of women talking, some from the village and some visitors. It was mid morning and a few weeks had passed since the welcome celebration. Gabrielle smiled happily as she felt Xena's presence behind her.

There you are. 

She looked behind her and frowned a little.

You look terrible Xena.

Xena sighed, trying to seem like she was fine as Gabrielle hopped off the fence to get a better look at her. Gabrielle sniffed as she narrowed her eyes in suspicion causing Xena to back away a couple steps.


Mint leaves. 


You only use those when you wanna freshen you're breath.

Yeah so. You're the one kissing me, so if you'd prefer I had foul breath I can stop.

Don't play dumb Xena. We both know you don't just randomly chew mint for my benefit.

Gabrielle placed her hands on her hips and started Xena down.

You were sick again weren't you?

Xena knew that it was pointless to lie and slowly nodded yes.

You know what I'm gonna say now don't you?

Gabrielle I really don't think that's necessary. I already told you I probably just ate something bad or caught a minor sickness or something. I'm sure I'll be over it soon.

Xena it's been weeks, I'm pretty sure you'd be better if it were just something minor you'd be over it by now. Even if it' turns out to be nothing, will you just go see the healers? Please... for me?

Xena saw the concern on Gabrielle's face and sighed in defeat.

Alright Gabrielle if it'll put your mind at ease I'll go.

Gabrielle hugged Xena.

Thank you Xena. Let's go, I'll come with you.

Xena and Gabrielle were about to head to the healers when they heard a commotion. Both rushed to the scene and saw one of the villagers on the ground with a few others around her. They were yelling at Willow, as Cora and Celine tried to calm them down.

Hey. Hey! Calm down everyone!

Everyone in the group stopped yelling as they looked at Gabrielle and Xena.

Now will someone please tell me what's going on.

One of the residents spoke up. Saying that she and Willow were having a friendly sparing match but then Willow took it too seriously and nearly injured her.

Is this true Willow?

It was an accident I swear. I miss judged the power of my swing. I never meant to try and hurt her.

She's right.

The village amazon scowled as she continued to push the fact. Gabrielle and Xena stepped in and attempted to settle things between both sides. Once things calmed down a bit Gabrielle pulled Xena aside.

I can handle things here now. You can go see the healers.

Are you sure? I can wait until we deal with them.

Gabrielle gave Xena a serious look.

You're not getting out of getting checked Xena. You said you'd go.

Not wanting to have Gabrielle mad at her, Xena held up her hands defensively.

Okay, okay, I'm going.

Xena continued walking towards the infermery as she heard Gabrielle call to her.

And if I find out that you snuck off somewhere instead of going you'll be in big trouble. And you won't be getting any you know what from me until you can learn to take better care of yourself.

Gabrielle smirked as she heard Xena grumble to herself as she walked out of sight . Knowing that the threat of no sex would motivate her to do what Gabrielle wanted. Her expression then turned seriousl again as she returned her focus to the problem between the Amazon's.

Say ah.

Xena reluctantly complied as the healer continued her examination. She sat there annoyed as she was poked and prodded at. Finally when the healer was finished Xena saw the woman with a very puzzled look out her face.

Hm interesting.


The healer didn't answer as she looked over her notes of Xena's exam. Xena watched as the healer sighed and shook her head as she talked quietly to herself.

(Talking to herself) Oh dear. This can't be good. I don't know how someone is going to begin to explain this to queen Gabrielle. She's going to be devastated. Certainly no one ever exspected to something like this to happen. Especially not her.

Now Xena was worried. Gabrielle must've been right and something really was wrong. And from the sound of things, it was obviously serious. A million thoughts began to rush through Xena's mind as she tried to guess what might be wrong with her. After what felt like an eternity Xena heard the healer say her name and pulled her from her thoughts.

Okay I could hear you talking to yourself, so I already know that somethings up. So just tell me what you found out so we can deal with this.

The healer sighed as she looked at Xena and shook her head.

Well I'm not going to beat around the bush here Xena. I just wanna tell you first that while I don't wanna pry into yours and queen Gabrielle's personal lives, I sincerely think that you should have a serious talk to her after this.

Xena felt a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach as she realized just how serious the situation must've been. She sat there quietly for a moment as she mentally prepared herself for whatever was coming.


Good. Now as for the results of your tests. Xena....

A ways off from the infermery Skyla was walking with Clover as a number of other villagers went about their business. Everyone in the area suddenly jumped as they heard a loud voice echoing from the distance that sent a group of nearby birds flying off in a starttled hurry. 



Xena scowled at the woman in front of her, unable to believe what she had just been told.

(Angry tone) Is this your idea of a joke? Because if it is you have a pretty screwed up sense of humor lady.

But it's true.

Xena stood up from her seat as she looked at the healer.

(Angry tone) Look I don't know where you learned your medical knowledge but I'm telling you right now that you're wrong.

The healer swallowed hard as she backed away slightly from Xena.

Now Xena I know this might be shocking news...

The Amazon straightened up as she attempted to hide just how scared of Xena she was.

but I'm telling you I know what I'm doing. And you're...

Xena held up her hand to stop the healer from continuing.

No, please don't say it again. I heard you just fine the first time.

Xena cringed as tried to process the news she has just been given. There was an awkward silence for a few moments as Xena just sat there before she looked at the healer.

And you're absolutely sure?

I have been doing this for quite some time Xena. So yes I'm sure.

Xena didn't say another word as she turned around and stormed out of the infermery. Causing the healer to jump slightly when she slammed the door behind her.

I'm gonna need a new door soon if she keeps doing that.

Outside Xena stormed accross the village square passing by Iris as she walked. Iris noticed the very unhappy look on Xena's face.

Oh Xena everything okay?

(Angry tone) Not even a little.

Iris didn't get to continue as Xena just kept walking not even looking at her. Not long after Xena's fist met the trunk of a tree as she stood in a secluded spot within the village.

Damn it!

Xena looked down at the backs of her hands that were all bloodied and scrapped up from repeatedly punching the tree trunk. Her mind racing as she tried to process everything.

What have I done? What am I gonna do now? I can't... Gabrielle...

Tears began to fall from Xena's eyes.

How am I supposed to tell you? What are you gonna think of me? Damn it this can't be real. How can it? I can't actually be... . pregnant.

Xena sunk to the ground and sat up against the tree with her head in her hands.

That sounds like some pretty shocking news you've just received. But I can imagine it'll be even more shocking for Gabrielle to hear though.

Xena's head shot up to see Ephiny standing next to the tree a few feet in front of her. Xena scowled.

(Angry tone) I wasn't aware that you were in the habit of eavesdropping on peoples personal thoughts.

I'm not, but when I overhear them talking to themselves out loud as I'm walking by it's kind of difficult to ignore.

So I take it you heard everything then??

Pretty much.

Xena lowered her head again as she felt a different kind of churning in her stomach that wasn't caused by the apparent morning sickness she'd been having.

I don't know what I'm gonna do. How do I tell Gabrielle?

Seems a little late to be thinking about her now.

Xena looked up at Ephiny once more with an angry look on her face.

(Angry tone) And just what in Tartarus is that supposed to mean?

Exactly what it sounded like. You go off, have your fun and don't even think about the wonderful woman you have waiting for you. And now you're forced to deal with the consequences of your actions. You have no one to blame for this but yourself Xena.

Xena stood up as she glared at Ephiny.

(Angry tone) You have better watch your mouth Ephiny. You don't know anything.

Is that so? Then tell me Xena just where did you go off to the night of the welcome party? Because if I recall after you left Gabrielle spent the rest of the evening waiting for you to come back. Which from what I hear wasn't until after she had fallen asleep waiting up for you to come home. The timing seems to fit pretty well between then and making your little discovery today.

(Angry tone) I already explained what happened that night to Gabrielle.

Look Xena you know that Gabrielle's not only my queen, but a very good friend. And I don't want to see her hurt. So you can't really exspect people to believe the whole "I just fell asleep" story

(Angry tone) You can believe me or not, but that's what happened.

Now that I think about it I'm sure you probably did fall asleep, after you were done having your fun with whatever man you had bed you that night.

Hearing those words were the final straw for an already emotional Xena as she grabbed Ephiny by her shirt and slammed her up against the tree Ephiny was leaning against, pinning her there.

(Angry tone) You have better tread very carefully with what you say next Ephiny.

Or what Xena? Are you gonna kill me to keep your little secret?

Xena came to her senses as she realized she had allowed her emotions get the better of her in the moment.

No, of course not.

Xena let Ephiny go as she stepped back and Ephiny straightened back up. There was a long moment of silence between them until Ephiny eventually spoke.

You know you'll have to tell Gabrielle.

And just what do you suggest I tell her?

Ephiny shrugged.

You could start with the truth.

Xena looked away as she fought back the tears that began to blur her vision.

I can't. 

Why not?

I just... can't.

Gabrielle stood in front of the group of Amazons as she tried to sort out the situation before her.

Okay I'm aware that everyone is still getting used to having new people around. But I'm sure we can all get along here if we just talk things out.

The villager that was sparing with Willow spoke up, saying that she wasn't convinced that Willows actions weren't intentional.

It was so an accident.

It's true. Sometimes Willow can get a little too invested in what she's doing. But she means well honest.

I can suppose that's understandable. But you should really be more careful.

You're right. I'll work on that. Sorry. 

Gabrielle smiled as Willow also apologized to the villager. Then Gabrielle turned to the crowd.

Are we all good now?

The villager reluctantly accepted Willow's apology as the rest of the villagers there began to disburse. Satisfied that the situation had been resolved Gabrielle began to walk off.

Oh Gabrielle?

Gabrielle stopped and turned to Celine.


I just wanted to thank you for helping Willow like that.

There's really no need to thank me. I just want everyone here to get along.

Still that was very kind of you.  Even if the people here don't really care much for us.

Gabrielle smiled.

The people here have been through alot in a relatively short time. So don't worry too much about it. They just need some more time to adjust and get used to you being here. You'll see.

Thanks Gabrielle. I know we might've only met a short time ago but I have a feeling that this is the beginning of something wonderful. 

That's what I'm hoping for.

Not to mention the fact that things around here certainly seem pretty interesting.

Celine, you have no idea.


Ephiny stood looking at the visibly distraught Xena as she tried to figure out why Xena felt like she couldn't tell her the truth of how she had gotten pregnant. She sat down across from Xena who sat back down against the tree, not really sure of what to do. She had never seen Xena in this kind of emotional state. As she sat there, Ephiny began to wonder if Xena was upset about something more than Gabrielle finding out.

Xena. I'm sorry for jumping to conclusions. But are you absolutely certain that you were with someone other than Gabrielle. Not even necessarily the night of the party.

Xena dried her eyes as the tears she'd been crying slowly stopped.

Ephiny I swear with everything I have that I was not unfaithful to Gabrielle. I would never do something like that to her. She's everything to me.

Ephiny sighed as she tried to think. Xena was her friend. And if Ephiny was being honest, being unfaithful really didn't seem like something Xena would do. At least not this Xena. The Xena she knew. While Ephiny had no doubt that in Xena's warlord and conquerer days, the meaning of monogamy and loyalty held no relevance to her. When it came to Xena now Ephiny just couldn't actually picture her doing such a thing. Especially if she knew it would hurt anyone. Even more so since she knew it would hurt Gabrielle. That was when Ephiny frowned as she thought of something she hadn't even considered. Which caused her to feel far, far worse for accusing Xena of sneaking around behind Gabrielle's back. Ephiny crouched down in front of Xena who was just sitting there trying to calm herself down.

Okay I believe you. But then...

Ephiny took a breath knowing that what she was going to ask by no means was going to be a pleasant subject to discuss. Especially if her new suspicion was correct. Which she sincerely hoped wasn't.

Xena, were you...

Ephiny paused, not quite sure how to approach such a sensitive subject matter. The usually perseptive Xena was to emotionally drained to catch on to what Ephiny was trying to say.

Ephiny if you have something else to say just say it.

Ephiny sighed.

Xena were you attacked? You know... forced.

Xena looked at her a little surprised by the question.

What? No.

Then Xena was silent as she thought for a moment. Xena's quick denial and then silence caused further concern for Ephiny.

Are you sure Xena? Because you know that you have nothing to be ashamed of if you were. I mean you were drinking the night of the party. So isn't it possible that you just don't remember.

Nothing happened. I remember that night clearly Ephiny. Besides even if I didn't, there would've been evidence after the fact.

So you're certain that you're being pregnant isn't the result of an attack?

Xena looked up at the sky as she tried to sort out how she could've gotten here. Nothing seemed to make sense at the moment.

Honestly other than leaving the party and sitting down to take a break, I really don't remember anything until after I woke up. So I guess I can't say for certain exactly what happened. That being said I suppose it's technically possible.

There was a long silence 

So what now?

I don't know. 

Are you gonna tell Gabrielle?

Tell her what?  
(Sarcasm) Surprise I'm pregnant! Oh but don't worry I don't remember how it happened? Yeah I'm sure that'll go over real well.

Godd point. But don't you think she'll eventually notice once you get further along?

Xena took a deep breath as she sat there trying to figure out where she was supposed to go from there.

I'll just have to get the answers for how this happened before then.


Xena stood up as she began walking away.

I have no idea.

The mess hall was full as Gabrielle and Xena sat down at their normal table with their friends. Gabrielle sighed as she looked around taking a bite of her breakfast.

You know I did not think that this would be such a challenge.

What "were" you expecting? We get a bunch of new people that we know nothing about walking around here. And you know that people here aren't exactly trusting after what happened with Valassca.

True. But don't forget the rest of the women who were apart of that mess were from here.

I know that. I'm just telling you how alot of the others see it.

Well that means I'll just have to try harder to get this to work.

Ah Gabrielle, always the enthusiast.

Gabrielle smiled.

(Joking) I do try.

The group at the table laughed as they continued talking. It had been several weeks since the incident between Willow and a villager. As well as when Xena had notified of her pregnancy. Which other then Ephiny, Xena hadn't spoken a word of to anyone. Especially Gabrielle. Who as far as Xena told her, Xena had a stomach bug which she got over. Now Xena had resorted to hiding her morning sickness from her when it would hit. She felt terrible for keeping such a big secret from Gabrielle. But what else could Xena do? If she told her, obviously Gabrielle would have questions. Very valid ones at that. And Gabrielle deserved answers to those questions. But unfortunately those answers were something that Xena just simply wasn't any closer to having. And she really didn't know of where to look. Which honestly made the whole situation even worse.



Xena was pulled from her thoughts back to the conversation at the table.

What do you think we should do to improve things between everyone?

Xena though for a moment before coming up with something.

Oh uh. Maybe try something that would require teamwork. A common goal can really bring people together.

Yes. That's a great idea. Finding something for people to work together on.

Gabrielle went into her own thoughts for a few moments as she searched for something that could do just that. Until finally coming up with an idea.

I got it.


We should get a hunting party together.

I get it. The best way to effectively hunt larger game is in small groups.

And that takes communication and team work to do it effectively. Which sense Willow, Cora and Celine's trbe focuses mainly on that for their livelihoods it should also be an excellent opportunity for the others to see them at work with something they're more comfortable with. Which will make it easier for everyone to open up and let their guards down a little. Yes I think that this is going to be just what we needed to get things moving in the right direction. Now I just have to get everything together for it.

Gabrielle looked at Xena.

You'll help too won't you Xena?

Xena put on her best fake smile as tried to keep down what she had managed to eat.

Of course. I can't wait.

As Gabrielle carried on talking it the others at the table, Xena grabbed her plate as she quickly tossed the rest of her very unappetizing meal over her shoulder and sat the plate back down before smiling at Gabrielle who looked her way for a moment as she kept talking. As both Xena and Gabrielle thought very different thoughts about the trip. And for drastically different reasons.

(Thinking to herself) I have a great feeling about this.

(Thinking to herself) I have a horrible feeling about this.


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