The Royal Academy of Bards

Valentine Special 2016


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February 28, 2016

A Time to Conquer by Quill Bard [Classic/Alt/Incomplete]
Three years after FIN, Gabrielle the Conqueror has united the Greek nation under her rule. A tough but much-loved and fair ruler, she still grieves for the loss of her soulmate. As her adviser Virgil chronicles her rise to power, Gabrielle is alerted to a threat to her realm and, in time, the whole world…

Announcement From Linda T. Smith
Hello everyone. Here are the instructions for round two of my giveaway. Here is what you have to do to win either a signed copy of Driving Me Mad or an eBook of your choice.

  • You have to create a meme (der)
  • It has to be about either books, reading, writing, grammar, stationery, dogs (sorry, no cats – this is not the purrrrrfect time to include them. Yes. I know its ruff on you cat lovers, but these are the rules) – and an honourable mention if you can amalgamate all of them.
  • You send the meme to me ( – not just post it on my Facebook page (this way I can alert you if you have won AND you can stipulate your prize – like ‘have you the means to read eBooks' … not falling for that old chestnut again)
  • I will post the best memes I receive onto Facebook and people will vote for the winners. This way I don't have to do it. Grin.
  • All memes to be sent to me by Saturday 5 March 2016
I'll even help you out - If you want to read about it on my blog, here you go:
Good luck.
Linda T Smith

February 26, 2016

A new bard joins us today. Please welcome Am21Cards.

To Live Remastered Chapter 1 - What's Home by Am21Cards [Classic/Alt/Incomplete]
I've always wanted to know why Xena & Gabrielle were not involved in the Death of Iolaus/Dahak storyline when Hercules had to confront him. This is my version. I hope you enjoy it. Reviews are always appreciated.

To Live Remastered Chapter 2 - Location, Location, Location… by Am21Cards [Classic/Alt/Incomplete]

February 25, 2016

Announcement From Linda T. Smith
Hello everyone! Linda T Smith here to announce a book giveaway to you. One signed copy or one eBook could be yours. I am offering you the chance to win a copy of my latest novel Driving Me Mad and it is so easy to get involved. All you have to do is follow my author page at Amazon (and let me know), and/or like my Facebook page, or contact me directly. The winners will be announced Saturday 28 February.

Honestly. I couldn't make it any easier. Well, I could. I could randomly give them away, but where's the fun in that?

I will also be doing a second giveaway from next week but I will be making you work for that one.

Good luck.

All the best,
Linda T Smith

Added Part 21 - Chapter 21 to 22 (The Conclusion)of Mountain Love by Psyche_B [Original/Alt/Incomplete]
Two women from very different parts of the country are brought together by destiny and love. This is the story of the trouble they go though to be together. Set in the majestic Adirondack Mountains at the turn of the 20th century. A time when survivors of the War between the States still live to rehash old battles.

February 21, 2016

Added Part 21 of A Chance Encounter by Bobbie Halchishak [ Uber/Alt/Incomplete]
Things are going great for our lovely duo when Luce's troubles at work rears its ugly head. And both women come to a rather startling realization that terrifies both of them.

Added Parts 17b to 20 of Mountain Love by Psyche_B [Original/Alt/Incomplete]
Two women from very different parts of the country are brought together by destiny and love. This is the story of the trouble they go though to be together. Set in the majestic Adirondack Mountains at the turn of the 20th century. A time when survivors of the War between the States still live to rehash old battles.

Announcement From Desert Palm Press
New Release from Desert Palm Press

Check out the debut novel by Sy Itha

The Broken Coil

(The Glass Pantheon - Book 1)


Sy Itha

Secluded in the Dainlock Woods, Jacquelyn Fletcher makes her living trading furs and occasionally escorting travelers through the dangerous forest. Disguised as a man, she hides from the mistakes of her past. As a favor to an old friend, she finds herself agreeing to guide Avalon, a Paladin of Sel, through the woods to safety. All Avalon has known is the temple life. When her fellow Paladin is murdered, Avalon is framed for the crime and must flee her home to find the source of the attack. Her only clue is an ancient tome that she is unable to decipher. Traveling with the ranger Fletcher, Avalon thinks she is safe. Neither of them realize the danger that follows them.

Available at:

Smashwords , Amazon , and soon at Bella Books and CreateSpace

February 16, 2016

2016 Valentine Day Special is now available!

February 9, 2016

The Triumph of Callisto by Phineas Redux [Uber/Alt/Complete]
This is an Uberfic set in Great Britain in 1943. Flying Officers Zena Mathews and Gabrielle Parker—members of SOE, Special Operations Executive,—find themselves transporting important passengers to a sensitive destination.

Added Part 10 - Chapter 12 of Earth in Turmoil by Psyche_b [Andromeda/Alt/Incomplete]
Andromeda and her crew are safely home, but their lives and the lives of all citizens are at risk. This is the continuing story of the officers of Andromeda.

Announcement From Desert Palm Press
It with great excitement we announce a new author to Desert Palm Press - Jazzy Mitchel. She is a storyteller in many forms: writer, educator, editor, attorney—she tells stories, breaking down complex ideas in understandable, interesting ways. She taught English in the public schools of her hometown for a decade, giving back to the system that had helped her so much. During that time she trained and encouraged countless students to write poetry and explore their artistic sides. She likes to recount how law school drove the artist out of her, but over time her artistic instincts reasserted themselves. Besides writing, Jazzy teaches real estate law, writes fanfiction as Jazwriter, edits for other fledgling writers, and practices law.

Jazzy loves to travel, spend time with her wife and children, play with her dogs, and capture the essence of life's journey in all its wonderful forms.

Jazzy's first novel with us is as yet untitled and will be published in September 2016.

R. Lee Fitzsimmons, Publisher Desert Palm Press


February 1, 2016

The Orion Spur Part 1: Family Business by Harpy & HkdonXetG [Original-SciFi/Alt/Complete]
In The Orion Spur, Part I : Family Business , Kikola ap Karthen is a young woman of privilege whose future has been planned for her from the day she was born by The Kalenth Hegemony, a society with strict social boundaries.

Graduating from the Hegemony's Elit Military Academy, Kikola is set to fulfil her destiny with a single-mindedness of purpose. That is, until she meets Tehvay, a slave, and suddenly everything she has been taught is turned upside down.

The two women, from opposite ends of The Hegemony's strict social caste system, find common ground that blossoms into friendship and eventually into so much more. But their feelings for each other will force Kikola to risk everything – her position, her family, her destiny – for a chance at happiness and a life of her own choosing with the woman she loves.

Added Part 17 - Chapters 33-Epilogue of Spoils of War by Stein Willard [Original/Alt/Complete]



January 2016      

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